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misrepresentation make you hesitate? For me, at least, no; a thousand times, no! Where my youth has trod, my manhood and my age shall march. I am not ashamed to wheel into that great procession. I love Freedom better than Slavery. I will speak her words; I will listen to her music; I will acknowledge her impulses; I will stand beneath her flag; I will fight in her ranks; and, when I do so, I shall find myself surrounded by the great, the wise, the good, the brave, the noble of every land. If I could stand for a moment upon one of your high mountain tops, far above all the kingdoms of the civilized world, and there might see, coming up, one after another, the bravest and wisest of the ancient warriors and statesmen, and kings, and monarchs, and priests; and if, as they came up, I might be permitted to ask from them an expression of opinion upon such a case as this, with a common voice and in thunder tones, reverberating through a thousand valleys, and echoing down the ages, they would cry: "LIBERTY, FREEDOM, THE UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD OF MAN!" I join that shout; I swell that anthem; I echo that praise forever, and forever more.


SOLDIERS of the Armies of the United States! By your patriotic devotion to your country in the hour of danger and alarm, your magnificent fighting, bravery, and endurance, you have maintained the supremacy of the Union and the Constitution, overthrown all armed opposition to the enforcement of the laws, and of the proclamations forever abolishing Slavery-the cause and pretext of the Rebellion-and opened the way to the rightful authorities, to restore order and inaugurate peace on a permanent and enduring basis on every foot of American soil. Your marches, sieges, and battles, in distance, duration, resolution, and brilliancy of results, dim the luster of the world's past military achievements, and will be the patriot's precedent in defense of Liberty and the right in all time to come. In obedience to your country's call, you left your homes and families and volun

teered in its defense. Victory has crowned your valor and secured the purpose of your patriotic hearts; and with the gratitude of your countrymen and the highest honors a great and free nation can accord, you will soon be permitted to return to your homes and families, conscious of having discharged the highest duty of American citizens. To achieve these glorious triumphs and to secure to yourselves, your countrymen, and posterity the blessings of free institutions, tens of thousands of your gallant comrades have fallen and sealed the priceless legacy with their lives. The grave of these a grateful nation bedews with tears, honors their memories, and will ever cherish and support their stricken families.


THE Constitution of the United States, we must remember, is not written on parchment, but is stereotyped in granite ranges and river grooves since the tertiary epoch of geology.

"Our Union is river, lake, ocean and sky,

Man breaks not the medal when God cuts the die.”

God has cut into the die the branches of the Chesapeake, the windings of the Delaware, the Potomac and the Shenandoah, the trendings of the Alleghanies, and the mighty armlets of the Mississippi, that State lines and customs of latitude shall be overruled. It is as if the one word "America," and the constructive motto "E Pluribus Unum"--from many one-were stamped in letters for a telescope to discern at the distance of the moon, on the whole land, from the Rocky Mountains to the Hudson. Whoever works for the permanent disunion of our Union, and hopes to succeed, must get something more than a Montgomery Convention. He must get up an earthquake that shall pitch half the Mississippi back toward the North Pole, snap the Alleghanies at the center, turn the Ohio out of bed, and choke with ruins every pass of the Rocky Mountains and the Sierras. The only part of the land that seems geologically and geographically separate is



New England; and she is bound by such moral and social bonds to the history, and character, and glory of the nation, that something more than an earthquake-a split of the planet itselfwould be requisite to drive her off. Then see, still further, what man has cut into the die to strengthen the unity which nature prefigures! What have enterprise and art done to make the work of secession easier? Have they drawn any boundaries for rival civilizations? Have they built any Chinese walls? Have they developed any supreme antagonisms of natural interests from Aroostook to New Orleans? What are we to do when madness raves and foams to break the vital unity which tradition, and language, and nature, and art have been compacting thus for generations? Do? We must rise against it. We must devote ourselves against it. We must arm against it. We must fight against it while steel has temper, and while powder will pour passion through columbiads.


"DEAD on the field of honor!" This, too, is the record of thousands of unnamed men, whose influence upon other generations is associated with no personal distinction, but whose sacrifice will lend undying luster to the nation's archives and richer capacity to the nation's life. And yet these martyrs are remembered by name. Go visit the mourning homes of the land; homes of wealth and plenty, some of them, but richer now by the consecration of sacrifice. Many are homes of toil and obscurity, from which the right hand of support has been taken, or the youthful prop. Poor and obscure;-but these the unknown fallen have names, and riches of solemn, tender memory. And what heralding on palatial wall more glorious than the torn cap and soiled uniforms that hang in those homes where the dead soldier comes no more? What aristocratic legend refers to a prouder fact than that which shall often be recited in the still summer field where he labored, and by the winter fireside where his place is vacant:-"He fell in the great war for Union and for Freedom!"

Sleep, sleep, in quiet grassy graves, where the symbols that ye loved so well shall cover and spread over you-by day the flowers of red, white, and blue, and by night the constellated stars-while out of those graves there grows the better harvest of the nation and of times to come!


WE do not stand to receive lectures about peace from the sympathizers with rebellion; we offer them. It is not for them to call our attention to bloody battle-fields and a groaning treasury, and hearts wrung with anguish, and homes darkened with despair. We press the picture upon them. When I think of what this country was last November,-how vast its prosperity; how rapid its march to greater opulence; how various the ducts and bands which nature and art had opened and multiplied to sustain a common life; when I think of the harmonious play of all the physical and commercial forces that knit a nation, and see how, from Eastport to Cape Mendocino, they were in operation as never before on an equal area of the earth, ennobling labor, building up society in the wilderness, promoting education, filling horns of plenty for thousands of homes; when I think of the harvests that were gathered, and the blessings they were to bear to all districts of our land, and to distant shores; of the slight expense of the governing power over the immense area, and the insignificance of the military force that was subordinate to it; when I recall the fact that all this peace, and affluence, and happiness was due to one piece of parchment called the Constitution of the United States, and that all which was necessary to its continuance was loyalty to that, and submission to a popular vote honestly thrown and announced, as Northern States had submitted many a time before; a submission, too, which would still leave ample resources in the hands of defeated States against open acts of aggression by the Government upon their rights-simply acknowledgment of the popular will for four short years, and the right of free discussion; and when I think of what the country is now;



the paralysis of commerce; the devastation of industry; the choking of the channels of intercourse; the bitterness and hate; the land groaning with cannon; ports shut up; peaceful vessels the prey of pirates; hundreds of thousands withdrawn from wealth-producing labor and trained to deal slaughter: yes, the battle-fields that have drunk blood from civil strife; the noble men that have been cut off in an instant from a vista of honorable years; the agonies of wounded and dying; the woe in which thousands of hearts have been steeped; and when I think that every river might now be sweeping only peaceful burdens, and every port might have been open to cheerful intercourse, and every latitude of the sea been safe for proud barks under the stars and stripes, and not a dollar of private property or national treasure been wasted by confiscation, or diverted from the channels that widen blessings: I can say, with Joseph Holt, of Kentucky, that " we realize what I think the popular heart, in its forbearance, has never completely comprehended-the unspeakable and hellish atrocity of this rebellion. It is a perfect saturnalia of demoniac passion. From the reddened waters of Bull Run, and from the gory field of Manassas, there is now going up an appeal to God and to millions of exasperated men against those fiends in human shape, who, drunken with the orgies of an infernal ambition, are filling to its brim the cup of a nation's sorrow. Woe, woe to these traitors when this appeal shall be answered!"

Do you, apologists for these madmen, sympathizers with their guilt, applauders of their success, accomplices in their crime-do you dare to talk to us of peace, dare take that blessed word on your foul lips, remembering what you have done? Do you dare talk of peace before the guilt of breaking peace is punished? Dare talk of peace simply that the ruffian desolators may enjoy an unshadowed victory? The effrontery of this clamor is as great as it would have been for tories in the Revolution to have denounced Washington and the Congress for desolating the land with blood, appealed for instant terms with Great Britain, and begged to be intrusted by the loyal men with power!

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