| Oliver Goldsmith - 1780 - 204 頁
...there combin'd, Extremes are 'only in the mafter's mind ! Stern o'er each bofom Reafon holds her ftate With daring aims irregularly great ; Pride in their port, defiance in their eye, I fee the lords of human kind pafs by ; Intent on high defigns, a thoughtful band,By forms unfafhion'd... | |
| Muse - 1785 - 316 頁
...there combin"d, Extremes are only in the mailer's mind ! Stern o'er each bofom reafon holds her flate With daring aims irregularly great, Pride in their port defiance in their eye, I fee the lords of human kind pafs by, Intent on high defign:, a thoughtful band, By forms unfzfhion'd... | |
| James Boswell - 1786 - 552 頁
...character of the British nation, which he did with such energy, that the tear started into his eye : — 'Stern o'er each bosom reason holds her state, With...Intent on high designs, a thoughtful band, By forms unfashion'd, fresh from nature's hand ; Fierce in their native hardiness of soul, True to imagin'd... | |
| James Boswell - 1786 - 478 頁
...with fuch energy, that the tear ftarted into his eye: " Stern o'er each bofom reafon holds her ftate. With daring aims irregularly great, Pride in their port, defiance in their eye, I fee the lords of humankind pafs by, Intent on high defigns, a thoughtful band, , By forms unfafhion'd,... | |
| John Bell - 1789 - 396 頁
...every spray ; Creation's mildest charms are there combin'd. Extremes are only in the master's mind ! Stern o'er each bosom reason holds her state, With...Intent on high designs, a thoughtful band, By forms unfashion'd, fresh from Nature's hand ; 3 5^ Fierce in their native hardiness of soul, True to imagin'd... | |
| John Bell - 1789 - 202 頁
...every spray ; Creation's mildest charms are there combin'd. Extremes are only in the master's mind ! Stern o'er each bosom reason holds her state, With...eye, I see the lords of human kind pass by, Intent OB high designs, a thoughtful band, By forms unfashion'd, fresh from Nature's hand ; Fierce in their... | |
| Vicesimus Knox - 1791 - 964 頁
...there combin'd; Extremes are only in the matter's mind ! Stern o'er each bofom Reafon holds her ftatc, green, R 4 The The breezy covert of the warbling grove, That only Ihclter'd thefts fee the lords of human-kind pafs by , Intent en high defigns, a thoughtful band, 3y forms unfefliion'd... | |
| Oliver Goldsmith - 1791 - 206 頁
...combin'd, Extremes are only in the mafter's mind! Stern o'er each bofom Reafon holds her 'ftate " . With daring aims irregularly, great ; Pride in their port, defiance in their eye, I fee the lords of human kind pafs by ; Intent on high defig^s, a thoughtful band, By forms unfamion'.d... | |
| 1793 - 204 頁
...every spray ; Creation's mildest charms are there combin'd. Extremes are only in the master's mind. Stern o'er each bosom reason holds her state, With...Pride in their port, defiance in their eye, I see the lurds of human kind pass by, Intent on high designs, a thoughtful band, By forms unfashion'd, fresh... | |
| James Roach - 1792 - 284 頁
...there combin'd ; Extremes are only in the mafler's mind. Stern o'er each bofom reafon holds her flate, With daring aims irregularly great ; Pride in their port, defiance in their eye, I fee the lords of human kind pafi by ; Intent on high defigns, a thoughtful band, By forms uufafliion'd... | |
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