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Journal of Belles Lettres, Politics and Fashion.




ciety, a paper by the Rev. Francis Hyde Wollaston was read, describing a thermometer constructed by him for determining the height of mountains instead of the barometer. It is well known that the temperature at which water boils diminishes as the height of the place increases at which the experiment is made, and this diminution was suggested, first by Fahrenheit, and afterwards by Mr. Cavendish, as a means of determining the height of places above the




Beaufoy, the pitch pine appears the strongest finds her in a complete fainting fit: he halwood; next to that the English oak with loos in her ears; she does not hear: he

On Thursday, March 6, at the Royal So-straight and even fibres; then the English passes a lighted taper before her eyes; the oak irregular and cross grained; fourthly, pupil does not contract. Lastly, he even the Riga fir; and fifthly, the Dantzic oak. If goes so far as to prick her flesh with needles; the strength of the pitch pine be called 1000, she is insensible to all this. the strength of the English oak will be, from the mean of two experiments, 923. Of the Riga fir, 782. Of the Dantzic oak, 663. Call the mean strength of the English oak 1000; the strength of the Riga fir will be 846; but the weight of the Riga fir is to that of the English oak as 659 to 1000. Therefore the decrease of weight being in greater proportion than the increase of strength, fir beams than oak, independently of the proves that in dry places it is better to use saving of expense.



Dr. Renard has then no longer any doubt but that all the sensibility of this lady has taken refuge in the stomach, which, according to the believers, is the seat of intelligence, the universal sense. It is therefore to the stomach that he applies: he stoops, and without speaking very loudly, puts several questions to this stomach, to which the lady replies admirably. The miracle being thus nesses who by their character may command produced, nothing remains but to find witconfidence, and cause the truth of the fact to triumph. Three neighbours are called in: it is remarkable that one of them was a drawer of teeth.

Mr. Wollaston's thermometer is as sensible as the common mountain barometer. Every degree of Fahrenheit on it occupies an inch in length. The thermometer, together with the lamp and vessel for boiling water, when packed into a case, weighs about a pound and a quarter, and is much more porDr. Renard re-commences his experi table and convenient than the common PARIS, MARCH 14.-News has been re- ments: they still succeed. Only the patient mountain barometer. It is sufficiently sen-ceived that Dr. Valli, who had happily passed now answers only by signs and with the left sible to point out the difference in height be through his experiments on the plague in the hand to the questions which are put to her. tween the floor and the top of a common Levant, and who had gone to America to The Doctor does not stop here: he forms a table. Mr. Wollaston gave two trials with contend with the yellow fever, having gone chain of several persons, the first of whom it, compared with the same heights measured into a village where this dreadful contagion places his finger on the wonderful stomach. by General Roy by the barometer. The dif- prevailed, has fallen a victim to the syste-He begins, with the finger of the last person ference between the two results did not ex-matic opinion which made him deny its ex-a little conversation, which is transmitted

ceed two feet.





True science requires neither quackery nor puffing: empiricism on the contrary cannot obtain even its transient success without the aid of these necessary acolyths. Struck with

into the stomach of the patient, who answers (still by signs and with the left hand). Better On Thursday, February 27, a paper by Sir To the Editor of the Literary Gazette. and better still: he takes a piece of pack Everard Home, Bart. was read, giving an acHowever the friends of science may have thread twenty feet long; wets it; causes one count of a number of fossil bones of the rhi- reason to rejoice in the daily increasing dif- end of it to be held on the epigastrum of the noceros found in a lime-stone cavern near fusion of useful knowledge, it cannot but ex- Somnambule; throws the other end out of the Plymouth by Mr. Whitby. Sir Joseph cite in an equal degree our surprise and regret window which he shuts; after which Dr. Bankes had requested Mr. Whitby, when he to see so evident a tendency in the present Renard goes down into the court yard, takes went to superintend the Breakwater at pre-age towards a relapse into a childish credu- the pack thread, holds it to his mouth, and sent constructing at Plymouth, to inspect all lity, almost too ridiculous to inspire pity, and addresses questions to it which the patient the caverns that should be met with in the too contemptible even to merit the name of answers (by signs and with the left hand). It lime-stone rocks during the quarrying, and superstition. You perceive that I do not here is affirmed that a German painter has seized to send him up any fossil bones that might allude to the more serious circumstances of on this happy moment to draw the Doctor's be found. The fossil bones described in this the revival of the Inquisition, the re-esta-picture. paper occurred in a cavern in a lime-stone blishment of the Jesuits, the anathemas derock on the south side of the Catwater. This nounced against the diffusion of the Bible, lime-stone is decidedly transition. The cavern and other glaring proofs of the unabated inwas found after they had quarried 160 feet tolerance and unsubdued insolence of the into the solid rock. It was 45 feet long, and Roman Church. I speak of the attention filled with clay, and had no communication paid to the revived absurdities of animal whatever with the external surface. The magnetism, mesmerism, and somnambulism, bones were remarkably perfect specimens. of the prophesying peasants of Germany and the mysterious gesticulations which magneThey were all decidedly bones of the rhino- other signs of the times," differing from tizers employ to communicate to the patient ceros; but they belonged to three different each other only in degrees of absurdity. As what they term the magnetic fluid, Madame animals. They consisted of teeth, bones of an illustration and justification of these re- T- set about imitating them, and withthe spine, of the scapula, of the fore legs, marks, I take the liberty of sending you the out any other assistance than that of a faithand of the metatarsal bones of the hind legs. following article. ful memory, she succeeded in throwing a They were compared by Sir Everard with the young woman into a profound sleep. This bones of the skeleton of a rhinoceros in the operation was performed in the presence of possession of Mr. Brookes, which is consiwitnesses whose veracity cannot be called in dered as belonging to the largest of the spequestion. The subject on whom these magcies ever seen in England. The fossil bones netic experiments were made, answered sewere mostly of a larger size, though some of veral questions which were put to her. Fithem belonged to a smaller animal. nally, Madame T has proved herself no less skilful than the most expert of her order. Dr. Faria was informed of this circumstance. Great disappointment and consequently great irritation ensued. To be


From the experiments on the strength of different kinds of wood, made by Colonel

The city of Mentz has within its walls a physician, who with the most sturdy faith, repeats the experiments on somnambulism, described by Dr. Pétélin of Lyons.

The following are some details of one of these experiments, which will show how far human extravagance may proceed without getting to Bedlam.

A lady of Mentz returning from a ball, quarrels with her husband and falls into convulsions. They send for Dr. Renard, who

was not to be endured. Madame T was

equalled by a woman possessing no medical | creep in one dull line," and sometimes in | he would have prevented the feeble knowledge, and who had not been previ- four lines together. There is likewise a effect of the open vowels, and have also ously initiated in the mysteries of mesmerism fault very frequent in his narrative-the added to the melody by the contiguous For one great forbidden to repeat such an operation, the change of tense from the past to the pre- repetition of the vowel i. success of which it was alleged could be at- sent. I have a passage before me where charm of harmonious versification arises tributed only to weakness of imagination in there are five changes in eleven lines; from alliteration by vowels. It has inthe subject. Tricks of this kind, it was the following is a shorter instance. said, might occasion violent convulsions, "They seized him each a torch, and even endanger her life. The Doctor And fire the dome from minaret to porch, was not satisfied with this order, and fearing A stern delight was fixed in Conrad's eye." that it might be infringed, he took under his


finitely more delicacy and grace than alliteration by consonants. I do not remember that any writer of criticism has ever alluded to it, but all those who are it. It was one of the secrets of Virgil's remarkable for harmony have practised

"Damonis musam dicemus et Alpbesiboci.”

Had he transposed it, as the metre would have permitted, thus,

own care the person who had been put to Another ungraceful mode of diction his sleep. He made various gesticulations, Lordship possesses in common with al-music; and since I have mentioned him, which he said would act as a counter-poi-most all our writers, particularly of prose. I will instance a line which shows how son, and declared that all future attempts to repeat the operation would prove useless. It is the too frequent recurrence of the much he felt its elegance, Who would have supposed that the science same prepositions, where they are not of the celebrated supporter of the doctrine of used in corresponding members of a senMesmer consisted only in mummery, and tence. I shall explain my meaning better that his preservative was nothing but pure by an example— imposition? This is however the fact. To the despair of all patentee magnetizers, the young girl was put to sleep a second time by Madame T-; she had no convulsions, but shame ought to have produced them on Dr. Faria, whose enchantments thus proved powerless.


“Twere vain to paint to what his feelings grew."


Here the first to marks the infinitive
mood, and the second the dative case.
In a language like our own, where

terminations are so seldom allowed, those
feeble substitutes, to, with, by, from, &c.
should, at least, be prevented, as far as
possible, from acting different parts in
the same line.

"Dicemus musam Damonis et Alphesiboci," the melody would have been lost. Such transposition, too, would have accorded better with a former line, of which that quoted is almost a repetition, namely,

"Pastorum musam Damonis et Alphesiboei.” Therefore the alteration, which for any A very curious and useful result from the other purpose was quite unnecessary, operations of science is promulgated by Dr. proves how much he studied this mode Brewster, in a recent communication to the of melodizing his metres. Lord Byron Royal Society. After an explanation of the I could mention innumerable instances has used it to an extravagant extent in polarization of light by plates of glass, he where other inattentions to composition the following line: says "All articles made of glass, whether they are intended for scientific or domestic either obsure or deface his poetry. Il-" And strained with rage the chain on which he gazed." purposes, should be carefully examined by legitimate rhymes, such as sent and

polarized light before they are purchased. instrument-brow and glow-bring and There is one improvement, however, Any irregularity in the annealing, or any banquetting-besides the recurrence of visible in the latter productions of his imperfections analogous to what workmen the same rhyme at the distance of only Lordship- the omission of antiquated call pins in pieces of steel, will thus be ren- one or two couplets. To the same cause, phraseology. He has even discarded it dered visible to the eye, by their action upon I am sure, may be attributed several re-in his last Canto of the Childe Harold, light. The places marked out by these imperfections are those where the glass al-dundancies, such as "bows his bent though the former were full of it. Almost most always breaks when unequally heated, head,"-for if it be bowed, it must be the only dead words or phrases I can reor when exposed to a slight blow. Hence bent - several absurdities, such as glass-cutters would find it of advantage to submit the glass to this examination before it undergoes the operations of grinding and polishing.



"in icy smoothness flowed-for ice can
not be said to flow-and several mean
phrases, such as, "that fair she," and

"what ails thee?"

The licence of using long syllables,
where the measure does not admit of
them, is very tempting to a hasty writer,
and accordingly Lord Byron indulges in
it beyond all reason, For instance,
"The accents his scarce moving pale lips spoke."

"But like that cold wave it stood still."

Sir, BEFORE I enter upon a critical
examination of other poets, I shall devote
another paper to Lord Byron, as I have
not yet exhausted the subject. His best And dull the film along his dim cye grew.”
works, in my opinion, are his Corsair such awkward accentuations always give
and his Lara, because they comprise an idea either of a forced style or of
more strength of conception, and, at metrical inability.
times, more correctness of language, than
any of the rest. They prove, too, that
the heroic couplet is this author's forte;
and as it is also the metre, in which
weak writers are sure to fail, his success and one would think if the author had
must at least exclude him from that ever read the following line twice:
class. And yet, I can scarcely say, that "All that can eye or sense delight."

than such a line as this?
Again, what can be more ungainly

"In sooth-its truth must others rue."

collect in his Corsair and Lara, are," there be murmurs," "there be things," and "there be faces." These expressions, indeed, be true Yorkshire. Why he is so fond of calling a physician a leech, I cannot possibly discover.

His Siege of Corinth contains some most magnificent passages, sadly disfigured, however, by changes of mea


It is an outrageous Pindaric; and in one page of it may be found a speciinen of every known metre,-from the Lilliputian Ode, to "There was an old Cobler." Who that reads these lines,

"And the mournful sound of the barbarous horn,

And the flap of the banners that flit as they're

borne," &c.

but must call to mind,

"That tumbled the cow with the crumpled

That tossed the dog quite over the corn," &c..
All these, I confess, are but small

even in these works, he shews himself a his ear must have taught him, that had blots; and yet they occur so frequently, whit more correct than the " slovenly he written it thus,

Dryden." His "ten low words oft "All that can sense or eye delight,"

as to create a perpetual recoil of taste. In fact, I know numbers, (and I was my.


self one of them,) who could not bring Perhaps the personal nature of this poem The last quotation we shall make, reminds themselves to read beyond a few pages, may account both for its peculiar faults and us of some reflections in the Corsair, beginin consequence of their unattractive style; its peculiar beauties. A fond father, lament-ning at line 933. "There is a war," &c. neither was it till very lately, that, im-ing the fate of an only child, would naturally "The heavy hours of unrewarded toil, pelled by the praises which I heard on ness and almost infantine lamentation, which upon its little ways, with a minute- The irksome callings of a common day, The sudden meetings that abruptly foil every side, and from the best judges, I would not always dispose the cold observer The anxious striver in the crowded way; resolutely set about examining those to correspondent sympathy. But then, his The sharp recoil of fancies overcharged, When in the setting light we see the truth; works as a task. Here, indeed, I could grief would always be true to nature; no Th' amazed 'wakening of the man enlarged, perceive, through all their ungraceful-overstrained plainings, no fancied calamities, From all the dreaming fondness of his youth; ness, those rich mines of thought and no Damon-like prettinesses, would disgust; The playing to a friend a double part, and, amidst all, the heart would often find Babbling of confidence, afraid to tell,-feeling, which appear almost inexhausti- itself struck on its softest and sweetest The change to silence and a sinking heart, ble. What, for instance, can be more key. From social hours when mingling bosoms swell; And (oh the misery!) hopeless to discern, exquisite than this passage from the Mr. Scott then, we think, has exhibited a A dreary road before the feet we guide; Childe? production, which, as containing a most he- To mark the eye of love, with sudden turn, terogeneous mixture of bad taste, and great Drop the full tear upon the dark fire-side." genius, is almost unparalleled in our lan- We conclude with expressing our sincere guage. When we had read one page of hope that Mr. Scott will favor us with other beauty, we could scarcely bring ourselves to productions-provided always--that he will believe, that the same author wrote the next attend to the friendly advice we have just page of deformity. He has, in short, ex-given him, and especially discard the silliceeded Lord Byron in his negligences; and, nesses of the Lake school. we do not hesitate to say, approached pretty close to him in his beauties. But he owes most of his peccadillos to the paddling and dabbling Lake-school. We shall quote, as copiously as our pages will admit, the most prominent features of his production. The following are samples of false simplicity and

"Ah, then and there was hurrying to and fro,
And gathering tears, and tremblings of distress,
And cheeks all pale, which, but an hour ago,
Blushed with the praise of their own loveliness:
And there were sudden partings, such as press
The life from out young hearts."

The last picture I prefer far beyond the celebrated,

“Et trepidæ matres pressere ad pectora natos," because it is more interesting in its nature, and more intensely pathetic.

The following is quite new, and terribly characteristic of such a man as Lara:

"That smile, if oft observed and near, Waned in its mirth and withered to a sneer, That smile might reach his lip, but passed not by; Nor e'er could trace its laughter to his eye." And as a picture of nature, nothing can be more sublime than this single stroke, in the description of a stormy night:

"From peak to peak the rattling crags among,

Leaps the live thunder!"

uncouth versification:

"These are not words of course:

Those who knew him will know their force."
"The parental heart, unlike that foundering sorrow."
"From the idea that he would lie a corpse."
"The hubbub of the bursting-in affections!"

show how egregiously Mr. Scott can fail.
These, we believe, are quite sufficient to
We shall be more profuse of instances to
show how delightfully he can succeed. The
endearing manners of the lost child are de-
scribed with much tenderness:

But I might quote his beauties without
number. It is more my object to show "His round and restless hands, that warmed and slid
bis faults, in the hope that he may here-In our's; his feet still running where we bid."
"While we sit dully round our fire-side lamp,
after avoid them; or for the sake of Ah! he'd have edged himself a place,
others, who are his imitators, without To let it shine upon his happy face."
having half his talents. Let it be re-
"He was a presence never out of sight,
First object in the morning. last at night;
membered, that a faulty, but superior
writer, has the sins of a whole host to
answer for. Minor witlings, who cannot
imbibe his genius, adopt his manner;
and though they are unable to make
common cause with his excellencies, are,
at least, fully adequate to support him
with a kindred troop of defects. B.



Our fellow-traveller when from home we went,
On every little service he was sent :
Like watching cherub or like anxious lover,
And ever round our ways his eyes would hover,
Excuse for busy doings to discover."

"When our looks darkened, and he saw us tried,
Closer than usual to his mother's side

He quietly would creep, and there would wait;
Watching with meek and patient looks the while,

When he might break the cloud with sunny smile;
Nor e'er was tired, although the time came late :
Nor e'er attempted he the change too soon,
But at the very moment, out he burst like noon."


Biographical Illustrations.

BART. 12mo. This work is in the form of a dialogue between Bishop Hough, the President of Magdalen College in the reign of James the Second; Bishop Gibson, who was at that time Bishop of London; and Mr. Lyttleton, afterwards Lord Lyttleton. It is written with much elegance of style, and justness of thought; and though we cannot exactly owing to the improved state of morals and Cicero's dialogues on the same plan, yet rank it, so far as regards composition, with religion since his æra, it possesses advanthen philosopher and orator, even with all his tages, in point of doctrine, which the heaprecursive Christianity, could not attain.

The period at which this dialogue is supposed to have occurred, has been well chose, because it is sufficiently modern for the purposes of historical and theological allusions, adapted to the present day, and yet so far remote as to invest these allusions with due delicacy and dignity. The Dramatis Personæ themselves are well selected and sustained. They appear before us in all the respectability of the episcopal character, without the official solemnity of the lawn. And yet we could have wished that these good divines had expatiated somewhat more diffusely upon some religious topics which they have only touched in a superficial way. The sectaries, for instance, the question of emancipation, and the light which our clergy have

The mode of his death is prettily typified: thrown upon revelation; might well have "Life rippled as it left the shore it knew, And the surge roughened as the ware withdrew."


The following passages, which are of a more general nature, breathe a fine and inanly strain:

"Death hath a regal look, it lies in state,

WE hesitated at first, whether we should not pass this poem over in respectful silence. The reality of its sorrow, and the melancholy cause of it, would naturally incline the Its quietuess is that of sovereign power; critic to shrink from so delicate a task. But, Tis placid in the certainty of fate, as he who lays his production before the And noble, for it holds not of the hour. public, must, by that act, have submitted it A guarding mystery its couch surrounds, to the public tribunal, we see no sufficient As though it rested far beyond our bounds." ground for withholding, what the author when it hath made a youthful form its throne; "And chiefly is the view of death sublime, might himself have denied us an oppor-It shines then as in triumph over time, tunity to give. And unworn beauty then is all its own."

admitted of much more discussion, without running into anachronism. As for the sectaries, we are ourselves inclined to think, that they do more service than mischief to the community, inasmuch as fanaticism is an antidote against the more fatal evils of indifference and infidelity. But we cannot agree with Bishop Hough, that though, by extending their influence over the kingdom, they threaten the subversion of the establishment, we have no just cause for anxiety. "For if it be of man," he says, "it will come to nought; but if it be of God, we cannot overthrow it, nor need we fear evil from it."




We will here just introduce to the notice of our readers, some late publications of French visitors to our island.

This is a dangerous and apothetical creed, the further progress of this rising and ambi-Seine, which divides Paris into two more and directly at variance with the tenor of tious republic. the Bishop's whole character and life. it be of man," God may not permit it to "come to nought," unless we ourselves are zealous in his cause; and "if it be of God," we may "overthrow it" by the will of that Providence who, perhaps, had permitted it for the purpose of encreasing our enthusiasm and enlightening our ideas, by our endeavours at its subversion. Had the Bishop's doctrine been always acted upon, he had himself been a Catholic instead of a zealous opposer of popery.

equal parts than the Thames does London. For the rest, a stranger who enquires his way, is put to rights by the Londoners with as much civility and politeness as in Paris. I never applied to any one, whether tradesmen in their shops, or porters and carmen in the streets, without receiving a civil answer, A Mr. M published, a few months and all the information they could give me.' The author also attended the House of back, a volume which he called "A fortnight in London at the end of 1815." This Commons, of which he gives a print. The little volume is amusing enough: though effect of the cry: "hear! hear!" seems to the author, in so short a time, had naturally have surprised him very much. "The newsno opportunity of making any very profound papers often speak of it, but," says he, "I In truth it is one of the discomforts of old observations, he seems at least not to be wil-found that I had not conceived a right idea others join; and age, that those under its influence are more fully partial. This little work having been of it. One or two voices first call, quite bigotted to prejudices, than younger men: very well received, we find he has just modestly, hear! hear! and we rather imagine, that the bishops, published a sequel under the title of "Six this goes on crescendo, till at length a uniWe have not versal cry fills the hall, resembling the cries of both Catholic and Protestant, at this moment Months at London, in 1816." form the principal obstacles against the ami- yet seen this publication, but we extract a flock of frightened geese !!! Now it abates, cable adjustment of the pending question of from a French journal the following critique now swells again, rises and falls, according as "This work has amused me extreme- the orator has said any thing piquant, good, emancipation. At all events, we are clear, of it. that objections are raised, throughout the ly; it is a series of pictures, or rather of or bad. Considering the gloomy and taciturn community in general, chiefly by those who croquis after nature, in which the author, as character of this nation, one might imagine feel themselves privileged to talk of "the an accurate and impartial observer, traces that the natural gravity, generally thought good old times." Antiquity, no doubt, is the manners, the customs, the singularities so essential to every legislative assembly, venerable; and if life be in itself a blessing, of the capital of England: he praises without must be particularly remarkable in the Briage must be a blessing too. But if age shall exaggeration, criticises without bitterness, tish Senate. Far from it! this is the merrilessen our horror of uncharitable animosities, judges without passion, and paints with est assembly I have ever seen. and blunt our sensibility to the supplications fidelity. I recommend the chapters entitled bers seem to be on the watch for an opporof our fellow men; if, furnishing us with "Valentine Eve"-" Fine Arts"-"Fête of tunity for a joke, and if they can introduce the Chimney Sweepers ""-" Lloyd's Coffee one into the most serious deliberation the prudence and self-love, it shall rob us of ge"I knew," nerosity and social feeling; then should the House"-"A quinze Shelings ma Femme," effect is only the greater." The author was old man make it the last effort of departing &c. &c. It is to be wished that the author curious to see Strawberry Hill. magnanimity to pray, that age too might to whom we are already indebted for the says he," that Walpole had a passionate atFortnight at London," may continue his tachment to antiquities of every kind, parshorten, by its bodily calamities, the curse which it had inflicted on his understanding work and complete the interesting gallery ticularly painted windows, old ornaments, which he has begun."

and his heart.

A more considerable work is the "Jour-
ney of a Frenchman to London in 1810 and
1811. 2 vols. 8vo. which though prior in
point of time, seems not to have been much
longer published than the others.
this we shall make some extracts.

The mem

&c.; he had even ridiculed this taste in himself, but I did not believe that he had done The building is this with so much reason. FRENCH LITERATURE. a handsome Gothic castle, but not durably Among the works lately published in built: the windows, shining with all the colours of the rainbow, resemble a harlequin's France, which have a particular interest for jacket: little narrow passages, lead through the English reader, we may mention an octavo volume of little more than 200 pages, "The author landed at Falmouth, from small low doors into truly miniature apartentitled "The Blot of Arnold and Sir Henry New York, in December, 1809. The vil-ments. I saw hanging against a wall, the Clinton against the United States of Ame-lages through which we passed,' says he, mail shirt of Francis I. which is mentioned rica, and against General Washington, in were neither handsome, nor picturesque in in Mad. du Deffand's letters. There are September, 1780." Though the United their situation. The houses bear the stamp some interesting portraits e. g. of his adStates have been independent now for above of poverty. Every thing is old and worn mired Mad. de Sevigné, Mad. de Grignan, thirty years, many of the details, both civil out; but the windows are clean and good, and La Fayette. On the table is the inkand military, of that memorable revolution, and one seldom sees an old hat or a bundle stand of Mad. de Sevigné. A rich source of are not known with sufficient precision. of rags applied to stop a broken pane, as is recollection and meditation! The rapid all Even the defection of Arnold is but vaguely frequently the case in America, where they destroying march of time, has removed Walrelated in the memoirs of those times, not pole, Mad. du Deffand, Voltaire, D'Alemexcepting the voluminous Life of Washingbert, and the whole society of which the ton, by Mr. J. Marshall. This volume, though Duke and Duchess of Choiseul were the published after so long an interval, is the soul, to such a distance from us, that this period already loses itself in the age of Louis more deserving of attention, because it is written by a nobleman of high character, who "At the end of a dirty street, we suddenly XIV. and blends with the manners which had the best means of obtaining authentic found ourselves before a great building, Madame de Sevigné has pourtrayed." information. The author, though he has which I presumed to be St. Paul's. I got not affixed his name, is known to be Count out of the coach to view it. Though I had Barbé Marbois, Peer of France, who was Se-seen many prints of St. Paul's, the sight of cretary to the French Legation in the United it surprised me. I had imagined this edifice States, in the latter years of the war. To heavier, and of greater extent: but I have the volume is prefixed a preliminary dis- never seen any more noble, more rich, more course on the United States; and notes, simply grand, and of finer proportions, than some of which are highly interesting, are I found here. Unhappily the whole temple annexed to it. Though many readers will is, as it were, veiled in rows of houses." probably think the author too partial to the "One can traverse the whole of London, Americans, the work will be read with deep interest by all who presage the important results, even now dimly seen through the veil of futurity, which must be developed in

indeed build houses, but never repair them.
The inhabitants look healthy and are well
clothed, but they are rather slender than ro-
bust, and the female sex looks in proportion
stronger than the male."

and always know where one is, by means of
the main streets. It is far more easy to find
one's way in London than in Paris, where
there are no such clues, unless we take the


Does any one amongst ye know
The mighty man or Bergamo ?
Can any one describe the line
Of this great Knight of Caroline?
Some say the hero late has been
The courier of a King or Queen,
And, that his only pride and boast
Was riding for the ladies post.
Others make Harlequin his part,
Hero of pantomimic art.
Whom next they'll make a Columbine,
'Twould not be easy to divine.



No more, ye bowr's! I seek your cool retreat;
No more on Philomela's strain I dwell.
No more, O Naiad! do my wandering feet
Delight to linger near thy crystal cell.


spectral scenes in Don Juan. The mu- it requires no small degree of skill on the sical accents of the phantom, while on part of the vocal and instrumental perhorseback, present harmonic combina- formers to execute all this may be easily tions, never heard before, its sepulchral supposed! and hence it is that on many sounds thrill awful horror through our theatres on the continent this peculiar

For, oh ye beauteous scenes! though swift-wing'd Time, frame; we hear a supernatural being specimen of Mozart's talent is omitted in

With wasting hand, has made no change in you;

Though still ye florish in your richest prime,

And see each spring bestow a lovelier hue;


Yet with far other eyes I view your charms,

Far other thoughts your once loved haunts inspire
Since that dread day, when in these hapless arms,
I saw Sophia's faded form expire.


Moment of horror! when the hand of death,

In night eternal, quench'd her eyes' soft flame; When her dear lips, with their last fleeting breath, In trembling accents sigh'd her Henry's name,


Then in my sight all nature seemed to fade;

Each beauteous scene was veil'd in midnight gloom, And nought appear'd, save yon deep cypress shade, That low'ring bends above Sophia's tomb. II. E. L.




speak supernaturally; we recollect the the opera.

mournful and feeble groans of Homer's A word or two more on the subject of shades. But what is our astonishment, the Overture. Our readers will scarcely when, on looking at the score, we find credit our assertion, when we inform that one and the same note under various them, that this original composition, original harmonies, has produced this which is on all hands admitted to be a surprising effect. In the Finale of the masterpiece of genius and science, was second act, the Spectre more properly begun and finished in one night. Mozart forms one of the dramatis persona; and wrote the Opera of Don Juan for the here, above every thing, the skill and Theatre at Prague, (1787.) The songs, genius of the composer baffles all con- finales, in short all the vocal pieces of ception: it speaks throughout a lan- the work had been finished, studied by guage totally different from the rest of the singers, and rehearsed; nay; the last the characters. How originally sublime grand rehearsal took place, without the is not the passage set, where the ghost, Overture being even begun by the comrefusing Don Juan's wanton invitation to poser, although the public performance join the repast, utters the words-Non was fixed for the next day. Mozart's si pasci di cibo mortale, chi si pasce di friends, his wife, and above all the MaMozart's grand serious Opera Il Don cibo celeste, (No mortal viands for him nager, were in a state of alarm, easily to Giovanni, (Don Juan,) or Il Dissoluto that lives on heavenly food.) be conceived, they represented to him punito, (The Libertine Destroyed,) is The finale of the first act in our opi- the ruinous conséquences, to the Theatre announced for Tuesday next, the 8th nion leaves far behind every other com- as well as to himself, which must result instant, and the grand rehearsal has al- position of the same kind; not excepting from an eventual disappointinent, and ready taken place.-Conceiving that a Mozart's own works; the varied charac- conjured him not to blast his greatest few historical and critical particulars re-ter and style of its successive movements, work by so wanton a procrastination.lating to this Opera will be acceptable the admirable skill with which these are " I shall write the Overture this afterto our readers, previously to the repre- linked upon each other, the inexhaustible noon; I have it all in my head," was the sentation, we dedicate to this purpose store of ideas, sublime and comic, and answer given to them. The afternoon the space left at our disposal by the in- above all the richness and originality of came; but Mozart, seduced by the fineterruption in all theatrical performances the instrumental accompaniments will ness of the weather, took a trip into the during this week. never perhaps be equalled. This finale, country, and made merry, returned in the This Opera is, by many good judges, moreover, is remarkable, on account of a evening, and sat down-to a bowl of considered as Mozart's masterpiece: for peculiar whim of Mozart's, a concetto, punch with some friends, who trembled ourselves, we do not feel bold enough to which we should condemn, were it not at the idea of his situation. It was midjoin in that verdict of absolute pre- that the particular occasion which sug-night before he left this jovial party in a eminence. Mozart himself would pro-gested the idea, completely justified its state so little calculated for mental exerbably have hesitated in pronouncing such execution. The libertine gives a ball, tion, that he determined to lie down for a sentence. Ask the connoisseurs in all the performers are on the stage, all an hour, at the same time charging Mrs. painting which is Raffaelle's best picture, dance and sing at the same time; only Mozart to call him at the expiration of and few will be found to agree in this one party dances a minuet, while another that time. The fond wife, seeing him in waltzes, and a third groupe skips a coun- the sweetest slumber, and conscious of That the Opera of Don Juan is not try dance. One and the same Theme or his power, suffered him to lie two hours, surpassed by any other work of its au- musical subject is made to serve this called him up, made a bowl of punch, his thor, we readily admit it is an effort of threefold object: that is to say: the same favorite beverage, put pen, ink and staves transcendant musical genius which will melody is simultaneously cast into before him, sat down by his side, and command the admiration and astonish-, and time, and the orchestra, while filling the glass, entertained the ment of ages to come. Without entering which with that view subdivides itself composer with a number of laughable into a critical analysis of its score, we into three distinct bands, executes this stories, in the telling of which she posshall content ourselves with pointing out threefold task at the same time. But sessed a peculiar talent. Mozart listened a few features of peculiar interest in such is the consummate art with which with the greatest glee, and laughed till this composition. this original idea has been put in practice, the tears trickled down his eyes. All at The manner in which Shakspeare has that far from producing any thing border- once the divine spark within him brightintroduced the ghost of Hamlet's father, ing on a Dutch Medley," the tout en- ened into radiant flame, be felt "full of forms, in our opinion, a leading beauty semble of this tripartite score blends the God," and exclaimed, "Now is the in that Drama. The operations of ge- itself into such perfect harmony, that it time, Coustantia; now we are in trim nius, under similar circumstances, will requires more than a common ear, to for it." Showers of crotchets and quavers ever produce similar effects; hence Mo- perceive the artifice and science which now gushed from the rapid pen. At zart appears to have acted under the like lurk as it were under this unique and times, however, and in the midst of writgenial inspiration, in his treatment of the original compositorial manœuvre. That ing, nature would assert her sway, and


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