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sublime theory; principles were played some overseers (Argousins, or Spanish Al- wanting, letters, portraits, certificates of the before them, while they solicited facts. guazil) who are no better than the crew midwife, of the nurse, &c. I was, if not The whole material of conviction was (chaine) which they conduct ?" Saying very legitimately, at least very legally present to them, but it was in clouds-a the roads, to know the name of the village the son of the Count de this he began again to turn over his book of (thanks to the law axiom, Pater est . . .) who died twó mass of noble confusion, to be extricated through which we were going to pass. years before at the Camp of Jalés. I pass only by time, and then glorious and bright These few words suffice to acquaint my over numerous details, the knowledge of as it was, to be flung away on idle eyes, readers with the amiable character of the which justifies, at least in my eyes, the step a thunderbolt careering through the empty companion with whom I travel from Bay-on which I resolved without the smallest heaven. onne, where I met with him, to Barrèges hesitation. Having first deposited my faIn the phrase of Cicero, "tantum fame where he is going to take the waters. This mily papers in the hands of a notary, I prodefuit, quantum labori:" a more sedulous determined censor I have seen in my life: to any body, to the Chateau of.... to man is the most sour misanthrope, the most ceeded, without communicating my design discipline of oratory would have placed we have not been yet four hours together, which the Countess, after having spent ten this man at the head of eloquence; the and he has found time to abuse the country, years in the capital, had returned a few most gifted of English patriots, he would the inhabitants, the climate, himself, me, months before. I sent up to request a few have been the most effectual. Faction and all the world. As we approached the minutes' conversation in private with her: would have early shrunk from opposing Gave de Pau, "I recollect this place, said this lady, whose beauty struck me less than the vigor which bore down upon it in the he, addressing the postilion; is not this the the impertinent air which diminished its unscattered strength of Burke. road to Ortheville? Yes, Sir, and before us charms, received me without deigning to The the village of Belloe?—Yes, Sir.-But upon turn her eyes on me. I had prepared a litgrandeur and boldness on which they that eminence on the left there was a cha- tle speech so as to excite her attention by were permitted to gaze as on a tempest teau, if I rightly remember.-It was demo- the very first words. "Madam, said I, no in the region above their heads, and wait lished twenty years ago. They ought to sooner had I learned that I had the honor till it had rolled away, would have de- have done it eighteen years sooner (con- to belong to your ladyship, than I hastened scended on them in a whirlwind of power, tinued he, throwing himself back in the car- to come and pay my respects to you.”—To and their first knowledge of that direct riage) and to have buried under the ruins all belong to me! (interrupted she, surand pointed strength would have been in that was just born." What child was it mean, friend?--I mean, Madam, continued those who were in it, not excepting the child veying me with arrogance) what do you their being borne along with its irresisti- then"-It was myself-How! you are the I, raising my voice, that I am your son ble energy. What would have made son.....?-I am the son of nobody, whom you have forgotten for fifteen years, this man perfect might make others ap- whatever Bridoison may say. My story is and that I am come to put you in mind of proach to his perfection. not long, and as it does not do me great him.--Pray who told you this tale? resumed A Mr. OGILVIE, who, on the authority honor, I readily relate it. she, but in a tone of voice which was alof the American papers, has acquired great I came into the world. Till the age of fif- is in your own hand-writing and that of M. I have been at war with society ever since ready less confident.-"This tale, Madam, distinction beyond the Atlantic, has just teen, I was brought up under the romantic de Laf. . . . . I have deposited the manucommenced a series of discourses in Lon-name of Alcander, by the curate of a village, script in the hands of a notary, who will don, on Eloquence. His plan rather exhi- which we have just passed on the left: this communicate it, if you think fit, to the tribits the formed shape, than details the old man, with whom I had been left, with bunal at Pau." Without answering me, the principles of his science. He delivers no a pretty large sum of money, died without Countess ran to her writing desk, opened a lecture; his display is an oration on some knowing to whom I belonged; and confided drawer with a false bottom, and not finding sentiment, or quality, or predisposing ing farmer: but as I grew up, without any it.... "That villainous steward!" cried me to the care of his brother, a neighbour- the papers which she had doubtless laid in cause of the impression to be produced one's coming to claim me, with inclinations she, "I will have him hanged."—Then beby public speaking. He delivers this ill agreeing with the rustic life to which I coming calmer, " Well, young man," conwithout notes, and relieves the sternness was destined, I soon became a very heavy tinued she, "what do you ask of me?... of his didactic by reciting short speci- burden to the poor family which had Whatever you may have read, I am not your mens of popular poetry. We shall adopted me. I felt this, and collected ideas mother; but it is nevertheless true that your probably give, in our next publication, some enough to be much displeased with those birth is a mystery which I am not allowed more minute notice of the matter of dis-ation, from which I sought means to free fix a price on my gratitude and your silence." who had placed me in this disagreeable situ- to reveal; restore to me my papers, and courses which, if they should be the myself. -Your heart has too long disowned me, commencement of a regular school of One day, (I could tell you the date and Madam, for me to attach any sentiment to oratory in England, would give the in- the hour) a stout well-dressed man, whom the name of your son; I renounce it withventor a peculiar place among the con- remember to have seen several times at the out the least difficulty: but you have made tributors to national advantage. farm, came for me, led me to the bridge of life a torment to me, for which you owe me Ortheville, where a carriage was waiting an indemnity; you have an income of for him, and spoke to me these words: 300,000 francs, to which I can adduce the "Alcander, you see that chateau-she to same rights as your two other children; whom it belongs is your mother; the incon- secure to me 10,000 by a contract in due "I think I could explain to you the cause testable proofs of what I advance are in this form, which you shall sign before the noof that moral and physical superiority which pocket book; by delivering it to you, I re-tary to whom I have confided the pledges of is generally found in the inhabitants of the pair a fault, 1 perform a duty, and I revenge your maternal tenderness; he shall restore mountains." "You may spare yourself the myself. Adieu!"-Without giving me time to you this precious deposit, and I promise pains," replied he, "my opinion is fixed: to say a word, he stepped into his post-chaise you, we will in future be total strangers to the inhabitants of the mountains are no bet- and withdrew, calling me Monsieur le Che- each other. The lady exclaimed at the extrater than those of the plain, or at least the valier. When I recovered from my surprise vagance of my demands, but I had made up difference is so small, that it is not worth I hastened into a little wood close by, to ex- my mind, my resolution was taken, and I did while to speak of it." "What! you believe amine my titles of nobility; nothing was not leave her till we had concerted the arThat this world is a great prirangements to be made. The next morning at the notary's, where I abjured my rights we met again for the second aud last time, with as good a grace as Madame de *





son (bagne) where eternal justice, not to • These words bagne, forçats, Argousins, and say injustice, collects malefactors (forçats*) chaine, are in fact all technical, and appropriate of all colours under the superintendance of to galley slaves and their treatment. Ed.


Sacrificed hers. Free as the bird in the air, | The Opera is one of singular spirit and pleased and unpalling contemplation on the belonging to nothing and to nobody, I began power of harmony, of remarkable dulness embroidered footstool, supporting the exby choosing myself a name: I took that of of plot, and of the most wearisome longi-tremities of his Majesty. This old man Outis, which binds me to nothing, and tude. If MOZART had been the poet, he seems merged in the deeper depths of antiwhich the wise Ulysses found of such use must have thrown more life into the poetry; quated foppery. His voice, feeble and que in the cavern of Polyphemus. but if METASTASIO had been the composer, rulous, only exhausts the audience by its



The revolutionary commotion began: I he could not have "distilled a steam" of labours after execution. His cadences are hastened to Paris in order better to enjoy richer sweetness than the music. The plot is all cracked, his tragic acting made comedy the scene. I thought I should have to ad-like all Italian plots, and therefore not worth by conceit, and the compassion which we mire the noble agitations of a great people; distinct censure; it has the debility of inci- would be ready to give to his powers, reI saw only the antics of monkies; I danced dent that looks for interest in the vapid ro-pelled by his obtrusive and personal opias well as the rest, without knowing for mance of high life, and calls it classic; and nion of their perfection. whom or for what, and made my escape the affected sentiment, that in all the works of when the masters of the show let loose upon foreign pedantry drivels habitually from the the monkies, the tigers that tore them to lips of the ancient masters of the world. Vi- The only novelty of dramatic production pieces. tellia, the daughter of the dethroned Vitellius, this week was a slight piece at the English I passed over to England; my effects is slightly in love with Sextus, an attendant Opera, on Wednesday, entitled by the auwere plundered at the Custom House; I was on the Emperor Titus, and not at all in love thor an Operetta, and called " Batchelors' stopped three months at Dover to give me with the Emperor, but resolutely enamoured Wives; or, the British at Brussels." The time to put my papers in order; the gentle- of his throne. She urges Sertus to give music, we are told, is by Mr. Kearns; and we men highwaymen disburdened me of my proof of his affection by assassinating his mention his name the more willingly beportmanteau, only two leagues from Lon- master, embarks him in conspiracy, and cause we do not think this music is likely don; my taylor put me in the Fleet because then leaves him to extricate himself. Sextus to get him one. It is very médiocre, and I objected to his bill; and after six months is of course discovered, after an abortive does not redeem the Theatre from the mis chicanery and disputes of every kind, I was attempt at rebellion, and infinite despair at fortune of sing-song attached to the licence. driven from this classic land of liberty by his crime. He is about to be executed; The characters in Bachelors' Wives are virtue of the Alien Bill. Vitellia feels some human compunction at Monsieur Patrick O'Dennis Le Grand, hotelIt was a great deal worse among the de- last, acknowledges her share, and obtains keeper at Brussels, who has nothing of the scendants of William Tell; I was pursued pardon for her humble admirer. This is all Irishman but his name, Mr. W. S. Chatterley from Canton to Canton, as far as Constance, meagre and absurd, but the strains which-Madame Le Grand, his wife, Mrs. Pincott where some of my own countrymen wanted convey its absurdity are admirable. "Deh-Captains Melfort and Gaylove, Messrs. to throw me into the Rhine, because I wore Prendi," the first popular duet in the Opera, T. Short and Wrench and Julia and Emily, a round hat, and my hair was cut à la Titus. is a composition of excessive beauty, grown their respective wives, Mrs. W. S. Chatterley It would require more time than we have feeble in its impression on our ear, by its and Miss Kelly. This appears at first sight to spare, and more courage than I have left, popularity. "Ah perdona," the duet in so snug a family party, that a riddle might to give you an account of my twenty years' which Sextus and Vitellia acknowledge their be put how it could be thrown into dramatic travels; during which I have successively mutual feeling, is, in the phrase of the only plot, or furnish incident or situation. In visited all the states of Europe, not except- poet privileged to talk of such things as truth it does little in either way. ing Turkey, (the only one, by the way, nature intended them, "Silver sweet, as officers at Brussels, for the sake of intrigue which is better than its reputation); suffice lovers' tongues by night." The remaining and gaiety, pass themselves as bachelors, it to know that I have every where found songs are in every variety of style, but in all hoping that their letters, descriptive of hardcause to despise this herd, called mankind, of masterly skill, grace and beauty. FODOR ships in camps and hair-breadth escapes in the among whom the laws are snares, the insti- was the Vitellia, CAMPORESI the Sextus, field, will solace their turtles in England till tutions means of tyranny, the arts and sci- PASTA, with the look and aukwardness of the fate of war sends them home to domesences mean auxiliaries of force, or vile flat- eternal rusticity, was Servilia, the chosen ticate. The ladies, however, are of a more terers of power. Tired of roving, disgusted bride of Titus. BEGREZ condescended to adventurous or loving nature, and they jourwith all I have seen, with all I have heard, enact, for singing was out of the question, ney to Brussels to treat their beloved with sick in body and mind, like a stag long pur- Annius, who walks in and walks out, chaunts an agreeable surprize. Both parties arrive sued by the hounds, I return to my native a deplorable melody, and encumbers the at M. Le Grand's Hotel, where the planners spot to die."-" Bon chin tourn à l'oustaou scene with useless love-making. But great- of this charming rencontre become ac (a good dog returns to his home) as the pro- est, though last, was Signor CREVELLI, the quainted, through the landlady, with the verb of the country says, your native air will Titus, the "delicia humani generis;" and real state of affairs, and consequently rerestore your health."-" To tell the truth I certainly sustaining the character of su-solve, before making themselves known, to do not much care about it; I have lived long preme delighter, if the human race could punish their husbands for their infidelity. enough to know what life is worth."-" One bring themselves to be of the same opinion To effect this, Emily contrives an interview may see that you return from the land of with SIGNOR CREVELLI. This man has the with Melfort, who had never seen his friend's fogs; you are now under a serene sky, merit beyond, perhaps, any living actor, of wife, and under pretence of procuring a miamong an amiable, gay and lively people; detecting where his excellence lies. To niature of a rival who had supplanted her in you will get reconciled to life, and even to judge from the downward consciousness of mankind; from the manner in which you the Signor's eye, his talent lies in his legs look at these country lasses, I should not be unquestionably; neither eye nor ear in the surprised if the reconciliation began with house could conceive it to exist an inch the women."-" In all countries that sex is above his buskins. His glance fixes with better than the other; and this is not saying the justest meditation on the tapering much."-As he was speaking M. Outis fell roundness of his ancle, and the curving asleep, and left me at leisure to examine the beauty of his calf; and even on the throne, country through which we travelled. when he sits in royal solitude, yet cheering that stately loneliness by singing for himself in various strains of Transpadane dissonance, it might be shrewdly guessed by one not fortunate enough to hear the medley, though sufficiently favoured to see the mime, that his song was a direct panegyric on those ancles which he turns with such



La Clemenza di Tito was revived on
Saturday last, and has since been repeated.

the affections of her lover, to be copied, shows him the portrait of his Julia, and fills his bosom with the stings of jealousy. In like manner Julia contrives to kindle a passion in the volatile heart of Gaylove, who tells her his name is Jenkins, and to whom she entrusts a letter as for a brother officer, but which is in fact to himself, and a sort of confession of imprudence on the part of his Emily. He is of course also tormented with doubt and suspicions. As the morality of this piece is not of the first water, the Čaptais determine to revenge or console themselves by seducing their new acquaintances. They make separate appointments with them for a masked ball in the evening, and

After the performance the Theatre closed on Thursday night for the season, and Mr. FAWCETT took leave of the audience with the following address:

agree upon nearly the same signals, though | name is already appropriated to another | COVENT GARDEN.-This Theatre continues there is nothing to binder them to walk into apartment in the Theatre. It is however open for the benefits of Performers, and the ladies' chambers; the signals, some odd the "Grand Room" converted into a par-without furnishing matter for criticism. Miss sort of music, are however given, the ladies terre, furnishing the usual refreshments, O'Neill has repeated the part of Desdemona, come out in masks, and a Sestetto is sung frequented by the usual visitors, and serving which she first played for her own private. (for Mr. and Mrs. Le Grand are brought the double purpose of a lobby for the Loun- Benefit; but we do not think it so attractive in for the Finale)-the masks are removed, gers, and a waiting-place for the half price. as several of her established characters. and the truant husbands, abashed, reclaimed There is a sort of terrace all round occupied and pardoned by their indulgent partners. with trees of considerable growth, and a We have said that the morality of this pro- variety of other trees and shrubs are so disduction is not of the purest order; it is still posed on the floor as to divide it into four more reprehensible, for it is loose; and nearly alleys for promenading. At the top there is LADIES AND GENTLEMEN-I have again to the whole of its scope is to treat matrimo- an arch which covers the confectionary and offer the most grateful acknowledgment of nial infidelity as a venial offence of universal liqueur temptations; and there are rustic the Proprietors of this Theatre, for your practice, and without even reprehension. It seats for the repose of town-tired Rakes, kind and liberal patronage. Supported by is indeed but too true that this crime is com- and Chinese lanterns to illuminate the this all-powerful aid, the Covent Garden mon, and that in the world there is not the beauties of London courtezans. Company has maintained its high celebrity ignominy attached to it which would hap- The whole has a very uncommon effect; throughout a season fraught with unusual. pily preserve the innocence of many a victim and we doubt not the Shrubbery will an-public distress, and, by its popular attracand the peace of many a family. But it is swer the purpose for which it was contrived, tion, the Proprietors have been able to meet therefore that the stage ought, in its higher though we scarcely dare to hint what that their large and heavy expenditure. attributes, rather to aim at reforming the purpose may be beyond the mere attraction The various revivals and new pieces have age, than at palliating one of its most inju-of-company. It might be whimsical to been more than usually successful. Scarcely rious vices. Married libertines, whether trace a sort of punning analogy between the one can be named amongst the great number sentimentally depraved or lightly debauch- productions of nature and of art in this produced that has not been most favorably ed, are not characters to be laughed into the modern Elysium. It boasts its Laurel for received. And the production of a new Tragood graces of a virtuous audience. With the successful Bard; its Fir for the thieves; gedy, which has been universally admired the abatement which we claim for this its Bor for the Pugilists; its Myrtle for the for its classical and poetical beauties, is an grand defect, it is but fair to acknowledge Venuses; its Birch for the Critics; and its occurrence as gratifying as it is rare. The that there is a good deal of humour, several pop(u)lar (we must strain a letter) for the termination of the present season has been scenes of neat equivoque, and a general air performers-all, classes very conversant with marked by the retirement of one of the of whim and sprightliness in the British at theatrical lobbies, and all apparently de-brightest ornaments of the British stage. Brussels, which render it very amusing. The lighted with this ingenious and notable im-The high public honors paid to Mr. Kemble performers played with spirit, and the piece provement which has done more than was must have the effect of stimulating the exwas announced for repetition with applause, done to confound Macbeth when though we thought there was something. of presumptuous innovation in the style in which this was done by Mr. Wrench.listen to the living drama which was perThe giving out a new drama after its first formed among what the play-bills pronounce representation is the appeal from the writer" these living trees." A sour fellow, whom to the public tribunal. We do not desire it we knew to be a newspaper writer of drato be too humble, but it ought to be modest; matic criticism, observed that they were not and where custom has established a tolerably strong enough for the only useful purpose to convenient form of precedent it is well to which they could be put, that of hanging follow it, or at least not to deviate into a four fifths of those connected with the place. track which might be objected to as arrogat- The Cyprians protested that this retreat was ing too much. This was Mr. Wrench's error: quite refreshing and delightful. A citizen instead of the polite and graceful" Ladies compared it to Hornsey, the sweetest spot in and Gentlemen, with your permission," he the universe. A person of fashion thought advanced boldly to the front of the stage, and it inferior to Vauxhall. A Scotchman was alone have hitherto been performed at the HAY MARKET THEATRE.. Stock-pieces taking upon himself to interpret the public reminded of Italian amours as described by Hay Market, and, of consequence, have sentiment, he said: “ Assured of your appro- Burns— bation, this Piece will be repeated to-morrow." offered little for remark. On Monday, a We will not blame more harshly an inno- An old beau did not like the withering. Acess was very questionable, though he seems Mr. Amherst performed Shylock. His sucvation arising in all probability from a com- pickpocket wanted more shade. A poet, in- to be an actor of an original cast, who mendable zeal on behalf of the author. As spired, took out his common-place book, studies for himself, and does not imitate a specimen of the songs we subjoin the which a Bow-street officer fancying he had Portrait by Mr. T. Short, who, though labour-just nimmed took him into custody, and he manner and new readings of passages which others. From this springs a peculiarity of ing under a cold, sung it delightfully. was only released on its being discovered much more frequently displease than obtain that it contained nothing of value. The approbation; but it is not our purpose to enter managers chuckled to see their woods so into a detailed examination of a single perthickly peopled, and one of them who recol-formance, especially as it was rather a failure lected something of Shakespeare repeated than a triumph. The size of the winter (aside) on his exit

The soft blue of her eye

I will catch from the sky,

And I'll brighten the colour with dew, And the roses of spring

All their blushes shall bring,

To place round her dimples their hue.

The dear lip's soften'd red,
From the sea's sandy bed,

The bright coral shall serve to adorn,
And over the whole

For the beam of the soul,

I will throw the first blush of the morn.

The New* we are at a loss what to
it-we would say Green Room, but that

"Birnamwood did come to Dunsinane."
It was rather a curious amusement to

**** hunting among groves of Myrtles:

"To't Luxury, pell-mell!”

DRURY LANE.-Drury Lane commences next season under the nianagement of Mr. Raymond, but still with its committees and proprietaries. As this Theatre closed earlier than has recently been usual, so, we are informed, it will be later in opening. The end of September is mentioned, and many alterations are making in the interim.

ertions of those performers who succeed
him, that they may deserve and attain the
like honors when they shall be obliged to
you a last adieu.

Until the second Monday in September, the usual period of re-opening, the Proprietors respectfully bid you farewell-and they assure you the recess shall be passed in new efforts for your amusement and gratification." with heartfelt thanks for your unceasing The Performers, Ladies and Gentlemen, kindness, take their leave, till the time when they shall have the honor of meeting you here again.

houses has often and truly been said to ruin the greatest ornaments of the stage; but Mr. Amherst is by nature formed to shine more in those domes where distant spectators require a powerful voice and strong gesticulation, than in this small Theatre where every thing depends upon minute expression.

On Tuesday, a grand tumult took place owing to the following circumstances: The play-bills announced" Wild Oats," and


"The Critic;" Matthews to act Rover | perior powers of their advocates, were most congenial to their bent. This refusal Mr. for the first time (with imitations,) and his distinctly heard. Mr. Barnard endeavoured Holman resented by dismissing him without old part of Sir Fretul. He is stated to have to speak, but was compelled to retire with- a benefit. On the eventful night of the 12th been ill, but his recovery being confidently out effecting his purpose. of March when this contest was brought to anticipated, it was not thought necessary to After a pause of some length, he again a crisis, Mr. Caldwell's partizans commenced change the Play. On Tuesday afternoon, came forward. The Manager, he assured the operations of disturbance. Placards (à however, contrary to expectation, an unfavo- them, was anxious to comply with the wishes la John Bull) were exhibited with these rable report of his health was received, and of the house. "Let him come forward words: "the fulfilment of your promise with in consequence, the following bill was print- then," was the response, and Mr. Barnard Mr. Caldwell or no play." Calls for the ed, and posted at the doors of the Theatre:- found it necessary once more to leave the parties were also heard from all quarters: at stage. length Mr. Holman presented himself, and, Tuesday Evening, July 15, 1817. His absence was but momentary. On his after undergoing the usual interruption of The Public is most respectfully informed, return he was greeted with hisses and vio- discordant vociferations, was permitted to that in consequence of the continued indis-lent opposition, and the call for the Mana- speak. He remarked, says our authority, position of Mr. Matthews, he is unable to ger became louder than ever. Silence being" that any dispute between an actor and perform this evening; and that Mr. Russell with some difficulty obtained, Mr. Barnard himself was a private matter, in which the will therefore act the part of Rover, in the said the Manager of that Theatre was not in audience had no right to interfere; that he Comedy of Wild Oats, and that the character the habit of presenting himself to the Pub- had thought proper to dismiss Mr. Caldwell; of Sir Fretful Plagiary, in the Critic, will be lic. The tumult was renewed. Mr. Barnard insisted that the amusements of the evening sustained by Mr. Terry. was afterwards allowed to add, that the should not be interrupted," and, accordingly, The first scene of the play went off well; Managers desired through him to know the compelled the actors to proceed. The clamor but when the moment arrived for Rover to wishes of the audience. now became general, and the performance of come on, and Mr. Russell made his appear- The Manager was again called for; but the play entirely suspended. Mr. Holman ance, loud disapprobation, mingled with vo- Mr. Barnard seemed to misunderstand the once more came forward, whilst the cries ciferous applause, made it impossible for him call, and proceeded to shew that it had not for Mr. Caldwell continued. The manager to proceed. He immediately advanced to the been possible to change the Play. This did then vehemently declared that upon his honor front of the stage, and begged to assure the not prove satisfactory; but having received" Mr. Caldwell should never again appear audience, that it was from no ambition of fresh instructions from the side scenes, he on the boards of this theatre.' "It has his own that he came forward in the charac-declared himself authorized to inform them been thought, adds the writer, (the leanter he had assumed; but in consequence of that those who wished to leave the Theatre ing of whose opinion is very evident) that the indisposition of Mr. Matthews, his duty might have their money returned. Mr. Holman's manner was on this octo the Theatre and to the Public had made About twenty persons rose to take their casion, under the excitement of feeling, exit imperative on him to do so. In common departure. The play then proceeded. Apressive of violence and irritation towards with every brother actor, he was sorry the audience." Be this as it may, the for the occasion of their disappointment. manner of the audience soon became Under all the circumstances of the case, he very distinctly expressive of violence and hoped for their indulgence, but thought it irritation towards Mr. Holman. Mr. Caldnecessary to add, he could not undertake to well was brought into the pit, and addressed give imitations, as Mr. Matthews had prothe house, complaining of a breach of his posed to do. engagement. Mr. Holman said the theatre O. P. has become a generic name for all sorts was no place for debating, and he would of Theatrical riots, whether they spring from answer him in a court of justice. He called disputed prices, public disappointments, or on the magistrates present to preserve order: private quarrels. The latter seems to have been the uproar became tremendous, the ladies the origin of an affray and demolition which were admonished to retire, the lamps and took place at the Charleston theatre on the chandeliers were broken, the benches torn 12th of March last, of which a "succinct up, and in the midst of darkness and conaccount" printed and published in that city fusion, the interior of the theatre was rehas just been transmitted to us. As this ac-duced to a wreck. The City Guard were count must interest our dramatic friends, sent for, and entered the pit with side arms, and appears calculated to amuse the general but were obliged to retire over the orchestra reader, we shall proceed to render what is behind the scenes, where their numbers called succinct still more succinct, and trans-being recruited they re-appeared with musfer it to our page. kets and bayonets, and at half past nine the

This address was generally applauded; but a strong spirit of discontent still prevailed, which increased as they attempted to proceed with the performance, till at length the tumult became really formidable, and Russell, and Barnard, who played Harry, retired in the midst of the uproar.

Mr. Barnard now appeared on the part of the Manager, to endeavour to appease the indignation of the offended part of the audience. He represented the occurrence to be one that was wholly unavoidable, and stated bills to have been printed as soon as it was known Mr. Matthews could not perform, in order to apprize the public of the changes which it had become necessary to make in the Play and Entertainment.

It was denied that such bills had been issued.

Mr. Barnard assured the house that 200 bills had been printed, one of which he produced and read.

new effort was made at opposition; but this
was put down by the voice of the audience,
and perfect tranquillity was speedily re-


American O. P. Tumult.

The Charleston theatre is under the ma- house was cleared. nagement of Mr. Holman, a performer well From this date to the 19th, various stateknown to the lovers of the drama in this ments were given to the public by the parcountry. He recently visited Europe to re-ties. The result was that Mr. Holman concruit his company, and, among other heroes, sented to Mr. Caldwell's taking a farewell enlisted Mr. Caldwell, of the Dublin stage, benefit. On this occasion Mr. C. personated at the stipulated salary of thirty dollars per Hamlet, and in the end addressed the auweek and a benefit at the regular charges. dience, thanking them for their liberality and The malcontents were still unsatisfied. Mr. Caldwell's forte is it seems genteel co-support. Nothing occurred to disturb the Their hostility produced the usual varieties of medy, but the manager put him into tragedy, harmony of the evening, and the receipts, discord. A thousand calls were made at the and he in requital got the manager into same moment; Boxes, Pit, and Gallery had trouble. The part which led to the Row their representatives, or at least orators, was Buckingham in Henry VIII, in which Mr. who undertook to express the wishes of the Caldwell refused to appear unless he were multitude and while one host insisted on allowed to perform in Farce on the same an apology," another required the appear- evening; alledging a verbal understanding ance of the Manager," and a third, more mo- to that effect with Mr. Holman, and the dedest, only called for "music." These, among clension of his popularity if he played chathe numerous demands urged from all sides racters unsuited to his talents without an of the house, were those which, from the su- opportunity of displaying them in a line more



exclusive of private donations, amounted to about 2100 dollars. In this there appears to have been great kindness to a stranger, whether in the right or wrong, and we should be glad to see it repaid to Americans in this country.

The sacrifice on the part of the manager seems to have restored the public peace; and it is so well explained in the concluding letter of our pamphlet, which also contains

many just and apposite reflections on theatrical management and the general laws and effects of dramatic representation, that we extract it for the close of this article.


I feel myself in a situation of a most ordinary nature.


declare, that if on the night of disaster, in cently in use. It is several centuries since the declaration of those principles, which have any of the coin of England had this imgrown with my growth, and strengthened with my strength,” and in the maintenance of which, pression. There is nothing else fictitious I have been hitherto supported by every public, about these pieces, for they are admiraover whose dramatic entertainments I have pre- bly executed, and the metal is pure and extra-sided; I repeat, that if to their declarations, I of intrinsic value. appeared either in manner or by the use of any As a tree denizen of this state, I possess unqualified expression, to be deficient in respect every civil right. I am, nevertheless, called to the public, I most unequivocally acknowupon to relinquish a privilege which every other ledge the error, and to the public apologise freeman enjoys, that of having his contracts for it. adjudged by a legal tribunal; while, on the I remain the Public's most devoted, contrary, my opponent is placed on an elevaobliged, and obedient servant, tion above every other man in this free counJOSEPH GEORGE HOLMAN. try, by having it considered that his claims su- Theatre, March 19. persede the anthority of the laws.

His pretensions have been fully discussed, and their imbecility, I trust, evinced; but that is not the question of the present moment.



Were I obviously in error, I have an indis- [Intended as a Record of Facts and not of

putable claim to have my error adjudged to be such, and the penalty of my offence determined by citizens indeed-but by citizens arranged as jurymen, to hear and judge impartially, under the

sacred solemnity of an oath.


An abundant harvest has commenced in the Southern parts of Europe, and there is a very rapid declension of price in our corn markets. No one can wish them to fall lower than we do; but these great and sudden fluctuations, instead of an unchanging moderate price, are very prejudicial to all the commercial interests, as well as the general prosperity of the country. The immediate effect in the present instance will be to ruin many

merchants who have exerted themselves On Saturday, 12th July, the Imperial to import foreign grain for the suste Parliament was prorogued to Monday nance of the population; and the influthe 24th of August. The Prince Regentence of their failure must not only be felt The surrender of my civil rights, painful as is in person delivered the speech from the in other branches, but on internal cultivathe sacrifice, may not prove the worst result of Throne, and thus closed a session which tion and future imports. concession. In my capacity, as Manager of a Theatre, has been laboriously engaged upon many The union of the English and Irish in asserting my own, I am most especially main-important points of internal economy and Exchequers having been consummated, taining the rights of the Public. politics. The principal features of this M. Vansittart, now Chancellor of the But if the practice of rejecting appeals to judicial anthorities, and bringing questions of era will be found, in history, to consist of Exchequer for the Consolidated Office, a private nature, for discussion in a Theatre, the strenuous efforts of a revolutionary is about to visit Ireland in the discharge to the total defeat of the purpose for which faction to overturn, and of a reforming of his new duties,

Education, talents, and respectability, will fly from the stage: and good sense, taste, and

decorum, from the rest of the Theatre.

alone an audience is assembled, be sanctioned party (as they say) to amend the Consti- Mr. Ponsonby was buried privately at by the success of the present proceeding; the tution; and of the resistance of the Go-Kensington last Saturday morning. consequence is obvious. The Drama, which, well conducted, may be rendered so instru- vernment to these attempts, chiefly em- The Emperor Alexander has estabmental to the best purposes of society, must bodied in the twice carried Suspension lished, or rather augmented the capital experience annihilation. of the Habeas Corpus Act, and the trial of a National Commercial Bank at St. of several of the disturbers of the pub- Petersburgh. The object is the encoulic peace. By the former, about fifty in- ragement of trade, for which purpose 30 I sincerely hope, however, that when reflec-dividuals have been arrested and impri- millions of roubles are assigned. tion shall take place of excited sensation, the soned: through the latter only one per-institution opens 1st of January, 1818, most ardent opposer of my sentiments will be convinced, that a Theatre affords no exception son, Cashman, has been executed, several and is not only to allow interest on deto the general protection of the laws; and that of his accomplices having escaped, and posits, but to grant loans on good bills, his own enjoyment of the drama is equally others being acquitted when arraigned and on Russian merchandise. involved with that of every other citizen, in consigning the contracts of Actors and Managers, to the same authorities that determine on his own.

for treason.


At Lyons, Montargis, and at Bordeaux, The reduction of the Public Expendi-seven or eight persons have been executed ture, the measures for Ameliorating the for conspiring against the Government, My principles for the conduct of a Theatre, Condition of the LowerClasses of the Com- General Lacy and four superior offiare founded on the laws; and, as observance of munity, and improving the Poor Laws, cers, his accomplices, have received senthe laws is the best test of a good citizen, I the increased Operation of the Sinking tence of death at Barcelona, for their late am consoled under the existing circumstances, with the conviction, that those principles will Fund, and the consequently amended attempt at rebellion. ultimately constitute the general sentiment. state and relation of the Finances, ReIn the absence of reflection, strong opinions venues, and Funded Capital of the Counare hastily impressed, which time alone is likely to efface; but time is too tedious an arbitrator try the issue of a new Gold and Silver of the present difference. Mine is a situation Coinage, and the gradual resumption of of great responsibility. Many are dependent, Cash Payments by the Bank, are also even for the means of existence, on my con- among the prominent events of this duct, in this critical situation. To their claims, period. humanity compels me to attend.

To what numerical extent my principles are supported, it is needless to enquire; it is enough for me to be convinced, that many at present possess different sentiments.

That knowledge is sufficient for the regula tion of my conduct.

We have reason to believe, that the same Parliament will meet again for the dispatch of business, and that there will be no dissolution till after another Session, depending for its length or shortness on the circumstances of the times.

The Prussian Princess Charlotte has arrived in Russia to be espoused by the Grand Duke Nicholas, recently a visitor to this country.

Most of the German States have now acceded to the Holy Alliance.

By the latest intelligence it appears that the revolt at Pernambuco has nearly reached its finale: the only effect of this commotion has been to strengthen the measures taken by the European alliance on behalf of Spain, and compel the Portuguese government to relinquish

I cease to act upon my own opinions. I submit to the most serious and painful sacrifices, rather Last week the circulation of the new its plans of aggrandizement in South than the harmony of society shall be further disturbed.

The truest respect for the public is the basis of my principles of management; and, 1 again

gold coin of 20s. called Sovereigns, com- America.
menced. The reverse has a St. George Emigration has been prohibited in
and the Dragon instead of the arms re- Switzerland, under pain of forfeiture of

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