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Sentire :

sentiens: fele, 12. 16.

sentiunt feelen, 8. 5.

Separare: departe, 8. 39.

Septem: seuene, 11. 4.

Sepulcrum: sepulcre, 3. 13.

Sermo: word, 3. 4, 16. 18.

Similitudo: licnesse, 1. 23, 5. 14, 6.5, 8. 3.

Simplex: symple, 16. 19.

Simplicitas: symplenesse, 12.8.

separabit: schal departe, 8. 35. Simul: also, 6. 5; togidere, 1. 12,

Serpens serpent, I. 23.

Servire serue, 6. 19.

3. 12, 6. 6, 6. 8.

Simulatio: feynyng, 12.9.

Sine: withouten, 1. 9, I. 31, 2. 12,

3. 21, 3. 28, 4. 6, 7. 8, 7-9,

10. 14, II. 29, 12. 9, 13. 4.

serviamus: serue, 6. 6; seruen, Singuli: ech, 12. 5.

[blocks in formation]

Sitit: thirstith, 12. 20.

Sive ether. . ether, 6. 16, 12.6,
12. 7; whethir. . or, 14. 8.
Sobrietas sobrenesse, 12. 3.
Socius felowe, II. 17.
Solatium: solace, 15. 5.
Sollicitudo: bisynesse, 12. 8, 12.11.
Solum oneli, 1. 32, 4. 16, 5.3,
5. II, 8. 23, 9. 10, 9. 24, 13. 5.
Solus: aloone, 11. 3, 16. 4, 16. 27.
Solvere :

soluta est is delyuered, 7. 2.
soluti sumus: ben vnboundun,
Somnus: sleep, 13. 11.

[blocks in formation]

Sonus: word, 10. 18.

Severitas fersnesse, 11. 22.
Si if, 1. 10, 2. 17, 2. 25, 2. 26,
3.3, 3.5, 3. 7,
5. 10, 5. 15, 5. 17, 6. 5,
7.2, 7.3, 7. 16, 7. 20,
8. 10, 8. 11, 8. 13, 8. 17, 8. 25,
8. 31, 9. 22, 9. 27, 10. 9, 11. 6,
II. 12, II. 14,
II. 17, 11. 18,

Soror: sister, 16. 1, 16. 15.
Speciosus: faire, 10. 15.

sperabunt: schulen hope, 15. 12.
speramus: hopen, 8. 25.

11. 15,

11. 16,

II. 21,

II. 22,

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sperat: hopith, 8. 24.

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spero: hope, 15. 24.
Spernere :

spernat: dispise, 14. 3.
spernis: dispisist, 14. 10.

Spes: hope, 4. 18, 5. 2, 5. 4, 5. 5,

8. 20,

15. 13.

8. 24,

12. 12, 15. 4,

Spiritualis : goostli thing, 15. 27;
spiritual, I. II, 7. 14.
Spiritus: goost, 5. 5, 9. I, 14. 17,
15. 13, 15. 16, 15. 19, 15. 30;
spirit, I. 4, I. 9, 2. 29, 7.6,
8. 2, 8. 4, 8. 5, 8. 6, 8. 9, 8. 10,
8. 11, 8. 13, 8. 14, 8. 15, 8. 16,
8. 26, 8.27,
II. 8,

12. II.

[blocks in formation]


stabit: schal stonde, 14. 4. stamus: stonden, 5. 2. stas: stondist, II. 20. stat: stondith, 14.4. Statuere: make parfit, 14. 4; make stidefast, 10. 3.

statuimus: stablischen, 3. 31. Stipendium: wagis, 6. 23. Stultus: fool, I. 22.

Sub: vndur, 3.9, 3. 13, 6. 14, 6. 15, 7.2, 7. 14, 16. 20. Subdere:

subdita sit: be suget, 13. I. subditi estote: be suget, 13. 5. subditus: suget, 3. 19. Subintravit: entride, 5. 20. Subjicere:

subjecit: made suget, 8. 20. subjecta est: is suget, 8. 7, 8. 20. subjecti sunt: ben suget, 10. 3. Sublimior: heizere, 13. 1. Suffoderunt: han vndurdoluun,

II. 3.

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Supra: ouer, 7. 13.

Surgere: (that-clause) 13. II. surrexit: aroos, 6. 4.


suscepit: took, 15.7. suscipiatis: resseyue, 16. 2. suscipite: take, 15. 7.

Suscitavit: reiside, 4. 24, 8. II,

10. 9.

Sustentatio: beryng-vp, 3. 26.
Sustinere susteyne, 15. I.
sustinuit: hath suffrid, 9. 22.
Susurro: preuy bacbiter, I. 29.

Suus: his, 4. 19.

sua: her, I. 24.

[blocks in formation]

Temetipsum: thisilf, 14. 22. Tempus: tyme, 3. 26, 5. 6, 5.8, 7. I, 8. 18, 9. 9, II. 5, 13. II,

16. 25. Tenebræ : derknessis, 2. 19, 13. 12. Terra: erthe, 9. 17, 9. 28, 10. 18; terræ orbis: world, 10. 18. Testamentum: testament, 9.4,

II. 27.

Testificatus: that is witnessid,


Testimonium: witnessyng, 2. 15,
8. 16, 9. I, 10. 2, 13. 9.
Testis: witnesse, 1. 9.
Thesaurizas: tresorist, 2. 5.
Timere: (that-clause) 13. 3.

time: drede, 11. 20, 13. 4. Timor: drede, 3. 18, 8. 15, 13. 3, 13. 7.

Totus al, 8.'36, 10. 21.

tradidit: bitook, 1. 24, I. 26,
I. 28, 8. 32.

traditi estis: ben bitakun, 6. 17. traditus est: was bitakun, 4. 25. Tribuit: gyueth, 12.8.

suæ: her, 11. 24; his, 3. 25, Tribulatio: tribulacioun, 2. 9, 5. 3,


8. 35, 12. 12.

suam: her owne, 10. 3; his, Tribunal: trone, 14. 10.

5. 8, 9. 22, II. 2.

Tribus lynage, II. I.

[blocks in formation]

Ubi: where, 3. 27, 4. 15, 5. 20,

9. 26, 15. 20. Ulterius ferthere, 15. 23. Ultra more, 6. 6, 6. 9. Unanimis: of o wille, 15. 6. Universus: al, 1. 8, 9. 17, 16. 23. Unus: 0, 5. 12, 5. 15, 5. 16, 5. 19,

12.4, 12. 5, 15. 6; oon, 3. 12, 3. 30, 5. 15, 5. 16. 5. 17, 5. 18, 5. 19, 9. 10, 12. 4.

Unusquisque ech, 14. 12, 15. 2; ech man, 2. 6, 12. 3, 14. 5. Usque (omitted) 11. 8, 15. 19, 15. 22; til, 3. 12, 5. 13, 5. 14, 8. 22.

Usus: vss, I. 26, 1. 27. Ut: (omitted) 5.6; (phrase) I. II, 7.5, 9. 23; that, I. 13, I. 20, I. 24, I. 28, 3. 4, 3. 8, 3. 19, 3. 26, 4. II, 4. 13, 4. 16, 4. 18, 5. 20, 5. 21, 6. 1, 6. 4, 6.6, 6. 12, 7.3, 7.4, 7.6, 7. 13, 8. 4, 8. 12, 9. II, 9. 17, II. 8, II. II, II. 19, II. 25, II. 31, II. 32, 12. I, 12. 2, 13. 8, 14. 9, 15. 13, 15. 14,



15. 4, 15. 6,

15. 16, 15. 19, 15. 30,

15. 31,

15. 32, 16. 2, 16. 17.

Utiliora more profitable thingis,

2. 18.

Utilitas: profit, 3. I.

Vanitas vanyte, 8. 20.

Vas: vessel, 9. 21, 9. 22, 9. 23. Vectigal: tol, 13. 7.

Vel: or, 14. 13. Velle: wille, 7. 18. vis: wilt, 13. 3.

volens: willynge, 7. 21, 8. 20, 9. 16, 9. 22.

volo: wole, 7. 15, 7. 19, 16. 19.
vult: wole, 9. 18.

Velocis: swifte, 3. 15.
Velociter: swiftli, 16. 20.
Venenum: venym, 3. 13.

Venire: come, 1. 13, 15. 22.

veniam: come, 15. 32; schal

come, 9. 9, 15. 29. veniant: come, 3. 8.

veniendi: to come, I. 10, 15. 23. veniens: comynge, 15. 29. veniet schal come, II. 26. venisset: was comun, 7.9. Venter: wombe, 16. 18. Venumdatus: seld, 7. 14. Verax sothefast, 3. 4. Verbum: word, 9.6, 9. 9, 10. 8, 10. 17, 10. 18, Veritas: treuthe, 15. 18.

9. 28,

13. 9,

1. 18,

I. 25, 9. I,

10. 15,

2.2, 2.8, 2. 20, 3. 7, Vero: and, 5.4, 6. 22, 15.8.

II. 7, 15. 23; but, 6. 22, 8. 5, 8. 10, 9. 31; (omitted) 9. 21; sotheli, 4.5.

Vester zoure, 1.8, 1. 12, 6. 12, 6. 13, 6. 19, 6. 22, 8. II, II. 31, 12. I, 12. 2, 15. 30, 16. 19, 16. 20.

Vestigium: step, 4. 12.
Vetustas: eldnesse, 7.6.
Vetus: olde, 6. 6.
Via: weie, 3. 16, 3. 17, II. 33.
Videre: se, I. II.

vide: se, II. 22.

videam schal se, 15. 24.

videant: se, II. 8, II. IO.

videbunt: schulen se, 15. 21.

videmus: seen, 8. 25.

video se, 7. 23.

videt: seeth, 8. 24. videtur: is seyn, 8. 24. Vincere :

vincas: ouercome, 3. 4.
vince: ouercome, 12. 21.
vinci: be ouercomun, 12. 21.

Vindex: vengere, 13. 4. Vindicta: veniaunce, 12. 19. Vinem: wyn, 14. 21.


vocabo: schal clepe, 9. 25. vocabuntur: schulen be clepid,


vocans: clepynge, 9. 12. vocat: clepith, 4.17.

1. 20,

vocati estis

Vir: hosebonde, 7. 2, 7. 3; man, 4. 8, 7. 3, II. 4. Virtus: vertu, I. 4, I. 16, 8. 38, 9. 17, 15. 13, 15. 19. Vita: lijt, 2.7, 5. 10, 5. 17, 5. 18, 5. 21, 6. 4, 6. 22, 6. 23, 7. 10, 8. 2, 8. 6, 8. 38, II. 15.

[blocks in formation]

ben clepid, 1. 6. vocati sunt: ben clepid, 8. 28. vocatus: clepid, I. I, 1. 7. vocavit : clepide, 8. 30, 9. 24. Vocatio cleping, 11. 29. Volucris brid, 1.23.

Voluntas: wille, 1. 10, 2. 18, 9. 19,

IO. I, 12. 2, 15. 32.

Vos: ze, 1.6, I. II, 1. 13, 6. 11, 7. 4, 8. 9, 9. 26, 11. 25, II. 30,

[blocks in formation]


[Only those English words which have an equivalent in the Latin text are given in this list. When a Latin term is rendered by a group of English words, the most significant word in the group is chosen as head-word. The remarks in the prefatory note to the Glossarial Index, in regard to inconsistencies, apply here also. cross-references, no attention is paid to auxiliary verbs.]

A: ex.

Abba abba.

Abiden: expectamus.

Abidith expectat.

Abidyng expectatio.

Abidyng, long longanimitas.

Abidynge: expectans.
Able: aptus.

Aboue super.

Aboundid, hath: abundavit.
Abreggynge: abbrevians.
Abrood. See Spred abrood.
Abundaunce: abundantia.
Accepcioun: acceptio.
Accepted: acceptus.

Am: sum.
Amen amen.

Among in, inter.


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Acceptith: acceptus.

Accuse, schal: accusabit.

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