THE WORKS OF CHRISTOPHER MARLOWE. VOLUME THE SECOND. "Marlowe renown'd for his rare art and wit THOMAS HEYWOOD. LONDON: WILLIAM PICKERING, CHANCERY LANE; M.DCCC.XXVI. ERRATA. Vol. I. page 14. line 3. for "God's" read "Gods." 275. line 13. for ":" read"," 28. line 3. read "a dainty gallery." Vol. II. page 76. line 1. for " Lord's" read "Lords." 130. line 29. for" had" read" hath." 163. line 11. for " at the hard heels" read "hard at the heels." Vol. III. page 429. line 19. " for line 19." read "Aurora whither slid'st thou? down again," 455. line 3. for " line 3," read "Nepenthe, Heav'ns drink, most gladness brings," |