| 696 頁
...credit. Multitudes of poor people from England, Ireland, Scotiana, and Germany, have by this means is a few years become wealthy farmers, who in their own...where all the lands are fully occupied, and the wages qf labour low, could never have emerged from the mean condition wherein they were born. From the falubrify... | |
| Mathew Carey - 1789 - 632 頁
...this means, in a few ysars, become wealthy farmers, who in their own countries, where all the Unds are fully occupied, and the wages of labour low, could...never have emerged from the mean condition wherein tlicy were born. From the falubray of the air, the healthinefs of trie climate, the plenty ofgot.d... | |
| Benjamin Franklin - 1794 - 348 頁
...their pra-atation, in which they are affifted by the goodwill of their neighbours, and fome credit. Multitudes of poor people from England, Ireland, Scotland, and Germany, have by this means ma few years become wealthy farmers, who in their ow?ft countries, where all thelands are fully occupied... | |
| Thomas Cooper - 1795 - 256 頁
...affifted by the good will of their neighbours, and fome ; credit. Multitudes of poor people from E ngland, Ireland, Scotland and Germany, have by this means in a few years become . wealth,/ •wealthy farmers, who, in their own countries, where all the lands are fully occupied,... | |
| Benjamin Franklin - 1806 - 590 頁
...neighbours, and some credit. Multitudes of poor people from England, Ireland, Scotland, and Gertnany, have by this means in a few years become wealthy farmers,...labour low, could never have emerged from the mean condi* tion wherein they were born. From the salubrity of the air, the healthiness of the climate,... | |
| Benjamin Franklin - 1806 - 586 頁
...their plantation, in \vhich they are assisted by the good-will of their neighbours, and some credit. Multitudes of poor people from England, Ireland, Scotland,...become wealthy farmers, who, in their own countries, were all the lands a*e fully occupied, and the wages of labour low, could never have emerged from the... | |
| Benjamin Franklin - 1807 - 308 頁
...their plantation, in which they are assisted by the good will of their neighbours, and some credit. Multitudes of poor people from England, Ireland, Scotland, and Germany, have by this means in a fevr years become wealthy farmers, who in their own countries, where all the lands are fully occupied... | |
| Benjamin Franklin - 1809 - 466 頁
...gin their plantation, in which they are assisted by the goodwill of their neighbors, and some credit. Multitudes of poor people from England, Ireland, Scotland,...all the lands are fully occupied, and the wages of labor low, could never have emerged from the poor condition wherein they were born. From the salubrity... | |
| Benjamin Franklin - 1810 - 292 頁
...their plantation, in which they are assisted by the good will of . their ntighbors, and some credit. Multitudes of poor people from England, Ireland; Scotland,...lands -are fully occupied and the wages of labour low, couldnever have emerged from the mean condition wherein, ., they were born.|"? -i Irom the salubrity... | |
| Benjamin Franklin - 1811 - 190 頁
...their plantation, in which they are assisted by the good will of their neighbours, and some credit. Multitudes of poor people from England, Ireland, Scotland,...Germany, Have by this means in a few years become wealmy farmers, who in their own countries, where all the lands are fully occupied and the wages of... | |
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