
More recently, within this same sanctuary of iety and peace, was filled up and finished the lesign of a dedicated mental labour; bread cast pon the waters to nourish man's inner life, and o be found after many days. Many will place hese among the feelings and remembrances hich give a holiday ramble vitality and abiding terest. They enable one, looking back through ng, dim, and it may be, troubled years, upon te Borthwick water, or the Esk water, or any the thousand lovely streams of Scotland, ever say with swelling consciousness

scrupled gracefully and frankly to confer a personal kindness, if it were only at the expense of justice and the nation. The unblushing political profligacy of the Scottish leader, and his open contempt of public morality, were revolting even to the better order of Tories in England; and would have disgusted and alienated them from the bosom friend of Pitt, save that they generally forgot there existed a country called Scotland, forming an integral part of the kingdom of Great Britain, and represented in Parliament by the delegates of Mr. Dundas. But we have passed the gates of Arniston,-We are in a new world-step into the Waggon.—CA IRA!


A Bishop among us, is generally supposed to be and fine linen, and faring sumptuously every day— a stately and pompous person, clothed in purple somewhat obsequious to persons in power, and somewhat haughty and imperative to those who and manner, than solidity in his learning; and are beneath him-with more authority in his tone yet, with much more learning, than humility and driving about in a chariot, with mitres on the charity-very fond of being called my Lord, and panels; but little addicted to visiting the sick and fatherless, or earning for himself the blessing of those who are ready to perish―

Familiar with a round
Of ladyships-a stranger to the poor;

The eternal spirit of one happy day, Lingers upon its marge, in vision pure! Descending the bank from the church and tower, ad crossing the streamlet, the traveller merrily dda on his way by its side along the church th-way, (the carriage road, with which we have thing to do, is on the opposite side,) to Fushieidge. This point may still be distant three les from the rail-way Waggon, to which one has e option of returning either by the post-road, ing Arniston and Kirkhill gates; or through village of Gore Bridge: the distance is much same either way, and we rather advise the er route. It lies higher; and Arniston gate, d grounds may be apt, like those of the "purple sckenzie," the adjoining Shank, to beget jarring ambrances of a time worse than even the age of lords of Crichton and Borthwick, that which just received its death-blow, though it is still Wing-the age of corrupt influence. to give the devil his due, there was in the personal decorous in his manners, but no foe to luxurious Iracter of the GREAT MAN of the House of Arnis-indulgences,-rigid in maintaining discipline among ■ Henry Dundas, to wit, the first Lord Melville, his immediate dependents, and in exacting the arthing so bold-faced, hearty, and genial, that homage due to his dignity, from the undignified half-pardons his fawning or grateful eulogists, mob of his brethren; but perfectly willing to leave only wishes them better informed in what love to them the undivided privileges of comforting, antry really consists. The most corrupt and and of teaching their people, and of soothing the principled of modern Scottish statesmen, the sins and sorrows of their erring flocks,-scornful, udly enemy, and remorseless destroyer of all pub- if not openly hostile, upon all occasions, to the prit, the hardened disbeliever in all political claims of the people from whom he is generally me, whose conscience never once rebuked him sprung,-and presuming every thing in favour of kis bad career, is pictured and monumented as the royal will and prerogative by which he has #truest and most patriotic of Countrymen ; be- been exalted; setting, indeed, in all cases, a much and for this alone-that in the general higher value on the privileges of the few, than er he always struggled manfully for a full the rights that are common to all, and exerting e of the spoil to his own immediate tools, of himself strenuously, that the former may ever sexes, and their dependents; and never prevail; caring more accordingly for the interests of his order, than the general good of the church PLAY OF A LIVING TEMPLE, of which the reverend and far more for the church, than the religion it eta speaks impersonally:" No length of days can from his mind the remembrance of that bright was established to teach; hating dissenters still ernoon, made more bright, and infinitely more affecting more bitterly than infidels, but combating both, thought that such brightness might be seen but for rather with obloquy and invocation of civil pe. when, being incapable of more active exertion, he nalties, than with the artillery of a powerful reason d with his pencil in the open air, and amidst the or the reconciling influences of a humble and holy and overshadowing foliage of that "cottage gar-life; uttering, now and then, haughty professions which had been dear to him from infancy, the whole of views and principles which, in a more finished of humility, and regularly bewailing, at fit seabut with no alteration whatever of their original sons, the severity of those episcopal labours , be now submits to the public, with the solemn be- which sadden, and even threaten to abridge a life, that they are in accordance with the purest truth, and which, to all other eyes, appears to flow on in an almost unbroken leisure, and continued indulgence, -Edinburgh Review,

ar adoption, as rules of conduct, would indeed make Living Temple;" or, to use the words of the divine , would bring the Kingdom of Heaven upon


[ocr errors]


To the Editor of the Schoolmaster. SIR,-The object of these observations is chiefly to convey (through the medium of your instructive miscellany) some salutary hints to parents; particularly such as are desirous to discharge their duty as they ought, but who are at a loss to know how, so as to train up their offspring in the way they should go. My object also is, to arouse still more, if possible, the attention of people in general to the vast importance of the subject.

Great, indeed, is the responsibility of parents, and not less the vigilance necessary in the management of their children. But the lively sensibility of fond parents, whilst it awakens many fears of failure on their part, operates also as a powerful stimulus, not only to the faithful and diligent discharge of their duty to their children, but to be strictly watchful over themselves, that their own conduct and example should not be at variance with their precepts. Thus they will endeavour, for their children's sake, to keep themselves as much as possible under self-government, from a conviction that every dereliction of duty in that respect, has the tendency not only to injure the temper, but also to weaken that influence which they ever ought to be careful of main- | taining over the minds of their children.

greatly to prevent that fretting, crying, importuning dis position, which we often see in children, who have been accustomed in this manner to obtain what they want. But when they find that tears and murmurs have no effect, they soon become manageable, and acquire a habitual command over themselves. On the contrary, a child accustomed to have what he cries for, will sometimes cry for things a parent may not choose to give, and persevere in crying till he exhausts the patience of the parent, and then he is whipped. Thus people first indulge children, and then chastise them for the natural consequence of that indulgence; and it is perhaps difficult to say which injures the temper most. Don't touch this! don't do that! are fre quent injunctions of a parent, who, nevertheless, permits both to be done with impunity, till at length some petty mischief is done, though the child was not able to make the distinction; and then he is again whipped; and to this whipping do parents sometimes appeal as a testimony that they do not spoil their children. By an early habit of implicit obedience, and a fixed "determination not to grant a child what he cries for to prevent his crying—the occasion of all this whipping-would not both the parent and child be much happier! Persevering yet gentle firmness begun in infancy establishes proper discipline, procures respect and obedience, and prevents the necessity of almost all punishment; while, on the contrary, by improper indulgence, the will becomes incorrigible, and then the rod is resorted to as the only means of bringing it into subjection, though the effect in general is only to make it still more obdurate. By diminishing temptations to do wrong, we act more humanely than by multiplying restraints and punishments; hence the propriety of but few prohibitions, and these judicious and decisive, such as we can steadily persevere to enforce. If we are not exact in requiring obedience, we shall never obtain it, either by persuasion or authority. The parent's word should be considered a law; and when When a child is capable of being reasoned with, it ought made so from early infancy, it will not often be controcertainly to be treated as a rational being; though it is well verted. The will of the child will be habitually subordi known that long before a child can be reasoned with, habits nate to the will of the parent, and obedience rendered naof obedience and submission may be formed. The first en-tural and easy. But this requires steadiness and self-comdeavour which it makes is to gratify the impulse of its will, mand, without which there is very little hope that the eduand therefore the first step in the process of education ought|cation of a child will ever be conducted upon consistent to be, to bring the will under subjection, at least to a cer- principles. tain extent, which is perfectly practicable, even with the infant at the breast, if it is gone about in a proper manner. For instance, an infant will stretch out its hand to take something improper for it to have; but if its hand is withheld, and the parent, unmoved by its cries or struggles, shows by his countenance and manner that he refuses the indulgence, the child will soon learn to yield; and by uniformly experiencing similar treatment whenever its wishes ought not to be gratified, submission will soon become familiar and easy.

The necessity of early restraint, as well as culture, must be evident to every judicious and enlightened parent; but to obtain that ascendancy over the minds of their children, which is so nesessary to keep them under proper restraint, care must be taken to avoid all fond indulgence on the one hand, and all harsh severity on the other; both being alike calculated to frustrate their endeavours.

As children advance in age, parents, by a simple and affectionate manner of conversing with them, acquire almost unbounded influence over their young minds, which being quite in a ductile or pliable state, may be made to receive almost whatever impressions the parent pleases; and indeed such as will never afterwards be effaced. If, therefore, parents were only sufficiently careful during this interesting period, to impress the minds of their children with correct ideas of right and wrong, to check their unruly passions, to keep their wills under proper subjection, but above all, to set before them a proper example, seeking at the same time a divine blessing on their humble endeavours, they would seldom or ever be disappointed in seeing them grow up all that their hearts could desire.

But the great object in the first instance undoubtedly is, to secure their implicit obedience and respect, without which nothing can be done in the way of improvement. As soon, therefore, as a child is capable of comprehending what is said to him, he should in a mild, gentle, but firm manner, be informed of his duty, and what his parents shall expect of him; and among other things, that he will never obtain what he wants by ill-humour or crying; but that if he asks pleasantly for what is suitable it will be granted. This method, if steadily pursued, will tend

The following anecdote, as related by a female writer on education, well exemplifies the happy effects of early obedience :-" One morning," she states, "as I entered the drawing-room of my friend, I found the little group of cherubs at high play around their fond mother, who was encouraging their sportive vivacity, which was at that time noisy enough; but which, on my entrance, she hushed into silence by a single word. No bad humour followed; but as the spirits which had been elevated by the preceding amusement could not at once sink into a state of acquiescence, the judicious mother did not require what she knew could not without difficulty be complied with; but calmly addressing them, gave the choice of remaining in the room without making any noise, or going to their own apartment. The eldest and youngest of the four preferred the former, while the two others went to the nursery. Those who staid with us, amused themselves by cutting paper in a corner, without giving any interruption to our conversation. I begged to know by what art she attained such a perfect government of her childrens' wills and actions? "By no art, returned this excellent parent, but that of teaching from the cradle an implicit obedience. Having never once been permitted to disobey me, they have no idea of attempting it. But you see, I always give them a choice, when it can be done with propriety; if it cannot, whatever I say, they know to be a law, like that of the Medes and Persians, which altereth not."

How widely different, and how much more advantageous to children, as well as comfortable to parents, is this mode of treatment from that of rigid strictness, which only produces slavish fear; or that unwarrantable indulging the humours of children, which deprives parents of all control over them. Pure and genuine affection is so directed to the real happiness of the child, as to guard against both of these

extremes. For while it endeavours by kindness to prevent any thing like forced obedience, it also guards against that kind of liberty by which it loses its authority.

people evince a power and ingenuity of mind which every All persons who come Englishman must admire. here with high notions of teaching the Americans, will find By the wise provision of Providence, the fond endear. their mistake by merely making use of their eyes on their ships, buildings, or manufactories. For example, in the town of ment of parental love produces a reciprocal attachment in Lowell, Massachusets, there have been built in the last eight the breast of the child. A judicious parent will take ad-years, 31 woollen and cotton manufactories, 155 feet long, 60 feet vantage of this circumstance, to lay a foundation for that wide, and 5 stories high, where from 3000 to 4000 respectable entire freedom which ought to exist between parents and females are employed. We have had most ample opportunities their children. If confidence has been early invited by en- of noticing the disposition of the people, which is uniformly dearing affability, and prudently managed, reserve in chil- easy, kind, and affable; they evidently respect the English, dren will seldom have to be complained of in maturer age. but are not disposed to think too highly of any, nor the rich And when they are thus accustomed to unbosom them- more than others. In New York men and women dress well, selves to their parental friend, who is most interested in generally genteelly; but in the country (as well in the State of their welfare, what advantages must result to them, and New York as this) the men of all classes dress slovenly. They have nurseries in the neighbourhood of New York, but certainly what pleasure to the parent! Nor is there any fear of with that exception nothing that deserves the name of garden, losing respect by such familiarity; on the contrary, as it though it must be noticed this is not the time of year to look more firmly establishes the affection of children, it at the out for them. It is not possible to conceive the existence of a same time, and in the same degree, secures their respect, more easy, contented, and happy people than the Americans. the one being a necessary consequence of the other. They all speak well of their Government; any thing like grumYoung people who have been thus treated by judicious bling about hard times, or the difficulty of getting a living, we and communicative parents, are seldom addicted to degrad- have not heard of; on the contrary, every one says, any man ing practices. They will even forego many indulgences to may support himself a week by two days' labour-genteelly by avoid displeasing them, or giving them pain. And as they three days. The land yields its increase, and farmers rarely can freely open their minds and tell their schemes to their work more than two or three days in a week. Those who are liberal-minded parents, how often must these have it in industrious always get wealthy; any industrious man who rents their power to caution them against indiscretions, and thus a farm could buy that farm in three years. This State (Ohio) is no doubt, the best for farmers; the canals being now open they be the means of saving them from much harm! And there have a better price for their produce. I wish I could present are few young people so void of gratitude or sense, as not America to your view, you would be surprised to find everything to avail themselves of parental advice and experience when so much like dear England-the soil, the weeds, the grass, the thus proffered them. But let it be remembered, that if clover, the trees, the rivers, the rocks, the canals, the houses, we would have our children make us their confidents, and with some additional varieties. We have passed through tens freely unbosom their thoughts to us, they must not be dis- of thousands of acres of woods. The trees in general are not couraged by the coldness or distance of our deportment to- large-few so large as those in the grove of Sir R. Vaughan, wards them, but rather be studiously invited by kindness near Bristol. Except on the Hudson, the prospects are greatly confined by woods; though you are surprised to find so much land cleared, and towns springing up every where, so that the idea of living in the woods seems to vanish. I was greatly pleased with the county of Coshocton; it is, as brother Powell says, more like Herefordshire than any other part we have yet been through. The English I have met with in the United States do well, and are fully satisfied with the change. The most disagreeable thing is, at first, to get a house, a home, or even apartments, nothing scarcely to be let, though it is easy to buy a house any where, as the Americans are fond of selling and beginning again."

and condescension.

The subject, Mr. Editor, on which this letter treats, I doubt not, you will agree with me, is one of the very highest importance, as it respects the future welfare not only of the rising generation, but of society at large, and is one on which volumes may be written without exhausting the subject; wherefore you will not be surprised when I inform you that I have still something farther to say.-Meanwhile, I am, &c.

A FRIEND TO EARLY EDUCATION. Edinburgh, Sept. 1, 1832.



The following extracts from letters written by a gentleman, who in September last emigrated from Bristol to America with his family, will doubtless prove interesting to many of our readers. The letters are addressed to his sister.

"WORTHINGTON, STATE OF OHIO, 26th Dec. 1831.-We are all very comfortable, and often meet together, and discuss, contrast, and compare things in America with those in England: on some points we agree, in our likes and dislikes, and on some differ very widely. On all material points, however, we fully agree, that this is the best poor man's country; the best in which to bring up and launch out a family; the best for persons of small incomes, (if they can accommodate themselves to circumstances, and depend upon their own resources). Servants "NEWARK, STATE OF OHIO, Nov. 30th, 1831.-The("Helps") may be had here, board and wages both considered, English appearance of every thing at New York exceedingly de- at an expense but little more than in England; but then the lighted us, and, though we have journeyed many hundred miles maid is about as good as her mistress, the man as his master, since, we can even now scarcely believe we are in America; all though in respectable families they rarely take their meals togeThough, to parents we want to make this England to us, is the presence of our ther, except in farm houses. English friends, and some trifling alteration in the Americans. coming out here, if they have the common feelings of our naIn New York, and through all the country we have passed, we ture, it must be a sacrifice of the pleasures of friendship, and have had a settled conviction that the standard of morals in at first an endurance of several inconveniences, yet their chil America is much above that of England. This opinion is dren will bless them for their self-denial, and I believe, in formed from a thousand little incidents which must strike an ninety-nine cases out of a hundred, parents will feel thankEnglishman. In walking the streets of New York, we see ful they had sufficient nerve to come to this country. Parents goods are left about the shop doors to a late hour, and such have no difficulty in bringing up their children, and placing them goods as may be easily removed, and would be removed very out in business; nor need they fear their future prosperity. quickly in Bristol, by some of the hundreds of thieves who are Here, also, there is far less temptation to vice of every kind— always on the look out. I was full a week, or nearly so, in get- sobriety and good order prevail in a way unknown in England. ting clear of the Custom House, which was a very toilsome The direct and indirect effects of Temperance Societies are truly business indeed, chiefly from my having so many packages, and astonishing. It is true happiness may be found in England; arranged with too much order, so as to give them the appearance and so the Christian may find it everywhere; for wherever he of merchandise. But the toil was rendered not merely bearable goes, his God is with him; but I believe the sum of happiness but even agreeable, by the kind and gentlemanly conduct of all is infinitely greater here than in England. The chief cause of the Officers, whether at the ship, the public store, or the Cus- sorrow and distress in England is unknown here! Here there tom House; nothing like rapacity on the one hand, or obse- is not the garb of poverty nor the look of distress. quiousness or insolence on the other. The churches in New farmer, an industrious and honest man, not far from West Park, York, and throughout all that state, are very numerous and Bristol, who has walked his fields in distress for hours together, handsome; which proves there is no need of supporting religion not having wherewith to pay his taxes!! by acts of parliament, but that it prospers most when left to its beautiful morning; I walked five miles before breakfast, on a own resources. The steam packets are splendid indeed. The very good tow path, with the canal on my right and the Mohawk

I knew a

It was a

river on my left, with a pretty fertile country, and varied sce-
nery. It reminded me strongly of the Hay, my native place.
We met a very agreeable English gentleman on the aqueduct
over the Mohawk. He had travelled extensively through the
States, and was then on his return to England, with a view of
bringing his family over. He was highly pleased with the
country and the people, and said, "The English will never BE-
LIEVE America to be so happy and prosperous a country, unless
they see for themselves." This reminded me of what an English
gentleman at New York said to me. He inquired if I intended
to send a full account home of what I saw. Certainly,' was
my reply.
And do you,' he said, 'expect they will believe
you? Surely they will."Take my word for it,' he said, they
will not believe the one half of what ev
seven you say. *
We arrived at Shenectady about two o'clock. It is a pretty
good town. Here we laid in more provisions. There is a rail-
road from Albany to this place, for steam coaches, which go
fourteen miles an hour. Wednesday morning, at daylight, we
came in sight of Utica. This is a very handsome town,
abounding with well-built churches, of the various denominations
with spires. I do not know in England so regular and so good
a town-not the semblance of poverty or poor houses. The oxen
are fine large beasts for labour. Self-supporting, or manual la-
bour schools, are already established in many parts of the

(To be continued occasionally.)


them! But, leaving both Roman and English epicures, approach the fourth, the last, and not the least interesting Mr. Thackrah's divisions-professional men, and persons en gaged in literature: those who work by mind more than b body. Some have mental application conjoined or alternating with considerable exercise in the open air. Civil engineers surveyors, and architects, belong to this division. Though con fined to the desk occasionally, yet they travel frequently throug the country, and thus enjoy fresh air and muscular exertion They are, indeed, occasionally exposed to wet and cold; bu these agents seldom injure persons in motion. Few individual in this department are unhealthy, except those who are irre gular in their habits, and addicted to high living. Minister of religion have a similar alternation of study and exercise The latter, however, is too gentle or restricted for musculai men. Their situation, and the ideas attached to it, unforta nately prevent their joining iu spor. or amusements which produce a full circulation of the blood, and a full action of the viscera. Hence, congestion of the venous system of the bowels is a frequent occurrence. The individuals of this class who are hard students may be referred to the section of literary men. Clergymen who preach long, frequently, or with vehemence, as well as orators, actors, public singers, and persons who play much on wind instruments, are subject to pains in the chest, spitting of blood, and diseases of the larynx. Practitioners of medicine and surgery. "Night calls," says Mr. T., are ge nerally thought to be very injurious. I think the evil less than the public and the profession suppose; for, if we observe those who have for thirty or forty years been much engaged as accoucheurs, we shall find them as robust as others. Anxiety of mind does more, I conceive, to impair health, than breach of As a pro

fession, the medical is by no means healthy; and there is an extraordinary mortality among the students. We have next to refer to persons who have much mental application, without adequate exercise of the body: Clerks, Book-keepers, Accoun tants, &c. suffer from confined atmosphere and a fixed position. Though urgent disease is not generally produced, yet a continu

THE Literary Gazette lately gave an analysis of Mr. Thack-sleep, nocturnal exposure, or irregularity in meals." rah's volume on health; his second division treats of Dealers. Shopkeepers suffer from want of air and exercise. They are "pale, dyspeptic, and subject to affections of the head. They drag on a sickly existence, die before the proper end of human life, and leave a progeny like themselves." Commercial Travellers are compelled to take more liquor daily than nature requires; and the consequence is, in spite of their active employ-ance of the employment in its full extent never fails to impair ments, that few of them bear the wear and tear for thirty years; the majority not twenty. For the drinker, if he "be not suddenly taken off by apoplexy, or other affection of the brain, he merges into dropsy, and the bloated mass sinks into an early grave." The third division of the work before us refers to merchants and master-manufacturers: These are affected by the general principles applicable to other classes. If not too much confined, or exposed to injurious dusts, or effluvia from manufactures, or so hurried as to swallow their meals in a hasty manner, their lives are of a fair proportion. But, truly adds the author, "of all agents of disease and decay, the most important is anxiety of mind. When we walk the streets of large commercial towns, we must be struck with the hurried gait and care-worn features of the well-dressed passengers. Some young men, indeed, we may remark, with countenances possessing natural cheerfulness and colour, but these appearances rarely survive the age of manhood.


physical evils of commercial life would be considerably reduced, if men reflected, that the success of business may be prevented by the very means used to promote it. Excessive application and anxiety, by disordering the animal economy, weaken the inental powers. Our opinions are affected by states of the body, and our judgment often perverted. If a clear head be required in commercial transactions, a healthy state of the body is of the first importance; and a healthy state of the body is incompatible with excessive application of mind, the want of exercise and fresh air. But subjects like these find no entry in the books of our merchants. Intent on their avocations, they strangely overlook the means necessary for pursuing them with success. They find, too late, that they have sacrificed the body to the mind." Mr. Thackrah allows for the pleasures of the table; but goes into details, enough to frighten the most resolute bon vivants, who exceed, and make a god of their belly. The wor shippers of venter Deus, who build houses as if they were iminertal, and feast as if they meant to live only for a very short time, are denounced as the sure consummaters of the latter purBut we need not insist on the evils which attend those who will indulge their appetites; all that we can do is to suggest the use of an improvement of our own day for their benefit; we allude to the stomach-pump! The Romans, we know, had some not very delicate modes of prolonging and repeating gastronomic enjoyments; had they been enlightened with the knowledge of this machine, how happy it must have made Mr. Thackrah's work has just appeared in a second caution-we are glad to see it so well appreciated.


the constitution, and render the individual sickly for life. The
profession of the law, in most of its branches, is sedentary. So-
licitors' and other clerks are kept, from morning to night, in a
bad position, with the limbs fixed, and the trunk bent forward.
But, leaving the lawyers to take care of themselves, which they
very well know how to do in this world, we have now arrived at
the last class of society, persons who live in a bad atmosphere,
maintain one position most of the day, take little exercise, and
are frequently under the excitement of ambition.
includes individuals from the several professions, as well as the
men devoted to science and literature. And on this subject we
cannot but quote the first observation feelingly :-"The posi
tion of the student is obviously bad. Leaning forward, he keeps
often irregularly, and takes a full inspiration only when he
most of the muscles wholly inactive, breathes imperfectly, and

This class


How much crude nonsense, and scarcely intelligible jargon has lately been spoken by professional and non-professional persons on this subject of contagion. As soon as some new disease is imported from abroad, or arises in some spot at home, from which it spreads through the community, discussions and contentions arise on all sides as to its having simply an epidemical character, or one that is contagious, or both. These discussions are important, and the contention of men and discrepancy of facts are so great, that we should be perplexed indeed, did not a simple reflection occur to solve the difficulty. The contagious, as well as the malignant character of diseases, depends mostly, if not entirely, upon the degree of vital energy, and the narrowness of the space, &c. within which those who suffer from it are confined. At Madeira, in the south of France and elsewhere, consumption is deemed contagious, on account of the number of sufferers that resort to those parts. Authors have enumerated many other complaints which we deem non-contagious, as contagious under similar circumstances. For instance, Dr. Cleghorn and Dr. Fordyce, both physicians of high authority in medical science, have considered the ague as contagious, &c. &c. Therefore it would appear that epidemics, like the cholera, may be conditionally contagious. In the parrow streets, in the dark blind alleys, and small rooms, where human beings are found, of immoral and filthy habits, ground down, moreover, by poverty, labour, and misfortune--by every thing, in a word, that affects vitality-in such places it is that

epidemics first appear, and then grow into contagion. If persons
who can command comforts and conveniences are attacked by
the invading disease, its contagious character disappears, or no
longer betrays itself, and then it is rashly pronounced only an
epidemic, or disease from local miasmata, or influences.
WORMS IN SPRING WATER.-The common opinion of medi-
cal men that the worms found in the stomach and human in-
testines are introduced by drinking water containing such
worms, and the vulgar opinion that they are introduced by eat-
ing fruit, are both easily refuted by the simple experiment of
exposing the worms found in water or fruits to a heat equal to
that of the human bowels; namely, 98° fahr., when it will be
found (as was shown by experiment) that such worms will in-
stantly die. The knowledge of this simple experiment may
often prevent unfounded alarms-such as when a family are in-
duced to abandon a country house, from their physician finding
small worms in the spring water of their well, and which he
erroneously concludes to be ascarides.



moral sense differs from a natural one, as much as the effect of reflection differs from simple feeling. But the conformation given by nature and education may be so exquisitely just in some men, that they may be said to judge of actions and principles by a kind of instantaneous sensation, which may be very properly termed a moral sense. The eye, as a sense, is formed by the experience of many years; but when it is formed, it judges of distances and magnitude, of beauty and deformity, apparently by an immediate sensation; but in fact by a process which is the effect of experience. The mind is in the same state as to moral: it has judged of causes by effects on all natural occasions. It has so associated virtue with pleasure, and vice with pain, that when actions and principles under these denominations present themselves, they seem to act on the mere sense, not as virtues or vices, but as pleasure or pain.


All men are equally desirous of happiness, but few are successful in the pursuit. One chief cause is the want of strength of mind, which might enable them to resist the temptation of present ease or pleasure, and carry them forward in the desire of more distant profit and enjoyment * * *. However poets may employ their wit and eloquence in celebrating present pleasure, and rejecting all distant views to fame, health, or fortune, it is obvious that this practice is the source of all dissoluteness and disorder, repentance, and misery. A man of strong determined tem per, adheres tenaciously to his general resolutions, and is neither seduced by the allurements of pleasure, nor terrified by the menaces of pain; but keeps still in view those distant pursuits, by which he at once ensures his happiness and his honour. HUME.

If we must pray for special favour, let it be for a sound mind, in a sound body. Let us pray for fortitude, that we may think the labours of Hercules, and all his sufferings preferable to a life of luxury, and the soft repose of Sardanapalus; this is a blessing within the reach of every man. This we can give ourselves. It is virtue, and virtue only that can make us happy.

Virtue and wisdom may have an inspired prophet or two always upon earth. But, for the body of mankind, a certain approach to a recognized equality seems requisite as a guarantee for virtues which are to be as extensive as mankind,* instead of virtues limited to, and estimated by, their effect upon a particular class or order. The barons of Magna Charta stipulated only for the liber homo, and thought as little about the rights of a villien, as a Jamaica planter about codifying for negroes......There is little check upon ordinary consciences, wherever the want of a social feeling, and a common interest between the parties, fails to bring home to the bosoms of the principal in the transaction its general consequences to society. England continues to be, in this sense, much more aristocratical, than many European nations, far behind it in general spirit and refinement. Only our line of aristocracy, and consequently of demarcation, falls far lower than the House of Peers; and thus, from want of being embodied in one uniform set of facts, or denounceable in one short denomination, it attracts less invidious attention. But the actual separation produces its natural effects. As strong instances as any in modern civilization, of the perilous length to which exemption from the cause may run, when once administered into practice, exist in some anomalous proceedings long made compatible with the political morality of the gentlemen of England. Purchasers of game in London, they have had no remorse, in what goes by the name of their justice-room in the country, to send to jail their unknown accomplicethe wretched poacher, whom, perhaps, their own money may have bribed-certainly their own participation had seduced-into the commission of the offence. A member of Parliament, sitting there by no title but that of corruption, does not feel the least scruple in joining the recommendation of a committee, that the uttermost pennyworth of penalty under the bribery acts should be enforced against some insignificant freeman, not a hundredth part as guilty as himself. The proceedings on committees for private bills, we will not enlarge on. Our observations might be a breach of the privileges of that honourable house. But we have heard a lawyer, as much employed in this line of practice as any man of his time, and afterwards upon the bench, describe these committees as tribunals, where gentlemen of the same rank of life met to compliment each other at the expense of the property of strangers. His picture was that of dens of injustice, where men-who, in cases not under the protection of one of those artificial exceptions, would shrink from the suspicion of wrong-are parties to transactions for which juries would have been attainted, their houses ploughed into the ground, and salt sown on the foundations, in ancient times."-Edinburgh Review.

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The Majesty of the Scriptures strikes me with admira-
tion, as the purity of the gospel has its influence on my
Peruse the works of our philosophers, with all
their pomp of diction; how mean, how contemptible are
they, compared with the Scriptures! Is it possible a book at
once so simple and so sublime should merely be the work
What prepossession, what blindness, it must be
of man?
to compare the son of Sophroniscus to the Son of Mary!
What an infinite disproportion is there between them!
Socrates, dying without pain rignominy, easily supported
his character to the last; and if his death, however easy,
had not crowned his life, it might be doubted if Socrates,
with all his wisdom, was any thing more than a vain
He invented, it is said, the theory of morals.
Others, however, had before put them in practice; he had
therefore only to say what they had done, and to reduce
their examples to precept. But where could Jesus learn
among his contemporaries that pure and sublime morality,
of which he only has given us both precept and example?
The death of Socrates peacefully philosophizing with his
friends, appears the most agreeable that could be wished
for: that of Jesus expiring in the midst of agonizing pains,
abused, insulted, and accused by a whole nation is the most
horrible that could be found. Socrates, in receiving the
cup of poison, blessed the weeping executioner who admi-
nistered it; but Jesus, in the midst of excruciating tortures,
prayed for his merciless tormentors. Yes! if the life and
death of Socrates were those of a philosopher, be life and
death of Jesus were those of a God-Emilius.

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