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full, nothwithstanding the dreadful weather. A third of the termination of their joint four years' travels through the houses are occupied by five numerous English fami- Greece, and the meeting of the friends at Rome, partly lies, who have been here for two months. Among them in studies relative to the antique and the arts at Rome, are some persons more celebrated and honoured in these and partly in a journey to Sicily, where he took the most parts for their beneficence than for their great wealth. accurate measurements of the largest temples and ruins Lord E. attracted by the accounts of the wonderful effects of of theatres, particularly at Agrigentum and Syracuse. the waters, finds himself much benefited by the use of them. "The great architect Cockerell," says a letter from General Crawford, second husband of the Duchess of New Rome, possesses an incomparable treasure of ancient un castle, is here for the second time. Fourteen years ago published inscriptions. His drawings of Greece surpass he was cured in Bareges of a dreadful fit of the gout, and every thing that we have yet seen from that land of the out of gratitude to the Divine Author of Nature, and as a Gods. He has lately made an attempt to arrange the charitable gift to the unfortunate, he founded an annual celebrated groupe of the family of Niobe, as it might revenue in perpetuity of 50 pounds sterling for the poor have stood in the frontispiece of a temple, and has sufferers who seek relief in the Royal Hospital here. The represented his idea in a well etched print of his own following is a pleasing anecdote of the noble lord above doing. Many persons however do not approve of it, bementioned, which shows at once his wealth and his gene- cause the size and number of the figures would require an rosity. Last week he took it into his head to send for immense frontispiece, and consequently an uncommonly one of the first dentists in Paris, to put his teeth in order. large temple; and as the countenances are besides almost The dentist comes, examines his lordship's mouth, finds all turned upwards, it does not appear how they could be that nothing is necessary to be done to it, says, 'My Lord, seen from below." Professor Bronstedt delivered in the since your mouth frequently with vinegar and water,' and winter 1815 to 16, according to a printed prospectus, gets again into his carriage to return 160 leagues and lectures upon his journey to Greece, which were attended more to Paris, with 150 Louis-d'ors, which his lordship by Bishop Munster, and many other distinguished perpresents him for having given him so much trouble in sons, but dwelling too long on the first part of his vain. This is surely a truly characteristic English anec-journey in Lower Italy and Epirus, which was uncomdote." monly interesting, he could not finish his account in this POMPEII.-Letters from Naples state, that there is course, and promised his auditors another course in the every reason to hope that the excavations which are pro-winter of 1816 to 17, unless he should depart for Rome secuted with the greatest activity in the ruins of Pompeii, before that time. As all the travellers have engaged not to will soon lead to important discoveries. The operations publish any part of their travels separately, it would be carrying on in the interior of the forum, have already be- dishonourable to make any public use of these verbal gun to lay open a Peristyle of six columns, which is doubt-communications. But from a letter which Bronstedt less part of a temple. The Minister of the interior, and wrote from Copenhagen on 8th April, 1816, to M. Privy the Chevalier Arditi who directs the excavations, have in Counsellor Wolf in Berlin, and which the latter has printed consequence of this discovery ordered the number of the in the first number of the Literary Journal, it seems that workmen to be increased. The portico round the Arena of the travellers mean to follow an entirely new plan in the the Amphitheatre is already entirely uncovered. M. publication of their valuable collections. The work will Padiglione, a skilful artist, is commissioned to make a model in miniature of this monument.

Further discoveries are also making at Rome, in excavating round the ruins of the Temple of JUPITER STATOR, where the Literati have gained a treasure in some inscriptions which fill up the hiatus in the consular annals between the years 290 and 300. A. U. C.


contain chiefly representations of the admirable works of sculpture found by them at Athens, Ægina, Phigalia, &c. numerous architectural drawings, and an historical description and explanation of the antiquities, the copper-plates of which are to be engraved by the first artists in Rome, under the eye of the travellers. Separate Numbers are to be published upon the principal places. Thus the Number Ægina or Salamis, will contain every thing new or important which they have to communicate concerning those islands, in respect either to history or the arts; in

By the latest accounts we learn, that Messrs. Von the same manner the Number Chios, or Phigalia. The Stackelberg, Von Haller, Bronstedt and Cockerell, are other Danish traveller, Dr. Koes, died in the island of now at Rome, where they had mutually engaged to each Zante, while his friend and brother-in-law Bronstedt was other to meet, in order to deliberate on the publication in Asia Minor; and though his fine collection of medals of their travels on an entirely new plan. Connoisseurs was lost after his death, all his papers came into Bronhave seen with admiration the richly furnished portfolios stedt's hands. The latter will direct what relates to the of the accomplished nobleman. Von Stackelberg, who ancient topography, accompanied with copious observanot only is a master in the art of landscape drawing, and tions on the manners and language of the modern Greeks, designing after the antique, but has executed most beauti-partly from his own MSS. and partly from those of fully in black chalk, several ingenious historical composi- Koes, which latter had applied with admirable zeal to tions, and also designed all the costumes of those coun- researches upon the music of Greece, the results of which tries, and collected a great many hitherto unknown will be highly interesting to the learned world. All these inscriptions, and medals. M. Von Haller remained in in a number of Archæological and Philological observaGreece after his fellow travellers had left it, and was still tions which he wrote down ou that classic soil, will form at Constantinople in the beginning of the summer. Mr. a part of that great work, and become the most worthy Cockerell employed the interval that elapsed between monument to the honor of their great author, whose grave is

now covered by a simple marble stone, on which some lines of Homer are inscribed. ·


GOETTINGEN. There are near 1000 students at this University, which, under the care of the minister Von Arnswald, who zealously promotes its interests, and It is with justice that the university of Heidelberg re-under the immediate protection of the highest authorities joices at the restitution of a considerable part of the cele- in England, maintains its ancient reputation with more brated Palatine Library, in consequence of the victories lustre than ever. It possesses in Welker an Archæologist of the Allies, and of the subsequent application of the who is capable of continuing Heyne's lectures in that deEmperor of Austria, and the King of Prussia to his Holi-partment, according to the latest ideas and researches in ness the Pope. But not to mention the large proportion that branch, and has just acquired in the younger Eichof the Heidelberg Library which the Pope could not be horn, from Berlin, a most distinguished jurist. prevailed upon to restore, there are still lying in France buried in dust and oblivion, many valuable effects, belonging to the countries on the Rhine, which await the hour of their deliverance. Among these the Library is worthy of being mentioned, which the learned Duke of Deux Ponts, John I. founded in his capital in the 16th century.

PROTEUS ANGUINEUS.-Configliacchi, Professor of Physics in the University of Pavia, lately made a scientific tour through Germany, and exhibited to the learned, among other things he had, in a bottle filled with water, a living Proteus Anguineus. It is well known that this amphibious animal, (which is of the lizard kind, first described by Von Schreiber of Vienna, in 1801, and since This Library, though little known in foreign countries, subjected by Cuiver to a particular anatomical examiwas highly interesting to science on account of its intrin nation,) has been often considered merely as an incomplete sic value. Deux Ponts, indeed, suffered severely in the Larva. It has no determined organs of sex; and though 30 years' war, and many of the treasures of learning were it has the internal construction of an eye, yet it has no lost or destroyed by the fury of the soldiery, yet still 5000 real eyes, but has, at the same time, gills and lungs. volumes of books and all the MSS. belonging to this Li-About six months ago Configliacchi in his journey through brary was saved. The latter were particulary impor- Carinthia, (where alone these animals have hitherto been tant, as they regarded the history of the Palatinate and found, concealed in boggy subterraneous holes), sucBavaria; they contained many rare articles, collected by ceeded in catching four of them at once in the grotto of the learned Prince and his successors. For these 150 Adelsberg. He sent three of them to Italy to be anatoyears these valuable works have been lost to Germany and mically prepared and preserved in spirits of wine; the to the sciences. Louis XIV. expelled Frederick Louis, fourth he cried with him alive during the whole Duke of Deux Ponts, occupied his capital, and in 1677, journey. when his troops could no longer keep their ground, ASTRONOMY.-Two works by the great Astronoiner, caused the city to be plundered and ravaged, and John Hieronymus Schroeter, who died on the 29th of the Liberary with all the MSS., to be conveyed in 16 August at Lilienthal, have been published. He edited waggons to Rheims, in Champagne, when he made a pre- them himself shortly before his death. 1. Observations sent of them to the Archbishop of that city. Notwith-upon this great Comet of 1811, with 4 plates; and 2. standing all the changes that the French Revolution has the second part of his Hermographic Fragments, which produced, it is most probable that the greater part of contains also Observations on the planet Vesta, with 5 this Library is still to be found at Rheims or Paris, and it plates. In the preface, the excellent man describes in were to be wished, that by the intercession of some an affecting manner his revival to new activity in his powerful mediator, these literary treasures like those of temple consecrated to the Deity, after the entire ruin of Heidelberg, might be at length restored to their native his property, and his scientific establishments. "In consequence of a barbarous sentence, which was executed WINTER FOGS.-It has recently been ascertained that with the most inhuman fury, the wholly innocent village these fogs contain a great proportion of water, but not in of Lilienthal was burnt down without any previous a condensed state, being kept suspended by the opposing enquiry. I lost the whole of my household furniture, powers of the electric fluid, with which it is charged. A with a great loss for the booksellers of Europe, namely, convincing proof of it was afforded by a curious meteoro- the only magazine of all my works and writings, which logical occurrence in Westphalia, where, the fog being was in the house of the High Bailiff." (Mr. Schroeter driven by a gentle north-east wind against the trees, the himself filled this office.) We learn from a note, that in electric fluid was attracted, condensation and congelation this fire, kindled by French barbarians, the manuscript took place, and the largest trees were torn up by the roots, by the preponderating weight of ice upon their branches.


The hoar-frost is evidently a meteoric process upon the same theory; but on a much smaller scale.

QUADRATURE OF THE CIRCLE.-The long disputed Quadrature of the Circle is said to be at length discovered. Gruyters, a bookseller at Ruremonde, is going to publish in three languages, (French, Dutch, and Latin,) a work of which the following is the title in French: " La Quadrature du Cercle, originelle, complette, et constante, inventée, expliquée, et provée à évidence, de quatre maniores différentes, par J. Wilkenius Remus."

of the second part of the Chronographic Fragments, which Schroeter had almost entirely completed, as well as all his journals of the later years, were a prey to the flames. Schroeter's Observatory was indeed spared by the fire; but was a few days after broken open and plundered of every thing.

BIBLE SOCIETIES. The Emperor Alexander has interested himself so much in the distribution of the Sacred Writings, that he has bestowed upon the Bible Association at St. Petersburg, a most magnificent building for the purpose of conferences, and literary conveniences, independent of upwards of 100,000 roubles at various periods.



I was

I revere his

had almost said Veneration, for the Virtue and Genius of Mons. Rousseau. I assure your Ladyship there is no Man in Europe of whom I have entertain'd a higher Idea, and whom I would be prouder to serve; and as I find his MADAM, HAD I the least propensity towards Super-Reputation very high in England, I hope every one will stition, the Incident your Ladyship mentions wou'd have endeavour to make him sensible of it by Civilities and by reviv'd that passion in me; and I shou'd certainly have Services, as far as he will accept of them. imagin'd, that I was secretly attended by a Fairy, a Sylph, greatness of mind, which makes him fly Obligations and or a good Genius, who knew my inmost purposes and was Dependance; and I have the vanity to think, that thro' But as I have some connexions industrious to prevent my most earnest Intentions from the course of my Life, I have endeavour'd to resemble a short time in London last him in those Maxims. being frustrated. autumn, when I gave that Work to the Press, which your with men of Rank in London, I shall instantly write to Ladyship is pleased to mention; and having a great am- them and endeavour to make them sensible of the Honour bition, that it shou'd be convey'd to your hands, I spoke Mons. Rousseau has done us in choosing an Asylum in to more than one Person to point out to me some sure England. We are happy at present in a King, who has a Method for that purpose, but was not able to satisfy taste for Literature, and I hope Mons. Rousseau will find myself, before I was oblig'd to leave England. In this the advantage of it, and that he will not disdain to receive part of the World, I found that the War lay'd me under Benefits from a great Monarch, who is sensible of his I am only afraid, that your Friend will find his still greater difficulties to procure a safe conveyance to Merit. Paris: but whether any of my Friends, who knew the abode in England not so agreeable as may be wish'd, if he Uneasiness, which I had felt from these Disappointments, does not possess the Language, which I am afraid is the has been more happy in fulfilling my Intentions, is, what case: for I never could observe in his writings any marks I shall make it my Business to enquire; and I surely owe of his acquaintance with the English Tongue. The French Nation will soon regreat the Loss of so him, whoever he be, the greatest obligations for executing in my Behalf a Duty which I was so earnest to perform, great a man, and will be sensible, that it is some Dishonour and which nothing but Obstructions, arising from these to them to have lost him. We were in hopes, that Philosounhappy Hostilities between the Nations, cou'd have pre-phical Liberty had made greater advances in that Country; vented me from having the Honour to fulfill.


and such of us as have indulg'd the Freedom of the Pen, But, Madam, what new Wonder is this which your had need be careful how they entrust their Persons to Letter presents to me? I not only find a Lady, who, in such as profess these rigorous Maxims, and do not think the Bloom of Beauty and height of Reputation, can with- that any Indulgence is even due to Foreigners. I assure draw herself from the pleasures of a gay Court, and find your Ladyship that this Reflection gives me some UnLeizure to cultivate the Sciences; but deigns to support easiness: but I will not allow myself to think that I shall a Correspondence with a Man of Letters in a remote always be condemned to admire you at a Distance, and that Country, and to reward his Labours by a Suffrage the most I shall never have an opportunity of enjoying that conver agreeable of all others to a Man who has any spark of sation, of whose charms I have heard such frequent generous sentiments or taste of true Glory. Besides these accounts. unusual circumstances, I find a Lady, who, without any other advantages than her own Talents, has made herself Mistress of a Language commonly esteem'd very difficult to strangers, and possesses it to such a degree as might give Jealousy to us who have made it the business of our Lives to acquire and Cultivate it. I cannot but congratulate my country on this Incident, which marks the progress made by its Literature and Reputation in Foreign Countries. My vanity would also suggest to me some share in this happy event, did I not reflect that your Ladyship's Partiality towards my feeble Writings has proceeded entirely from the spirit of Disinterestedness, which I endeavour'd to maintain in composing them. But the more I must abate of self-conceit on this occasion, the more I find myself oblig'd to redouble my sentiments of Gratitude and Respect towards your Ladyship, who have been pleased to confer so great an Honour upon me.

I am, with the truest regard, Madam, Your Ladyship's most obedient and most humble Servant, DAVID HUME. Edinburgh, 1 July, 1762.

P. S. So far I had wrote in Answer to your Ladyship's of the 29 of May, when I was again honoured with yours of the 14 of June. Good God! Madan, how much I re great my being absent from London on this occasion, which deprives me of an opportunity of shewing in Person my regard for your Recommendation, and my Esteem,

MONSIGNY THE COMPOSER. MONSIGNY, who is well known in this country for his compositions in the Deserter and other pieces, died in Paris a few days ago at the advanced age of 88. The following article relative to his death is extracted from a Paris paper of the 19th.

"The justly celebrated composer to whom we are indebted for the delightful music of Felix Le Roi et le Fermier, &c. has just terminated his earthly career at a very advanced age. The scores of Monsigny, who shares with Philidor and Duni the honour of having opened in Gretry in his France the road which Gretry so successfully pursued, are remarkable for their cheerful airs. Memoirs renders this tribute of justice to Monsigny. Though he preceded Gretry on the Lyric scene, the latter, with the Lyre in his hand, first departed for the dismal shore. Henceforth united, these immortal composers may renew in the shady realms of Pluto, the miracles of Orpheus. The performers of Feydeau who are their direct heirs, (for ten years after the death of Poets, and musicians, theatrical companies pay no tax to the legitimate heirs of authors) are about to explore without scruple their numberless chefs-d'œuvre. We can

"Nous vous nourirons."

almost fancy that the composers of the Tableau parlant herself as the queen of science, because her husband was and the Deserteur, are now repeating in Elysium, that acknowledged as sovereign among the critics. She boastbeautiful trio, several lines of which so well apply to ed she had for her husband the most learned of all the the theatrical proprietors. nobles, and the most uoble of all the learned. Our good lady always joined the learned conferences which he held "But these gentlemen cannot be accused of ingratitude. in his study. She spoke loud, and decided with a tone We yet remember the tears they shed in honour of of majesty. Salmasius was mild in his conversation, but Gretry, on the very stage of the Opera Comique. Their the reverse in his writings, as our proud Xantippe condramatic grief served to inspire malicious song writers sidered him as acting beneath himself if he did not pour with the following couplet. out his abuse, and call every one names.

Notre Amphion nous est ravi,
Nous venons de perdre Grétry,

C'est ce qui nous derole.
Mais tous les soirs, depuis ce temps,
Nous pleurons pour cinq-mille francs,
C'est ce qui nous console.

Our Amphion's loss all hearts deplore,
Since Gretry tunes his lyre no more,
And that's what makes us sad.
But every night since his decease,
We weep for a hundred pounds a-piece;

And that's what makes us glad.

"Whilst the performers are preparing for their interested apotheosis, M. Monsigny claims the regret of all who knew him, and has left behind him the reputation of one of our best dramatic composers: he was born in 1729. His funeral was attended by a deputation from the institute, to which he was admitted after the death of Gretry." WIVES OF LITERARY MEN.

THE ladies of Albert Durer, and Berghem, were both shrews, and the former compelled that great genius to the bourly drudgery of his profession, merely to gratify her own sordid passion. At length, in despair, Albert ran away from his Tisiphone: she weedled him back, and not long afterwards he fell a victim to her furious disposition. He died of a broken heart! It is told of Berghem's wife, that she would not allow that excellent artist to quit his occupation; and she contrived an odd expedient to detect his indolence: the artist worked in a room above her; ever and anon she roused him by thumping a stick against the ceiling, while the obedient Berghem answered by stamping his foot, to satisfy Mrs. Berghem that he was not napping!

The wife of Barclay, author of The Argenis, considered herself as the wife of a demi-god. This appeared glaringly after his death; for Cardinal Barberini having erected a monument to the memory of his tutor, next to the tomb of Barclay, Mrs. Barclay was so irritated at this, that she demolished his monument, brought home his bust, and declared that the ashes of so great a genius as her husband should never be placed beside so villainous a pedagogue.

The wife of Rohalt, when her husband gave lectures on the philosophy of Descartes, used to seat herself on those days at the door, and refused admittance to every one shabbily dressed, or who did not discover a genteel air. So convinced was she that to be worthy of hearing the lectures of her husband, it was proper to appear fashionable. In vain our good lecturer exhausted himself in telling her that fortune does not always give fine clothes to philosophers.

The philosophical world lament the death of KLAPROTH, the celebrated Chemist, on the 1st of this month.

Sir Gregor McGregor, whose services in the cause of the patriots in South America are so recent, is the son of the late Captain Daniel M'Gregor of Inverarderan, near Killin, Breadalbane, a very amiable man, and long an officer in India. His mother was eldest daughter of the late Dr. Adam Austin, a physician of great respectability in Edinburgh, and of the Hon. Ann Sempill, daughter of the late Lord Sempill, by both of whom he is nearly related to many of the first families in England. Sir Gregor is under thirty years of age.

PROCEEDINGS OF LEARNED SOCIETIES, DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN. OXFORD.-The Congregations for Granting Graces and conferring Degrees, during the remainder of Lent Term, are appointed for Th. and Sa. 6th, 15th Feb. W. F. Sa. 5th, 14th, and 29th March.

The degrees are granted of M. D. on Joseph IIurlock, B. M. of Wadham; B. C.L. Mr. Charles Mayo, St. John's; M. A. liam Sturt, Christ Church, William Hopkins, Oriel, George Revds. William Wilson, Wadham, Grand Compounder, WilCuming Rashleigh, New College, Messrs. Edward More, and William Bradley, Brasennose; and the Rev. Henry Handley Norris, M. A. of Peter House, Cambridge, is admitted ad eundem.

CAMBRIDGE.-At the Batchelors of Arts commencement, of these, there were 37 from Trinity; 31 St. Johns; 11 18th January, no less than 142 were admitted to that degree; Queen's; Pembroke Hall, and Emanuel, 10 each, &c.

The degree of M. A. has been conferred on Revds. Edward Owen, St. John's; A. Burnaby, Jesus, and Thomas Manners Sutton, Trinity.

The Revds. S. Carr, B.A., and J.B. Graham, B. A. of Queen's, are elected Foundation Fellows of that Society.

The Mineralogical Lectures, by Professor Clarke, com mence on the last Tuesday in February,

HIGHLAND SOCIETY.-Prince Blucher has accepted his hono rary election. At their last meeting, H. Mackenzie, Esq. stated the progress of the Dictionary of Ancient Gaelic to be very flattering to Scottish Literature. Their fifth volume of Transactions is ready for publication.

GERMANY.-The Society of Emulation at LIEGE, lately crowned in a public sitting the successful Essay on the important subject offered for competition in 1813, viz. “The destruction of the Plants injurious to cultivation." The successful candidate M. Yuart, Member of the French Institute, and Professor of Rural Economy at Alfort, was made an honorary member, and an extraordinary medal was decreed to him.



The Opera of Griselda, or La virtù in cimento, has been Salmasius's wife was a termagant; and Christina said twice performed at this Theatre since our former report. As she admired his patience more than his erudition, married it was brought out last season, we shall not detain our readers to such a shrew. Mrs. Salmasius, indeed, considered with an outline of its fable, which exhibits an innocent, sweet


tempered peasant girl, married to an Italian Grandee, who has | Ballet has little to recommend itself. The Dancing is properly taken the whim, to put her attachment and obedience to a va-diversified and satisfactory, and the return of Monsieur and riety of severe tests, including a pretended divorce, and the Madame Baptiste, who have prominent parts in this Ballet, cruel mandate to dress, with her own hands, the nuptial bed has added considerably to the strength of the company. for her supposed successor in the affections of her husband. All Figurantes, also, are numerous enough, expert, and well these trials she submits to, with a good grace and resignation trained. The mirror scene, in which Parisot once delighted truly surprising to persons of any matrimonial experience- the visitors of this Theatre, has been revived in this piece, and Oh si sic omnes!-and, by way of reward, poor Griselda is once allotted, principally, to Madame Leon, who, with her "double," more restored to her Lord's bed and board, upon which the affords an interesting spectacle of Saltatorian tactics. This chorus very properly proclaims the moral scene is altogether neatly imagined; for the delusive reflection is not confined to Madame Leon; several other persons who pass by the mirror, casually as it were, having equally their image repeated by these mimic catoptrics.

"Ed apprenda ogni altra moglie
Da Griselda il suo Dover."

the curtain dropping with a balanced whisper of pious" Amens" and indignant ejaculations of "Stuff" from parties concerned among the audience.

The Music of this Opera is at first somewhat languid and heavy, but improves greatly in its progress, (as if the Composer, who, perhaps, is a married man, had gradually become sensible of the moral importance of his subject to the present and future generations,) so that, taken as a whole, Griselda, although not the best of Paer's works, is certainly a fine composition. The part of Griselda introduced Madame Fodor for the first time this season, on which occasion she was greeted with the rapturous acclamations due to so accomplished a singer. This lady, in our opinion, unites almost every kind of excellency of which the art she professes is susceptible: a beautiful voice, perfectly even in all its extent, great execution, and a chasteness of taste free from every species of mannerism and affectation. Her acting is equally natural, especially in the comic walk, in which, certainly, she appears to the greatest advantage.



" FIRST HEPRESENTATION OF LA PIECE SANS A". In this piece, which was lately brought out at the Theatre de Varietés, the letter A never once occurs. It resembles the literary absurdities common in the sixteenth century, when long poems were written in which a particular letter was sometimes proscribed, and at other times compelled to appear at the commencement or middle of each verse. The authors had only to boast of creating for themselves a difficulty which it was no merit to overcome-Difficilibus nugis studere indulgenter stultissimum est.

The author of the present piece, however, proesses to have quite another object than that of reviving this barbarous taste. On the contrary he announced in an advertisement his intention thus:" I have calculated that the vowel a is found in Among her Songs in this Opera, she particularly excelled in nearly one-third of the words which serve to express our ideas : the Duett with Naldi, "L' Augel che sta sul nido." This mas--let us then prove the richness of our language by producing terpiece of Paër, she sang with the same feeling of chaste sim-a piece from which that letter shall be excluded." plicity, which inspired the pen of the composer: and the Re- According to the story, Don Roberto, of Seville, has a daughcitativo obbligato Sà Griselda, with the succeeding Aria, ter, who, from some circumstances, not explained, has deterexcited the delight and admiration of the whole house. mined to marry Don Felix, a gentleman whom she has never Signor Crivelli, as the Marchese, did not quite satisfy the seen. In order to turn her from this fancy, Don Roberto rehigh expectations which his previous performance in La Pene-solves to introduce to his daughter, under the name of Don lope had warranted us to entertain. He was not in such fine Felix, another man, whose business is to disgust her with voice; and in his singing as well as acting, a sameness and the match. Don Felix, however, contrives to get himself languor were observable, which seemed to bespeak a dislike of introduced to Don Roberto under another name, and is employthe part, or indisposition. Mr. Naldi performed the old Shep-ed as his agent for the purpose the old gentleman has in view. herd with his accustomed humor and dramatic experience, This sort of intrigue is common enough to the stage, and it although upon the whole his conception of the character was may be supposed that its result, like that of every other of the not sufficiently in low life. As a buffo, he frequently appears same kind, was to be the marriage of the lovers; but the opto us too neat and genteel. In the old Gentleman he is always ponents of the piece were numerous and noisy, and it was not admirable. Madame Pasta gains on our favor: she showed heard to an end. In fact nothing could be more absurd than considerable humor in the part of Lisetta, and sang the the scenes which were suffered to be represented; and besides scoffing Duett with Madame Fodor, in the second act, ex- the insipidity of the dialogue, the performers were constantly tremely well, although the scene was on her part susceptible embarrassed in their action from the fear of pronouncing the of a stronger degree of animation and jealous spite. Our fatal vowel. One of the actresses on entering said-Ces country woman, Miss Hughes, appeared for the first time on jeunes se sont amuses: perceiving that she had violated the the Italian Stage in the character of the Duchess. Her merits, author's rule, she quickly substituted divertis; thus getting rid as a Concert-singer, are well known, and as an actress in a of the a without correcting the expression. foreign language, this debut was not unfavorable. In her comic scenes a tinge of affectation was perceptible, which no doubt proceeded from a desire to do the utmost justice to her part, and which a greater familiarity with her present line will probably obliterate. A Bravura, apparently interpolated for her sake, was much applauded.-The Basso of Signor Angrisani in the elaborate Finale, and other pieces in parts, was effective and corrected: in his accompaniments he certainly appears to greater advantage than in single Songs.

It is singular enough that the author, who styles himself a man of letters, should have commenced hostilities on the first of all letters, and seek to banish with amour, beauté, graces, attraits.

The audience naturally thought that applauses and bravos were proscribed by the spirit of the piece, and acting on the principle of the Ler Talionis, were sufficiently liberal in their application of hisses and off offs.


The Ballet of La partie de Chasse d' Henri Quatre, produced last season, has also been twice performed this week. The story on which it is founded, has so frequently and in such VANDYKE'S COUNTRY LIFE. By professor Böttiger. various ways, been introduced upon the Stage, that the only novelty in its re-appearance is the loyal turn of ideas which has To make anecdotes of painters the subjects of dramatic repreonce more brought ce Roi vaillant into fashion with our neigh-sentation has been frequently attempted with success on the bours. In point of composition and invention therefore this smaller French theatres. This attempt has lately been cle

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