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Gait, and every motion, 485.
laxer in their, 510.
when his veering, 485.
Gaiters, lax in their, 510.
Galaxy that milky way, 236.
Gale, catch the driving, 318.

down he bears before the, 677.
note that swells the, 386.
partake the, 320.
passion is the, 317.
sail with gentle, 354.
scents the evening, 447.
so sinks the, 434.

the lightning and the, 635.
wafted by thy gentle, 455.
Gales and gentle airs, 238.

that from ye blow, I feel the, 381.
Galilean lake, pilot of the, 247.
Galileo with his woes, 545.
Gall enough in thy ink, 76.
Galls his kibe, 143.

the infants of the spring, 129.

Gallant fisher's life, 209.

gay Lothario, 301.

Gallantry, conscience with, 442.
Galled jade wince, let the, 138.

Gallery critics, 419.

Garish eye, day's, 250.

sun, worship to the, 107.
Garland and singing robes, 253.
green willow is my, 9.

immortal, is to be run for, 254.
of the war is withered, 159.
to the sweetest maid, 314.
Garlands dead, whose, 523.

would grace a summer's queen, 492.
Garment of praise, 834.

out of fashion, 160.

Garments, stuffs out his vacant, 79.
Garmented in light, 567.

Garners be full of fruit, 693.
Garnish, eye of heaven to, 79.
Garret, born in the, 294, 552.
jewels into a, 170.
living in a, 391.

Garrick is a salad, our, 399.
Gars auld claes, 447.

me greet, it, 451.

Garter, familiar as his, 91.

mine host of the, 45.

Garters gold amuse, 318.

Garth did not write his own Dispen

sary, 325.

Gashed with honourable scars, 496.

Galley, what the devil did he want in Gate, lark at heaven's, 159.

that, 798.

Galligaskins long withstood, 671.

Gallop of verses, 70.

Gallops, time, 70.

Gallows, thief to the, 213.

Gallows-tree, under the, 184.

Gamaliel, feet of, 843.

Gambol from, which madness would,


Gambols, where be your, 144.
Game is up, 160.

little pleasure of the, 287.
of goose royal, 398.
rigour of the, 508.

war is a, 421.

was empires, whose, 555.
Gamester and poet, 388.
Gaug a kennin' wrang, 448.
aft a-gley, 446.
Ganymede, the matchless, 340.
Gaping age, mirror to a, 564.

mouth and stupid eyes, 273.
Garden and greenhouse too, 420.
bird-cage in a, 180.

come into the, Maud, 631.
God first planted a, 167.

in her looks, 261.

God the first, made, 261.

in her face, there is a, 685.
noblemen of the, 597.

of cucumbers, lodge in a, 832.
of girls, the rosebud, 631.
of liberty's tree, 516.

was a wild, the, 513.

we turn a cow out of a, 371.

Gardens trim, that in, 249.

Garden's end, river at my, 289.
Gardener, the grand old, 624.

of Eden, Peri at the, 526.
strait is the, 839.

suspicion sleeps at wisdom's, 231.
what boots it at one, 242.
wide is the, 839.

Gates ever-during, her, 236.

of heaven, to the, 473.

of hell, detests him as the, 338.

of light, unbarred the, 235.

of mercy shut, 385.

she claps her wings at heaven's, 32.
Gath, tell it not in, 814.

Gather up the fragments, 843.

ye rosebuds while ye may, 202.

Gathers no moss, rolling stone, 14, 711
Gathered every vice, 332.
Gatherer and disposer, 175.
Gathering her brows, 451.
Gaudy, neat not, 510.

rich not, 130.

Gaul, to Greece to, 416.
Gaunt, old John of, 80.
Gauntlet with a gift in 't, 621.
Gave his father grief, 335.

to misery all he had, 386.
what we, we have, 802.
Gay and festive scenes, 678.
and ornate, 242.

cities, far from, 345.
from grave to, 320.
gilded scenes, 299.
grandsire, 395.
hope is theirs, 381.
innocent as, 308.

Lothario, haughty galiant, 301.
rhetoric, dear wit and, 246.
would not if I could be, 456.

Gayety of nations, eclipsed the, 509.

Gardeners, no ancient gentlemen but, Gayly the troubadour, 581.


Gaze and show of the time, 126.

Gaze, thou art gone from my, 587.
with all the town, 677.
Gazed, and still they, 397.
Gazelle, nursed a dear, 526.
Gazing rustics, amazed the, 397.
Geoir, wicked spells of, 512.
Geese are swans, all our, 188.
Gem instinct with music, 485.
of purest ray serene, 385.
of the old rock, 219.

of the sea, first, 522.
upon her zone, the best, 598.
Gems, eyes reflecting, 96.

of heaven, 233.

of Samarcand, all the, 437.
rich and rare were the, 520.

the starry girdle of the year, 513.

General, good captain lost in an ill, 779.

't was caviare to the, 134.

Generalities, glittering, 589.

Generation, men from a former, 530.
passeth away, 830.

Generations, enmity of twenty, 592.
honoured in their, 837.
the cross leads, on, 566.
Generous and free, 285.
friendship, 339.

Genial current of the soul, 384.

morn appears, when, 513.

Genius and mortal instruments, 111.
bane of all, 567.
commands thee, 674.

goes and folly stays, 600.

no, without a tincture of madness, 714.
one, fit one science, 323.

parting, is with sighing sent, 251.
patience an ingredient of, COS.
proof of, 590.

the substitute for, 414.

which can perish, all of, 552.
work of, 662.

Genteel in personage, 285.
thing, the, 401.
Gentil dedes, to do the, 4.
herte, priketh every, 2.
knight, a veray parfit, 1.
that doth gentil dedis, 4.
Gentility, cottage of, 507.
Gentilman, Jafeth, 182.
Jhesus, 182.

take him for the gretest, 4.
Gentle airs, fresh gales and, 238.
and low her voice, 149.
beast, very, 59.

blood, signe to know the, 29.
craft, 856.

deeds, to do the, 4.

dulness ever loves a joke, 331.
earth, lie lightly, 197.
his life was, 115.

knight, a very perfect, 1.
lights without a name, 256.

limbs did she undress, her, 499.
peace, carry, 100.

rain from heaven, 64.

shepherd tell me where, 672.
sleep nature's soft nurse, 89.
spring, come, 355.

[blocks in formation]

so stout a, 87.

who was then the, 685.
Gentlemen, cooks are, 187.
God Almighty's, 208.
mob of, 329.

of England, 176.

of the French guards, 856.
of the shade, 82.

the seamen were not, 593.
three, at once, 440.

two single, rolled in onę, 451.
were not seamen, 593.

who wrote with ease, 329.
Gently as a sucking dove, 57.
do my spiriting, 42.

on him, his faults lie, 100.
scan your brother man, 448.
speak, 't is a little thing, 653.
time has touched me, 445.
touch us, time, 538.

upon my heart, 617.

Genuine and less guilty wealth, 257.
Geographers in Atric maps, 289.
in their maps, 722.
Geography, despite of, 212.
Geometric scale, 210.
Geometry, royal path to, 811.
George, if his name be, 78.

that swinged the dragon, 78.
the Third was king, when, 556.
German to the matter, 145.

Germans have the empire of the air, 577
Gestic lore, skilled in, 395.
Gesture, diguity in every, 237.

Get a man's own, to, 279.

money still get money, 177.
out of my house, 791.
place and wealth, 329.
thee behind me Satan. 840.
thee to a nunnery, 136.
understanding, 825.

Gets him to rest, 92.
Getting and spending, 476.

up not so easy as lying, 584.
Ghastly smile, death grinned a, 229.
Ghost besprent with April dew, 180.
like an ill-used, 355.

of him, I'll make a, 131.
Scipio's, walks unavenged, 298.
stubborn, unlaid, 244.

the hollow, 665.

there needs no, 132.

vex not his, O let him pass, 149-
what beckoning, 335.

Ghosts of defunct bodies, 210.

shoals of visionary, 344.

[blocks in formation]

and unseen, 89.

paced times, 75.

Gift for my fair, found out a, 380.

heaven's last best, 235.

horse in the mouth, 11, 211, 771.
is as a precious stone, 827.

of beauty, the fatal, 545.

of fortune, well-favoured man is a, 51.
of heaven, good sense the, 322.

of heaven, moderation the, 698.
of noble origin, 474.

of poesy, heavenly, 270.

that no philosophy can lift, 486.
to fools avail, what, 344.

to know it, they have the, 68.
which God has given, 488.
Gifts and dispensations, 212.
death craves not only, 696.
of a bad man, 698.

of the world, 66.
rich, wax poor, 136.

seven hundred pounds is good, 45.
that took all eyes, GOO.

Giftie gie us, 448.

Gild refined gold paint the lily, 79.
the vernal morn, 424.

Gilded fool, thinks better of a, 181.
Gilead, balm in, 835.

Gill shall dance, 199.
Gilpin long live he, 417.

Gilt, dust that is a little, 102.

o'erdusted, more laud than, 102.
Gineral C. is a dreffle smart man, 659.
Ginger shall be hot in the mouth, 75.
Gingerly, as, 852.

Girdeth on his harness, 816.
Girdle of the year, starry, 513.

round about the earth, 58.
round about the world, 36.
Girl, then spoke I to my, 201.
unschooled unpractised, 64.
Girls, be courted in your, 406.
between two, 93.
golden lads and, 160.

that are so smart, of all the, 285.
rosebud garden of, 631.
un-idea'd, 369.
Girl-graduates, sweet, 629.
Girt with golden wings, 243.
Give a cup of water, to, 577.

Give ample room and verge enough. 383
an inch he 'll take an ell, 20.

every man thy ear, 130.

give, crying, 829.

him a little earth for charity, 100.

his little senate laws, 327, 336.
it an understanding, 129.

me a cigar, 555.

me a look give me a face, 178.
me again my hollow tree, 3.28.
me another horse, 97.

me back my heart, 540.
me liberty or death, 430.

me my childhood again, 668.

me the ocular proof, 154.

me that man, 138.

me what this riband bound, 220.
more blessed to, 843.

me neither poverty nor riches, 829.
sorrow words, 124.

the devil his due, 83.

the world the lie, 25.

thee all I can no more, 525.
thee sixpence, I, 464.

thy thoughts no tongue, 129.
to get esteem, they, 395.
what thou canst, 421.

Gives, blesseth him that, 64.

much receives but nothing, 672.
not till judgment guide, 102.

the nod, 337.

what he has, he, 102.

Given, to him that hath shall be, 841.
them the slip, 284.

to hospitality, 844.

unsought is better, love, 76.
you, ask and it shall be, 839.
Givers prove unkind, 136.
Giveth his beloved sleep, $24.
Giving, godlike in, 519.

thy sum of more, 67.
Glad diviner's theme, 268.

father, wise son maketh a, 825.
he thanks God, 370.

me with its soft black eye, 526.
of yore, we have been, 471.
the heart of man maketh, 823.
waters of the dark blue sea, 550.
would lay me down, 239.
Glade, points to yonder, 335.
Gladiator, I see before me the, 546.
Gladlier grew, 237.

Gladly to the badder end, 4.

wolde he lerne, 2.

would I meet mortality, 239.

Gladness, hospitality sitting with, 617.
of heart, 837.

shared each other's, 611.
youthful poets begin in, 470.
Gladsome light of jurisprudence, 24.
Glance from heaven to earth, 59.
of the mind, how fleet is a, 416.
their many-twinkling feet, 382.
Glancing of an eye, upward, 497.
Glare, maidens caught by, 540.
of false science, 428.
Glass darkly, see through a, 845.
dome of many-coloured, 565.

Glass, excuse for the, she 'll

he was indeed the, 89.

[blocks in formation]

is good and a lass is good, 673.
of fashion and mould of form, 136.
of liquid fire, 457.

she made mouths in a, 147.
thou art thy mother's, 161.
turn down an empty, 760.
wherein the noble youth, 88.
Glasses, fill all the, 260.

itself in tempests, 547.
Shakespeare and musical, 402.
stand to your, steady, 641.
Glassy essence, his, 48.
Gleam of time, life a, 580.
Gleams purpureal, 482.

Gleamed upon my sight, first she, 474.
Gleaming taper's light, 399.

Gleaning of the grapes of Ephraim, 814.
Glee, filled one home with, 570.
forward and frolic, 491.

laughed with counterfeited, 397.
so many and such, 574.

Glib and oily art, I want that, 146.
Glide through a quiet dream, 538.
Glides the bonnie boat, 674.

the smooth current, 367.
Glimmer on my mind, to, 514.
Glimmering and decays, 264.

square, slowly grows a, 630.
tapers to the sun, 443.

through the dream of things, 541.
Glimpse divine, is left, nor, 332.
gives but a, 378.

of happiness, 221.

Glimpses of forgotten dreams, 623.

of the moon, 131.

that would make me less forlorn,

Glisteneth, all is not gold that, 173.
Glistering grief, perked up in, 98.
with dew, 233.

Glisters, all that, is not gold, 62.
Glittering eye, with his, 498.
generalities, 589.

in golden coats like images, 86.
like the morning star, 409.
Globe, all that tread the, 572.
annual visit o'er the, 438.
in this distracted, 132.
itself shall dissolve, 43.
twirls the spotty, 637.
Gloom, chase my, away,
counterfeit a, 250.
of earthquake, 564.
Gloomy and peculiar, 677.
as night he stands, 345.
Glorie, thin be the, 3.


Glories in the dust shall lay, 337.

like glow-worms, 181.

of our blood and state, 209.
past, all their, 561.

Glorified candy, 509.
Glorify, a God to, 672.

what else is damned, 354.

Glorious and free, 522.

by all that's good and, 554.
by my pen, 257.

Glorious by my sword, 257.
in arms, 55.

in a pipe, tobacco, 555.
morning, full many a, 161.
song of old, that, 640.
summer, 95.

Tam was, 451.

uncertainty of the law, 350.
war, circumstance of, 154.
works, these are thy, 235.
Gloriously drunk, 421.
Glory, air of, walking in an, 263.
and good of art, 651.

and peace, he died in, 571.
and shame of the universe, 799
and the dream, 477.

but his country's good, no, 571.
desire of, 747.

dies not, the, 674.

do not seek, 460.

excess of, obscured, 225.

first in place first in, 344.

from defect arise, so may a, 650.
from his gray hairs gone, 618.
full meridian of my, 99.
full-orbed, 507.

go where, waits thee, 519.
guards with solemn round, 681.
hoary head is a crown of, 826.
honour praise and, 303.
in a sea of, 99.

is in their shame, whose, 847.
jest and riddle of the world, 317.
leads the way, 281.

left him alone with his, 563.
no path of flowers lead to, 797.
no sound can awake him to, 666.
not hate but, 338.

nothing so expensive as, 460.
of a capacious mind, 342.

of a creditor, 46.

of an April day, the uncertain, 44.
of God, heavens declare the, 819.
of the Creator, 169.

of the times, were the, 837.

of this world, vain pomp and, 99.
one shame and one, 658.

or the grave, rush to, 515.
passed from the earth, 477.
path of duty the way to, 628.
paths of, lead to the grave, 384.
peep into, 264.

pursue, and generous shame, 382.
Rome in the height of her, 533.
set the stars of, 573.

share the, the many's eyes, 104.
shows the way, 281.

sons of France, awake to, 804.

that was Greece, 640.

this gain of our best, 39.
to God in the highest, 841.
track the steps of, 552.
trailing clouds of, 477.
trod the ways of, 100.
vain pomp and, 99.
visions of, 383.

waits ye, this goin' ware, 659.

who pants for, 329

[blocks in formation]

Go ahead, be sure you are right then,

and do thou likewise, 842.

boldly forth my simple lay, 437.

call a coach, 285.

call it madness, 456.

down to the sea in ships, 823.

forget me, 563.

forth under the open sky, 572.

his halves, I'll, 772.
little booke, 6.
lovely rose, 220.

no more a-roving, 553.
on forever, but I, 627.

poor devil get thee gone, 378.
shall I bid her, 406.

soul the body's guest, 25.
that the devil drives, 18.
to grass, 198.

to the ant thou sluggard, 825.
we know not where, 48.
where glory waits thee, 519.
whither thou goest I will, 814.
with fainting steps they, 398.

Goads, words of the wise as, 832.

Goal, do not turn back just at the, 711,

[blocks in formation]

God, attribute to, 64.

at all, who think not, 242.
awe-inspiring, 480.

be for us, if, 848.

beginning mean and end, 654.
bless no harm in blessing, 351.
bless the king, 351.

bless us all, 351.
bosom of his, 386.

bosom of, the seat of the law, 31.
builds a church to, 322.
built a church to, 415.

called mind fate and Jupiter, 764.
calm on the bosom of thy, 570.
conscious water saw its, 258.
could hardly love and be wise, a, 708
could have made a better berry, 157.
dear to, and famous to all ages, 254.
declare the glory of, 819.
devote ourselves to, 643.
disposes, man proposes but, 7.
doorkeeper in the house of my, 821.
dreadful as the Manichean, 421.
due reverence to, 170.

erects a house of prayer, wherever, 286
eternal years of, 573.

every, did seem to set his seal, 140.
excellent angler now with, 208.
farthest from, 283.

fast by the oracle of, 223.

favours the heaviest battalions, 801.
fear of, before their eyes, 811.
feared, and eschewed evil, 816.
first planted a garden, 167.
follows nature up to nature's, 304.
fools call nature what I call, 61.
forbid, $44.

freedom to worship, 570.

from thee we spring, great, 367.
from whom all blessings flow, 278.
fulfils himself in many ways, 629.
further from, 12.

gave the increase, 845.

give each moment to, 359.
gives us love, 624.

gives virtue to every man, 421.
gives wind by measure, 206.
glad that he thanks, 370.
grace of, to man, 673.
had I but served my, 100.
has given you one face, 136.
has not the figure of man, 765.
has sifted three kingdoms, 616.
hath a temple, where, 192.
hath joined together, 848.
hath made man upright, 831.
hath made them so, 301.

hath made this world so fair, 497.
heavens declare the glory of, 819.
help thyself and, will help thee, 206,
helps them that help themselves, 360,
helps those who help themselves, 205
her fathers', before her, 493.
himself scarce seemed to be, 499.
I want to be forgotten by, 643.
image of, in ebony, 222.

in apprehension how like a, 134.
in clouds, sees, 315.

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