Studies in Chinese Philosophy and Philosophical Literature: Logic and Reality

State University of New York Press, 1986年1月1日 - 435 頁
Graham addresses several fundamental problems in classical Chinese philosophy, and in the nature and structure of the classical Chinese language. These inquiries and reflections are both broad based and detailed. Two sources of continuity bring these seemingly disparate parts into a coherent and intelligible whole. First, Graham addresses that set of fundamental philosophical questions that have been the focus of dispute in the tradition, and that have defined its character: What is the nature of human nature? What can we through linguistic and philosophical scrutiny discover about the date and composition of some of the major texts? What sense can we make of the Kung-sun Lung sophistries?

A second source of coherence is Graham's identification and articulation of those basic and often unconscious presuppositions that ground our own tradition. By so doing, he enables readers to break free from the limits of their own conceptual universe and to explore in the Chinese experience a profoundly different world view.

關於作者 (1986)

Angus C. Graham is Visiting Professor of Philosophy at the University of Hawaii. He is the author of Two Chinese Philosophers: Ch’eng Ming-tao and Ch’eng Yi-ch’uan; Later Mohist Logic, Ethics and Science; Chuang-tzu, the Seven Inner Chapters: And other writings from the book Chuang-tzu; The Book of Lieh-tzu; Reason and Spontaneity; and most recently, Disputers of the Tao.
