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Writing, true ease in, 324.

well, nature's masterpiece is, 279.
Written a book, that mine adversary, 817.
out of reputation by himself, 284.
that my words were now, 817.
to after times, 253.
troubles of the brain, 125.
wise above that which is, 845.
with a pen of iron, 835.
Wrong, always in the, 268.
cradled into poetry by, 566.
day of, I have seen the, 56.
dread of all who, 619.
forever on the throne, 657.
great right of an excessive, 650.
him who treasures up a, 555.
his argument, 399.

his can't be, whose life is right, 318.
in some nice tenets might be, 260.
multitude is always in the, 278.

one, but one idea and that a, 371, 609.
oppressor's, 135.

our country right or, 675.

pursue yet condemn the, 295.

side of thirty, 292.

sow by the ear, 19, 785.

that does no harm, 500.

they may gang a kennin', 448.

they ne'er pardon who have done the,

to dally with, 500.

vengeance waits on, 344.

we are both in the, 348.

Wrongs in marble, some write their, 314.

of base mankind, 345.

of night, 203.
unredressed, 480.

Wrongdoer has left something undone,

Wronged orphans' tears, 194.
Wrongly win, wouldst, 117.

Wrote with ease, gentlemen who, 329.
like an angel, 388.


reading what they never,
them in the dust, 314.
Wroth with one we love, 500.
Wrought and afterwards he taught, 2.
brain too finely, 413.

by want of thought, 584.
in a sad sincerity, 598.

Wry-necked fife, squeaking of the, 62.
Wut 's words to them, 660.

Xanadu, Kubla Khan in, 500.
Xarifa, rise up, 677.

Xerxes did die and so must I, 687.

Yaller pines, under the, 660:
Yarn, is of a mingled, 74.
Yawn confess, everlasting, 332.
when churchyards, 139.
Ye distant spires, 381.

gentlemen of England, 176.
gods it doth amaze me, 110.
mariners of England, 514.
Yea-forsooth knave, 88.
Year, almanacs of the last, 258.
by year we lose friends, 569.

Year, Christmas comes but once a, 20.
days saddest of the, 573.
happiest of the glad new, 624.
heaven's eternal, is thine, 270.
if I preach a whole, 439.
mellowing, 246.

memory outlive life half a, 138.
moments make the, 311.
no winter in thy, 438.

rich with forty pounds a, 396.
rolling, is full of Thee, 357.
seasons return with the, 230.
starry girdle of the, 513.
three hundred pounds a,
vernal seasons of the, 254.
were playing holidays, 83.


where are the snows of last, 769.
winter comes to rule the varied, 356.
winter ruler of the inverted, 420.
wisdom with each studious, 544.
Years, ah happy, 541.

days of our, 822.

declined into the vale of, 153.

dim with the mist of, 541.

eternal, of God are hers, 573.

fate seemed to wind him up for four-

score, 276.

flag has braved a thousand, 514.

flight of, unmeasured by the, 497.
following years, 330.

fourteen hundred, ago, 82.

full of honor and, 655.

if by reason of strength they be four-
score, 822.

knelled the woe of, 646.

laden with unhonoured, 449.

life seemed formed of sunny, 679.
love of life increased with, 432.

man of wisdom is the man of, 309.
measured by deeds not, 443.
nature sink in, 299.

none would live past, again, 276.
O tide of the, 668.

of Europe, better fifty, 626.

of man, the first, 368.
of peace, thousand, 633.
outweighs, whole, 319.
return, the golden, 566.

sad presage of his future, 427.
steal fire from the mind, 542.
tears of boyhood's, 523.

that bring the philosophic mind, 478
thought of our past, 478.

thousand, in thy sight, 822.

thousand, to form a state, 541.
three thousand, ago, 517.
threescore, and ten, 822.
through endless, 526.
through many changing, 611.
time who steals our, 518.
to be let for life or, 204.
vanity in, 85.

we do not count a man's, 603.
we live in deeds not, 654.
we spend our, as a tale, 822.
weight of seventy, 479.

where sleep the joys of other, 497
wisdom not acquired by, 700.


fears, with all the hopes of future, 615. | Young-eyed cherubins, 65.

young, seventy, 638.

Years' pith, seven, 149.

Yellow leaf, my days are in the, 555.
leaf, sere the, 124.

melancholy, green and, 76.
primrose was to him, 468.
sands, come unto these, 42.
to the jaundiced eye, 325.
Yemen sword, with his, 811.
Yeoman's service, it did me, 145.
Yesterday and to-day, 848.
great families of, 286.
in embryo, man, 753.

O call back, bid time return, 81.

sweet sleep which thou owedst, 154.
the word of Cæsar, 113.
when it is past, but as, 822.
Yesterdays, cheerful, 481.

have lighted fools, 125.

look backwards with a smile, 307.
Yesterday's sneer and frown, 664.
Yestreen, I saw the moon late, 404.
Yew, hails me to yonder, 180.

never a spray of, 665.

Yielded, by her, by him received, 232.
with coy submission, 232.

Yielding marble of her snowy breast,

Yoke, Flanders hath received our, 220.
of bullocks at Stamford fair, 89.
Yore, we have been glad of, 471.
Yorick, alas poor, I knew him, 144.
York, this sun of, 95.

't is on the Tweed, 318.
Young and fair, ladies, 68.
and so fair, 586.

as beautiful and soft as young, 308.
body with so old a head, 64.

both were, and one was beautiful,

desire, nurse of, 427.
disease, the, 317.

ever fair and ever,


fellows will be young, 428.

I have been, and now am old, 819.
idea how to shoot, teach the, 355.
idle wild and, 676.

if all the world and love were, 25.
if he be caught, 371.

if ladies be but, and fair, 68.
ladies making nets, 291.

man's fancy lightly turns, 625.
men are fools, old men know, 36.
men think old men fools, 36.
men's vision, the, 268.
Obadias David Josias, 686.
seventy years, 638.

so wise so, never live long, 97.
spurned by the, 585.

though I am, I scorn to flit, 200.
till forty, look, 275.

Timothy learnt sin to fly, 686.
to be, was very heaven, 476.

war seeks its victims in the, 697.

when my bosom was, 515.

who always find us, 599.

whom the gods love die, 558.

Younger than thyself, let thy love be,


Younker or a prodigal, how like a, 62.
Yours, what's mine is, 50, 700.
Youth, a happy, 471.

against time and



age 'twixt boy and, 489.

and health, joy of, 444.

and home, the music tells of, 523.
and I lived in 't together, 503.
and love, kiss of, 557.
and pleasure meet, 542.
and vigour dies, 341.

begin in gladness in our, 470.
bounds of freakish, 419.
crabbed age and, 163.
delight, gives his, 318.
delusion of, 608.
dew of thy, 823.

did dress themselves, 89.

distressful stroke of my, 150.
eagle mewing her mighty, 255.

examples for the instruction of, 411.
fiery vehemence of, 491.
flourish in immortal, 299.
flower of, 703.

follies may cease with their, 376.
friends of my, where are they, 550.
glass wherein the noble, 89.
home-keeping, 44.

in my hot, 556.

in the bloom of, 702.
in the lexicon of, 606.

is a blunder, 608.

is more than a, 50.

is vain and life is thorny, 500.
learning in the freshness of its, 695.
morn and liquid dew of, 129.
morning like the spirit of, 158.
now green in, 338.

of frolics an old age of cards, 321.
of labour with an age of ease, 396.
of pleasure wasteful, was your, 651.
of primy nature, violet in the, 129.
of the realm, corrupted the, 94.
on the prow, 383.
our joys our, 26.

our, we can have but to-day, 312.
plaything gives his, delight, 318.
promises of, 368.

rebellious liquors in my, 67.
rejoice in thy, 831.

remember thy Creator in, 831.

replies I can, 600.

riband in the cap of, 142.
sheltered me in, 595.

so sinks the, 338.

some salt of our, 45.

spirit of, in everything, 163.
that fired the Ephesian dome, 296.
that means to be of note, 158.
they had been friends in, 500.
time that takes in trust our, 26.

't is now the summer of your, 378.

to fame unknown, 386.

to many a, and many a maid, 248.
to whom was given, 472.

Youth, virtue be as wax to flaming, 140.
waneth by encreasing, 24.
we poets in our, 470.

wears the rose of, upon him, 158.
what he steals from her, 378.
whom the gods favour dies in, 700.
whose fond heart, 550.

whoso neglects learning in his, 699.
wisdom is rare in, 343.

worm is in the bud of, 423.

Youthful follies o'er, count their, 492.
hart, fly like a, 302.
hose well saved, 69.
jollity, jest and, 248.

poets dream, such sights as, 249.
poets fancy when they love, 301.
sports, my joy of, 547.

Yreken, ashen cold is fire, 3.
Ywette, joly whistle wel, 3.

Zaccheus he did climb the tree, 687.
Zeal, heavenly race demands thy, 359.
of God, 844.

Zeal, served God with half the, 100.
with commutual, 342.

Zealand, traveller from New, 591.
Zealots fight, let graceless, 318.
Zealous for nothing, 373.

yet modest, 428.

Zealously affected, good to be, 816.
Zekle crep' up quite unbeknown, 659.
Zembla or the Lord knows where, 318.
Zenith, dropped from the, 225.

wisdom mounts her, 433.

Zephyr gently blows, when the, 324.
soft the, blows, 383.

Zeus, impossible to escape the will of.

the dice of, fall ever luckily, 697.
Zigzag manuscript, 419.

Zion the city of the great king, 820.
Zone, as a circling, 236.

best gem upon her, 598.

Zurich's daughters, fairest of fair, 677.
waters, margin of fair, 677.

Zuyder Zee, traveller on the, 592.

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