ePub 版
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60. Senate Committee on Education and Labor.
61. Chief of the Capitol Police.

62. House Document-Room.
63. Senate Bath-Room.

64. The Supreme Court-Consultation Room.
65. The Supreme Court-Consultation Room.

66. Congressional Law Library, formerly the Supreme
Court Room.

67. Congressional Law Library.

68. Office of Doorkeeper of the House.

Superintendent of Folding-Room.

House Document-Rocm.

69. House Committee on Private Land Claims.

70. Offices of the Chief Clerk of the House.

71. House Committee on Expenditures in the State

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33. House Document-Room.

34. House Stationery-Room.

35. House Committee on Banking and Currency. 36. House Committee on Banking and Currency.


was in this room, then occupied by the Speaker of
the House, that ex-President John Quincy Adams
died, two days after he fell at his seat in the House,
February 23, 1848.

37. Office of the Clerk of the Supreme Court.
38. Robing-Room of the Judges of the Supreme Court.
39. Withdrawing-Room of the Supreme Court.
40. Office of the Marshal of the Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court, formerly the Senate Chamber.
The Old Hall of the House of Representatives is now
used as a statuary hall, to which each State has
been invited to contribute two statues of its most
distinguished citizens.

The Congressional Library contains 314,000 vol




16. Office of the Secretary of the Senate.

17. Executive Clerk of the Senate.

18. Financial Clerk of the Senate.

19. Chief Clerk of the Senate.

20. Engrossing and Enrolling Clerks of the Senate. 21. Committee on Appropriations.

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