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Lover rooted stays, the, 602.
sighing like furnace, 69.
some banished, 333.

still an angel appear to each, 305.
to listening maid, 573.

why so pale and wan, 256.
woman loves her, 557.

Lovers cannot see their pretty follies, 62.
happy, and make two, 330.
love the western star, 487.
meeting, journeys end in, 75.
never tired of each other, 796.
of virtue, all that are, 208.
old, are soundest, 181.

quarrels of, 702.

Romans countrymen and, 113.

Luke's iron crown, 395.

Lumber, learned, in his head, 325.
Luminous cloud, joy the, 502.

Lump, little leaven leaveneth the, 846.
Lunatic lover and the poet, 59.
Lunes, in his old, 46.
Lungs began to crow, 68.

receive our air, 418.
Luscious as locusts, 151.
woodbine, 58.

Lust in man, there is a, 670.

of gold, the narrowing, 633.
Lusts or wine, not in toys or, 260.
Lustre, ne'er could any, see, 442.
purpled with rosy, 342.
shine with such, 422, 424.

swear more performance than they Lusty winter, 67.

are able, 102.

whispering, 395.

women love their, 796.

Lovers' hell, injured, 235.

perjuries, Jove laughs at, 106.
perjury, Jove but laughs at, 272.
songs turned to holy psalms, 25.
tongues by night, 106.
vows seem sweet, 551.
Love-rhymes, regent of, 55.
Lovesick, the winds were, 159.
Love-song to the morn, 611.
Loving are the daring, the, 666.
to my mother, so, 128.
Low ambition and the pride, 314.
death makes equal high and, 9.
foreheads villanous, 43.

laid in my grave, that I were, 78.
lone song, hear but their, 680.
speak, if you speak love, 51.
support and raise what is, 223.
to Him no high no, 316.
too, they build, 309.
Lower, can fall no, 212.
to the higher, 660.
Lowering element scowls, 227.
Lowers, the morning, 297.
Lowest deep a lower, in the, 231.
of your throng, 234.
Lowing herd winds slowly, 384.
Lowliness ambition's ladder, 111.
Lowly born, better to be, 98.

laid, high ambition, 487.
taught and highly fed, 73.
wise, be, 237.

Lown, called the tailor, 152.

Loyal and neutral in a moment, 120.
Lubricates business, dinner, 437.
Lucent syrops, 575.

Lucid interval, 857.

Lucifer, falls like, 99.

son of the morning, 833.

Luck about the house, nae, 426.
in odd numbers, 46.

old shoe for, 12.

would have it, as good, 46.
Luckless hour, from that, 2.
Lucky chance, 356.

Lucre, not greedy of filthy, 847.
Lucullus sups with Lucullus, 725.
Lucy ceased to be, when, 469.

[blocks in formation]

Lydian airs, lap me in soft, 249.

measures, softly sweet in, 272.
Lyfe so short the craft so long, 6.
Lying, as easy as, 138.

getting up not so easy as, 584.
with houris, 387.

without having tasted of, 755.
world is given to, 88.

Lymn, spaniel brach or, 148.
Lyre, each mode of the, 519.
heaven-taught, 377.
Milton's golden, 391.
the living, 384.

Lyric, splendid ecclesiastical, 609.

Mab, Queen, hath been with you, 104.
Macassar, incomparable oil, 555.
Macaulay is a book in breeches, 461.

out of literature, 461.

Macbeth does murder sleep, 119.
Macduff, lay on, 126.

Macedon, fulmined over Greece to, 241

there is a river in, 92.

MacGregor, my name is, 493.

where sits, 790.

Machiavel had ne'er a trick, 215.

Mad as a March hare, 18, 790.

finger's breadth of being, 763.

Mad, if I am Sophocles I am not, 697.
it is fitter being sane than, 650.
it was, how sad and bad and, 650.
out of too much learning become, 193.
pleasure in being, 277.
prose run, 327.

the dog went, and bit the man, 400.

't is true he 's, 133.

undevout astronomer is, 310.
whom fortune makes, 713.

Madam Blaize, lament for, 400.
me no madam, 862.

Madden round the land, 326.

to crime, now, 549.
Maddest merriest day, 624.

Madding crowd, far from the, 385.
Made, annihilating all that 's, 263.
fearfully and wonderfully, 824.
glorious summer,

light of it, 840.


man knows not for what he was, 755.
no more bones, 784.

Madmen know, none but, 277.
Madness, despondency and, 470.

genius has a tincture of, 714.
go you may call it, 456.
great wits allied to, 267.
in the brain, work like, 500.
lies, that way, 147.
melancholy, of poetry, 688.
method in, 133.

midsummer, this is very, 76.
moody, laughing wild, 381.
moon-struck, 240.

of many for gain of a few, 336.

still he did retain that fine, 40.

to defer, 306.

to live like a wretch and die rich, 188.
would gambol from, 141.

Madonnas, Rafael of the dear, 645.
Madrigals, melodious birds sing, 41.

that whisper softness, 254.
Meonian star, light of the, 325.
Magic casements, 575.

numbers and persuasive sound, 294.
of a face, 200.

of a name, 513.

of the mind, the, 551.

potent over sun and star, 482.
Shakespeare's, 275.

Magister artis, 305.

Magistracy is a great trust, 411.

Magistrate, invent a shovel and be a, 263.

of his country's good, 571.

Magna Charta will have no sovereign, 24.
Magna est veritas, 836.
Magnificence, fuel of, 603.
Magnificent and awful cause, 418.

but it is not war, 808.

spectacle of human happiness, 462.
three-tailed Bashaw, 454.
Magnificently stern array, 543.
Magnitude, thou liar of the first, 294.
Mahomet and the mountain, 165.

moon of, 566.

Mahometans, pleasures of the, 387.
Maid, be good sweet, 664.

dancing in the shade, 248.

[blocks in formation]

who modestly conceals, 378.

widowed wife and wedded, 494.
with none to praise, 469.

Maids are May when they are maids, 71.
malady most incident to, 78.

of thirteen talk of puppy dogs, 78.
that weave thread with bones, 75.
who love the moon, 520.

Maiden meditation fancy-free, 58.
of bashful fifteen, 442.

presence, scanter of your, 130.
shame, blush of, 573.
showers, like those, 202.
sings, the village, 393.

sword, bravely fleshed thy, 87.
true betrayed for gold, 489.

will steal after her heart, the, 521.
with white fire laden, 565.
young heart of a, 521.

Maidens call it love-in-idleness, 58,
caught by glare, like moths, 540.
fair are commonly fortunate, 33.
smiles of other, 677.

withering on the stalk, 477.

Main, Belerium to the northern, 333.
beyond the western, 395.
Camilla scours along the, 324.
chance, 33, 93, 214, 786.
do with might and, 603.

far amid the melancholy, 357.
from out the azure, 358.
Maintain no ill opinions, 398.
their rights, dare, 438.
Majestic head, some less, 547.
in decay, 347.

silence, 535.

though in ruin, 227.

world, get the start of the, 110.
Majesty, attribute to awe and, 64.
in rayless, 306.

next in, 270.

obsequious, approved, 237.
of God revere, 391.

of loveliness, 550.

rising in clouded, 233.
this earth of, 81.
want love's, 95.
will rise in, 656.

Majority, long since death had the, 355
one on God's side is a, 641.
Majors we can make every year, 189.
Make a note of, when found, 652.
languor smile, 328.

me a child again, 668.
me to know mine end, 820.

Make no long orations, 432.

the angels weep, 48.

use of me for the future, 745.
Makes his promise good, 851.
his pulses fly, 655.

me or fordoes me, 156.
my gain, every way, 156.
one wondrous kind, 387.

that and the action fine, 204.
up life's tale, 502.

us or it mars us, 156.
Maken vertue of necessite, 3.

Maker and the angel death, his, 502.
Maketh haste to be rich, 829.
Making beautiful old rhyme, 163.

many books there is no end, 832.
night hideous, 131.

the green one red, 120.
their lives a prayer, 618.
Malady incident to maids, 77.
medicine worse than the, 184.
Malcontents, loiterers and, 55.
thou art the Mars of, 15.

Male-lands, loved all the more by earth's,

Malice, bearing no, 458.

domestic foreign levy, 121.
envy hatred and, 850.

nor set down aught in, 156.
to conceal, 232.

towards none, 622.

Malicious, virtue is not, 36.
Malignity, motiveless, 505.

Mallecho, this is miching, 138.
Malmsey and Malvoisie, 682.

Malt, Duke of Norfolk deals in, 503.
Mambrino's helmet, 786.

Mammon, least erected spirit, 225.
wins his way, 540.

ye cannot serve God and, 838.
Man a flower he dies, 366.

a fool at forty, 311.

a merrier, 55.

a plain blunt, 114.

a reasonable creature, 254.

a slave, whatever day makes, 346.

a thinking being, 534,

a two-legged animal, 763.

a world without a sun, 513.

after his desert, use every, 134.
after his own heart, 814.
after sleep, like a strong, 254.
all that a, hath, 816.

all that may become a, 118.

all that was pleasant in, 399.
ambition of a private, 419.

an honest, is aboon his might, 452.
an inconstant creature, 730.
and a brother, am I not a, 852.
apparel oft proclaims tire, 130.
architect of his fortune, 167.
arms and the, I sing, 274.

as a dying, to dying men, 670.

as good kill a, as kill a good book, 254.
as he is humour the, 705.

assurance of a, 140.

at arms must now serve on his knees,

Man at his best state, 820.
at his birth, 717.

at thirty, suspects himself a fool, 307.
bad, never for good service, 411.
be fully persuaded, let every, 845.
be occupied, let every, 460.
be vertuous withal, if a, 4.
bear his own burden, 846.
before thy mother, 199.
before your mother, 424.
being in honour, 820.
below, God above or, 315.
Benedick the married, 50.
best good, 279.

best-humoured, 400.

better spared a better, 87.
beware the fury of a patient, 269.
bewrayed by his manners, 29.
blind old, of Scio's isle, 550.
bold bad, 27, 98.

brave, chooses, 657.

brave, draws his sword, 339.
breathes there the, 488.

brick-dust, 363.

broken with the storms of state, 100.
Brutus is an honourable, 113.

builds himself, 309.

but a rush against Othello, 156.

by man was never seen, 653.

can boast that he has trod, 571.

can die but once, 90.

can feel, the worst that, 341.
can work, when no, 843.

cannot be as he would be, 704.

cannot lose the past nor future, 749.

canst not be false to any, 130.
caverns measureless to, 500.
cease ye from, 833.

cheated only by himself, 601.
child is father of the, 469.
childhood shows the, 241.
Christian faithful, 96.
civilizers of, 608.

clever at envying a, 699.

clever, by nature, 457.

close buttoned to the chin, 422.

clothe a, with rags, 828.

complete, hero and the, 299.
conference maketh a ready, 168.
crime of being a young, 376.
crossed with adversity, 44.
cruelty and ambition of, 27.
cruelty to load a falling, 101.

dare do all that may become a, 118.
debtor to his profession, 164.
delights not me, 134.
depressed with cares, 348.
destructive, smiling, 281.
devil in the heart of, 218.
diapason closing full in, 271.
die better, how can, 593.
dies, how a, 371.

diligent in business, 828.
diseases crucify the soul of, 188.
distracted melancholic, 180.
do but die, what can a, 584.
does, 't is not what, 647.

doth not live by bread only, 813.

Man drest in a little brief authority, 48.
dull ear of a drowsy, 79.

dwells, narrow the corner where, 750.
dying, to dying men, 670.
ear of, hath not seen, 58.
eloquent, that old, 252.
England expects every, 446.
enough for, to know, 319.
ever saw, nor no, 72.
every, has his fault, 109.
exceeding poor, 62.

expatiate o'er this scene of, 314.

extremes in, 322.

eye of, hath not heard, 58.

false man smiling, 281.
falsely luxurious, 355.

familiar beast to, 45.

famous, is Robin Hood, 473.

fashion wears out more apparel than
the, 52.

fear may force a, 11.

fell into his anecdotage, 609.

first, is of the earth earthy, 846.
first years of, 368.

fittest place for, to die, 680.
flattered to tears this aged, 575.
fond, precociously of stirring, 584.
for himself, every, 20, 191, 787.
foremost, of all this world, 114.
forget not though in rags, 391.
forget the brother resume the, 343.
frailty of a, 164.

free as nature first made, 275.

from heaven proceed the woes of, 344.
fury of a patient, 269.

gently scan your brother, 448.
give every, thy ear, 130.

gives what the gods bestow, 346.
God or devil, every, 268.
goeth forth unto his work, 823.
goeth to his long home, 831.
good easy, when he thinks, 99.
good great, 502.

good meets his fate, 307.

good name in, and woman, 153.

good, never dies, the, 496.
good old, 52, 67.

good or ill of, 744.

good, yields his breath, 496.

goodliest of men, 232.

grace of God to, 673.

great to little, 394.

greater love hath no, 843.

had fixed his face, as if the, 468.
half part of a blessed, 78.
hand against every, 812.
hanging the worst use of, 175.
happy, be his dole, 46.
happy dole, happy, 11.
happy, 's without a shirt, 8.
happy the, 273.

has business and desire, 132.

has not, a microscopie eye, 316.

he felt as a, 428.

he is oft the wisest, 472.

he that hath no beard is less than a,

he was a good and just, 842.

Man healthy wealthy and wise, 360.
hearty old, 506.

heaven had made her such a, 150.
her wit was more than, 270.
here lies a truly honest, 259.
highest style of, 308.
his prey was, 333.

honest as any, living, 52.
honest is aboon his might, 111.
honest is the only perfect, 183.
honest, the noblest work, 319.
how poor a thing is, 39.

I love not, the less, 547.

I pray for no, 109.

I see the steady gain of, 618.
ignorance of the law excuses no, 195.
impious in a good, 308.

impossible to be cheated, 601.

in all the world's new fashion, 54.
in ignorance sedate, 366.

in prosperite, 5.

in the bush with God, 598.
in the mind of, 467.

in the mire, 109.


in wit a, 335.
inclines to popery,
intimates eternity to, 299.
irreligious, view an, 578.
is a bundle of relations, 601.
is a noble animal, 219.
is a knot of roots, 601.

is accommodated, 89.

is as heaven made him, 788.

is as true as steel, 107.

is born unto trouble, 816.
is found, the race of, 338.
is his own star, 183.

is little to be envied, that, 369.

is not a fly, 316.

is not man as yet, 643.

is one world, 205.

is the gowd for a' that, 452.

is the nobler growth, 433.

is thy most awful instrument, 482.

is vile, and only, 536.

is worth something, 645.
judgment falls upon a, 195.

justice the great interest of, 531.
kindest best conditioned, 64.

knows not for what he was made, 755
laborin', an' laborin' woman, 658.
large-hearted, 621.

laugh if such a, there be, 327.

lay down his life for his friends, 843.
let him pass for a, 61.

let no guilty, escape, 664.

let no such, be trusted, 66.
let not, put asunder, 840.

let the end try the, 89.
life of a, a poem, 578.

life of a, faithfully recorded, 578.
life of, a point of time, 729.
life of, less than a span, 170.

life of, solitary, 200.

like to a little kingdom, 111.
little round fat oily, 357.
little worse than a, 61.
living dead, 50.

Man, look sad, near to make a, 59.
lot assigned to every, 750.
lot of, but once to die, 204.
low sitting on the ground, 28.
lust in, no charm can tame, 670.
made of a cheese-paring, 90.
made the town, 417.
made us citizens, 657.
makes a death, 308.
makes his own stature, 309.
maketh glad the heart of, 823.
man's inhumanity to, 446.
mark the perfect, 819.

marks the earth with ruin, 547.
master of his time, 121.
may fish with the worm, 141.
may last but never lives, 672.
may learn a thousand things, 649.
may see how this world goes, 148.
meaning in saying he is a good, 61.
measure of the height of, 719.
meets his fate, when the good, 307.
meets his Waterloo, every, 641.
melancholic distracted, 180.
memory of, runneth not, 392.
merciful (rightecus), 286.
might know the end, that, 115.
mildest mannered, 557.
mind of desultory, 417.

mind the standard of the, 303.
mine equal my guide, 820.
misery acquaints a, 43.
more sinned against, 147.
most senseless and fit, 51.

mounts through all the spires, 599.
must mind his belly, 371.
must play a part, every, 60.
my foe, to make one worthy, 327.
nae, can tether time or tide, 451.
nature formed but one such, 552.
nature made thee to temper, 280.
never is but always to be blest, 315.
no, can lose what he never had, 208.
no, ever felt the halter draw, 440.
no good, grew rich at once, 713.
no, has aught of what he leaves, 145.
no, is born an angler, 206.

no, is born an artist, 206.

no, knows distinctly anything, 766.

no, loseth other life than that which

he liveth, 749.

no, wicked at once, 721.

no wiser for his learning, 195.

not always, actions show the, 320.

not good to be alone, 812.

not made for the Sabbath, 841.

not passion's slave, 138.

not the creature of circumstances, 608.
nothing so becomes a, 91.

noticeable, with large gray eyes, 472.
nowhere so busy a, 2.

of cheerful yesterdays, 481.

of contention, 835.

of God, round fat oily, 357.

of his fate is never wide, 599.

of knowledge increaseth strength, 828.
of letters amongst men of the world,


Man of men, the goodliest, 232.
of mettle, grasp it like a, 313.
of morals, why, 260.

of my kidney, 46.

of nasty ideas, a nice man is a, 291.
of one book, beware of a, 853.

of peace and war, 214.

of pleasure, a man of pains, 309.
of rank as an author, 374.

of Ross, sing the, 322.

of sovereign parts, 55.

of strife, 835.

of such a feeble temper, 110.

of the world amongst men of letters,

of unbounded stomach, 100.
of unclean lips, 833.

of wisdom man of years, 309.
of woe, not always a, 487.
old age in this universal, 169.
old, and no honester than I, 52.
on his oath or boud, 109.
one, among a thousand, 830.
one, excels another, 702.
one worthy, my foe, 327.
only knows nothing, 718.
parchment undo a, 94.

partly is and wholly hopes to be, 650.
past the wit of, 58.
patient in loss, 159.

pays the public, the tax a,
people arose as one, 814.


perils doe enfold the righteous, 27.
perfect who understands for himself,


picked out of ten thousand, 133.
plant himself on his instincts, C01.
play the, 685.

plays many parts, in his time, 69.
poet still more a, 578.
poor, a wise, 181.

poorest, in his cottage, 365.
prentice han' she tried on, 446.
press not a falling, 99.
profited, what is a, 840.
proper, as one shall see, 57.
proper judge of the, 715.
proposes God disposes, 7.
proud man, 48.

prudent, looketh well, 826.
reading maketh a full, 168.

recovered of the bite, the, 400.

religious, unworthy a, 578.

regardeth the life of his beast, 826.

remote from, 305.

right, in the right place, 642.
right judgment of, 578.

rights of, 409.

rousing herself like a strong, 254.

ruins of the noblest, 113.
sabbath was made for, 841.

sadder and a wiser, 499.
seasoned life of, 254.
see me more, no, 99.
seems the only growth, 394.
sensible well-bred, 415.
seven women hold of one, 833.
shall bear his own burden, 846.

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