OF PSYCHO-ANALYSIS OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE INTERNATIONAL Subscription 30s. post free per Volume of Four Parts, the Parts not being sold separately Bound Copies of Volumes I, II, III, IV VOLUME VI, PART III, 1925 CONTENTS OF PART III WÄLDER, R.: Mechanisms and possibilities of influencing the psychoses. BERKELEY-HILL, O.: Hindu-Muslim Unity. JELGERSMA, H. C.: A peculiar custom observed on the island of Marken in Holland. LÉVY, L.: Psychological action of morphium. WEISS, ED.: Psychology of the arc de cercle. OBERNDORF, C. P.: The castration complex in the nursery. ABRAHAM, K.: The contributions of oral-erotism to character formation. ABSTRACTS. BOOK REVIEWS. BULLETIN OF THE PSYCHO-ANALYTICAL ASSOCIATION. Lists of Contents of Vols. I, II, III, IV & V Published for THE INSTITUTE OF PSYCHO-ANALYSIS KENLAW HOUSE, Colinsburgh, FIFE Accommodation for twenty-five patients of either sex. Climate dry and equable. Within easy reach of St Andrews and Elie. Two hundred acres of grounds, with extensive gardens, private golf course, bowling green, tennis lawns, etc. Large workshop. Two billiard tables. Electric light and central heating. For particulars apply to The SENIOR Resident Physician, W. H. BRYCE, M.B., C.M., or to the SECRETARY Telephone and Telegrams: UPPER LARGO, No. 8 A TEXT-BOOK OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY. By C. S. MYERS, M.A. Second edition. Demy 8vo. 15s net. In 2 parts. 1, Textbook, with 1 plate and 24 figures, 10s 6d net. 2, Laboratory exercises, with 42 figures and diagrams, 6s net AN INTRODUCTION TO EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY. By C. S. MYERS, M.A. With 2 plates and 20 figures. Royal 16mo. 2s 6d net. CAMBRIDGE MANUALS INSTINCT AND THE UNCONSCIOUS. A CONTRIBUTION TO A BIOLOGICAL THEORY OF THE PSYCHO-NEUROSES. By W. H. R. RIVERS, M.A., D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S. A new and cheaper edition. Demy 8vo. 7s 6d net WAR NEUROSES. BY JOHN T. MACCURDY, M.D., Assistant, the Psychiatric Institute of the New York State Hospitals. With a Preface by W. H. R. RIVERS, M.D. Demy 8vo. 10s 6d net. CAMBRIDGE MEDICAL SERIES BENIGN STUPORS. A STUDY OF A NEW MANIC-DEPRESSIVE REACTION TYPE. By A. HOCH, M.D. With a Preface by J. T. MACCURDY. Crown 8vo. 14s net PROBLEMS IN DYNAMIC PSYCHOLOGY. A CRITIQUE OF PSYCHOANALYSIS AND SUGGESTED FORMULATIONS. By the same author. Crown 8vo. 12s 6d net THE PSYCHOLOGY OF INSANITY. By B. HART, M.D. THE ESSENTIALS OF MENTAL MEASUREMENT. By Proceedings of the VII. International Congress of Psychology HELD AT OXFORD, JULY 26th to August 2nd, 1923 Edited by C. S. MYERS VOLUME, of about four hundred pages, contains papers by the following eminent psychologists:-K. Abraham (Germany), A. Adler (Austria), E. D. Adrian (England), S. Alrutz (Sweden), P. B. Ballard (England), F. C. Bartlett (England), H. Binns (England), E. G. Boring (U.S.A.), William Brown (England), C. Burt (England), E. Claparède (Switzerland), G. Dwelshauvers (Spain), J. Drever (Scotland), C. H. Griffitts (U.S.A.), H. Head (England), A. Ikin (England), P. Janet (France), E. Jones (England), M. W. Keatinge (England), W. Koehler (Germany), K. Koffka (Germany), J. M. Lahy (France), J. F. MacCurdy (England), E. Mira (Spain), W. Moede (Germany), C. S. Myers (England), T. H. Pear (England), H. Piéron (France), Morton Prince (U.S.A.), H. S. Raper (England), G. Révész (Holland), H. Sjöbring (Sweden), B. H. Streeter (England), M. Sturt (England), G. H. Thomson (England), R. H. Thouless (England), L. L. Thurstone (U.S.A.), G. van Wayenburg (Holland). includes many articles of general psychological interest, e.g. on "The Conception Iof Mental and Nervous Energy"), "The Classification of the Instincts", "The Nature of General Intelligence and Ability", "The Principles of Vocational Guidance", "The Present Position of Vocational Testing in Germany","An Experiment on Indirect Measures of Fatigue", "The Cardio-vascular Changes in Mental Work”, "Psychic Asthenia and Atony," "The Psycho-galvanic Phenomenon in Dream Analysis", "Religion and Psycho-neurosis", "Symbolism in Folk Lore". PRICE: 12s. 6d. net PUBLISHED BY THE CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS THE NEURAL SUB-STRATA OF REFLECTIVE THOUGHT AN OUTLINED INTEGRATION OF THE PSYCHOLOGICAL BY GEORGE G. CAMPION1. ANY attempt to unravel the workings of the neural sub-strata of reflective thought involves the presupposition that we possess some coherent view of the phenomena presented to us by reflective thought itself, and also that this view, whatever it may be, is one which is congruous with the workings of the neural processes with which it is proposed to try and establish for it a definite relationship; and further, any coherent view of the nature of reflective thought involves the whole question of epistemology and lies within the ambit of metaphysics. The psycho-neural problem has thus a twofold aspect, the metaphysical and the neural, and to attempt any solution of the problem from one side only would be something like trying to explain the normal ontogenetic development of any living being by the study of structure or function alone apart from their reactions on one another. Huxley said forty-six years ago that the psycho-neural problem was “the metaphysical problem of problems 2" Wm. James more than thirty years ago stated that its solution when it came would come in terms of metaphysics and Sir Charles Sherrington said in his Address to the British Association three years ago that "it is to the psychologist that we must turn to learn in full the contribution made to the integration of the animal individual by mind," and that "the how of the mind's connection with its bodily place seems still utterly enigma 5.” 1 This paper was written under the belief that it was to be a joint contribution with Professor Stopford, with whom the neurological part of the argument was slowly matured over a period of many months, but on its completion Professor Stopford thought that his contribution was insufficient to justify his name appearing as a joint author and the writer felt reluctantly obliged to acquiesce in its withdrawal. He desires to express his appreciation of the inexpressible value to him of the help thus given and his sincerest thanks for it. The paper has been left in its original form and in its general tenour expresses the views of both. On Sensation and Unity of Structure of the Sensiferous Organs. 3 Text Book of Psychology, p. 464. ♦ Presidential Address British Association, 1922, p. 12. • Ibid. p. Med. Psych. v 5: |