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Slippery place, stands upon a, 79.

Slits the thin-spun life, 247.

Slogardie a-night, may wol have no,
Slope through darkness, 632.
Sloping into brooks, 536.

to the southern side, 661.

Sloth, resty, 160.

Slough was Despond, 265.

Slovenly unhandsome corse, 83.

Slow, learn to read, 265.

of study, 57.

rises worth, 366.

to anger, he that is, 827.

to speak, 849.


too swift arrives as tardy as too, 107.
unfriended melancholy, 394.
unmoving finger, 155.

Slowly and sadly we laid him, 563.
silence all, ever widening, 629.
Sluggard, go to the ant thou, 825.
't is the voice of the, 302.
Sluggards sleep, while, 360.
Slumber, a little, 825.

again, too soon I must, 302.
honey-heavy dew of, 111.
lie still and, 302.

seven hours to soothing, 438.
to mine eyelids, 824.
Slumbers in the shell, 455.
light, dreams and, 490.

of the virtuous man, 299.

Slumber's chain has bound me, 523.
Slumbering ages, wakens the, 594.
world, o'er a, 306.
Sly, Stephen, 72.

tough and devilish, 652.

Smack of age, 88.

of observation, 78.

sweet, my life does, 651.
Smacked of noyance, 357.
Small beer, poor creature, 89.
cannot reach the, 29.
choice in rotten apples, 72.
compare great things with, 230.
deer, rats and such, 147.
great vulgar and the, 262.
habits well pursued, 437.

have continual plodders won,


his deserts are, 257.

[blocks in formation]

Smell, ancient and fish-like, 43.

as sweet, a rose by any other name
would, 105.

flower of sweetest, 488.

of bread and butter, 554.

rankest compound of villanous, 46.
sweet and blossom in the dust, 209.
the blood of a British man, 147.
Smells sweete al around, 28.

to heaven, 139, 362.

wooingly, heaven's breath, 117.
Smelleth the battle afar off, 818.
Smelt of the lamp, 728.

Smile again, affliction may, 54.
and be a villain, 132.

and sigh, reasons why we, 569.
and tear, betwixt a, 546.

at anything, could be moved to, 111.
be lost to sight, tho' thy, 587.
because it makes us, 560.

brightly, and sweetly sing, 563.
calm thou mayst, 438.

followed perhaps with a, 416.
from partial beauty won, 513.
grinned horrible a ghastly, 229.
hear with a disdainful, 384.

if we do meet again, we shall, 115.
in her eye, 582.

in pain, frown at pleasure, 309.
look backwards with a, 307.
make languor, 328.

make the learned, 324.

make the serious, 345.

no more, men, 348.

on her lips, 489.

one vast substantial, 652.
sad because it makes us, 560.
sardonic, 860.

sympathetic tear, the social, 387.
tear followed perhaps by a, 416.
that glowed celestial rosy, 238.

that was childlike, 669.

though I shall not be near thee, 563.
to share the good man's, 397.

to those who hate, 553.

vain tribute of a, 487.
we would aspire to, 99.

wept with delight at your, 680.
with an intent to do mischief, 186.
Smiles, as Jupiter on Juno, 233.

at the drawn dagger, 299.
becks and wreathed, 248.
daggers in men's, 120.
from reason flow, 238.

his emptiness betray, 328.

in such a sort, 111.

in yer face while it picks yer pocket,


kisses tears and, 474.

of joy the tears of woe, 524.

of other maidens, 677.

seldom he, 111.

the clouds away, 550.

the robbed that, steals something

from the thief, 151.

the tears of boyhood, the, 523.
to-day to-morrow will be dying, 202.
welcome ever, 102.

Smiled, all around thee, 438.

hermit sighed till woman, 513.
when a sabbath appeared, 416.
Smiling at grief, patience on a monument,

damned villain, 132.

destructive man, 281.

in her tears, pensive beauty, 513.
with a never-fading serenity, 299.
Smite once, stands ready to, 241.
Smith stand with his hammer, 80.
Smiths never had any arms, the, 460.
Smoke and flame, awful guide in, 493.
and stir of this dim spot, 243.
no fire without some, 17, 33.
that so gracefully curled, 518.
Smokes, the man who, 607.
Smoking flax, 834.

Smooth as monumental alabaster, 156.

at a distance rough at hand, 181.
course of true love never did run, 57.
runs the water, 93.

stream in smoother numbers, 324.
the bed of death, 328.

the ice, 79.

Waller was, 329.

Smoother than butter, 821.
Smoothing the raven-down, 244.
Smooth-lipped shell, 480.

Smoothly done, my task is, 246.

Smoothness, temperance that may give,

torrent's, ere it dash below, 516.
Smooth-shaven green, 250.

Smote him thus, 157.

him under the fifth rib, 815.

the chord of self, 625.

them hip and thigh, 814.

Snail, creeping like, 69.

Snails, feet like, 202.

Snake, like a wounded, 324.

scotched the, not killed it, 121.

Snakes in Iceland, no, 373.

Snapper-up of unconsidered trifles, 77.
Snare, mockery and a, 527.
Snares, life hath, 614.
Snatch a fearful joy, 381.

a grace, 323.

half our knowledge we must, 320.
Sneaking off, my valour is, 441.
Sneer, laughing devil in his, 551.
teach the rest to, 327.
who can refute a, 673.
with solemn, 544.
yesterday's frown and, 664.
Snore upon the flint, 160.
Snout, jewel in a swine's, 826.
Snow, beard was white as, 142.
chaste as ice as pure as, 136.
chaste as unsunned, 159.
diadem of, 553.

from purest, 103.

hide those hills of, 49, 184.
in a dazzling drift, 648.

in May's new-fangled mirth, 54.
mockery king of, 82.

not hail or rain or any, 629.
peaks wrapt in clouds and, 543.

Snow, rosebuds filled with, 685.
shall be their winding sheet, 515.
singer with the crown of, 661.
wallow naked in December, 81.
whiter than the driven, 380.
Snows, through the drifting, 568.
Snow-broth, whose blood is, 47.
Snow-fall in the river, 451.
Snow-flakes, as still as,
Snow-white ram, 481.
Snuff, only took, 400.

rather than live in, 26.
Snuff-box, amber, 326.
Snuffed out by an article, 560.
Snug as a bug in a rug, 361.

little island, 675.

So dies a wave along the shore, 434.
if it please you, if not why so, 44.
is good very good, 71.

it is but so, 71.

much to do, 633.

soon that I am done for, 689.
sweetly she bade me adieu, 380.
wise so young never live long, 97.
So and so and my opinion is, 761.
Soaks up the rain, the thirsty earth, 260.
Soap, invisible, 584.

Soar, alike unfit to sink or, 554.

but never roam, 485.

through rolling clouds to, 539.
Sober as a judge, 363.

be vigilant, be, 849.

certainty of waking bliss, 244.
goes to bed, 184.

in your diet, be, 350.

livery twilight gray in her, 233.
second thoughts are best, 277.
will to bed go, 184.

Sobers us again, drinking largely, 323.
Soberness, truth and, 843.

Social friend I love thee well, 564.

smile the sympathetic tear, 387.
Society among unequals, 237.

as is quiet wise and good, 567.
in shipwreck, 708.

is one polished horde, 560.
mudsills of, 678.

my glittering bride, 480.
one, alone on earth, 476.
ornament to, 510.

solder of, 354.

solitude sometimes is best, 239.
the vanilla of, 460.

where none intrudes, 547.

wholesome for the character, 661.

Society's chief joys, 415.
Sock, Jonson's learned, 249.
Socket, burn to the, 479.

Socrates wisest of men, 241.

Sod and the dew, under the, 668.
as snow-flakes fall upon the, 538.
Soda-water, sermons and, 557.
Sofa, wheel round the, 420.
Soft answer turneth away wrath, 826.
as her clime, 554.

as silk remains, 313.

as young and gay as soft, 308.
bastard Latin, 554.

Soft eyes looked love, 542.
her voice was ever, 149.
impeachment, own the, 441.

is the music that would charm, 485.

is the strain when zephyr blows, 324.
moves the dipping oar, 674.
muse, nature's, 89.

silken primrose, 251.

stillness and the night, 65.

the music of those village bells, 422.
the zephyr blows, 383.

were those lips that bled, 38.
Softening into shade, 357.

Softheartedness in times like these, 660.
Softly bodied forth, 546.

sweet in Lydian measures, 272.
Softness in the upper story, 660.

madrigals that whisper, 254.

she and sweet attractive grace, for,


Soil good to be born on, a, 663.
grows on mortal, 247.

nor yet within the common, 569.
thus leave thee native, 239.
to paint the laughing, 535.
where first they trod, 570.
Soils, rich, to be weeded, 168.
Soiled by any outward touch, 253.
with all ignoble use, 633.
Solar system, hub of the, 638.
walk or milky way, 315.
Sold him a bargain, 55.
Solder of society, 354.

Soldier among sovereigns, 495.

an elder not a better, 114.

and afeard, 124.

armed with resolution, 295.
be abroad, let the, 527.

blasphemy in the, 48.

first who was king a fortunate, 801.

flat blasphemy in the, 48.

full of strange oaths, 69.

I ask the brave, 520.

mourned her, slain, 427.

relish him more in the, 151.
successful, 494.

the sex is ever kind to
thou more than, 518.

a, 345.

would himself have been a, 83.
Soldiers bore dead bodies by, 83.

old, sweetheart are surest, 181.
Bovereign among, 495.

substance of ten thousand, 97.
Soldier's neck, driveth o'er a, 105.
pole is fallen, 159.
scholar's eye, 136.

sepulchre, shall be a, 515.
virtue, ambition the, 158.
Sole daughter of his voice, 239.
daughter of my house, 542.
judge of truth, 317.

of her foot, no rest, for the, 812.
of his foot, 51, 173, 198.
sitting by the shores, 472.

Solemn black, suits of, 127.
creed, sapping a, 544.
fop, the, 415.
midnight, in the, 642.

Solemn sanctimonious face, no, 586.

sneer, with, 544.

temples, 43.

way, in such a, 635.

Solid flesh would melt, too, 127.
happiness we prize, 362.

men of Boston, 432.

pudding against empty praise, 330.
Solitary, life of man is, 200.

monk who shook the world, 610.
place, in many a, 468.
shriek, a, 557.

woes, rare are, 308.
Solitude, bird in the, 552.

he makes a, and calls it peace, 550.
how passing sweet is, 416.
I love tranquil, 567.
Islington will grow a, 261.
least alone in, 544.
midst of a vast, 591.

needful to the imagination, 661.
of his own originality, 677.
shrinks from the dismaying, 592.
sometimes is best society, 239.
sweet retired, 244.

that inward eye which is the bliss of,

where are the charms, 416.
which they call peace, 747.
Solitudinem faciunt, 550.
Some are born great, 76.

asked how pearls did grow, 201.
asked where rubies grew, 201.
books to be tasted, 168.

Cupid kills with arrows, 51.

days must be dark, 613.

love to roam, 653.

must be great, 421.

must watch some must sleep, 138.

natural tears they dropped, 240.

of us will smart for it, 54.

rain must fall, 613.

-rise by sin, 47.

said John print it, 265.
to church repair, 324.
undone widow, 194.

we 've left behind us, 522.

write their wrongs in marble, 314.
Somebody to hew and hack, 211.
Something after death, dread of, 136.
ails it now, 472.

better than his dog, 626.

between a hindrance and help, 472.
dangerous, in me, 144.

dear dearer than self, 541.
good, the worst speak, 205.
I'll lend you, 77.

in a flying horse, there 's, 468.
in a huge balloon, there 's, 468.
is rotten in Denmark, 131.
nothing, 't is, 153.

of nothing, created, 222.
rich and strange, 42.
the heart must have, 617.
to love, he lends us, 624.
too much of this, 138.
wicked this way comes, 123.
Sometimes counsel take, 326.

Son, a wise, maketh a glad father, 825.
and foe, grim death my, 229.
at home, keep his only, 392.
booby father craves a booby, 310.
degenerates from the sire, 337.
England's greatest, 628.
every mother's, 57.
every wise man's, 75.

God the Father God the, 303.
happy was it for that, 95.
hateth his, 826.

meant my, be good, 444.

of Adam and Eve, 288.

of his own works, 785.

of memory, dear, 251.

of mine succeeding, no, 121.

of parents passed into the skies, 123.
of the morning, 833.

swore, Diogenes struck the father
when the, 192.
two-legged thing a, 267.

Sons, affliction's, are brothers in distress,

Arcturus with his, 818.
God's, are things, 314.
had I a dozen, 102.

of Belial, flown with insolence, 224.
of Columbia, 675.

of Edward sleep in Abraham's bosom,


of France awake to glory, 804.

of God shouted for joy, 817.

of heaven, things are the, 368.

of night, bloom for, 520.

of reason valour liberty, 358.
of the morning, 535.

of their great sires, 342.

strong are her, 344.

the goodliest man since born his, 232.
two of earth's degenerate, 341.

Song, burden of his, 427.

burden of some merry, 328.

careless, with a little nonsense, 389.
charms the sense, 228.

dear to gods and men, sacred, 347.
divine, soft as some, 345.

for our banner, 595.

for song, the Siren singing, 511.

in thy praise, I'll sing, 449.

it may turn out a, 448.

labour is but a sorrowful, 653.
let satire be my, 539.

low lone, 680.

many once lauded in, 754.
metre of an antique, 161.
mighty orb of, 479.

moralize my, 27.

moralized his, 328.

needless Alexandrine ends the, 374.

never yet heard in tale or, 243.

no sorrow in thy, 438.

of old, that glorious, 640.

of Percy and Douglas, 34.

of the siren, 38.

one immortal, 267.
sea grew civil at her, 57.
still govern thou my, 236.
swallow flights of, 632.

Song, swear to the truth of a, 287.
the grateful, 538.

the sirens sang, 219.
theme of future, 344.
to the oak, 667.

unlike my subject shall be my, 353.
veiling lightnings of his, 565.
wanted many an idle, 326.
what they teach in, 566.

Songes make and wel endite, 1.
Songs and sonnets, book of, 45.

be turned to holy psalms, 25.
sweetest, are of saddest thought, 365
Sonne, up rose the, 2.

Sonnet, scorn not the, 485.

Sonnets, book of songs and, 45.

Rafael made a century of, 645.
Sonorous metal blowing martial sounds

Soon that I am done for, so, 689.
Sooner lost and worn, 75.

to make an end, the, 171.
Soonest mended, little said is, 200.
Soothe a heart that 's broken, 492.

the savage breast, 294.
Soothed his soul to pleasures, 272.
with the sound, 271.
Soothing slumber, 438.
Sophisters, age of, 410.

Sophistry, destroy his fib or, 327.
Sophocles, not mad if I am, 697.
Sophonisba, 0, 358.

Soprano basso, the Contra-alto, 554.
Sordid hopes and vain desires, 534.
Sore labour's bath, 120.

store is no, 11, 791.

Sorrow, ate his bread in, 617.
but more closely tied, 526.

calls no time that 's gone, 183.
down thou climbing, 146.
drown all, 184.

earth has no, 524.

fade, ere sin could blight or, 500.
fail not for, 641.

give, words, 124.

hang, care will kill a cat, 177, 199.
hath scaped this, 162.

her rent is, 204.

I bade good morrow to, 574.

in thy song, thou hast no, 438.
increaseth, 830.

is held intrusive, 594.

is in vain, thy, 405.

is unknown, where, 417.

labour and, is their strength, 822.
learn, the heart must, 617.

literature consoles, 590.

long has washed thy roses, 378.

melt into, 549.

more in, than in anger, 128.

nae, there John, 458.

never comes too late, 381.

night of, from a fore-spent, 258.
no, that heaven cannot heal, 34
now melt into, 549.

of the meanest thing, 472.
parting is such sweet, 106.
path of, and that alone, 417.

Sorrow, patience a remedy for, 701, 709.
patience and, strove, 148.
pine with feare and, 29.
resembles, only as the mist resembles
the rain, 614.

returned with the morn, 515.
rooted from the memory, 125.
sing away, 786.

sit thee down, 54.

some natural loss or pain, 473.
sphere of our, from the, 567.
steep, my couch in, 450.
tales of, 396.

time assuages, 704.

to heal, by weeping, 697.

to the grave, 341, 813.

under the load of, wring, 53.
wear a golden, 98.

Sorrows and darkness encompass the
tomb, 535.

at my bier, waste their, 571.

come not single spies, 142.
flow, as thy, 518.

here I and, sit, 79.

I will instruct my, 79.

of a poor old man, 433.
of death compassed me, 818.
remembered, 588.

simple wiles transient, 474.

to be proud, I will instruct my, 79.
Sorrow's crown of sorrow, 626.

dark array, 802.
keenest wind, 482.

spy, knowledge is but, 217.
Sorrowful song, labour is but a, 653.
Sorrowing goes a borrowing, 21, 360.
goeth a, 21.

Sorry, I am right, 6.

Sort, hurt of a deadlier, 212.

smiles in such a, 111.

Sorts of people, all, 118.

of prosperity, I wish you all, 800.
Sots, what can ennoble, 319.
Sought, lack of many things I, 161.
love, is good, 76.

the world, I never have, 374.
Soul above buttons, 454.

and body to lasting rest, 80.
and God stand sure, 649.
aspiring pants, the, 610.
awake my, 359.

biting for anger, eager, 221.
blind his, with clay, 630.

body form doth take of the, 29.
bruised with adversity, 50.
can this be death, 335.
catch my flying, 333.
cement of the, 354.

cold waters to a thirsty, 828.
competent to gain heights, 480.
cordial to the, 222.
crowd not on my, 383.
darkness o'er the parting, 513.
deep imaged in his, 345.
delight in every sorrowing, 346.
dinner-bell the tocsin of the, 559.
discontented with capacity, 512.
eloquence charms the, 228.

Soul, every hair a, doth bind, 191.
eye and prospect of his, 53.
feast of reason and flow of, 328.
fiery, working out its way, 267.
freed his, the nearest way, 367.
fret thy, with crosses, 30.
from out that shadow, 640.
genial current of the, 384.
grapple them to thy, 129.
happy, that all the way, 259.
harrow up thy, 131.
has gone aloft, his, 436.
hath elbow-room, 80.
haughtiness of, 298.
he had a little, 519.
her lips suck forth my, 41.
hides a dark, 244.

his father's, to cross, 326.
human, take wing, 552.
I think nobly of the, 77.
indulging every instinct of the, 650.
into the eye and prospect of his, 53.
iron entered into his, 851.

is competent to gain, the, 480.

is dead that slumbers, 612.

is form and doth the bodie make, 29.

is gone, limbs will quiver after the,

is his own, the subject's, 92.

is in arms and eager for the fray, 296
is wanting there, 548.

is with the saints, 502.
it offends me to the, 137.
Jove alone endues the, 340.
Justice is a virtue of the, 762.
lends the tongue vows, 130.
liberal, shall be made fat, 826.
like an ample shield, 277.
like seasoned timber, 204.
limed, struggling to be free, 139.
listened intensely, his very, 480.
living voice sways the, 748.
look down from heaven, 277.
lose his own, 840.

may pierce, such as the, 249.
measured by my, 303.
medicine for the, 809.

merit wins the, 326.

most offending, alive, 92.
mouse of any, 336.

mysterious cement of the, 354.
never dying, to save, 672.

O my prophetic, 132.

of business, despatch is the, 353.

of goodness in things evil, 92.

of harmony, the hidden, 249.

of man, diseases crucify the, 188.

of man, portions of the, 656.

of music shed, 519.

of music slumbers in the shell, 455
of Orpheus sing, 250.
of our grandam, 77.
of Richard, 97, 296.
of the age, 179.

of the past time, 580.

of this world, time is the, 742
of wit, brevity is the, 133.
one, in two bodies, 762.

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