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the fate that has attended the first expedition of emigrants from that country to the United States of America.


the right of citizenship, until official | half of the ring finger are supplied with THE EXPLOSION OF THE STEAM BOAT ON THE intelligence shall have been received of nervous energy by the ulnar nerve, whilst receive their energy from the medial nerve, particulars respecting the Steam Boat which An American Journal gives us the following the remainder of the fingers, and the thumb, In consequence of the hard fingering and was destroyed on the river Ohio by the explo thumbing of the blind in the manufacture of sion of the boiler. When the misfortune hapLord COMBERMERE, Governor of Bar- baskets, the sensibility of the nerves con- pened the vessel lay quite close to the town at badoes, and Commander of the Forces in nected with the thumb and three fingers, such a violent shock that the inhabitants of the anchor. The explosion was accompanied by the Windward and Leeward Islands, ar- becomes considerably blunted; but the sen- little town directly hurried to the scene of the rived at his destination on the 3d instant.sibility of the little finger remaining unim-catastrophe with surgeons and physicians, the Colonel M'Mahon has resigned his paired, through infrequency of use, and its sight which presented itself to them as they apnerve being distinct from the others, it is proached the vessel was inexpressibly shockOffice of Private Secretary and Privy still susceptible of that delicacy of touching. Eight people were dead; the skin was Purse &c. to the Prince Regent, in whose requisite to regulate the perception of those torn off from head to foot. Three others were immediate service the Right Hon. Gen-deprived of the sense of sight. tleman has been long distinguished. Wel This truth may ultimately be rendered are sorry to say that ill health is the important in the execution of the more difcause of this retirement. Col. M'Mahon ficult movements upon both the Pianoforte is to be raised to the Baronetage forthwith and Organ, and even upon other instruas an acknowledgment of his fidelity, and Sir B. Bloomfield, one of H. R. Highness's Equerries, has been appointed his Successor at Carlton House.

On Sunday last the Duchess of Berry was delivered of a daughter who died soon after; and on the 15th the literary world (at least) sustained a much heavier loss in Madame de Stael-Holstein, daughter of the celebrated Necker, and herself more celebrated by her works.


ROME, 24th MAY.-Very interesting excavations are now making beyond the Church of Domine quo vadis, outside of the ancient gate Capena, and not far from the Appian There have been discovered there the remains of a Roman editice, the rooms and the vestibule of which are paved with beautiful Mosaic. A bed-room has been



OPTICAL WONDERS.-People laugh at the story of Argus with one hundred eyes; but what are they to the eyes of some insects! The Grey Drone fly, for instance, has been ascertained to possess 14,000 eyes; and it is said that a much greater number may be found in the Dragon fly!

mortally wounded; six others more or less wounded. As they pulled off the clothes of those who were still living, the skin came off with them to a considerable depth. The cries of the poor sufferers rent the ears of the spectators, and made the scene still more dreadful. The vessel had sailed without the proper precautions, and before they had weighed anchor they had let the steam act too strongly; and just at the moment when the crew had been called together to weigh anchor, the boiler burst. The same Journal mentions a very essential improvement of the Steam Engine, by which all such accidents may be prevented in future. This improvement was invented by A Correspondent at Rome informs us, David Heath, Jun. of New Jersey, and consists that at the funeral of the late Cardinal in a new contrivance of the boiler, by which Maury, the corpse was, according to custom, a high temperature of the steam is obtained borne to the Chiesa Nuova with the face without the use of the condenser; besides this exposed. As, however, some traces of pu- the balance wheel and the beam are rendered trefaction were observable, a wax mask was unnecessary, so that through this invention a laid over the countenance. Pasquin com- whole Steam Engine of four horse power is reposed the following epitaph on the occasion. duced to the small space of 60 cubic feet. It Qui giace Maury, gallo porporato is much to be regretted that the particulars of Che vivo e morto, fu sempre mascherato. such an interesting discovery are not given, Letters from Rome state, that Prince but we hope that we shall yet be able to give Borghese expends considerable sums in carrying on extensive excavations which he expeces will enable him to replace the antiques he lately sold.

them at a future time.

A writer, who styles himself the Cheva

lier Sibilans, has lately confided to the The British Institution in Pall Mall will Parisian public his correspondence with an continue open to the 12th of August, on Irish Peer, to whom he has given the title which day the present Exhibition of the of Lord Lovekings. His familiar epistles are works of deceased British Artists closes. entitled, Diogène à Paris, ou petites Lettres Our Government is, we understand, pre-litteraires, et nos inconséquences morales et Parisiennes sur l'Histoire du jour, nos Sottises

found with fragments of statues, marble ornaments and inscriptions. There are reasons for thinking that this country-house was built under the first Antonines, and that it belonged to a lady of great distinction, of paring to send out several scientific persons the name of Munatia Procula. It is to be to explore such portions of New South Wales politiques. hoped that some antiquary will be in-as can be visited from the British settle- We have seen the first letter of this new duced to publish an account of these disco-ments. There is a wide and interesting Diogenes. It is filled with expressions of the veries. At Naples every day brings to light field for discoveries, and we doubt not but most inveterate rancour against critical new treasures of art that have been buried that natural history will make many ad- Journalists, and is excessively dull and so many ages. The Bourbon Museum as-vances in every branch from a well-conduct- tedious. The reader is fatigued with incessant reproaches: impudence without wit is

tonishes all travellers.

ed enterprize in this quarter.

MUSICAL FINGERING.-Hitherto the fin- It is well known that both men and ani- the dullest quality in the world. To succeed gering of keyed instruments has been consi-mals experience an uneasy sensation pro-now-a-days, an author must at least resolve dered as a habit depending upon mechani-duced by a difficulty of respiration whenever to be just, witty and reasonable: This would, cal arrangement; but the following fact they lie too long on their backs. From ex- however, be too much to expect from the may lead to considerable scientific improve-periments made by Mr. Legallois we learn Chevalier Sibilans, whose work, though it ment in such an important part of musical that this position causes a diminution of the cannot be styled a History of the present practice. The fact is drawn from actual ob-natural warmth, the duration of which Times, may justly be ranked in the class of servation at the Asylum for the Blind, where, may prove fatal to life. Sottises littéraires. on a careful examination of the movements A young gentleman of Paris, with the THAMES WATER.-It is a very curious reof the workman, it may be seen that a most view of pleasing his mistress, lately gave sult of some experiments which have been extraordinary and specific use is made of the himself out to be the author of various Melo- made upon the River Thames, that the water little finger; for that finger is always ap- Dramas which have been received at the of the river, properly speaking, does not plied by them, when they wish to obtain Ambigu-Comique and the Porte-Saint-Martin, actually flow into the sea, or mix with the particular information respecting the nature in support of his declaration he produces sea-water on the approach of the tide, but is of a surface, in preference to any other. This letters bearing the counterfeit signature of absolutely carried up and down with the is accounted for upon a simple anatomical the managers of these Theatres. The im-turn of alternate tides, for an indefinite principle. It is ingeniously remarked that position was however discovered, and the period. This is conjectured to be the real sa attention to the structure of the hand affair will shortly be brought before the efficient cause of what is termed the extreme explains it, since the little finger and one Court of Assizes.

softness of the Thames water.

The French Journals some time ago hint-impostor) is not so singular as was at first suped, that a lady of Bourdeaux intended to posed.-A Paris Journal says that there are institute an action against the proprietors of at present existing at Colmar, two savages the Mercure, owing, we believe, to some of the Austral territories, a man and a personal allusions which appeared in the woman; natives of a country, the inhabitarticles which M. Jouy has lately written for ants of which are known by the name of that paper. Bush-Men. The man is four feet six inches in height, and the woman four feet. Their names are Jocko and Cantanina. Baked

In allusion to this affair, the Constitutionnel contains the following paragraph:

"The Memorial-Bordelais no longer men- chickens or pigeons, leaf-tobacco and brandy, tions the intended action against the pro- are the food and drink which they prefer to prietors of the Mercure, by Madame Annicheall others. Their exercises, which excite the Daubenton. It appears that the complain- curiosity of vast numbers of persons, consist ant has desisted, and that the affair has been in an imitation of the combats of their compromised. It has at least furnished a country, a religious ceremony, a warlike subject of scandal for the inhabitants of the dance and in partaking of the little repast Banks of the Garonne." above mentioned.

THE ANDES.-It had long been supposed that the Andes were the highest mountains in the world, and that Chimborazo was the highest of that chain: but this error has been corrected by the actual measurements of an English engineer, Mr. Webb, who has ascertained that four of the peaks of Imans in Tartary are much higher than the former mountain. One of these peaks he sets down at a height of 4201 toises.

RETROGRADE MOVEMENTS.-A certain Gentleman, not one thousand miles from Piccadilly, being asked if he would bet on the man who walks backwards, refused, on the principle that he must lose, as he himself had been betting and going backwards for the whole of last winter.

We see announced a work which is to correct the errors of pronunciation, and of expression in the metropolis; but the author does not tell us what other part of the Empire he means to take as the standard of correction.


This day is published, price 10s. 6d. 8vo. boards, with Engravings,

AUTHENTIC MEMOIRS of the REVOLUTION in FRANCE, and of the Sufferings of the Royal Family, deduced chiefly from accounts by eye-witnesses.

This work contains the interesting details of Angoulême, of those affecting events at which M. Hue, Clery, Edgeworth, and the Duchess they were personally present, digested into one narrative in their own words.

Printed for W. Simpkin and R. Marshall, Stationers' Court, Ludgate Street.

This day is published, in 2 vols. 4to. price 21. 10s. the Third Edition, with Maps, of

TRAVELS in ASIA MINOR and GREECE, made at the expense of the Dilettanti Society.

London: Printed for Joseph Booker, New
Bond Street; and Richard Priestley, Holborn.
Where may be had also,

In 2 vols. 8vo. price 21s. a new Edition of
GIOUS SUBJECTS, for all the Sundays, and some
of the principal festivals of the Year.

At a fashionable Conversazione which was
given a few evenings ago in Paris, some of
the company were exalting, beyond all
bounds, the privileges and advantages of
military glory. The Marshal Duc de D-
was congratulated on the brilliant success illustrated by plates,
which had honoured his carreer and illus
trated his arms. "A General, said one of
the Ladies, must feel indescribably happy
on the day after a victory!"-" Not at all
Madam, replied the Marshal, next to the mis-erman,
fortune of losing a battle, I know of none so
great as that of gaining one."

MARMION.-When Walter Scott presented
the world with this much admired poem, he
confessed that, with the exception of the
name, he had adopted nothing from the feu-
dal history of the Old Barons of that family. Owing to the new arrangements which have
To lovers of genealogy, this certainly was this week been made in the LITERARY GAZETTE,
cause of discontent; though such were few the Editor must request the indulgence of the
in number; but that number will now be many valuable Correspondents who have fu-
considerably increased by the forthcoming voured the work with communications, if the
publication of the real MARMION History, occupation of his time prevents him from ac-
embellished with engravings, and accom-knowledging them in a proper manner.
panied by the History of the Champion of Several Biographical Sketches are post-
England, and all the feudal services con- poned.
nected with the manor of Scrivelsby, &c. Communications relative to the progress of
ARCHITECTURAL ORNAMENTS. — The_re- their works in Architecture, Sculpture, Paint-
moval of the Pillar from the centre of Lin-ing, Engraving, and other Arts, are solicited
coln's Inn Square is much regretted by every from Artists; to such, immediate attention
lover of British taste and of the skill of Inigo will be paid. Literary and Dramatic Notices
Jones. It has indeed been urged that the will receive similar attention.
new Gas Lamp will throw light upon the law
-it may be so, but surely the change is only
worthy of the dark ages.

Having again received complaints of the late delivery of the LITERARY GAZETTE, we think it proper to state, that it is regularly pubNAPLES, May 19.-The King lately visit-lished every Saturday Morning at 7 o Clock, ed the magnificent remains of Pæslum, and in order that it may be on the breakfast-table went on the 17th to Pompeii with the Prince of every Town Subscriber. It is also sent and Princess of Salemo. After having ex- Free of Postage on the Saturday Evening, amined all the details, His Majesty was and should be received in the Country on Sunshewn several things lately dug up, among day, at the distance of above 100 miles from which were 13 silver and about 200 brass Town. coins, and a cameo of extraordinary size representing Venus guided by the Loves.

The King afterwards was presentat a new excavation, the result of which was the discovery of a candelabra, some vases, &c. His Majesty passed a highly flattering eulogium on the zeal of the Chevalier Arditi who accompanied him.

The story of the mysterious female who lately excited so much interest in the vicinity of Bristol (though it is said she proved an

This day is Published, price 5s. boards.
appropriate to Females on their first entrance
into Society.

By EMMA PARKER, Author of the Guerrilla
Chief, &c. &c.

Printed for T. Egerton, Whitehall; and may
he had of all Booksellers.

Just published, price 10s. 6d. folio, stitched,
Drawing Master to Christ's Hospital.
London: Printed for and Sold by R. Ack-

This day was Published, in 8vo. price 158. AN ESSAY ON CAPACITY and GENIUS; to prove that there is no origi nal mental superiority between the most illiterate and the most learned of mankind. And that no genius whether individual or national, is innate, but solely produced by, and dependent on circumstances. Also an Enquiry into the nature of Ghosts, and other appearances supposed to be supernatural.

Printed for Simpkin and Marshall, Stationers' Court.

Just Published, foolscap 8vo. with Wood

cuts, price 6s. extra boards.

POETIC IMPRESSIONS, including the Washing Day, Ironing Day, Brewing Day, author of DASH, a Tale; Caleb Quotem, &c. Quarter Day, and Saturday; by HENRY LEF, Manager of the Theatres Taunton, Bridgwater,


London, Printed for and Sold by Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, Paternoster Row.

Also, printed uniformly with the above, DASH, a Tale, third edition enlarged, price 28. extra boards.

On Monday will be published, 8vo. price 1s. 6d.
Printed for John Murray, Albemarle Street.

London: Printed for the Proprietors by A. J. VALPY, Tooke's Court, Chancery Lane; Published every Saturday, by HENRY COLBURN, Public Library, Conduit Street; JOHN BELL, hill; and PINNOCK and MAUNDER, BookDealer in Newspapers, Sweeting's-Alley, Cornsellers, at the Literary Gazette Office, No. 267, Strand, where Communications (post paid) are requested to be addressed to the Editor. Also supplied, and sent Free of Postage by all Booksellers, Newsmen, Stationers, and Clerks of the Road, in Town or Country.


Journal of Belles Lettres, Politics and Fashion.




It is one of the pleasant facilities of which we shall always be most happy to avail ourselves, to be enabled to assert

SATURDAY, JULY 26, 1817.

our claim to pre-eminence as a literary Journal, by anticipating public curiosity and gratifying public interest in matters which are no sooner hinted at than these feelings propagate themselves like flame or pestilence. Such is our grateful task in bringing our readers acquainted with a new Poem by Lord Byron, which will be preceded in general publication by this No. of the Literary Gazette.


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I have been patient, let me be so yet;
I had forgotten half I would forget,
But it revives-oh! would it were my lot
To be forgetful as I am forgot!
Feel I not wroth with those who bade me dwell
Where laughter is not mirth, nor thought the mind,
Nor words a language, nor even men mankind;
Where cries reply to curses, shrieks to blows,
And each is tortured in his separate hell-
For we are crowded in our solitudes-

In this vast Lazar-house of many woes?

Many, but each divided by the wall,
Which echoes Madness in her babbling moods;
While all can hear, none heed his neighbour's


None! save that one


Feel I not wroth with those who placed me here?



In a more unkindly frame of mind towards the Noble Author than we were ever conscious of before, for we had just finished another reading of Manfred, which revived the " Farewells," and all the other painful emotions connected with his name, we took up the Lament of Tasso. But admiration soon overpowered No!-still too proud to be vindictive-I every other sensation, and we are bold Have pardoned Princes' insults, and would die. to assert, that this short poem of some two Yes, sister of my Sovereign! for thy sake hundred and fifty lines, contains as bril-It hath no business where thou art a guest; I weed all bitterness from ont my breast, liant passages as any preceding work from Thy brother hates—but I can not detest; the same hand, (heart, we fancy we Thou pitiest not-but I can not forsake. should say,) without a verse to dislike, There is something so truly poetical in or a sentiment to offend. Had Lord the apology of the bard for lifting his love Byron never written any thing else, there so high, that we cannot deny ourselves is immortality in these dozen pages. the pleasure of quoting it. Tasso, it need scarcely be told, was for his boldness in aspiring to the love of the Princess Leonora, of the Sovereign House of Este, declared to be insane, and confined in the Hospital of St. Anna at Ferrara. Lord Byron has visited his

cell, and this Lament which he breathes

through his person, is worthy of either

A future temple of my present cell,
Which nations yet shall visit for my sake.
While thon, Ferrara! when no longer dwell
The ducal chiefs within thee, shalt fall down,
And crumbling piece-meal view thy hearthless

A poet's wreath shall be thine only crown,
A poet's dungeon thy most far renown,
While strangers wander o'er thy unpeopled

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And Thou-when all that Birth and Beanty

Of magic round thee is extinct-shalt have
One half the laurel which o'ershades my grave,
No power in death can tear our names apart,
As none in life could rend thee from my heart.
Yes, Leonora ! it shall be our fate <
To be entwined for ever-but too late!

Would to Heaven Lord Byron always wrote in this style; that he always chose subjects congenial to the most sublime poetic feeling; and left the mysteries of darkness and guilt to men whose genius was like their themes. How glorious would be his reward from an admiring world!


Announcing that he must henceforward
devote himself to far different studies
Ite hinc, Camoena! Vos quoque ite suaves,
Dulces Camana! Nam (fatebimur verum)
Dulces fuistis!-Et tamen meas chartas
Revisitote: sed pudenter et raro !—
Mr. Coleridge has this week' bequeathed
My soul was drunk with love, which did pervade to the public not only the above strange-
And mingle with whate'er I saw on earth;
Of objects all inanimate I made
Idols, and out of wild and lonely flowers,
Whereby they grew, a paradise,
Where I did lay me down within the shade

It is no marvel-from my very birth

ly christened work, but also another in two volumes, called "Biographia Literaria or Biographical Sketches of my Of waving trees, and dreamed uncounted hours. late period of the week at which these Literary Life and Opinions." From the The only passage which does not entirely meet our approbation, occurs after publications issued from the press, we have only had time to dip so cursorily this; the comparison in verse VII seems It sets out by dwelling on the conso- to us to be beneath the fine tone of the into the latter as to discover, that it is, lations which long years of solitary im-rest of the poem, and the four last lines where not metaphysical, an entertaining prisonment had derived from the com- to convey an image only striking in the production, whether with reference to position of the Gierusalemme. This antithesis of language; and verse VIII glorious work had glorified his dungeon.

the real or the assumed Bard.

But this is o'er-my pleasant task is done :-
My long-sustaining friend of many years!
If I do blot thy final page with tears,
Know, that my sorrows have wrung from me


But thou, my young Creation! my soul's child!
Which ever playing round me came and smiled,
And wooed me from myself with thy sweet sight,
Thou, too, art gone-and so is my delight:
And therefore do I weep and inly bleed
With this last bruize upon a broken reed.
We are acquainted with nothing of
more eloquent grief and nature than this
-he then alludes to his love, and amid

we may

what is to be laughed with or to be verges a little too near the Powers of Evil laughed at in its contents, and shall which deform Manfred with horrid therefore dismiss its analysis till our next splendor. But we have been too much Number. The Sibylline Leaves we think do justice to in our present. delighted to dwell on these slight speckswe will rather conclude with beauties"Sibylline," says our Dictionary, "of or belonging to a Sibyl or Prophetess:" I once was quick in feeling-that is o'er ;--the word cannot therefore, we hope, be My scars are callous, or I should have dashed My brain against these bars as the sun flashed appropriated by Mr. Coleridge, who is In mockery through them. not so humble a poet as to assume, voluntarily, the character of an old woman.

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My sister may not visit us,
My Mother says her nay:
O Edward! you are all to me,
I wish for your sake I could be
More lifesome and more gay.
I'm dull and sad! indeed, indeed
I know I have no reason!
Perhaps I am not well in health,

And 'tis a gloomy season.
them, and thus meanly does the poet tell
Ellen, the sister, however, does visit

us so:

Oh! Ellen was a faithful friend,
More dear than any sister!

As cheerful too as singing lark;
And she ne'er left them till 'twas dark,
And then-(why then)-they always
miss'd her!

But on refreshing our classic memory we into the question which every production | curse makes a dreadful impression on grasp the very essence and soul of this of the school to which it belongs invari- the minds of the children, and ultimately mysterious title. The Sibyl wrote her pro-ably raises, i. e. whether it is poetry or consigns them to superstition and misery. phecies on leaves; so does Mr. Coleridge drivelling, the true and genuine effusion In the telling of this story, we have all his verses the prophecies of the Sibyl of unsophisticated nature, or the very bab the characteristics of the author. There became incomprehensible, if not instant- bling of imbecility, mistaking meanness is the close alliance of beauty and dely gathered; so does the sense of Mr. for simplicity, and the most ludicrous formity; the union of fine poetical Coleridge's poetry; the Sibyl asked the grotesque for the best, because the near-thought with the most trivial commonsame price from Tarquin for her books est resembling, portrait of Reality. We place; feeling bound to vulgarity; digwhen in 9, 6, and 3 volumes; so does will leave the determination of this case nity of language to the vilest doggrel-Mr. Coleridge for his, when scattered over to those who consider it of more interest in fine, it resembles the horrid punishsundry publications, and now as collect-than we do; and proceed very briefly to ment of barbarism which linked dead ed into one as soon as the Sibyl had give an account of the volume before us. and living bodies together, and gave the concluded her bargain she vanished, and The Preface goes on fidgeting and fight- vital spark to perish with the rotting carwas seen no more in the regions of Cuma; ing with the world or somebody in it, case. An example will suffice- Mary so does Mr. Coleridge assure us he will ascribing malevolence and worthlessness, complains with much native sweetness, be seen no more on Parnassus-the Si-and all uncharitableness to a person or per- though by no comparison the finest pasbylline books were preserved by Kings, sons unknown, and decidedly disproving sage:had a College of Priests to take care of an assertion in the Biographia, wherein them, and were so esteemed by the peo- Mr. C. affirms, that authors (particularly ple, that they were very seldom consult- Poets,) are neither irritable nor revengeed; even so does Mr. Coleridge look to ful!! In the body of the work we have delight Monarchs, his book will be trea-two school-boy poems, and as one of sured by the Eleven Universities, and we them is really about the most amusing of venture to suppose that it will be treated the whole, we shall annex it as a favourby the public, quoad frequent perusal, able specimen. Then comes the Ancient pretty much in the same way with the Mariner, in seven parts, whimsically in ravings of his Archetypes. dexed on the margin, like a history. The We put it to the reader, if we have next division consists of Poems on Polinot cleanly unriddled the title-page of tical Events, of which we do not rememSibylline Leaves," though we do not ber to have seen before a pretty long thank the author for allotting us time-one, with a much longer circumstantial pressed Critics the trouble of turning" apologetical" detail in prose of the over Varro, Ælian, Diodorus, Pliny, Lucan, how, when, and wherefore it was written, Ovid, Sallust, Cicero, and even Pausanias entitled, (horrible to read,) "Fire, Faand Plato, for the manifestation of his re-mine, and Slaughter!" Melting down condite enigmas. from the terrible, the ensuing division is Having fortunately surmounted the Love Poems," but oh! such love! stumbling-block on the threshold of this One of them is to an unfortunate wo-(Grand Climax) She managed all the Dairy !!! volume, we come to the Preface, whence man at the Theatre," and beginswe learn that it contains the whole of Maiden that with sullen brow;" and into importance, and important things Eheu jam satis! Trifles are swelled the author's poetical compositions from be-maidening the miserable prostitute all shorn into trifles, the sublime and the 1793 to the present date, except a few through the piece. From love we come ridiculous have not even a step between works not yet finished, (Heaven defend to Meditative Poems, in blank verse (such them; and the pathetic and the silly, the us from more of Christabel!!!) and some loves often produce cause for reflection!) sensible and the absurd, are so disgustjuvenile poems, over which he has no and wind up with Odes and Miscellanies. ingly dovetailed together, that we have controul. Preface furthermore requests Among these varieties there seems to us not patience with the artizan. us to divide these Poems into three to be very little of novelty, though we however, promised one of the school-boy We have, classes, viz. 1st. those originally publish- cannot charge ourselves with having pe- poems, and we add it. ed in Wordsworth's Lyrical Ballads; 2d. rused all Mr. Coleridge's productions those originally published in various ob- formerly published. There is a fragment A Christmas Tale, told by a School-boy to his scure or (alas!) perishable Journals; and of a Sexton's Tale, "The Three Graves," 3d. and last, those really original from remarkable for illustrating the style in Underneath a huge oak tree MSS. With this request we would gladly language and the style of thought which comply, (as it seems to be of much im- distinguish the Bards of the Lakes. We portance to the writer;) but as no clue is gather that it is tragical from there being furnished whereby we can unravel, the three graves, but are not informed whose complexity of the labyrinth, we are com-graves they are, except we can guess as pelled to take the Poems, unclassed, in shrewdly as Lord Stanley. A widow the way they are divided and subdivided conceives a violent passion for her on the Sibylline Leaves, price teu and daughter's received lover, who rejects sixpence. her, and she pours down a horrible maternal curse, not only on her rival child, but on another daughter with whom she lives on terms of sisterly affection. This

From the manner in which we speak of this publication, it will scarcely be anticipated that we intend to enter at all



Well! it passed off! the gentle Ellen
Did well nigh dote on Mary;

And she went oftener than before,

And Mary loved her more and more-(fine alliteration.)


little Brothers and Sisters.

There was, of swine, a huge company,
That grunted as they crunched the mast;
Then they trotted away, for the wind grew high:
For that was ripe, and fell full fast.
One acorn they left, and no more might you spy.
Next came a Raven, that liked not such folly:
He belong'd, it was said, to the Witch Melan-
Blacker was he than blackest jet,
Flew low in the rain, and his feathers not wet,
He pick'd up the acorn and buried it strait
the side of a river both deep and great.


Where then did the raven go?
He went high and low,
Over hill, over dale, did the black Raven go.

[blocks in formation]

to the blast.

yet too dull to add one sparkle to what an approach to substance,) did so exqui-
seems intended for humour. Armata sitely dissect its sentimental absurdity
and England, London and Swaloal, are and utter want of keeping with all the
so intertwisted, that it is as troublesome other laws and usages of the country,
to distinguish the metaphorical from the that it was impossible it should ever lift
direct allusion so everlastingly clashing its head after the stabs ("the least a death
throughout the volume, as it is difficult to nature," inflicted by his keen wit, un-
to perceive why they should have been answerable ridicule, and brilliant, but not
nominally separated. Fiction and sober the less conclusive, logic. We pass by
truth are indeed every where too inti-the little harmless egotism in which the
mately blended, and the mind experiences author indulges on this topic.
a disagreeable sensation in being bandied
about so incessantly and violently from
one extreme to the other, for
Who can be wise, amazed, temperate and furi-

From the afflictions of the post-horses
and his excited sympathies, we are for-
warded to a satire well directed against
the abandonment of their charming
country mansions by the great, for the
dust, and heat, and abomination of town
Loyal, and neutral, in a moment? no man:—
confusion and alienation are the sure re-residence during summer; -to the re-
turns to any demand upon human atten- commendation that men-traps should be
tion, at once so complicated, causeless, used with caution;


and absurd.

-and to the disparagement of a pack of hounds—the auBut the medley is not limited to the thor's canine philanthropy not extending introductory patch; it pervades the work, beyond one suspected puppy! As there and the reader is puzzled at every page is nothing either very novel, or very to tell whether it is facetious or grave, deep, or very amusing in these commonthough he may safely pronounce that it places, we shall not prolong them by our is neither witty nor profound. We would notice. But before we have reached so rather apply the line to the book, than far in the perusal of Armata, we are startto the writer, but the song will not suffer led with one matter, which, before we

He heard the last shriek of the perishing souls-it, and the author, in his Armata at least,
See! See! o'er the topmast the mad water rolls! must abide by the quotation, as
Right glad was the Raven, and off he went

And Death riding home on a cloud he did meet,
And he thank'd him again and again for this


They had taken his all, and revenge was sweet!

We must not think so; but forget and forgive,
And what Heaven gives life to, we'll still let it


The SECOND PART of ARMATA. The Noble Lord who is responsible for these Armatas, first and second, is a native of the North, and seems to have taken his idea of a book from a dish no doubt familiar to his childhood, and well known on the other side of the Tweed by the name of Hotch Potch. The ingredients of Hotch Potch, however, are all simples; we cannot say so much for the ingredients of this publication.

arrive at the conclusion, becomes painfully offensive. We allude to the gross levity with which the most sacred passages of Scripture, the name of God, and the functions and attributes of the Saviour of the world, are mixed up with subjects not only unimportant, but ludicrous and profane. It is insufferable to read in one page such execrations of a young Blood, as “Damn all trees and shrubs”

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"Too dull for a wit, too grave for a joker." Entirely of this character is the early portion of the present volume, which descants on the want of distinction in dress among the higher and lower ranks in Armata, and treats as a good jest the equipment of the writer in the clothes of a barber instead of the habiliments of a peer. For our parts, we have seen peers they smell damnably," and "friends so like barbers, whatever clothes they of mine! damn me if I ever saw one of wore, that we could not perceive the them before to-night:"-in another, so point of the story, unless it were personal, dangerous an illustration as the following, of a position laid down respecting the which the Preface disclaims. Fitted in the barber's suit, the author, dormancy of virtuous minds under the accompanied by a young Armatan of influence of some ruling passion: "the fashion, sets out for Swaloal, the capital. divine eloquence of the sacred Scripture, The post-horses are driven at speed, and casts into the deepest shade every possithe Noble Lord mounts his hobby. Of ble illustration: we there see a highly course we have a long discussion on gifted Sovereign living in such general As in No. 7 of the LITERARY GA- cruelty to animals. Presto! fabled Ar-purity, as to have been said to walk after ZETTE there was rather a glance taken mata is real England. Mr. Windham's God's own heart, yet sleeping in peace at some of the most objectionable doc- celebrated speech on Lord Erskine's bill amidst the complicated crimes of cruelty, trines in Part the First, than a regular in the House of Commons, is ascribed to adultery, and murder," (page 39.):-and analysis of its contents, we shall now do" insanity quoad hoc," and completely in a third, so blasphemous a comparison the author more justice, by describing misrepresented. Far be it from us to of the gas lights at a Lord Mayor's gorge, (though it must be briefly) his topics and deny or question, or rather not to ap-as to liken their illumination to the diopinions in Part the Second. We may plaud the humane motives of the Noble vine command of Omnipotence—" And premise, that the same frame is preserved Lord in this measure, but we confess it God said, let there be light, and there was for hanging his sketches; and that we ever appeared to us to be only an amia- light!!!!" cannot help considering him as unhappy ble weakness; and the speech of Mr.

There is even a stronger proof of bad in this respect. The wild and unneces- Windham, which we had the good for-taste than of the absence of proper relisary fiction of being wrecked on an un- tune to hear (a rare good fortune we must gious feeling in this pernicious style. known region, casts an air of ridicule esteem it, for it was delivered at a very The train of reflection it awakens is quite over what is meant to be serious, and is late hour, and never reported with even incompatible with that light reading which

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