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Dodge (T. A.). Bird's-eye View of our Civil War. Houghton.

Dunn (J. P.). Indiana. (American Commonwealths.) Houghton.
Dunning (W. A.). Reconstruction, 1865–1877.

(American Nation.) Harpers.

Earle (Alice Morse). Customs and Fashions in Old New England. Houghton.

Eggleston (Edward). Beginners of a Nation. Appleton.

Eggleston (G. C.) A Rebel's Recollections. Putnam.

Farrand (Max), editor. Records of the Federal Convention of 1787. 3 vols.
Yale University Press.

Fish (C. R.). American Diplomacy (to 1915). Holt.
Fiske (John). Discovery of America. 2 vols. Houghton.
Old Virginia and her Neighbors. 2 vols. Houghton.
American Revolution. 2 vols. Houghton.

The Critical Period. Houghton.

Garrison (G. P.). Westward Extension. (American Nation.) Harpers.
Greene (E.B.). Provincial America. (American Nation.) Harpers.
Hart (A. B.). Salmon P. Chase. (American Statesman.) Houghton.
Haworth (P. L.). Reconstruction and Union. (Home University Library.)

Hosmer (James K.). Samuel Adams. (American Statesman.) Houghton.

Howard (G. E.). Preliminaries of the Revolution. (American Nation Series.)
Johnson (Tom L.).
LaFollette (R. M.).

Lee (Robert E.).

My Story. Huebsch.

Personal Narrative of Political Experiences. Doubleday.

Recollections and Letters of General Robert E. Lee.

Lodge (Henry Cabot). George Washington. (American Statesman Series.) 2 vols. Houghton.

Alexander Hamilton. (American Statesman Series.) Houghton

- Daniel Webster. (American Statesman Series.) Houghton

McDonald (William). Select Documents illustrative of the History of the
United States, 1776-1861. Macmillan.

Jacksonian Democracy. (American Nation Series.) Harpers.
From Jefferson to Lincoln. (Home University.) Holt.

McLaughlin (Andrew C.). Confederation and Constitution. (American Nation
Series.) Harpers.

Morse (J. T.). Abraham Lincoln. (American Statesman Series.) 2 vols. Houghton.

John Quincy Adams. (American Statesman Series.) Houghton. Page (Thomas Nelson). The Old South. Scribner

[blocks in formation]

Parkman (Francis). Half-Century of Conflict. 2 vols. Little, Brown, & Co.

Montcalm and Wolfe. 2 vols. Little, Brown, & Co.

Conspiracy of Pontiac. Dutton. 2 vols.

Paxson (F. L.). The Civil War (1854-1855). (Home University Library.) Holt.

The New Nation. (Riverside History; 1861-1915.) Houghton.

Price (Overton). The Land We Live In ("Boys' Book of Conservation.") Smail, Maynard & Co.

Roosevelt (Theodore).


Thomas Benton.

(American Statesman Series.)

Gouverneur Morris. (American Statesman Series.) Houghton.
Winning of the West. 6 vols. Putnam.

Fifty Years of My Life. Macmillan

Schouler (James). Thomas Jefferson. (Makers of America.) Dodd.
Schurz (Carl). Henry Clay. (American Statesman.) Houghton.
Straus (0. S.). Roger Williams. (Makers of America.) Century.
Tarbell (Ida M.). The Tariff in Our Own Times. 2 vols. Macmillan
History of the Standard Oil Company. 2 vols. Macmillan
The Golden Rule in Business. Macmillan.

Thwaites (R. G.). France in America. (American Nation Series.) Harpers.

Tocqueville (Alexis de). Democracy in America. Barnes
Turner (Frederic J.). Rise of the New West.

(American Nation Series.)

Twichell (John). John Winthrop. (Makers of America.) Century.
Van Tyne. American Revolution.

(American Nation.) Harpers

Walker (Francis A.). Making of the Nation. Scribner.

Washington (Booker T.).

Story of the Negro. 2 vols. Doubleday.

West (W. M.), editor. Source Book in American History, to 1789. Allyn and Bacon

Whitlock (Brand). Forty Years of It [1875-1914]. Appleton.

Wilson (Woodrow). Congressional Government. Houghton.

Division and Reunion. Longmans.

Woodburn (J. A.), editor. Lecky's American Revolution. Appleton.


Austin (Jane G.). Standish of Standish. Houghton.

Avary (M. L.). A Virginia Girl in the Civil War. Appleton.

Churchill (Winston). The Crossing; The Crisis; Mr. Carewe's Career; A Far Country. Macmillan.

Eggleston and Seelye. Pocahontas. Dodd.

Foote (Mary Hallock). Cœur d'Alene. Houghton.
Ford (P. L.). The Honorable Peter Sterling. Holt.

Garland (Hamlin).

Cavanagh, The Forest Ranger; Hesper (a story of the

recent West). Harpers.

Johnston (Mary). To Have and to Hold. Houghton.

Prisoners of Hope. Houghton.

Kingsley (Charles). Westward Ho. (Everyman's Library.) Dutton.
Larcom (Lucy). A New England Girlhood. Houghton.

Lindsey (B. B.). The Beast and the Jungle. Doubleday.

Norris (Frank). The Octopus. Grosset.

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Page (T. N.). Red Rock. Scribner.

Among the Camps. Scribner.

Stimson (F. J.). King Noanett. Scribner.
Tarkington (Booth). The Turmoil. Harpers.

White (Stewart Edward). The Riverman. Doubleday.

The Rules of the Game. Doubleday.

White (William Allen). A Certain Rich Man. Macmillan.
Wister (Owen). The Virginian. Macmillan.


Crothers (Samuel). The Pardoner's Wallet (for the essay, "The Land of the Large and Charitable Air"). Houghton.

Lowell (James Russell). Works (for "New England Two Centuries Ago ") Houghton.

Wilson (Woodrow). Mere Literature (for "The Course of American History"). Macmillan.


References are to sections

Abolitionists, 560, 608, 609; political
abolitionists, 614. See Slavery.
Adams, Charles F., and the Ala-
bama, 689.

the people," 362; on true Republi-
canism, 387.

Administrations, table of, 1877-
1917, 723. See Elections, Presiden-

Adams, Henry, quoted on America
in 1800, 438; War of 1812 not due to | Agassiz, 556.
impressment, 473.

Adams, John, reports Otis' speech,
216; on danger of ecclesiastical in-
terference by England, 224 and note;
defends British soldiers, 240; on
First Continental Congress, 250; on
formation of State governments,
260, 264; on July 2 and Declaration
of Independence, 263; and negotia-
tions of 1783, 287, 289; Vice Presi-
dent, 366; defends monarchic forms,
368, 369; described by Maclay, 369,
note; reëlection, 388; President,
389; on origin of nominating caucus,
390; on danger of political parties,
391; and troubles with France, 409-
411; Treaty of 1800, 411; adminis-
tration, 412 ff.; and Fries' Rebellion,
412; defeat in 1800, 412; and "mid-
night judges," 422; opposes exten-
sion of franchise, 564.

Adams, John Quincy, and Treaty

of Ghent, 476; on Federalist plots
in 1803, 477; and claims to Oregon,
503; and Monroe Doctrine, 504;
election to presidency, 517, 518; ad-
ministration, 519, 520; and the civil
service, 568; and right of petition,
Adams, Samuel, and Revolutionary
committees of correspondence, 243;
first American "boss," ib.; objects
to central authority, 326; and "We

Agriculture, deficient in French col-
onies, 16; in English colonies, 3,
204-206; about 1800, 437; about
1830, 561; about 1860, 644; in South
after Civil War, 727; and recent
legislation, 846.
Aguinaldo, 767.

Alabama, admitted, 498.
Alabama claims, 689; arbitration
of, 712.

Alamo, Massacre of the, 615.
Alaska, southern boundary fixed,
504; purchased, 712; gold in, 769;
and conservation (Ballinger inci-
dent), 839.

Alden, John, 70.
Algonkins, 6.

Alien and Sedition Acts, 413, 414.
Amending clauses in constitu-
tions, in Penn's Charter of 1701,
175; in Revolutionary State consti-
tutions, 274; in Articles of Confed-
eration, 330, 331 c; difficulty of, in
the Federal Constitution, 347, 828,
839 and note.
Amendments to Federal Consti-
tution, difficulty, see Amending
clauses; first ten, 371; eleventh,
373; twelfth, 424; thirteenth, 684,
701; fourteenth, 703; fifteenth, sev-
enteenth, 704, 828, 839; sixteenth,
839 (and see Income Tax).
America, see Geography, Society.

References are to sections

American Colonization Society, | Anti-slavery movement, in 1789-
90, 382. See Slavery.
American Federation of Labor, Appalachians, effect on early settle-

806; and the War for Democracy,

American Fur Company, 435; and
War of 1812, 473.

American party, see Know-Nothing

Revolution, 212-291;
preparation for, in intercolonial
wars, 212 ff.; Grenville's plan to tax
America and "justification," 212-
220; Sugar Act, 221; Stamp Act,
222; underlying causes, 224-232;
and English reform, 229; a true
civil war, 230; and social upheaval,
231, 232; agitation preceding war,
233 ff.; Stamp Act, 233-237; Town-
shend Acts, 238; Lord North, 238;
Boston Massacre, 240; committees
of correspondence, 243, 244; begin-
nings of revolutionary governments,
246-251; Boston Tea Party, 246-247;
Boston Port Bill, 248; First Conti-
nental Congress and the Association,
250-251; from colonies to common-
wealths, 252; lines drawn, 253; and
labor class, 253; provisional govern-
ments, 254, 260; Second Continental
Congress, 255; Lexington, 255; In-
dependence, 258, 259; Declaration
of, 263; State governments, 264;
campaigns, 264, 283-286; American
disunion, 276, 277; inefficiency of
Congress, 278; generals, 279; neglect
of army by Congress, 279; paper
money, 282; French alliance, 283;
England's European foes, 283; York-
town, 286; Peace, 287-291; meaning |
of, 292.

Ames, Fisher, on democracy, 426.
Andros, Sir Edmund, 150, 151.
Anna, Santa, 615.

Annapolis Convention, 334, 335.
Antietam, 667.


name, 358, note.


ment, 5.

Appeals from colonial courts, to
England, 141, 146, 153, 172, 189.
Appellate jurisdiction of Su-
preme Court, 352, 372; attempt to
repeal, 513.

Arbitration, International, in the
Jay Treaty, 406; of Alabama
Claims, 712; and U. S. Senate, 758
775; and Bryan treaties, 775.
Archbold (Justice), 450, note,

Arizona, the recall and admission,
726, 827.
Arthur, Chester A., dismissed from
New York Custom House, 734; Vice
President, 735; President, 736.
Articles of Confederation, 309,
311, 318; and land cessions, ib.;
weaknesses, 322 ff., especially 330,


Astor, John Jacob, 435.
Astoria, 468, 503.
Atlanta, in the Civil War, 669.
Audubon, 556.

Australian ballot, 824.
Avalon, Baltimore's Province of, 50.

Bacon's Rebellion, 160–162.
Ballinger, Richard, 836.
Ballot, use in London Company in
England, 42; first use in America,
and development, 96-98. See Aus-
tralian ballot.

Baltimore, Lord, see Calvert.
Barnburners," the, 627.
Barter, trade by, in early colonies,
208; in early West, 303.
Benton, Thomas H., on need of
Western influence in government,
503; and preemption laws, 575, 592.
Berkeley, Sir William, 47, 49,
156 ff.; on schools, 198.

of Bessemer Steel, and modern build-
ing, 728 and note.

Anti-rent riots, in New York, Bicameral legislatures, demanded


in Maryland, 54; evolution in Mas-

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