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Fortune and honours never inspired with pride, the generous and sensible Zuma; she was always passionately beloved by the Vicequeen, and her own virtues always rendered her worthy of her glory and happiness.

the cause of the agitation; a moment after sublime virtues and those of the Vice-queen of the Countess's powder, but which in Latin the Countess distinguished the voice of the have led you to abjure a hatred formerly too still preserves its original name. Viceroy, she ordered the door to be thrown pardonable, but now unjust! you have, by open, and exclaimed, "My Lord, I entreat an unanimous wish, freed yourselves from your pardon for the guilty." They are the cruel oath formed by revenge; instead your deliverers! replied the Viceroy, of our secret enemies you have become entering the apartment. All were petrified the benefactors of the old world! To render with amazement. The Viceroy held a lovely you happy will henceforth be not merely the Having translated the whole of this boy in his arms. Zuma uttered a shriek of duty of humanity but of gratitude; and that interesting Tale, we trust to the gratifijoy; it was her child. The Viceroy rushed duty shall be fulfilled. Indians, all who in cation of our readers, we shall briefly add forward, placed the child upon her bosom, this memorable assembly have come to sa- for the information of our younger and prostrated himself at her feet. crifice feelings of resentment, to admiration Ximeo followed him, he advanced, and ad- and gentle pity, Indians, you are free; such friends, and of those from whose memory dressing himself to Mirvan: You may now sentiments place you on a footing of equa- the French Revolution may have oblispeak, said he, with the consent of all the lity with your conquerors! Enjoy this terated a part of her early history, that Indians: the secret is revealed, we have all glory, virtue has effected your liberation! the Countess de Genlis was governess to tasted the powder in the presence of the Love your sovereign and serve him the children of the Duke of Orleans, and Viceroy; he himself insisted on partaking with fidelity: let the tree of health flourish married to the Count de Sillery. It was of it before he brought it here..... At on the land which will be distributed among for the edification of her pupils that she these words, Zuma transported, almost you: reflect when you cultivate it, that

drowned in tears, strained her child within the whole universe is indebted to you for produced the well-known Tales of the her arms, and returned thanks to Heaven. this blessing of the Creator!".... This Castle-Instructive Dramas-The new Mirvan embraced his father, the Vice-queen address excited universal enthusiasm, and Method of Instruction—and Prayers for asked a thousand questions in a breath; the the Viceroy wishing to terminate the day Children. Her other works published at Count briefly related all that the Indians by the triumph of Zuma, gave orders that various periods, and under had revealed to him. Great Heaven! ex- she should be attired in a magnificent dress: circumstances, are still more numerous; various very claimed the Countess, throwing her arms a crown of laurel was placed upon her head,

round the neck of Zuma, this angelic crea-and she was seated on a superb chair of we believe reaching to about forty ture would have laid down her life to save state; all the ladies of the Court of the volumes. Among the most successful me, and she was on the verge of being sa- Vice-queen, placed themselves in her suite; were Adela and Theodore, Madame de crificed!... In the performance of so she was attended by the Vice-queen's guard Clermont, the Duchess de Valliere, the sublime an action she was accused of an of honour; a herald on horseback preceded Knights of the Swan, Rash Vows, Recol atrocious crime! . . . . And the fears of the retinue, pronouncing the following lections of Felicia (namely, her own), this heroic couple for the preservation of words: "Behold Zuma, the wife of the virtuous Alphonsine, Jane of France, Les Battheir child, added the Viceroy, made them Miroun, and the preserver of the Vice-queen." endure with unconquerable firmness, shame, Zuma, reclined on cushions of cloth of gold, turcas, &c. &c. ignominy and the aspect of a terrible death! pressed her child to her bosom, and carried Distinguished for beauty and accom... Ah! said Zuma, the Vice-queen has in one hand a branch of the tree of health. plishments at an early age; married done still more! Though she believed us In this way she proceeded through the prin- when very young, and introduced into to be monsters of ingratitude and atrocity, cipal streets of Lima, amidst the acclama- the circles of Paris with much éclat, and the authors of all her suffering, yet she tions of the people who assembled in Madame de Genlis unhappily played a protected and delivered us, and with what crowds to see her and to overwhelm her with marked part in the Revolution. She fled kindness, what generosity!.... She, as benedictions. On Zuma's return to the pa- from France in 1792, and did not return well as yourselves, replied the Viceroy, will lace the Vice-queen received her with open till the usurpation of Buonaparte, who,

now receive the reward due to virtue.

arms. She was then conducted to an ele

Here are two doses of the blessed powder, gant suite of apartments prepared expressly in 1805, granted her a pension of 6000 the one for Zuma and the other for the Vice- for her and her husband; servants were ap-livres. Her pen has been invariably queen..... So saying, the Count himself pointed to attend on them, and they were employed on the side of virtue, and we poured the Quinquina into two separate thenceforward to be regarded as the most rejoice to add that all her writings discups; Zuma drank first, and the Vice-queen intimate and dearest friends of the Vice

wished to receive the salutary beverage from queen. In the evening the city and all the play a sense of religion rather extraordi her hand. All present were melted into court-yards of the palace were illuminated, nary in one so intimately associated with tears; the Vice-queen already revived by and in the gardens tables were laid out with the unprincipled philosophes who have the double influence of joy and hope, received sumptuous refreshments for the Indians. demoralised France. with transport the tender embraces of her The Vice-queen and Zuma were quickly husband, Beatrice and the happy Zuma; freed from every remaining trace of fever; ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCE. she raised Zuma's child to her pillow, and at the termination of a week the Vice-queen loaded him with the tenderest caresses; she was in a perfect state of convalescence. On To the Editor of the Literary Gazette. promised to be thenceforth his second mo- the same spot where the fatal pile had excited I, Bernard Broad-Cloth, Esq. of Broadther. Beatrice and the rest of the Spanish such a sensation of horror, the Viceroy Cloth-Hall, in Broad-Cloth-Dale, fast by ladies surrounded Zuma; they gazed upon erected an obelisk of white marble on which her with admiration. Beatrice, in a fit of the following words were engraven in cha- the Broad River, do swear by my own inktransport, kissed her hand, that beneficent racters of gold: horn, that the enclosed is from my pen, hand which she had accused of having comand written with mine ink, and moreover, mitted an execrable crime! . . . . In the that I did this day forward the original midst of this enthusiasm, the Viceroy took of it to the Right Honourable N. VansitMirvan and Zuma by the hand, he opened a On each side of this obelisk a tree of health tart, Chancellor of the Exchequer. Witwindow and led them out on a balcony over- was planted, that blessed tree, sanctified by looking the principal street in the city, so many virtues, and which, among the Inness my hand, this twenty-fifth day of which was at that time filled with Spaniards dians, afterwards became the emblem of June, in the year of our Lord one and Indians. “Here,” said he,“ pointing to every virtue which does honour to humanity. thousand, eight hundred and seventeen. Mirvan and Zuma, here are the voluntary The Viceroy lost no time in sending to

To Zuma, the Friend and Preserver of
the Vice-queen, and Benefactress of the
Old World.


victims of gratitude, generous sentiment and Europe the precious powder of the Quin- Historical, Related of the Jesuit's bark or Indians, their quina, which was long known by the name quinquina.

the sanctity of oaths!

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[Copy of a Letter addressed to the coat, with its wide sleeves, and long and of the imperfect state of our language at Right Honourable N. VANSITTART, by broad lappets, or, at all events, to sub- that period. It is now the fashion to say, BERNARD BROAD-CLOTH, Esq.] stitute the loose great-coat, or something that what is correct must be cold, and Sir,-As I am well aware, from the like it, and carrying in it as much broad that to write with vigour one must write cloth, in the place of the skip-jack, with velocity. Yet Gray, whom few, if high character that you bear for benevoswallow-tailed, Frenchified coat: be- any, have surpassed in force and spirit, was lence and philanthropy, that there is person in the country more desirous than tween which and the old English coat remarkable for laborious revisal; and Viryourself of contributing, to the best of there is as much difference, as between gil, when dying, wished to burn his imyour ability, to the relief of the distressed fricaseed frogs and roast beef. If this mortal Eneid, because he considered it part of our population, I have made bold fashion were once fairly established, it too incomplete for publication. Dryden to communicate to you a notion that has would proceed rapidly from the higher is less popular than Pope, in consequence occurred to me lately, and which, al- to the middling classes, and from these of being less correct, though the critics though at first sight perhaps somewhat last to the very lowest. And it is not allow his superiority as a poet; and at all improbable that in a given time every one who has read Pope's Iliad, in trivial, would, if it were regularly adopted, be productive of much sub-three times as much cloth would be ex- his own hand-writing, knows that his last pended as is the case at present. corrections were generally his best. stantial good.

swallow-tailed coats.

But those authors

I may add, by way of corollary, that, It may be said, that minds endowed It must be well known to you that at the present day no coats are worn by the as trowsers contain twice as much mate- with sublimity, cannot easily descend to riel in them as breeches, they might be verbal minuteness. Scales which are fit fashionable part of society, but such as are of what is called "The French cut." made to take the place of the latter. The for weighing out a pound, are not accuThis "cut," as it is termed, is such in waistcoat might be enlarged proportion-rate enough to turn at a grain; and an its tendency as to deprive the hinder ably; and thus an harmony be made to artist who can paint a hurricane with a part of the coat of every thing like sub-exist in the whole dress, that would tin-grand pencil, may fail in delineating a kle charmingly in the ears, not of our basket of fruit. stance or consistency; thereby reducing manufacturers only, but of all who have whom I have just named, (and I will the run of the two laps, or lappets, to a mere tail, insomuch that these coats any thing at all to do with cloth. Our add Milton to the list,) are sufficient have been nick-named, not inappositely, tailors too would feel the benefit of the proofs that correctness is not incompatifashion, as the quantum of work in each ble with sublimity. coat would be larger, and, by conse- This revolution in the poetical comquence, the quantum of cost. In short, monwealth originated from the publicait might be demonstrated mathemati- tion of our ancient ballads, and of cally, that the increased quantity of some successful imitations of their style. money thus thrown into circulation, That primitive style immediately became would, in one year, amount to several an object of general attention, while the thousands of pounds. I therefore sub-more sparkling style of the preceding mit this to your consideration; and have writers fell into proportionable disrepute. no doubt, if the matter were taken up in higher quarter, that the example would be followed rapidly. I am, Sir, your most respectful humble servant,

Now, to say nothing of the absurdity of our suffering ourselves to be the dupes of French fashion, and so sacrificing a part of our national character, (for national costume is undoubtedly a part of national character, or, at the very least, ought to go hand in hand with it) to say nothing, I repeat, of the absurdity of this, it is a lamentable truth, that of all fashions that could be devised, there is not one (so far as relates to the coat)



June 25, 1817.


(For the Literary Gazette.)

MR. EDITOR, The present state

But it was forgotten, that the former was wild, diffuse and uncouth; and that the latter was refined, compressed, and graceful. The copyists, therefore, acted like all other seceding sectaries. They subscribed to the errors of their new belief, and dissented from the beauties of their old.

which could be more unfortunate for our manufacturers than this. A coat of the present day does not carry in it much above one-half of the cloth that it used to do even five or six years back, and scarcely one-fourth of the substance of Hence our poetry has become vitiated the British coat of the beginning of the by barbarisms, because some centuries last century. Hence it appears, at once, of our poetry deserves some considera- ago these barbarisms, (which, however, that the quantity of cloth sold for home tion. It is worth while to discuss whether were then considered idiomatic and even consumption must be less by a great that revolution which has lately taken elegant,) had found a place in composideal, than, on the proposed plan, it place in it, and which almost all our pre- tion. Hence, too, has arisen that most might be made to be. sent critics agree in praising, be prefera- disgusting of all pedantries---affected simVery lately, however, a practice has ble to the former school, or whether an plicity. Hence expletives, illegitimate mebegun to prevail, of walking, and even union between the two schools would tre, dissimilar rhymes, and a verbose riding, in the mornings in loose great-not produce a third, which should com- prolixity, which weakens the strongest coats, without any under-coat; and bine the peculiar merits of each. many of our fashion-setters have gone so The last century added little to poetry, far as to attend the theatres in these. So that this might, perhaps, act as a stepping-stone to the measure I am going to recommend.

thoughts. These errors, when used by our forefathers, were inseparable from properly so called; but it refined and per- the jejune state of the language; but fected language. The present age has now, they are introduced without any launched boldly forth into all the wild, such palliation; they are forced in upon unexplored and lofty regions of the an improved phraseology, and thus form Which is neither more nor less than muse, but has relapsed into that laxity of a heterogeneous mixture of antiquated this. Namely, either to restore in its expression, in which our earlier bards rudeness and modern refinement. pristine fullness, the good old, substan- had indulged, or rather which they It is, indeed, quite natural, that poets,, tial, dignified, and dignifying English were compelled to use, in consequence who have just enfranchised themselves

from their late shackles, should riot in
their new-found liberty, and allow that
liberty, for a while, to degenerate into
licentiousness. But taste has its cycle;
and I am convinced, that the succeed-
ing race of bards will combine the se-
veral merits of the present and the past
school, without retaining the defects of



Written in a Copy of his Poems at the re-
quest of a Friend who wished to present them,
enriched with an Autograph, to a young Lady
going abroad.

Whoe'er shall imperfections here descry,
Counts them not thicker than the author's eye.



"Tears in the eyes and on the lips a sigh!"
Haydon! the great, the beautiful, the bold,
Thy wisdom's King, thy mercy's God unfold;
There art and genius blend in union high.
But this is of the soul.-The majesty

Of grief dwells here-grief cast in such a

As Niobe's of yore.-The tale is told
All at a glance-"A childless mother I!"

The tale is told-and who can e'er forget
That e'er has seen that visage of despair!
With unaccustom'd tears our cheeks are wet,
Heavy our hearts with unaccounted care,

Upon our thoughts it presses like a debt,
We close our eyes in vain-
-That face is there.
Bertram House,
M. R. M.

21st May, 1817.

From the Delaware Watchman.
"All the world's a"- -fish-pond!
Shakspeare corrected.

What luck, old Clovenfoot, to-day?

Said I, one foggy morning,

As he threw out his line for prey,
Poor mortal folk suborning.

"Not much," quoth he, "but what I have,
Beyond dispute, is fair gain;
With notes to shave, I've caught a knave,
A miser with a bargain.

To catch a needy beau, I took
A draggle-tail'd surtout-

A would-be belle found on my hook
A tempting full-dress suit.'

I caught a Congressman, by dint

Of double compensation;

A Lawyer, on promotion bent,
By timely nomination.

These lawyers are, though oft you wish
(No thanks for't) Satan had 'em,
The nost unprofitable fish

Of all the sons of Adam.

I caught a Surgeon with a high-
fed subject for dissection;
An office-hunter with a lie,
Well season'd for election."

"What fish bites sharpest, Pug?" says I--
"Why, as to that," quoth he,
"I find not many very shy,
"Of high or low degree."

"Your toper bites well at a cork,
(When there's a bottle to it)
Your Jew will even bite at pork,
If he smell money through it.
Your old man likes a parchment, when
By mortgage some one's bitten;
Your youngster likes a fresher skin,
Where yet there's nothing written!
Some shy ones play about the line,
Till prudence waxes feeble,
And those at last are often mine,
Who only meant to nibble!

There's few indeed, of small or great,
(Or I am much mistaken)
But may, by some peculiar bait,
Be tempted, and then taken.

tion a regular and able instructor in the science of powerfully and strikingly expressing the sentiments, which, without his lesson, would be feebly and ineffectually dropped upon the auditory, would rank high in the scale of public service. The noblest genius that was ever distributed through a people, was shed on Greece. Her orators have left us not the form, but the living spirit of oratory. We see their remnants in matchless beauty, force, and majesty. They were once more illustrious, for those shapes were perfect. We worship then in the Torso; what would we not have done when they stood before us in the glory of full life? The Greek orators were all trained by teachers of rhetoric. The grandeur of their language was not left to be discovered by the chances of lonely labour; the secret of reaching the heart of the auditory was no secret to the pupils of those instructors, whose life had been a study of public emotion, and when the great public speaker came forth before the people, he appeared full armed, free from the embarrassment of unusual weapons, with the sure facility of full practice, and ready to strike on the point which was to decide the victory. The modern public speaker is feeling the weight of his new panoply, when he should forget all but to strike. The richCAMBRIDGE. The following Fellowships have been admitted: T. Blake, Esq. LL. D. ness and power of eloquence are an opTrinity, on the cession of C. Beevor, Esq. pression to his unpractised and disproLL. B.; Messrs. J. Barnard, and G. J. Pen-portioned vigour. It is Patroclus with the nington, King's College.

But there is one of all the rest,

Who most employs my cook-
The IDLER pleases me the best,
He bites the NAKED HOOK!"


OXFORD.-Graduations conferred of M. A
on Mr. C. P. Cooper, Wadham; B. A. on Mr.

R. S. Richards, Worcester. The whole num

ber of Degrees in Act Term, was D. D. 3;
D. C. L. 1; Hon. D. C. L. 6; D. Med. 1:
B. D. 3; B. C. L. 3; M. A. 51; Hon. M. A.

2; B. A. 27; and Matriculations 54.




arms of Achilles. Genius is the great, final distinction. It cannot be taught. But the noblest resources of genius may enfeeble and prostrate the man on whom they came as a flood from Heaven. Burke Is is now many ages since a legitimate was weakened by the overbearing force Rhetorician has displayed himself in the of his genius. His emblem might have world. The Art of Speaking has from the been found in Homer's Jove invisible in days of Isocrates been left to the mercy of the clouds that his own might had sumnature. Numbered with those common moned. The greatest philosopher of his processes, in which necessity teaches, it age, a statesman whom time has exalted has struggled on with the general rude-into a prophet, a master of the most luness that belongs to the teaching of minous and potent language that elonecessity, and an instructor in the faculty quence ever used, the great leader in a of expressing our thoughts has been as cause which gathered round it all the little dreamed of as an instructor in the loftiest feelings of our nature—he was faculty of eating. Yet oratory is a com- yet ineffective in debate. Inferior minds plicated contrivance; it requires peculiar harassed him in the field that seemed dexterity in the seizure of circumstances, to have been created for the unfolding of peculiar grace in the adaptation of lan- his magnificent array. With discipline, guage, peculiar felicity in the selection of with the expertness of practice, with the images, and peculiar clearness in the order that belongs to the science of pubarrangement of proofs. It may eventu- lic impression, he would have been irreally seem, that of all the arts on which sistible. But his Persian chivalry enhuman skill can be exerted, it is the most cumbered itself by its might and multicomplicated, and most in need of all the tude. The power of his mind was wasted facilities that can be given by experience. on unprofitable excursion. While his These facilities must be sought for at the hearers looked for worldly conviction, he hands of a teacher; and in our concep-delighted himself with wandering into

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sublime theory; principles were played some overseers (Argousins, or Spanish Al- wanting, letters, portraits, certificates of the before them, while they solicited facts. guazil) who are no better than the crew midwife, of the nurse, &c. I was, if not The whole material of conviction was (chaine*) which they conduct?" Saying very legitimately, at least very legally present to them, but it was in clouds-a the roads, to know the name of the village the son of the Count de this he began again to turn over his book of (thanks to the law axiom, Pater est who died twó mass of noble confusion, to be extricated through which we were going to pass. years before at the Camp of Jalés. I pass only by time, and then glorious and bright. These few words suffice to acquaint my over numerous details, the knowledge of as it was, to be flung away on idle eyes, readers with the amiable character of the which justifies, at least in my eyes, the step a thunderbolt careering through the empty companion with whom I travel from Bay-on which I resolved without the smallest heaven. onne, where I met with him, to Barrèges hesitation. Having first deposited my faIn the phrase of Cicero, "tantum fanra where he is going to take the waters. This mily papers in the hands of a notary, I prodefuit, quantum labori:" a more sedulous determined censor I have seen in my life: to any body, to the Chateau of.... to man is the most sour misanthrope, the most ceeded, without communicating my design discipline of oratory would have placed we have not been yet four hours together, which the Countess, after having spent ten this man at the head of eloquence; the and he has found time to abuse the country, years in the capital, had returned a few most gifted of English patriots, he would the inhabitants, the climate, himself, me, months before. I sent up to request a few have been the most effectual. Faction and all the world. As we approached the minutes' conversation in private with her: would have early shrunk from opposing Gave de Pau, "I recollect this place, said this lady, whose beauty struck me less than the vigor which bore down upon it in the he, addressing the postilion; is not this the the impertinent air which diminished its unscattered strength of Burke. The the village of Belloe?—Yes, Sir.-But upon turn her eyes on me. I had prepared a litroad to Ortheville? Yes, Sir, and before us charms, received me without deigning to grandeur and boldness on which they that eminence on the left there was a cha- tle speech so as to excite her attention by were permitted to gaze as on a tempest teau, if I rightly remember.-It was demo- the very first words. "Madam, said I, no in the region above their heads, and wait lished twenty years ago. They ought to sooner had I learned that I had the honor till it had rolled away, would have de- have done it eighteen years sooner (con- to belong to your ladyship, than I hastened scended on them in a whirlwind of power, riage) and to have buried under the ruins all belong to me! tinued he, throwing himself back in the car- to come and pay my respects to you."-To and their first knowledge of that direct those who were in it, not excepting the child veying me with arrogance) what do you (interrupted she, surand pointed strength would have been in that was just born." What child was it mean, friend?--I mean, Madam, continued their being borne along with its irresisti- then"-It was myself-How! you are the I, raising my voice, that I am your son ble energy. What would have made son.....?-I am the son of nobody, whom you have forgotten for fifteen years, this man perfect might make others ap- whatever Bridoison may say. My story is and that I am come to put you in mind of proach to his perfection. not long, and as it does not do me great him.--Pray who told you this tale? resumed A Mr. OGILVIE, who, on the authority honor, I readily relate it. she, but in a tone of voice which was alof the American papers, has acquired great I came into the world. Till the age of fif- is in your own hand-writing and that of M. I have been at war with society ever since ready less confident.-"This tale, Madam, distinction beyond the Atlantic, has just teen, I was brought up under the romantic de Laf..... I have deposited the manucommenced a series of discourses in Lon-name of Alcander, by the curate of a village, script in the hands of a notary, who will don, on Eloquence. His plan rather exhi- which we have just passed on the left: this communicate it, if you think fit, to the tribits the formed shape, than details the old man, with whom I had been left, with bunal at Pau." Without answering me, the principles of his science. He delivers no a pretty large sum of money, died without Countess ran to her writing desk, opened a lecture; his display is an oration on some knowing to whom I belonged; and confided drawer with a false bottom, and not finding sentiment, or quality, or predisposing ing farmer: but as I grew up, without any me to the care of his brother, a neighbour- the papers which she had doubtless laid in "That villainous steward!" cried cause of the impression to be produced one's coming to claim me, with inclinations she," I will have him hanged."-Then beby public speaking. He delivers this ill agreeing with the rustic life to which I coming calmer, " Well, young man," conwithout notes, and relieves the sternness was destined, I soon became a very heavy tinued she, "what do you ask of me? .. of his didactic by reciting short speci- burden to the poor family which had Whatever you may have read, I am not your mens of popular poetry. We shall adopted me. I felt this, and collected ideas mother; but it is nevertheless true that your bably give, in our next publication, some who had placed me in this disagreeable situ- to reveal; restore to me my papers, and enough to be much displeased with those birth is a mystery which I am not allowed more minute notice of the matter of dis-ation, from which I sought means to free fix a price on my gratitude and your silence." courses which, if they should be the myself. -Your heart has too long disowned me, commencement of a regular school of One day, (I could tell you the date and Madam, for me to attach any sentiment to oratory in England, would give the in- the hour) a stout well-dressed man, whom I the name of your son; I renounce it withventor a peculiar place among the con- remember to have seen several times at the out the least difficulty: but you have made tributors to national advantage. farm, came for me, led me to the bridge of life a torment to me, for which you owe me Ortheville, where a carriage was waiting an indemnity; you have an income of for him, and spoke to me these words: 300,000 francs, to which I can adduce the "Alcander, you see that chateau-she to same rights as your two other children; whom it belongs is your mother; the incon- secure to me 10,000 by a contract in due "I think I could explain to you the cause testable proofs of what I advance are in this form, which you shall sign before the noof that moral and physical superiority which pocket book; by delivering it to you, I re-tary to whom I have confided the pledges of is generally found in the inhabitants of the pair a fault, 1 perform a duty, and I revenge your maternal tenderness; he shall restore mountains." "You may spare yourself the myself. Adieu!"-Without giving me time to you this precious deposit, and I promise pains," replied he, "my opinion is fixed: to say a word, he stepped into his post-chaise you, we will in future be total strangers to the inhabitants of the mountains are no bet- and withdrew, calling me Monsieur le Che- each other. The lady exclaimed at the extrater than those of the plain, or at least the valier. When I recovered from my surprise vagance of my demands, but I had made up difference is so small, that it is not worth I hastened into a little wood close by, to ex- my mind, my resolution was taken, and I did while to speak of it." "What! you believe amine my titles of nobility; nothing was not leave her till we had concerted the ar"That this world is a great prirangements to be made. The next morning we met again for the second aud last time, at the notary's, where I abjured my rights with as good a grace as Madame de





son (bagne) where eternal justice, not to

These words bagne, forçats, Argousins, and say injustice, collects malefactors (forçats*) chaine, are in fact all technical, and appropriate of all colours under the superintendance of to galley slaves and their treatment. Ed.


sacrificed hers. Free as the bird in the air, belonging to nothing and to nobody, I began by choosing myself a name: I took that of Outis, which binds me to nothing, and which the wise Ulysses found of such use in the cavern of Polyphemus.

The revolutionary commotion began: I hastened to Paris in order better to enjoy

the scene.

mire the noble agitations of a great people; I saw only the antics of monkies; I danced as well as the rest, without knowing for whom or for what, and made my escape when the masters of the show let loose upon the monkies, the tigers that tore them to pieces.

virtue of the Alien Bill.


The Opera is one of singular spirit and pleased and unpalling contemplation on the power of harmony, of remarkable dulness embroidered footstool, supporting the exof plot, and of the most wearisome longi- tremities of his Majesty. This old man tude. If MOZART had been the poet, he seems merged in the deeper depths of antimust have thrown more life into the poetry; quated foppery. His voice, feeble and que but if METASTASIO had been the composer, rulous, only exhausts the audience by its he could not have "distilled a steam" of labours after execution. His cadences are richer sweetness than the music. The plot is all cracked, his tragic acting made comedy I thought I should have to ad-like all Italian plots, and therefore not worth by conceit, and the compassion which we distinct censure; it has the debility of inci- would be ready to give to his powers, redent that looks for interest in the vapid ro-pelled by his obtrusive and personal opimance of high life, and calls it classic; and nion of their perfection. the affected sentiment, that in all the works of foreign pedantry drivels habitually from the lips of the ancient masters of the world. Vi- The only novelty of dramatic production tellia, the daughter of the dethroned Vitellius, this week was a slight piece at the English I passed over to England; my effects is slightly in love with Sextus, an attendant Opera, on Wednesday, entitled by the auwere plundered at the Custom House; I was on the Emperor Titus, and not at all in love thor an Operetta, and called "Batchelors' stopped three months at Dover to give me with the Emperor, but resolutely enamoured Wives; or, the British at Brussels." The time to put my papers in order; the gentle-of his throne. She urges Sextus to give music, we are told, is by Mr. Kearns; and we men highwaymen disburdened me of my proof of his affection by assassinating his mention his name the more willingly be portmanteau, only two leagues from Lon-master, embarks him in conspiracy, and cause we do not think this music is likely don; my taylor put me in the Fleet because then leaves him to extricate himself. Sextus to get him one. It is very médiocre, and I objected to his bill; and after six months is of course discovered, after an abortive does not redeem the Theatre from the mischicanery and disputes of every kind, I was attempt at rebellion, and infinite despair at fortune of sing-song attached to the licence. driven from this classic land of liberty by his crime. He is about to be executed; The characters in Bachelors' Wives are Vitellia feels some human compunction at Monsieur Patrick O'Dennis Le Grand, hotelIt was a great deal worse among the de-last, acknowledges her share, and obtains keeper at Brussels, who has nothing of the scendants of William Tell; I was pursued pardon for her humble admirer. This is all Irishman but his name, Mr. W. S. Chatterley from Canton to Canton, as far as Constance, meagre and absurd, but the strains which-Madame Le Grand, his wife, Mrs. Pincótt where some of my own countrymen wanted convey its absurdity are admirable. "Deh-Captains Melfort and Gaylove, Messrs. to throw me into the Rhine, because I wore Prendi," the first popular duet in the Opera, T. Short and Wrench and Julia and Emily, a round hat, and my hair was cut à la Titus. is a composition of excessive beauty, grown their respective wives, Mrs. W. S. Chatterley It would require more time than we have feeble in its impression on our ear, by its and Miss Kelly. This appears at first sight to spare, and more courage than I have left, popularity. "Ah perdona," the duet in so snug a family party, that a riddle might to give you an account of my twenty years' which Sextus and Vitellia acknowledge their be put how it could be thrown into dramatic travels; during which I have successively mutual feeling, is, in the phrase of the only plot, or furnish incident or situation. In visited all the states of Europe, not except- poet privileged to talk of such things as truth it does little in either way. ing Turkey, (the only one, by the way, nature intended them, "Silver sweet, as officers at Brussels, for the sake of intrigue which is better than its reputation); suffice lovers' tongues by night." The remaining and gaiety, pass themselves as bachelors, it to know that I have every where found songs are in every variety of style, but in all hoping that their letters, descriptive of hardcause to despise this herd, called mankind, of masterly skill, grace and beauty. FODOR ships in camps and hair-breadth escapes in the among whom the laws are snares, the insti- was the Vitellia, CAMPORESI the Sextus, field, will solace their turtles in England till tutions means of tyranny, the arts and sci- PASTA, with the look and aukwardness of the fate of war sends them home to domesences mean auxiliaries of force, or vile flat- eternal rusticity, was Servilia, the chosen ticate. The ladies, however, are of a more terers of power. Tired of roving, disgusted bride of Titus. BEGREZ condescended to adventurous or loving nature, and they jourwith all I have seen, with all I have heard, enact, for singing was out of the question, ney to Brussels to treat their beloved with sick in body and mind, like a stag long pur- Annius, who walks in and walks out, chaunts an agreeable surprize. Both parties arrive sued by the hounds, I return to my native a deplorable melody, and encumbers the at M. Le Grand's Hotel, where the planners spot to die."-" Bon chin tourn à l'oustaou scene with useless love-making. But great- of this charming rencontre become ac (a good dog returns to his home) as the pro- est, though last, was Signor CREVELLI, the quainted, through the landlady, with the verb of the country says, your native air will Titus, the "delicia humani generis;" and real state of affairs, and consequently rerestore your health."- "To tell the truth I certainly sustaining the character of su- solve, before making themselves known, to do not much care about it; I have lived long preme delighter, if the human race could punish their husbands for their infidelity. enough to know what life is worth."-" One bring themselves to be of the same opinion To effect this, Emily contrives an interview may see that you return from the land of with SIGNOR CREVELLI. This man has the with Melfort, who had never seen his friend's fogs; you are now under a serene sky, merit beyond, perhaps, any living actor, of wife, and under pretence of procuring a mi among an amiable, gay and lively people; detecting where his excellence lies. To niature of a rival who had supplanted her in you will get reconciled to life, and even to judge from the downward consciousness of the affections of her lover, to be copied, mankind; from the manner in which you the Signor's eye, his talent lies in his legs shows him the portrait of his Julia, and fills look at these country lasses, I should not be unquestionably; neither eye nor ear in the his bosom with the stings of jealousy. In surprised if the reconciliation began with house could conceive it to exist an inch like manner Julia contrives to kindle a pasthe women."-" In all countries that sex is above his buskins. His glance fixes with sion in the volatile heart of Gaylove, who better than the other; and this is not saying the justest meditation on the tapering tells her his name is Jenkins, and to whom much."-As he was speaking M. Outis fell roundness of his ancle, and the curving she entrusts a letter as for a brother officer, asleep, and left me at leisure to examine the beauty of his calf; and even on the throne, but which is in fact to himself, and a sort of country through which we travelled. when he sits in royal solitude, yet cheering confession of imprudence on the part of his that stately loneliness by singing for himself Emily. He is of course also tormented with in various strains of Transpadane dissonance, doubt and suspicions. As the morality of it might be shrewdly guessed by one not this piece is not of the first water, the Capfortunate enough to hear the medley, tains determine to revenge or console themthough sufficiently favoured to see the mime, selves by seducing their new acquaintances. that his song was a direct panegyric on They make separate appointments with those ancles which he turns with such them for a masked ball in the evening, and



La Clemenza di Tito was revived on
Saturday last, and has since been repeated.


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