| 1784 - 524 頁
...and children in the hindmoft. The i, "line-is of the women is to take cxaft notice of what pallet, imprint it in their memories, for they have no writing,...children. They are the records of the council, and they prcferve tradition of the ftipulations in treaties a hundred years back . which, when we compare with... | |
| 874 頁
...of the •women is to take exaft notice of what paffes, im-. rint it in their memories, for they 0 writing, and communicate it to their children. They...of the. council, and they preferve tradition of the flipula-' tions in treaties a hundred years back ; which when we compare with our writings, we always... | |
| 1787 - 534 頁
...and children in the hindmoit. The bufinefs of the women is to take exa<ft notice of •what pafles, imprint it in their memories, (for they have no writing)...of the council, and they preferve tradition of the Imputations in treaties a hundred years back ; which, when we compare with our writings, we always... | |
| Edmund Burke - 1787 - 608 頁
...Women and children in the hindmoft. The bufinefs of the women is to take exatt notice of what pafies, imprint it in their memories, for they have no writing, and communicate it to their chil-> dren. They are the records of tha Council, and they preferve traditioa of the ftipulalioris... | |
| Benjamin Franklin - 1794 - 348 頁
...is to take exnct notice of what pafles, im print it in their memories, for they have no \vri-- t'mg, and communicate it to their children. They are the...hundred years back ; which, when we compare with our writi^gs! we always fmd exact:. He that would fpeak, rifes. The reft obferve a profound fiience. When... | |
| 1800 - 600 頁
...children in the hindmoft. The bulinefs of the women is to take exnfl notice of what pafles, imprint i¡ in their memories, for they have no writing, and communicate...ftipulations in treaties a hundred years back ; which, when wo compare with our writings, wealways find exatl. He that would fpeak, rifes. The reft obferve a profound... | |
| 1800 - 598 頁
...women and children in the hindmotl. The bufmefs of the women is to take exact notice of what palles, imprint it in their memories, for they have no writing,...children. They are the records of the council, and they prelerVe tradition of the ttipulations in treaties a hundred years back ; which, when we compare with... | |
| 1788 - 772 頁
...hindmoit. The bufinefs of the women is to take exact notice of what pafles, imprint it in their memories, (they have no writing) and communicate it to their...children. They are the records of the council, and they preierve tradition oF the fiinularinns in treaties a hun. 1788. Remarks on the Savages .of North America.... | |
| James Anderson - 1800 - 632 頁
...women and children in the hindmost. The businefs of the women is to take exact notice of what pafses, imprint it in their memories (for they have no writing) and communicate VOL. III. X it to their children. They are the records of the council, and they preserve traditions... | |
| Benjamin Franklin - 1804 - 78 頁
...women and children in the hindmost. The business of the women is to take exact notice of what passes, imprint it in their memories, for they have no writing,...children. They are the records of the council, and they preserve tradition of the stipulations in treaties a hundred years back; which, when we compare with... | |
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