ePub 版

Psychologie Pathologique. By Dr H. WALLON. Librairie Félix Alcan, Paris. 1926. Pp. 95. Price 6.25 fr.

Dr Wallon attempts the study of mental disorder from the psychopathological rather than psychiatrical point of view, but not very successfully. The psychical origin of symptoms receives from him less consideration than organic causes, pathological constitution and heredity. The conscious, subconscious and unconscious are described, but their intimate bearing on mental symptoms is scarcely discussed; while his reference to psychoanalysis as freudism with a small f shows which way the wind blows. The Chapter on Mental Deficiency would not be out of place in a psychiatrical text-book; nor would the brief accounts of delusional states, disordered conduct, neuroses and psychoses. The book is all right in its way, but there is not much of the psychopathology promised in the opening sentences; which is all the more surprising when we find the author described on the title-page as "Professeur à l'Institut de Psychologie de l'Université de Paris."


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