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played in harmonious numbers, and with great vigour of be thought entitled to equal praise with the descriptions expression. It gives us pleasure to see a piece, which is another question. The author complains much of his borrows nothing from the affectation of modern poetry, profession not being held in sufficient estimation in his so well received by the public, and we shall be happy to renew our acquaintance with the author.

MEMORANDUMS of a RESIDENCE in FRANCE in the WINTER of 1815-16, including remarks on French Manners and Society, with a description of the Catacombs, and notices of some other objects of Curiosity and Works of Art, not hitherto described. 8vo. pp. 404.

own country; that while the highest honours of the state, a peerage or a pension, are the frequent rewards of those who arrive at eminence in the law, the army, the navy, &c. &c., medical candidates for fame can hardly look to any worthier recompense of their toils than the petty honor of knighthood. To the mortification incidental to this impression may perhaps be ascribed some remarks, page 234, which savour too much of reflection upon the chaANOTHER century, or perhaps two, may elapse before racter and conduct of the source whence at present these the great and important question can be fairly decided honours flow. Such remarks are the more to be reprowhether the French Revolution has been most productive bated, since the introduction of any allusion to the illusof benefit or injury to mankind at large. A minor ques-trious personage in question was wholly irrelevant to the tion however, which has a partial reference to this leading subject on which the author was writing; they are thrust one, may be incontrovertibly decided at the present mo-in, as it should seem, solely for the gratification of giving ment; that it has at least been productive of great benefit vent to a little effusion of spleen. Something of the same to authors and booksellers. Nations may have been im- disposition to disencumber himself of a certain portion of poverished by it, but the pockets of these two descrip- atrabilarious matter breaks out also in chap. 27. where he tions of persons have been filled, nor does the time of is exceedingly offended with the French for not using their their harvest appear yet to be even advancing towards a term physicien in the same sense that we apply ours of conclusion. New publications with regard to France and physician; though we really cannot see why physicien its concerns still continue to issue almost daily from the is a more intrinsically honorable appellation than medecin. press, while the readers are never wearied with consuming To the remarks on boxing in the following chapter we the midnight oil in scanning over the exhaustless theme; most heartily subscribe, sincerely wishing such a seminor is time allowed them to forget the contents of one barbarous practice wholly exploded from our country. book before they are called upon to find some corner in their memories where those of another may be stored.


The work in question cannot be said to contain much information either new or important. The author appears IMITATIVE MEDALLIONS.-At this period of general to be a member of the medical profession, who went to distress and want of employment, it is incumbent on EnParis for professional purposes, so that his Memorandums glish art and ingenuity not to permit themselves to be exor Memoranda are confined almost entirely to that ca-celled in articles either of elegance or use, by the Contipital, and of that we have heard so much within the last nental fabrics. On this principle we call the attention of eight and twenty years, that it is scarcely possible any our readers to some observations made by Mr. James, in thing new should be found either to describe or descant a recent tour on the Continent, where he describes an upon. Indeed though the author professes in his title- iron-foundery at Berlin, at which they have acquired an page to give Notices on some Objects of Curiosity and art of casting small ware articles, that deserves the notice Works of Art not hitherto described, for any such we not only of the manufacturer, but even of the tasteful and have looked through his book in vain; he rests his chief opulent. At present they cast medallions after the anhope, as he tells us, of throwing something like novelty tique cameos and intaglios, with a sharpness and precision over a subject which he seems to feel is worn almost of form equal to what might be effected on the most ducthreadbare, rather in pourtraying the impressions made tile metals; and these, when finished from the mould, upon his own mind by all he saw, than in his descriptions receive a rich hue of jet, by rubbing them over with of the objects themselves. The work is written upon the burnt porcelain earth, so as to reader them fit for setting whole in a simple, easy, unaffected stile; and those who even in gold. have a great deal of leisure to bestow on such kind of reading, will not regret devoting a portion of that leisure to the perusal of it.

The secret of the process is to fuse the iron with a small quantity of autimony, and to perform the operation in a very small furnace.


A mistake occurs, at page 103, where in describing the Petit Trianon near Versailles, it is represented as a place We had supposed that the questions connected with formed by Madame de Maintenon, and as having been the Ossian's authenticity were finally set at rest; but a Calefavorite resort of that lady and her royal lover. Now it is donian critic seems to be of a different opinion, and has so well known, as the creation of the unfortunate Marie actually favored the world with a parallel of that poem Antoinette, and as the scene of so much of that gaiety and with those of Homer, Virgil, and Milton. He also obimprudence which threw such a veil of doubt over her serves, that "to shew whether the poem of Temora was character, and has been so celebrated on that account, the work of an author of the name of Ossian or of Mac that it is astonishing how such a mistake could occur; Pherson, would lead to an endless discussion concerning the rather, since the accuracy of the author's descriptions a matter of little or no moment”-but we cannot help in general must be acknowledged by all who are acquainted considering that, as the most material point to be settled with Paris; and what English man or woman is not now before we bring it into comparison with Homer. If Ossian acquainted with it? Whether some of the remarks may was the author, then its equality with, and resemblance

to the productions of the father of classical poetry, be- the Italian and German collections, a considerable numcome a matter of serious importance in literature. But, ber of pictures, inferior to those of which the French colof what import is it to taste or curiosity, that a writer of lection was deprived. Amateurs have more than once the present day should produce a poem resembling Homer? made this observation; but their complaints could not Can there be any thing wonderful in a copy? Unless the overcome the predilection which every conqueror naturally astute critic should be able to prove that Homer's verses entertains for his new acquisitions. Our painters having, were never read by James Mac Pherson! with due deference, yielded the place of honor to the ChefsFOREIGN AFFECTATION.-It has been a frequent and d'Œuvre of Rome, Venice and Florence, were at length favorite point, with our moralists, to laugh at that species obliged to give way to the vulgar and diminutive style of of folly which so often induces people in this country to Flemish painting. The French school which reckoned warble Italian scenes and canzonets, without understanding seventy-three pictures in the catalogue of 1801, had more a word of the language: we are not, however, singular in than one hundred in the catalogue of 1810; its number this; for there is a similar custom existing amongst a now amounts to two hundred and thirty-three, which is savage people in the South Seas, who, we are informed rather more than one fifth of the general exhibition. by a recent voyager, sing in the language of a neighbour- "The Flemish and German schools occupy the third ing groupe of islands, which they affect to admire, though and fourth rooms in the grand gallery. A twentieth part very few understand what they sing. of the names which appeared in the old catalogue are wanting, or at least are not inserted in the new one; and the latter, on the other hand, contains twelve or fifteen names which were not in the old one; but at all events, neither the loss nor the acquisition are very considerable. With the exception of two or three masters whom it would be very difficult to procure, the present collection is complete.

FAMILY MEDICINES.-The impropriety of quacking with what are commonly called "Family Medicines," is clearly proved by the circumstance stated by Mr. Everard Brande, of a lady taking two tea-spoonfuls of magnesia every night for two years, until a concreted mass was formed which produced the most acute pains, and could only be removed by the most powerful applications.

We trust that the present love of science in this country is not likely to deteriorate; yet, it is a curious and undoubted fact, that in other countries such changes are not uncommon. A recent traveller, at Upsal, found the lecture room of Linnæus occupied by an exhibition of Fantoccini!

Sir Humphrey Davy has stated an opinion, in a recent communication to the Royal Society, with regard to meteoric appearances, that falling stars could not be owing to the combustion of gaseous meteors; but that they must be solid ignited masses moving with great velocity in the upper regions of the atmosphere.

"The pictures of the Flemish school, even those of the most celebrated masters, are at present very numerous in the cabinets of amateurs; there is consequently less reason to regret those which the Museum does not possess. The most important consideration is not that our Depôts and Public Magazines should contain every thing, but that France should want nothing. The pictures of the Italian schools are less admired, and less sought after by amateurs than those of the schools of Holland and Flanders; their dimensions and the gravity of the subjects which they represent in general render them less convenient and agreeable for hanging in apartments, and they are to be found less frequently than others in the cabinets of private persons. The Directors of the Museum deserve thanks for the efforts they have made to exhibit as many as pos. sible. The old catalogue contained only sixty-four names nore than the present one. With regard to number, this is a very unimportant difference; but the present collection is most magnificent on account of the quality of the works which compose it. The most valuable of these The Louvre, which has been closed since the restoration pictures belonged, for the most part, to the ancient colof the works of art to Italy and other parts of Europe, has lections of the Kings of France; some have been obtained lately been re-opened. The French seem very easily consoled since the revolution, or presented to the King by foreign for the losses they have sustained. They however forget Princes since the restoration. The rest have been brought that they now possess one gallery less than they formerly from the churches, palaces, castles and public and private did; the pictures having been transferred from the Lux-edifices which have been destroyed during the last twentyembourg to the Louvre, in order to make up for the de-eight years.

An ingenious, or apparently ingenious, speculator, proposes a plan, which he calls very simple, for throwing bridges over various arms of the sea, such as the straits of Dover, from Scotland to Ireland, across the Humber, the Severn, &c. He promises to lay it before the public in the course of a couple of months.


ficiencies of the latter. Our Readers are already aware "The Museum of Paris, without contradiction, is now that the gallery of the Louvre is divided into six large more extensive, finer and better arranged than any other. apartments and three small ones. The following account of the present exhibition is selected from the Paris Papers. "With regard to the hanging of the pictures, we must first of all make mention of the honorable space which is occupied by the French school. In the former exhibition this school filled only the smallest of the six large apartments. The reason of this was not, as may be supposed, that the superabundance of foreign productions prevented more room being allotted to the productions of France. Even at that time it would have been easy to take from

Remarkable care has been taken in this last exhibition to place the pictures in the most favorable lights and most convenient situations for study. A gallery two hundred and twenty fathoms long, lined throughout with pictures, none of which are below mediocrity, the greater number excellent, and many Chefs-d'Euvre of the first order, must doubtless present a singular and magnificent appearance. Every one knows the imposing and magical effect produced by the massy pillars, with which this gallery is adorned at equal distances. Another circumstance, though

her friends. The pleasure which these different amusements afforded to the company was such, that the Baroness was under the necessity of announcing that she could only receive company once every mouth.

unimportant in itself, adds new eclat to this decoration; her Romance; but her Budget she keeps for herself and and much more than so common a cause might be expected to produce. The flooring, which was before always sombre and dusty, has now been coloured and brushed. The warm and brilliant tone of the new flooring harmonizes in the best possible way with the gilding of the ceiling The system of Match-making in England has generally and cornices, and forms an ensemble of extraordinary rich-been considered rather as a private affair than a public ocness." cupation. In Finland, however, it is actually a profession, Thus do the Parisians happily reconcile themselves to practised by one or two old women in every village. But every change of fortune! it is perhaps a more curious fact, that the solemnization of the marriage ceremony only takes place on one day in the year!


It is a trait highly honorable to the Swedish character, as detailed by a recent tourist, that charity boxes, frequently placed in the most exposed situations on the road side, are as safe from being fraudulently opened, as if under the strongest guards. Nor, indeed, is any other unguarded property, public or private, liable to depredation from the band of the harmless rustic.

A new engraving has recently appeared in Paris, in which the arts of music aud design have with considerable effort been combined together. This print represents a Magic Rock and a Duett, entitled, The two Lovers, which is sung with an accompaniment for the Piano. The music is written upon a single line which extends the whole length of the winding road upon the Rock, along which the two Lovers have resolved to journey. The words for the Lady read from the top to the bottom, and those for the Gentleman from the bottom to the top. The two singers would therefore infallibly meet, were it not for Our readers will, no doubt, be amused by the followa furious Dragon, which is stationed in the middle of the ing modest specimen of the puff direct, from the Parisian Rock, for the purpose of preventing their union. Having Journals. nothing better to do the Lovers continue their journey,


"We were too precipitate in announcing the return of the one towards the summit, the other towards the foot of Madame Catalani. An authentic letter from Milan says the Rock, from whence they recommence the game, which that she has recently visited Bergamo, Brescia and Mautua. might be prolonged for a considerable time, if a thunder-At Verona, where she arrived on the 19th, she received bolt did not settle the business by destroying the Dragon. an invitation through the medium of Count de Saurau to "Then the Lovers having met, embrace each other with proceed to Vienna. To Vienna, where she was lately fortransport." The Duett, it must be acknowledged, does not bidden to appear! What a triumph for talent and moend badly. desty! Madame Catalani hastily quitted Verona to ful

As the music is written on a single line, it is necessary fil the invitation of M. de Saurau, and the latter city was that the air should be arranged so that the beginning may deprived of the happiness of hearing her. At Venice, serve for the end, and the end for the beginning. It may whither she is next expected to proceed, the Cypress has therefore be said to have neither beginning nor end, or been substituted for the rose in the crowns which are what is much the same neither head nor tail. For the preparing for her. The King of Bavaria has himself exarrangement of this air a degree of labour must have been pressed a desire to hear Madame Catalaui at Vienna, requisite, the very thought of which fatigues the imagin-before he quits that city. In the meanwhile what will ation. The composer may be congratulated on having become of our Opera-Buffa?” overcome so many difficulties; he has displayed in this romance as much patience and mechanical genius, as are usually employed in the construction of a Mill.

Thienon the Painter, and Piringer the Engraver, have recently published, conjointly, a new work, entitled, A picturesque journey through the Groves of La Vendée, or Views of Clisson and its environs; sketched from nature, engraved in the Aquatinta style, and adorned with several extracts from the faithful and touching memoirs of the Marchioness of Laroche-Jaquelin. It is a matter of surprise, that the Groves of La Vendée, which present several points of view comparable to those of Italy, should never before have been explored by artists.

An entertainment given a short time ago by the Baroness de Stael is the subject of general conversation. The party was numerous and select; two advantages which are rarely combined together. The amusements were various --cards, dancing, music and diplomacy. The prettiest women in Paris were distinguished by elegance of dress and profound administrative knowledge. Madame de T danced a gavotte and read several passages from a ROME. It is still affirmed, that the law will be mowork, entitled, A consideration of the Constitutions of dified, if not wholly abolished, which prohibits the Europe, which reflected the greatest honour upon her exportation of esteemed ancient works of Art, without character. Madame de Cexcited the admiration of the special permission of the Government, even when it all present by a sonata on the Piano, which she executed has itself no inclination to purchase them. At Naples with a brilliancy worthy of our great Masters. Her Plan and Florence, for example, the Government has merely the of law upon Public Assemblies, did not display the same right of pre-emptiou. The more rigid Roman law, (the degree of talent although it was listened to with much violation of it is punished with confiscation of the articles,) attention. Madame de F- sang a Romance and read has been much declaimed against; it has been called an the draft of a Budget which transported all her hearers; unjust limitation of private property, and it has been even though one of these works is somewhat superficial, yet the asserted, that many treasures remain under ground, because delicacy with which it is treated, renders it invaluable. nobody likes to be at the expense of making researches, We understand that Madame de F intends to publish since any thing remarkably excellent which might be


found, would meet with no sale, foreigners not being al-pared to the early singers of Greece, who came to present lowed to purchase. Though there is much truth in this, their offerings at the Temple of Apollo, and no pretty yet a good deal may be alledged in favor of the law.- woman receives more presents or greater marks of atten1. The works of art are so essential a resource to Rome tion. He has expressed a wish, that the Government by attracting foreigners, by forming and maintaining should place him at the head of a school of singing, in artists, that she must naturally be more jealous of their order that if he should die without heirs, his memory may exclusive possession.-2. The fortune of the Roman fami- be prolonged by the talent of his pupils. lies (i, e. the most of them,) is so changeable, and their inclination to part with the treasures of art acquired by The Narrative of a Journey in Brazil, by Mr. Henry their ancestors, so evident, that it is necessary to restrain it.-3. Rome is an elective sovereignty, and under such a Koster, contains many curious observations on the civil one, the public has regularly claims on the property of the and political state of that country. The government preserves the character which it formerly maintained at Lisfamily of the Sovereigns, who are accustomed, more or less, to enrich their families during their reigns, which bon. The Minister, Mr. d'Aranjo, entertains extensive cannot be done without drawing from the public Trea- plans of civilization, and is moreover a friend to religious sury. This is so true, that some Popes are said to have and political tolerance. The most characteristic feature in the internal administration of Brazil, is the equality felt repentance on this head upon their death bed; as, for example, Paul V. of the Borghese family, who, for which prevails between the Whites and the Mulattos. The this reason, enjoined his nephew and heir to leave the laws and regulations concerning people of color, are not Villa Pinciana constantly open to the public; and to this only extremely mild, compared with those which exist in wish is ascribed the liberal regulation inscribed in marble the other colonies; but custom, public spirit, and the in the Villa Borghese, which has been published by several connivance of the government, enforce the strictest executravellers. It must be said, to the honor of the Roman tion of these legislative arrangements. All people of coNobles in general, that after the praise-worthy example lor, in easy circumstances, obtain without difficulty White of the Government, they facilitate to the public as much diplomas, by which they are qualified to hold ecclesiastical as possible, the access to their Museums. The exceptions and civil dignities. Mr. Koster saw a very dark mulatto, are rare. Among them is unfortunately the rich Prince of who was a Captain in Chief, that is to say, an officer of Piombino, who guards with jealous eyes his fine Villa superior administration. He asked a Portugueze gentlePiombino, and accompanies the grant of permission to see man, how it happened that a mulatto was permitted to it with all kinds of difficulties, which make it unpleasant. fill so high a situation. —,” replied the latter, ROME, 31st Jan.-A young Roman artist is going to was once a man of color, but he is not so now; he has publish the beautiful fresco paintings by Raphael which been bleached by a diploma. How came you to imagine adorn the great Hall of the ancient Council.-The conthat a mulatto could be a Captain in Chief? I can assure gregation of St. Philip Neri has adopted in the schools the you, he is as white as either you or I." This system of method of mutual instruction, on the system of Lancaster, equality between the two chief tribes of the inhabitants of and as practised at Milan and Paris. Brazil, will no doubt tend to create a new nation of mixed blood.

NAPLES.-The court has ordered new operations at Pompeii. There have been discovered there several rolls of Greek Manuscripts, particularly a Plato, which are very little damaged. They were in a little chest covered with metal plates.




Since the appearance of the spots or fissures on the sun's disk, the phenomena have become more numerous. Without speaking of the kind of disorder in the seasons NAPLES, 26 JAN.-The new excavations at Pompeii and the temperature; of the melting of the snows in Tyrol, made by order of the King, have just met with great success. Switzerland, and the Jura; of the mildness of the weather, A marble foot of gigantic size, which was found on the 20th which has brought back in those countries the verdure of of this month, excited a conjecture, that the remains of some spring, and the nightingale, and even the Maybug, one master piece of sculpture would soon come to light. The cannot but mention as remarkable: 1. The irregularities number of workmen being increased, they succeeded on and very singular contradictions of the barometers. 2. The the 21st in discovering the inclosure (enceinte) of a mag-retrogression of the magnetic needle. 3. The ebb and flow nificent temple, in which they found another colossal foot of the tide, which, by the accounts from Italy, has shown of marble. It is hoped they will find the Colossus to itself in the Adriatic; and to these we may add the abovewhich these fragments belong. mentioned Aurora Borealis.

PARMA. There have been lately discovered, between In the mountains of Switzerland, the spring birds are Parola and Borgo-San-Domino, petrified bones of an extra-every where heard; every thing announces that the winter ordinary size, several elephants' teeth, mixed with bones is over; and experienced farmers presage a very fertile of horses, horns of oxen and of stags, and an immense year. From Marseilles, we learn that in the month of Jaquantity of fragments of vases of baked earth. It is ob-nuary the temperature was like that of a fine May. The served, that the ground shows at the depth of two feet and parties of pleasure on the sea coast were as brilliant as in a half all the signs of carbonization. No human bones the finest season. have been found.

The Journal of the two Sicilies says, that the celebrated singer Crescentini has quitted the banks of the Olone to perform at the Theatre of Santo-Carlo, where his angelic voice formerly excited such high admiration. He is com

At Vienna, the deer in the Imperial park have already cast their horns, a sign of approaching spring, which otherwise does not happen before the month of March. This circumstance has not occurred since the year 1747, distinguished by a very forward spring and an extraordinary

abundance of corn, which was brought into the barns so early as the month of June.

METEORIC STONES. The largest of these, known to have fallen from the atmosphere, was found at Elbogen in Bohemia, and is now in the Imperial Museum at Vienna. When first brought to the Museum, its weight was two hundred pounds; but a large piece has been broken off, the iron contained in which has been manufactured into curiosities of various forms, particularly penknives, scissars, and a magnetic needle.

himself no pleasure; he participated in every amusement, and when Schiller was absent, regret supplied his place.

His partiality for the fair sex bordered on veneration. At Leipzic he loved two sisters with enthusiasm; at Dresden, the that time his notions of beauty were of a less Platonic nature most charming woman in Saxony held him captive, and from than before. When he discoursed on this subject, his features became animated, he raised his head; and as he was at this time labouring at his Carlos, he infused all the fire of this passion into the heart of his heroine.

He could not endure the etiquette maintained in mixed companies at Dresden. His love for independence was such, that It is to be hoped that the coolness of this week, com- he could not work with closed doors. The aspect of nature, a pared to the last, has stopped the rapid progress of vegeta- walk in the country, the irregular course of waters and tortion. On Wednesday morning, about four, there was a vio-rents, or a storm in all its violence, were best suited to his lent storm of hail, with heavy gusts of wind from the West excitements. taste, and the desire he constantly entertained for powerful and W. by N.; and this morning at eight some sleet fell, and the wind blew violently in heavy gusts. The storm came on with

[blocks in formation]

40 W & NW 4 In heavy gusts with sunshine and partial showers of hail and sleet. The range of the barometer from 30.19 to 29.11. Rain fallen 35 of an inch.

If Schiller had written much, his profits would have been considerable, but he wrote very slowly; he had scarcely finished one sheet, when Kotzebue had written six. His health was moreover extremely delicate, and a pulmonary affection rendered close application very oppressive to him.

As a friend and a husband, he rigidly fulfilled every duty. His death, which took place at Weimar in 1805, was universally lamented. As a Physician, he foretold the period of his dissolution; as a Philosopher, he beheld its approach without fear; but, as a father, he dreaded its consequences. He left four children unprovided for at a very tender age. The GrandDuchess Paulowna took charge of their education.


Extract of a Letter from Benares, 6th May, 1816. SINCE you tell me that you wish to hear about native It should be noticed, that the thermometers from which customs and manners, I must mention a fellow who has been these observations are made, are about four feet from the lately hung at Calcutta, and suffered for an offence which I ground, with exposed bulbs, and stand where the sun shines think never was heard of in Europe :-He was an admirable on them (at this time of the year) from about 10 till about swimmer and diver, and used to frequent the ghauts and places The highest degree of the thermometer in the shade, where the women came to bathe in the river. He would make and in a frame, and hanging at the height of nine feet from his way along under the surface of the water till he got close the ground (from which situation the observations have drag her under the water, and drown her for the sake of her among them, and then seizing one of them by the legs, would been made for many years) has been at 50 and 51 every ornaments, for the women of this country always bathe in their day but Friday and Saturday: such is the error of the ob- valuable gems and pearls. Meanwhile the newspapers teemed servations of former years, before the thermometers were with horrible accounts of alligators carrying away bathers; and brought to their present perfection, and gentlemen who these monsters of the flood were talked of and feared by every have written on Meteorology, (and particularly Dr. Wells, herself from his grasp, rose to the top of the water, and one, and seen by no one. At last, one day a girl disengaged by his most indefatigable application in his Treatise screamed out that it was no beast, but a man! He was then on Dew,) had opened the eyes of Meteorologists. The caught, and confessed that he had carried on that trade for degree of the wind's velocity is noted from 4 to 5, a quar-seven years. Of the number of his victims he had kept no ter indicating the wind just felt, and 5 indicating a hurri- reckoning! This is but a vague notice of the wind's velocity.


A wind-gage is a great desideratum!



Schiller had been a Physician; an ardent imagination inspired him with a taste for the Theatre, and his glory as a dramatic poet is established.

Possessing naturally a mild and timid disposition, he displayed, when in company, a sombre and constrained air. It was extremely difficult to become familiar with him; a strange countenance embarrassed him, and deprived him of all his advantages. At first sight, no one would have doubted that | love and friendship constituted the charm of his existence, and that in his attachments he poured forth all the vehemence of his soul. But as soon as etiquette was banished, he resumed his freedom, and nobody could then be more entertaining, His conversation abounded with sallies and traits; he denied



Lines written some time before the inspection of Mr. HILTON'S picture of the Duke of Wellington's Entrance into Madrid.

Upon his fiery steed,-within the bounds
Of proud IBERIA's capital, renown'd
For high heroic chiefs, from age to age,
Rides Wellington; the Saviour of the realm;
His Country's glory; and her Foes' defeat.
Rous'd by the signal cry "He comes-he comes,"-
Looks Expectation forth.-His battles fought,
And laurels won, in many a gory strife,
Fame trumpets; and, as from a countless hive,
The Population swarms. High and low,
Men, women, children to one centre haste;
Block every passage up; and clust'ring hang
On house-tops, and the Steeple's dizzy height.
Now all is still. Thought, language, feeling, soul,
Each nobler passion, each exalted sense,

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