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without knowing her own meaning. Her education is withstanding the subsequent repeated voyages. then complete; she enters the world with more diamonds than ideas, puts her face in circulation, talks good French and bad English, pays morning visits by moonlight, and goes to dinner when half the nation are going to bed.

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But all these frivolities have a most awful object in view. The whole is intended to conclude with an eligible marriage; and for this great purpose, are routes, and balls, and operas, instituted. These seem a sort of public markets, where faces are put up for sale, and where dealers in matrimony go to make purchases. The goods are therefore very properly exposed as much as possible, nor can any customer complain that he has bought a blind bargain. Here Lombard Street and St. James's meet to transact compacts of conveniency. The old jewels want new setting, so an impoverished title and a plebeian plum enter into treaty; a balance is struck between rent-rolls and family trees, aud in due time, the coronet unites its fate with the sugar hogshead.


Otaheite even, we can as yet be said to know but little beyond a few facts; at least not to reason upon, or draw inferences from their manners and customs, with any degree of certainty. Yet by a most whimsical delicacy on the part of Peyrouse, and owing to something like a feeling of envy on the part of those who drew up his instructions, the whole of that interesting part of the South Sea, including the Society and Friendly Isles, was studiously avoided by the French Navigator, who, though he touched at the Friendly Islands, seemed more disposed to refit at New Holland, where our infant settlement was then almost in embryo. In short there seemed a jealousy on the part of France respecting the priority and the extent of English discoveries over those of Bougainville; whilst Peyrouse himself, a short time before the unhappy catastrophe in which he and his companions are supposed to have perished, actually wrote home to a friend boasting that he had navigated the Southern Ocean for two years, These shops, then, as you may guess, drive a pretty without finding it necessary to visit the modern Cytherea lucrative trade, and exhibit a great choice of commodities. of the English voyagers, so much talked of in all ContiFor, if one girl sets up with a capital of features, there is nental Societies. By that happy mode of reasoning, for another who carries on commerce at the piano; while a which Frenchmen are so famous, he seems to have conthird, who happens to be only pleasant and ugly, puts sidered the not seeing it as an honour almost as great as herself in the department of saying good things. Mean- that of discovering it. Yet Bougainville was there, and while, the lords of the creation, who had probably spent only a very few weeks after our Captain Wallis, so that the morning at Tattersall's, strut up and down the room, the honour of the discovery is, in fact, nearly divided examine paces and points, and at length select their pur-between the two nations. chase; which, though not warranted, is sure to be described in all the prints, as a young lady" eminently calculated to render the marriage state truly happy." Adieu.

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An ACCOUNT of the NATIVES of the TONGA ISLANDS, in the South Pacific Ocean, with a Grammar and Vocabulary of their Language. Compiled from the Communications of WILLIAM MARINER, by JOHN MARTIN, M. D. 2 vols. 8vo.

That Voyagers, ignorant of the language, and only remaining a few days at each newly discovered spot, where each day was either a day of hostility, or else a holiday, could acquire much knowledge of a new people, is not to be expected; indeed, the great cause of surprise and admiration is that they have been able to learn so much; for it is well deserving of attention that the details and inferences of the English navigators preceding Cook, and his own likewise, have been generally confirmed by all subsequent visitors. A new field is, however, now opened by the work before us, drawn with much apparent industry and discrimination from the statements and answers of a young THE scientific skill and nautical perseverance of our man lately returned from the great South Sea Archipelago, immortal circumnavigator, had left little to be added to where he had been nearly seven years a resident, and a the grand outline of Polynesian Cosmography. By his companion of the King of Tonga, the principal of that indefatigable researches the clamour of bold system had groupe distinguished by Cook and other navigators as been hushed, and even the murmurs of conjecture had the Friendly Islands. Mr. Mariner, though leaving home beeu lulled to rest, through the whole extent of the Great at the early age of fourteen, had laid the foundation of a Pacific, from pole to pole; with the exception of a few good education at school, which appears to have availed points of local geography in the vicinity of Japan, where him very much, in his observations throughout the course the Dutch, though commercial visitors for centuries, had of his eventful voyage, performed, partly, in the Port au been precluded by the national jealousy of the Japanese, Prince, a private ship of war sent to the South Seas as a from adding any thing to the rude surveys of De Vries, whaler, and also as a cruizer against the Spaniards. After John De Gama, and a few other obscure voyagers. visiting the Sandwich Islands, and several other interThat Cook left nothing for discovery, is evident from the esting parts of that Ocean, the Port au Prince was capinstructions given by the French Board of Marine to the tured by the natives of Tonga, but not before a great unfortunate Peyrouse; and by a reference to the charts of part of her crew had been murdered. Mr. Mariner and a that voyage, it is evident that his tracks, both north and few others were saved, and as he became the friend and south of the Equator, were a mere retracing of Cook's protegé of the King, and accompanied him in all his footsteps, excepting only on the Japanese Coasts, where warlike expeditions, he had every opportunity of acquiring he had even been preceded by an English Seaman, Cap-much interesting information for the moralist, the philotain Broughton. sopher, and the philologist. A desire for conquest seems to Yet our knowledge of the great South Sea, in a moral have been one great incentive to the treachery of the napoint of view, and of some parts of New Guinea, &c. in tives; and they speedily availed themselves of their new a geographical sense, is little more than an outline, uot-weapons, acquired by the seizure of the ship, in attacking

all their neighbours. Their ideas of English artillery were, | manuscript of Montesquieu, forming three volumes, however, rather whimsical; for on one occasion being entitled Mes Pensées, and containing historical reflecfatigued with dragging the guns through heavy soil, they tions on the reign of Louis XI.: this fragment was supcursed not only them but all Englishmen for making them, posed to have been burnt a considerable time back. If asking why they were not made lighter, or why those we may put faith in the enthusiastic description given in who made them did not also make legs for them to walk with?

To follow Mr. Mariner, in our limited space, through his very interesting adventures, or to give even a sketch of the information and amusement he affords us, is totally impossible; but he does not confine himself to mere accounts of the savages, for he also throws much light upon the fate of the unfortunate Cook, and also of the Missionaries who perished in those Islands. Of Cook he heard much at Owyhee, and that was again confirmed to him by some Sandwich Islanders whom he met at Tonga. They all agreed that the death of Cook was never intended, but that the fatal blow was inflicted by a newly arrived Indian, a stranger to his person; for the other islanders believed him to be immortal. Nay it is asserted that they preserved and still worship his bones; what was brought off to the ships, as his remains, being the melancholy fragments of the other murdered bodies.

a letter inserted in the present collection, the author of L'Esprit des Lois was never more profound or energetic than in this last production. M. Walknaer quotes several maxims from this valuable manuscript; we select the following, which ought to be engraved in front of the palace of every King: "The flatterer is a slave, who is of no use to any Master."

"Montesquieu," says the Editor of his posthumous works, "begins the history of Louis XI. by sketching the political situation of Europe, at the period when that Prince ascended the throne; he proves how much it was in his favour, and that what is generally attributed to his understanding was merely the result of the circumstances by which he was surrounded. He next points out the great and noble deeds which he might have performed, and which he did not perform; because, (says M. Fayolle) he regarded the commencement of his reign only as the commencement of his revenge."

The death of the Missionaries was produced by the A dissertation by the Count de Caylus on a manuscript machinations of one Morgan, a fellow who had escaped of the thirteenth century, cannot fail to be read with iufrom Port Jackson; but it appears, that the jealousy of terest in M. Fayolle's work. It is curious to observe with the natives was much fostered by the silly mystery and what freedom writers of that period, though entertaining religious pride of these men, shutting themselves up the highest respect for religion, express themselves conwhilst celebrating their worship, instead of courting the cerning the ministers of the gospel and even of the Pope confidence of those they were sent to enlighten. This was himself. The author of this singular composition, entia fundamental error towards men so little better than tled the Court of Paradise, compares the splendours of children, that when they broke Mariner's watch, they Heaven to the solemnities of the Earth; and the Court of brought him the pieces requesting him to put it together a King, such as it was usually held at that period, to the again and make it speak! On this part of the narrative, Court of the Deity in Paradise. Nothing is more simple (p. 62, vol. 1.), it must be added, that the mode in which or more patriarchal than a Court festival as described by another Indian, who had been on board a French ship, the author. "It is proper to observe," adds M. de Caylus, explained the principle of a watch as a time-keeper, is "that at that time Kings did not hold continual Courts: highly curious and interesting. living retired amidst their families, and with very little The words of a song, (p. 307, vol. 1), preserved and pomp during the greater part of the year, they appointed translated by Mr. Mariner, afford a brilliant specimen of days on which they invited their subjects and even fotheir poetic taste and fancy-but our limits preclude fur-reigners, by heralds, messengers, or other means of conther notice, and we must close with observing, that the vocation, assuring them that they should be well received. investigator of nature, and of the human heart, and of the Notice was at the same time given of the number of days early history of man, will find a mass of entertainment in which the Court was to last; the four great festivals of these volumes which bear every mark of truth and authen- the year were always fixed upon, doubtless because peoticity, alike honourable to the narrator and to the learned ple were then less occupied in domestic business. Percompiler. sons thus invited were lodged, boarded, and entertained at the Courts."

MELANGES LITTERAIRES, Composés de morceaux inedits de DIDEROT, de CAYLUS, de THOMAS, de RiVAROL, D'ANDRre Chenier, recueillis par M. Fayolle. 1 vol. 12mo.

The estimable Thomas, so dear to minds of a teader and serious turn, has furnished a remarkable letter in this collection. Lavoisier, Diderot, M. Garat, and Madame de Stael, have likewise been placed under contribution. Among the observations of the last mentioned writer, we THE first and one of the most remarkable fragments recommend to the reflection of our critics the following composing this volume, is, without doubt, a dialogue at-truth which is daily demonstrated by contemporary litertributed to Rivarol, between Voltaire, Fontenelle, and ature: "In France, there are too many bridles for steeds Lamothe. Academical follies are there attacked with a already tamed." degree of spirit worthy the interlocutor who plays a part in the scene. The author of Zadig and the Philosophical Questions could not have infused more poignancy and spirit into a conversation.

We are indebted to the efforts of M. Walknaer, and to his indefatigable love of literature, for the discovery of


The poetry which is introduced at the end of this compilation, does not form the most brilliant portion of it: the imitation of the satire of Juvenal against Messalina, which is by some attributed to Thomas, and by others to M. de Fontanes, is already very well known. Some verses by the two Cheniers cannot claim much merit with respect

to novelty particularly the classical discourse on descrip- The nobility immediately thronged round him, and detive poems. clared that the Promenade would soon be profaned, and that it would no longer be fit for their enjoyment, if the vulgar were suffered to frequent it, &c.

Cerutti has sketched a portrait of Mirabeau, inserted at the end of the collection, in which he says:

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"To the power of action, Mirabeau joined the magic of Gentlemen," replied Joseph, "if I were determined to speech; vehement and fascinating, he reproduced with new associate with none but my equals, I must transport myself vigour those points he had discussed, and placed in the most into the vaults of the Monastery of the Capuchins, where brilliant light others which no one else had been able to permy ancestors repose, and take up my abode with them. ceive. The most remote consequences were calculated and approximated; every intricacy was seized and unravelled. He I love men, because they are men; I make no other dissurrounded every objection with a wall of argument, allowing tinction among them, and have no other preference for none to escape or to be replaced by others. Decisive reasoning them except that which is due to their actions. Whosowas the predominant figure in his pictures; with colouring ever thinks well and acts honourably, is entitled to my sometimes gloomy, expression sometimes illusory or exagge esteem. It must not be exclusively reserved for those rated, he occasionally subdued the prejudiced and roused the who reckon none but Princes among their ancestors." lethargic. He extinguished or revived the passions at his will, addressing himself to them to obtain their suffrage or their silence. Genius moved the orator, and the orator moved the assembly. A happy phrase, a flash of light from his lips darting on the minds of the auditors, produced a revolution of ideas. He seemed to hold alternately in his hand the prism of Newton and the head of Medusa."

JOSEPH SECOND, Empereur d'Allemagne, peint par lui-meme. Avec un précis historique sur la vie de ce Prince. Par M. R.

Under the above title a work has lately been published at Paris, which contains the following anecdotes.

As Joseph was once walking in the suburbs of Vienna, he observed a crowd of persons collected round a cart loaded with fire-wood. Curious to know the cause, he questioned one of the spectators, and was informed that the Inspector of the Barrier had stopped the countryman on suspicion of his having concealed tobacco among the wood, and insisted on his immediately unloading the cart. The countryman, who regarded this as a loss of time and a very serious labour, earnestly intreated him to permit somebody to accompany him into the city, where he could obtain satisfactory testimonies of his innocence; but the clerk would not listen to his supplications, and insisted on executing the order he had received to empty the cart. The Emperor, who was concealed amidst the crowd, remained for some time a tranquil witness of the dispute. He at length sent for a subaltern officer and a few soldiers from the nearest Corps-de-Garde, and ordered them to remain on the spot until the wood was entirely turned out. This being done, he enjoined them, in case the peasant should be found guilty of fraud, to execute fifty lashes across his shoulders; but if he were proved to be innocent, the refractory clerk was immediately to undergo the same punishment, and to be obliged to reload the wood himself. These orders were executed. No tobacco was found, and the Inspector after having reloaded the eart of the poor countryman, who was besides indemnified for his loss of time, received the fifty lashes.

The wife of an officer having been presented to the Emperor for the purpose of soliciting a pension, he asked her whether she had any children-"yes Sire, three young ladies and two young gentlemen" "and I," replied Joseph, "have had one daughter, but she is no more." In 1773 as the Emperor was passing through Medwisch in Transylvania, an aged woman came up to him for the purpose of soliciting a discharge from the army for her son, whom she had not seen for a long time. She thus began: "good day to you, Mr. Emperor, I hope you enjoy good health. How is your mother? Is she likewise well?" Joseph replied to each of these questions, heard her request, gave her some pieces of gold, and sent her away well satisfied; then turning to his attendants he said: "This good woman is the only person who has spoken to me of my mother during my journey. She shall see her son in eleven days, and free from all military engagements."

The Emperor, by an edict, granted permission to every landholder, whose fields had been ravaged by Deer, and whose representations had not been attended to by the Forest Courts, to destroy the animal. A countryman who had made repeated complaints, killed a superb Stag which had been brought to Vienna for the amusement of the Emperor, and which had frequently laid waste the field of the poor farmer. He was immediately thrown into prison. The chief huntsman in dismay presented himself before the Emperor, explained the circumstance, not forgetting to mention the detention of the criminal, and requested to know the further orders of His Majesty. "My orders are," said the Emperor," release the man, let the Stag be sold and give him the produce of the sale of the animal by way of indemnity."

A crime committed by a person of distinction, whose friends applied for a mitigation of the punishment which he had but too well merited, served to make manifest the principles of Joseph, who replied: "The law must be executed on all individuals equally. He who did not blush to commit the offence, should not blush to expiate it. If Joseph entertained the greatest aversion for those dis-the law admitted of any difference in the chastisement tinctions which tend to withhold from the most numerous allotted to the same species of offeuce, the indulgence portion of society, advantages which ought to be common to all.

ought not to be extended to those who have the fewest excuses to offer. Besides, virtuous and honorable actions being the more meritorious in the lower classes, where one may presume that education is least carefully attended to, and the greatest privations are felt, they ought to be the more highly recompensed."

Previous to his accession to the throne, the gates of the superb promenade called the Prater, were opened only to persons of distinction. Joseph wished that they should be thrown open to every body, and caused these words to be inscribed above the entrance to the promenade: In April, 1785, the Prince of Kaunitz, Chancellor of Place of Amusement, a treasure destined for every body. the Empire, completed his 74th year. The Emperor went


at seven in the morning to the Riding School, where he was certain of finding him. While, in conformity to the orders of the Emperor his arrival was announced to the Prince, he proceeded himself to the outer gate, where he received him saying: Happy the day which gave birth to the Prince of Kaunitz!" Surprised at this unexpected salute, the worthy old man could not utter a single word in reply. His gratitude was manifested only by a tear which dropped from his eye. The Emperor perceiving this, added: "I know, my dear Kaunitz, that you have invited some good friends to pass this day with you; as I am among the number of your friends, I shall not fail to wait upon you."

home by Mr. Nisbet from Constantinople, and returned into the possession of Lord Elgin.

Mr. Hamilton then produced two boxes of different sizes, sent to him by Lord Elgin from Broomhall; agreeable to his Lordship's former promise, that he would send all the drawings of Turkish Costumes then in his possession at that place, in hopes that the originals of Mr. Tweddell might have been preserved amongst his own papers.

The smaller of the two boxes contained ninety eight drawings of costumes, chiefly Turkish, &c. and fourteen other drawings or sketches of figures, chiefly Swiss; and the Turkish name, and also a short explanation in French at the bottom of each of the first ninety eight, were stated by Messrs. Moore and Heys, to have been in the late Mr. Tweddell's hand writing. Sixty of these were supposed to be evidently the originals from whence Mr. Nisbet's copies were taken.

As the ninety eight drawings were admitted to have been Mr. Tweddell's property; and it being thought probable that the fourteen sketches, of costumes of countries he had visited, and in the same box, had belonged to him also, this box and its contents were given up to Mr. Robert Tweddell's nominees.

He and one of his suite having once lost themselves in an excursion, they were, without being known, hospitably received in a house, the mistress of which apologized for being unable to bear them company, as she was anxious to see the Emperor, who was that day to arrive in the Canton. The strangers thanked her, and informed her, that as they belonged to the Emperor's suite, they could assure her that he had not arrived at the place which she mentioned." Well, then, gentlemen, in that case I will stay here and keep you company: I cannot suppose you would deceive me." They sat down to table, and discoursed on various subjects. But notwithstanding all the efforts of In the larger box were pencil drawings, and three portthe travellers to render the conversation agreeable, the folios of scenery, figures, and costumes from Naples and lady was so desirous to see the Emperor, that she con- other ports not visited by Mr. Tweddell. These also had the stantly made him the subject of discourse. She related name of the artist, Xavier Gatta, upon them, with other all she had heard of his probity, his compassionate hu-hand writing which bore no resemblance to Mr. Twedmanity, and all the excellent qualities of his heart and dell's; from whence all claim to them was given up by his mind. "Finally," added she, "this Prince is as accomplish-brother's nominees.

ed as it is possible for man to be. This conviction makes Such is the substance of the declaration of Mr. Twedme wish thus ardently to see him. You are certain, gentle- dell's nominees, respecting the present stage of this so men, that he will not arrive here in less than two hours ?"-much talked of affair.

"Yes, Madam." The time advanced, and Joseph wishing VEGETABLE PHOSPHORUS.-A curious instance of to put an end to this scene, so gratifying to his heart, this is related by A. F. Mornay, Esq. in a letter to Dr. said: "So, Madam, you cannot be satisfied until you Wollaston, the learned Secretary of the Royal Society. have seen the Emperor?"-" No, Sir, for I am convinced Mr. Mornay, whilst in Brazil, had an opportunity of he is the only individual of his age, who unites so many viewing most accurately the very curious plant called good qualities in a rank so elevated."—" I can satisfy, in" Cipo de Cunanam," which is a climber, but destitute some measure, the obliging desire which you manifest, of leaves or prickles, and seems a species of Euphorbium. without your taking the trouble to go abroad. Look on When Mr. Mornay cut this plant with his hanger, in the this box-the portrait is striking. Recognize the original dusk of the evening, the wounds inflicted presented a of this painting in the stranger to whom you have so cor- beautifully luminous line, which was not transient, but dially granted hospitality." The lady, filled with astonish-lasted for several seconds, or a quarter of a minute. ment, fixed her eyes upon the Emperor, who saluted her, Taking up a piece of the plant, he bent it in the dark and speedily departed.



This curious controversy seems drawing to a close. An examination of several boxes has taken place before the nominees of Lord Elgin (William Hamilton, Esq. Under Secretary of State), and of the Rev. Robert Tweddell (John Heys, Esq. of Lincoln's Inn, and Abraham Moore, Esq. of the Tempie), when one box was produced by Messrs. Heys and Moore, containing sixty seven drawings of costumes, chiefly Turkish, which they stated to belong to Mr. Hamilton Nisbet, and to have been sent by him to Mr. Robert Tweddell, as copies taken for the former at Naples, from originals belonging to the late Mr. John Tweddell; which originals had been brought

until the skin cracked, when every crack shewed the same light, of a phosphorescent appearance. He continued to bend the twig until the milky juice dropped out; when each drop was a drop of fire, much like inflamed tallow when falling.

MUSIC. Notwithstanding the boasted general improvement of the present day, Dr. Crotch is of opinion, as expressed in his opening lecture at the Surry Institution, that music, both in point of science and feeling, is on the decline. This he infers from the extraordinary increase of the love of ornament in that interesting study; but he allows to Mozart the merit of intermingling both taste and feeling, as well as sublimity, with the tickling sounds that please the modern ear. In grandeur, he considers him to excel the Italians; but thinks him inferior to them in the pathos of his melodies.

BALLOONS. All our high-flying fashionables may short

finished a large model of a groupe, representing Mars appeased by Venus, which it is said will be one of the chefs d'œuvre of modern sculpture. It is destined for the Prince Regent of England.

ly be gratified in a trip by an air-balloon, should any of our speculating traders in public amusements adopt the plan of an artist on the Continent, Ruggieri, who has fitted up a balloon large enough to support one person on a car, and which is secured by a rope of sufficient length and extent, like a falcon, "to lure it to its tassel back again." No THE VALLEY OF THE BATTUECAS. doubt many of our gentle Julias would thus appear to fly NOTWITHSTANDING the establishment of the Convent from their adorers; while Benedicts might rather feel in- of the Quadernas, who, according to Madame de Genlis, clined to cut the cord, exclaiming with the poet of night-are the legislators, friends, and physicians of this happy "The spider's thin attenuated thread

Is cord, is cable, to the tender tie
Of earthly bliss."-

colony, it is certain that the old population has disappeared, if indeed it ever existed. Monks are the only indivi duals remaining. The whole extent of habitable country THE CARTOONS.-As Haydon, and other artists, are is surrounded by a wall more than a league in circumnow engaged in copying the Cartoons for their own pri-ference. In the centre of this inclosure stands the movate studies, we feel much disposed to recommend, that nastery. Many fountains are to be seen, which pious art complete fac-similes of these works of the Divine Raffaelle, has adorned with emblems. and of others of the most prominent specimens of ancient The natural aridity of the soil does not prevent the culart existing in England, should be produced by the pen- tivation of cedar and cypress trees, the plantations of which cils of our most esteemed artists. This would facilitate are extremely beautiful. Here and there, in the most juvenile improvement, and ameliorate the public taste; picturesque situations, the Monks have built cells, in which whilst it would also guarantee us in some measure from the men, tired of the world, from time to time devote themeffects of time and accident with respect to what may just-selves to exercises of piety, and employ themselves for ly be considered as national monuments of art.

several days together in mystic meditations. One of these FACTITIOUS DIAMONDS. The recent improvements cells is formed in the trunk of an old cork-tree, the foin the blow-pipe are likely to open a wide field for art in liage of which still preserves its verdure. The Hermits, the manufacture of precious stones, as some of the hardest who declaim most loudly against worldly vanities, are inare easily fusible under its influence. Two rubies, one vited to enter it. The laconic inscription, Morituro satis, with a tolerable degree of colour, and the other nearly is placed over the threshold. Besides these occasional limpid and white, were melted by Dr. Clarke, into a bead hermits, others have established themselves at fixed posts of a pale pink colour. This rapidity of fusion will enable on the sides and heights of the mountain. These last the experimentalist to repeat and vary his process in an derive their subsistence from a species of industry pecuextreme degree upon substances scarcely acted on by the liarly their own. They make very pretty articles with the common methods. bark of the cork-tree, and these productions are circulated about the country.

CHEMICAL COLORS.-Though English enterprize and ingenuity do much for science, and its application to use- LEARNED PRECOCITY.-The French Academicians ful purposes; yet Government might do much in the di- boast much of the precocity of a young man, a Mons. rection of enterprize. Some of Berthollet's finest disco-Villemain, who, at 22, gained the prize for an elaborate veries were made whilst investigating the processes of essay on Montaigne; and recently, at 27, received another French manufacture; and Sir Humphry Davy's talents for the best eulogy on Montesquieu. By accounts from might be most usefully directed towards many points gene-Paris, they seem to consider him as a second Chrichton, rally beneficial, like his admirable Safety Lamp for coal at least in the field of Literature. He lectures on English mines. The talents of such a man are well employed in History and Politics, to the great delight of the Parisians; investigating the theory of that manufacturing process in and was a Professor at the age of 20!

printing cottons where the Turkey red dye is discharged DAVID still retains his reputation at Paris; for his last by the chlorine of lime dissolved in water, and decompos-picture of Leonidas he has refused a sum equal to 25001., ed by the sulphuric acid, but now superseded, by a very and demands 100,000 francs for this admired specimen recent discovery, by the chloride of alumina, which has of his pencil.

no deleterious effect on the texture of the stuff or cloth The French assert, that some wise Englishman has given exposed to it. 100 Louis d'ors for Napoleon's arm-chair from Malmaison. On this subject, a correspondent hints that the oxyda-This is even more than some of our wise Saints at home tion of metals, and consequently the change of metallic lately paid for the relics of Saint Huntington, a S. S. colours, may proceed more from the influence of LIGHT The actual Throne on which the beautiful bar-maid of than of Air. We shall present our readers with a most curious theory on the Effects of Light, in a subsequent number.

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the Café aux Mille Colonnes, in the Palais Royal, receives the adoration and homage of the Parisian Beaux, was, a very few years ago, the Throne of the Vice-Roy of Italy! Its original cost was about 6001.; but its value fell with that of its master, and it was purchased for one-third of the price.


The lovers of Italian Literature will be happy to learn that they may shortly expect a more correct edition than has ever yet appeared, of the Divina Comedia of Dante. M. Bagioli, already favorably known as the author of an

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