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lowed with the most scrupulous punctuality the treatment | Mr. Von Rosenfeldt waited upon me, and gave me notice she prescribed for this case. Mr. Boy wrote this down, that he was ready to begin his experiments in the Greek and as not only the disease really showed itself, but also Hospital. Considering the serious nature of the business the spitting of blood followed on the day fixed, the pa- he was about to undertake, I was astonished to find him tient was, according to her own prescription, conveyed in most excellent spirits. I informed him of my readiness lightly dressed into a room, which was kept constantly at to lend him all the assistance in my power. I was occuan equal temperature of 20°. Here she slept without pied the whole of the morning in making preparations for intermission for eight days, and took nothing but some this experiment. At ten in the forenoon I requested that spoonfuls of magnetised water, at intervals prescribed by he would make use of the Turkish vapour-bath, for the herself, to take which she indeed opened her lips, which purpose of ascertaining whether or not he had been rubwere otherwise fast closed, but always kept her eyes shut. bed with oil, and likewise by opening the pores of his At the end of eight days Mr. Boy waked her from this body, to bring him in such a state to the Plague-Hospital slumber, and she was put into a bath of the warmth of as would facilitate the communication of infection. This 20°. in which she remained half an hour, and when she measure appeared to me the more necessary for obtaining left it, slept for three hours, at the end of which she satisfactory proofs for and against his treatment, as these awoke, very well and cheerful, without any recollection vapour-baths are known, from experience, to be the most of her eight days' sleep. It is probable that a particular dangerous conductors of the Plague. From the bath I account of this case will be published." We have given conducted him to the Greek-Hospital at Pera, which coninsertion to this anecdote to mark the assiduity with which tained about 20 persons afflicted with the Plague. I then modern magnetizers are assailing the credulity of the desired him to perform in my presence some proof of the efficacy of his treatment, to which he gladly assented. The patients were unable to leave their beds, and as I dared not proceed further, I proposed that he should be conducted by the Director of the hospital and the Priests. The Director and the Priests afterwards informed me, to The Marquis of Ischia (Canova) has presented to his their utter astonishment, that he remained for several Holiness several interesting memoirs on the embellish-minutes in close contact with two patients, who were in a ments of Rome. The laborers out of employment, whose dreadful stage of the disorder, and that he even touched maintenance was a burthen to the state, are going to be them, and conversed with them without the least appreformed into companies, and employed in the excavations, hension. Having recommended him to the Priests and and in the reparation of the high ways. The success of the Director, I abandoned him to his fate, at the same the researches in the Campo Vaccino encourages the pro-time expressing the sincerest hopes that he might not be secution of them. All that has not been destroyed is to deceived in his expectations,"


ROME. His Holiness is busily employed in projects for the restoration of the ancient monuments. A system has just been adopted for making excavations in several places where it is hoped that valuable discoveries will ensue.

rise from the ground. Though the opening of the Theatre The second letter, dated the 16th of December, is as of St. Charles, at Naples, has attracted a great number of follows:-" I visited Mr. Von Rosenfeldt yesterday at foreigners, sufficient remain to render our city very ani- noon, and can state the following particulars respecting mated, and the Conversazioni very brilliant. We reckon his plan of inoculation for the Plague. The two patients above fifty houses where there are concerts every evening. whom he visited on the 10th, and of whom I made menKing Charles IV. admits almost every day foreigners and tion in my first letter, died on the 12th, being two days the Roman nobility to his circles. This court has become after Mr. Von Rosenfeldt was with them. Mr. Von the asylum of the fine arts; his Majesty, who is profound-Rosenfeldt, as well as his interpreter, who had been inoculy versed in the knowledge of antiquity, surprises even the most learned.

Play is almost entirely out of fashion. The assemblies resemble a kind of learned academies. One often hears in them improvisatori in the Greek, Latin, and Italian languages.

fated on the 9th, in my presence, touched with their bare fingers the open pustules of some inoculated patients, who had been brought from the hospital for that purpose. Both he and his interpreter handled the sick persons with such confidence as to excite the wonder of the Director of the hospital. Mr. Von Rosenfeldt still continues to visit the patients, and has even taken into his service a The Foreign Journals have lately made frequent men- boy who has open pustules on various parts of his body." tion of the success of a German Physician, who inoculat- The number of the periodical publications of Vienna. ed himself for the Plague. The following account of his was increased on the 1st of January last by the appearexperiments throws more light upon that interesting sub-ance of a critical journal, entitled the Antagonist, a new ject, than any that have yet appeared.


CONSTANTINOPLE.-The experiments made by Mr. Valla, a Physician of Mantua, and the English Dr. Maclean, for inoculating with the plague, have been surpassed by the discovery of Mr. Von Rosenfeldt, a German, who has for some time been a resident here. The truth of this assertion is proved by the following letters, written by Dr. Burghardt, who assisted Mr. Von Rosenfeldt in his experiments. The first letter, dated the 13th of December, is to the following effect :-"Early this morning

musical journal, and another under the name of Historical Annals. On the other hand, the General Literary Journal has been dropped, the Editors being unable to support the great expenses attending it.

We learn from Austrian papers, that a printing-press, to save labour, was invented by Shauss at Vienna about the same time as Koenig invented his in London. It would be already in use, had not the inventor wished to improve it, and also been withheld by humanity, because there are at present so many men out of employment,



NORTH AMERICA.There is more ambition in the Though Germany possesses no foreign colonies, yet her policy of the United States than Theorists would expect persevering and scientific sons are not the less anxious to from a Republican Government; but this policy is not investigate the natural history of distant regions. Brazil the less deserving the notice of British Statesmen. The has, for some time past, been a rich mine for their research; following observations, drawn from American Journals, and the recent matrimonial connexion of the Austrian and present us with interesting matter for serious contempla-Portuguese Courts appears to have excited great hopes in tion." The intentions of our Government are entirely the minds of the German philosophers. In a recent jourpeaceable, and all its exertions are directed towards in-nal we find some observations on this subject highly deternal improvements, in which view great enterprises are serving of attention, where it is said that, "it seems to announced. The communications between the different have been reserved for the Germans in particular, to exparts of our immense territory will be facilitated by dig-plore, with scientific eye, that Eldorado, where diamonds ging canals, and improving the navigation of the rivers. and gold are washed down with the current of the rivers, The capital city of Washington is chosen as the central and to illumine it with the beams of European civilization. point from which these labours are to commence, and to Thus, the first who long observed that country with scrube continued in all directions. The grand plan is to open tinizing eye, and made (for his age) the most accurate ina communication between the fine river Ohio, which is so quiries into its productions, was the great German Prince very convenient for navigation, and flows through an ex-Maurice, of Nassau, who was for ten years governor of the tent of above 300 geographical miles of the finest coun- present province of Bahia, and who, with and by his Gertry, and the Lakes of the North as well as the Atlantic man body physician, Markgraf, caused all the remarkable Ocean. At the same time, measures are in contemplation productions of that coast, which was then an entirely virto become at length master of the enormous Mississippi, gin land, to be accurately drawn and beautifully colored. which is navigable for above 500 geographical miles, and Linnæus made use of these accounts, which have come by bears the largest ships, so that its great annual overflow-inheritance to the house of Brandenburgh, and are now ings may no longer do any damage. Great progress has preserved, in two folio volumes, where the hand-writing already been made in making new roads; in many parts of of the great Maurice himself frequently occurs, in the the United States, one travels as conveniently as in Eng-great Royal Library of Berlin, of which they are considerland; and the Government of Pennsylvania, has, according ed a distinguished ornament. The late Professor Ilger, to the report of the Secretary of State, particularly dis-whose too early death was a great loss to the sciences of tinguished itself in this respect. The causeways, of which zoology and entomology, had resolved to undertake an ediWashington is also the centre, will be extended, as the tion of this MS. corrected by the latest discoveries, and enMinister has signified to the Congress, by order of the riched with the zoological treasures which Count HofmanPresident, in the years next ensuing, towards all parts of segg had received from his friend Gomez, in Bahia. Even the great territory of the Republic. After this, the main now, when the new court of Rio Janiero, one of the most attention of our Government will be directed to the popu-important results of this eventful æra, attracts all eyes, sevelation. Our country, which is so fruitful and so rich in ral Germans (of whom some, as the enterprising Prince of the productions of nature, wants only hands. The most Nenwied, are traversing that immense kingdom as travellers; of the treasures which the mineral kingdom affords, have others are in the Portuguese service, as Lieutenant Colonel not been even examined; boundless tracts of the finest Von Eschwege, Major Von Fellner; and these with a Gerland lie uncultivated; and we even pay large sums to foreign man diplomatist in the Russian service, the active Langscountries for articles, which we might find or raise much dorf,) have united to form a society for the advancement of better at home." Natural History, from which we shall soon see a new jourAFRICAN CIVILIZATION. An African school has ual of its own. How much is there to be done in that counlately been established at New York, where promising try for every branch of Natural History, and how justly may young negroes are received and instructed, that they may Germany be proud, that just at this moment, (by the marbe qualified in future to act as teachers of their country-riage of the Archduchess Leopoldine to the Prince of men in Africa. This plan is adopted in conformity to the Brazil, and the great encouragement thereby afforded to principle, which is doubtless well founded, that no nation the expedition of above twenty enterprising men, who, furmakes considerable progress in civilization, unless children nished with every necessary qualification and every interof its own race set a good example; for this reason the nal aid, will traverse the Brazils in all directious,) German American Government does not look among its own fellow-knowledge and accuracy of research will entirely open to citizens, but among the Africans themselves, for those us this exhaustless mine, we mean not of gold and diawho are designed for Missionaries to that part of the monds, but of science. In consequence of all this, Brazil world." With the help of those men," (says the Address,) will become a standing article in the German scientific "Africa will soon boast her own poets and orators, elo-journals. Particularly interesting information may be exquence will flow from the swelled lips of these people, pected from the active and judicious Von Eschwege, the their dark hands will touch the strings of the lyre, and Superintendant of the Royal Cabinet of Minerals at Rio weave the silken web. On the banks of the Niger, as on Janeiro. He lately found near Cocans, in the proper mine those of the Thames, temples will arise to the honor of the country, Minas geraes, gold with mica of iron (Eisenglim One only God, and the same power which changed Pales- mer). In the sterile districts which extend between the tine into a fruitful land, will perhaps remove the curse of provinces of Minas and Goyas, he discovered those exbarrenness from the vast sandy deserts of Africa." haustless Saltpetre caverns, from which the great Gun

powder Manufactory at Rio Janeiro and the smaller one ously examined-with a view, on the part of some, to expose at Villa Ricca are supplied. One of the most wonderful its defects, on the part of others, for the purpose of upholding phenomena is the enormous Loadstone Mountain called its energies, and pointing out its perfections-they would the Serra di Pietade, near Sabara, so called from a chapel of hereditary rank, not possessed of the blessings of fortune, derive some consolation in reflecting, that a man, not possessed of the Virgin di Pietade, which lies veiled in clouds upon was enabled, by an exertion of his own abilities-by a successthe summit. From the place where this Loadstone Moun-ful display of his own talents-to place himself in that station tain begins, upon a basis of slaty earth, it is still 350 of society, which was most likely to lead to honourable indetoises to the top. This Loadstone Cone affords the most pendence. The prevailing sentiment in Mr. Horner's mind was wonderful phenomena in the changes of the polarity of the that of independence; and well was it observed by one of his magnetic needle. That this highly favored land may not panegyrists, that it was this feeling which led him, while he want a ready supply of Salt, we find in an extent of 80 was filling his mind with those stores of knowledge that were necessary to his efforts in the House-while he was studying leagues in the desert, from Rio de St. Francisco, in-our domestic economy and foreign policy-to devote himself calculable exudations of common salt, where the salt also to the painful and laborious duties of his profession. He that is taken away is found to be constantly replaced in attended to those laborious studies, because he conceived, that, three or four days. On all these points, at which we can by these means alone, he could hope to obtain an independence, merely hint here, we may speedily expect the most inter- and to arrive at those honours and emoluments which his talents were calculated to realise. esting communications." There is a spirit of liberal research manifested in those observations that claims attention from those who possess the control of the far extended colonies of Britain.

MEXICAN BOTANY.--M. de Candelle, Professor at Geneva, has lately received from M. Moxigno, a Mexican botanist, a collection of 2000 drawings of Mexican plants, hitherto entirely unknown.


FRANCIS HORNER, Esq. M. P. Whatever may have been the general complaints against the Scottish Union at the commencement of the past century, and against the Irish Union at the opening of the present one, it is an incontrovertible truth that many individuals have thereby been afforded opportunities of dedicating to the service of the Empire at large, those talents which, otherwise, would have been sacrificed to the petty squabbles of what may be called "Provincial Parliaments," in the two Sister Kingdoms. The gentleman, who forms the subject of the following memoir, may be adduced as a proof of this; a man, of whom it has been well said that not only in these times, but in all times, to lose such a combination of commanding talents and strict integrity, must be considered as a national loss.

ral that office should be offered to one so politically and perWhen the present opposition came into power, it was natusonally intimate with some of the leaders, as Mr. Horner then was; accordingly we find him occupying the situation of commissioner for the liquidation of the Carnatic claims. But he held this only for a short time, relinquishing it in consequence of finding the duties incompatible with that strict attention required by his professional pursuits.

His seat for St. Ives he held until 1813; when Mr. Shipley vacating his seat for St. Mawes, a borough supposed to be under the patronage of the Marquis of Buckingham, Mr. Horner was returned, and was its representative at the time of his death.

His health had been for some time declining; and we are told that it was with feelings of the deepest regret, that he found himself unable, for some time past, to attend to the laborious duties of his profession, or to discharge his Parliamentary functions in that place. He was induced, under these circumstances, to try the effect of a milder climate; but the hope of renovated health failed-the experiment unfortunately proved useless-he fell the victim of a lingering and painful disease; but he preserved, undiminished, to the last, the equanimity of his mild and amiable temper, and the unimpaired faculties of bis vigorous and enlightened understanding.

Long separated from his relatives and early associations, he had, previously to his departure for Italy, looked forward with delight to spending the last summer in the bosom of his family, remote from scenes of political discord. That plan he was prevented from carrying into execution-but his friends have this consolation, that, by his native virtues, the spirit of his mind, and the purity of his heart, he had gained that honorable applause, to which nothing else would have entitled him.

The climate of Italy did not answer either his own expectations or those of his friends; and he expired at Pisa, on the 8th of February last. We cannot sum up this sketch in a more pointed manner, than by giving place to a few of the very handsome observations made by Lord Morpeth, whilst moving a writ for a member ia his room. His Lordship, with much energy, said,

Mr. Horner is we believe a native of that part of the Island, North of the Tweed; born of respectable, but not very affluent or highly connected parentage. As these circumstances were rather pointedly alluded to on a recent parliamentary occasion, we notice them, the more particularly, as a proof of the early exuberance of his genius which could induce his friends to afford him an education fitting for the legal profession. After the usual studies, he was called to the Scottish Bar; but a new scene, both legal and political, was soon opened to him, as we have understood, through his connection with a critical work bearing the title of a Northern Capital, but intimately connected with London Politics. This induced him to come to the metropolis, where he commenced a course of English Law and was also called to the English Bar, with the intention of unit- "It would not be necessary for him to enter into any detail of ing political exertions with legal practice. His political friends the serious studies and occupations which engrossed his attenwere so struck with his talents, that they determined instantly tion-but this he might be allowed to say, that he raised the to bring him into parliament; and he was accordingly returned edifice of his fair fame on a just and good basis-on the basis of for the Borough of St. Ives to the Third Imperial Parliament, conscious integrity and honest independence. He was inflexible in December, 1806. This is a Borough where the right of in adhering to the maxims of truth and justice of these he Election was deterinined, in 1702, to be in those paying Scot never lost sight. In expressing his opinions in the House, he and Lot, but its parliamentary history presents some ex-adopted that chaste and simple, but, at the same time, imprestraordinary charges of bribery since that period. For sive style of oratory, which, rejecting all superfluous ornament, the talents which placed Mr. Horner in that situation, seemed peculiarly suited for sober and deliberate discussion. we feel all due respect, and perfectly agree with an honor- His talents were sufficiently known by the House; and, thereable member, who observed that in times like the present, fore, required no enumeration from him. But, he was sure, when the structure of the Constitution was strictly and rigor- whatever might be thought of his political opinions, the Ho

norable Gentlemen opposite would say, that I never used any undue or uncalled for severity in his observations. They would have the candour to allow, that the expression of his opinions, however manly and decided, was never imbittered by personal animosity or private dislike. (Hear, heur.) The operation of his amiable qualities prevented such feelings from influencing his conduct. But, successful as his exertions were in that House, and in other places, considering the contracted span of his life, they could only be contemplated as the harbingers of extraordinary efforts, when time had matured his talents-as the precursors of exertions infinitely more exalted, when years had added to his knowledge and his experience. Mr. Horner was a loss to his family and friends-and, he might add, to that House and to the country-that could not easily be repaired."



ORAZIO, heir to Montanini's fame,

Young, noble, proud of his illustrious name,
While these soft accents murmur'd from his tongue,
O'er his fair consort aud her nurseling hung-
"Offspring of love, thy soul illumin'd face,
Array'd in beauty and cherubic grace,
My fancy to you radiant Heav'n sublimes,
Or leads me, raptur'd, to the blissful times,
When our divine Redeemer, first, on earth,
Appear'd effulgent from a mortal birth.
While bending low, I gaze supremely blest,
Sleep on, Regillio, on thy Mother's breast;
O'er thee, her first-born hope, and blooming care,
A sweeter loveliness her features wear,
Beaming, in smiles, maternal love and joy ;
Then sleep, oh sleep, and glad her soul, my boy.—
Rous'd by her balmy kiss, dost thou awake,

And, now, thy thirst from those pure fountains slake,
I, too, receive thy quick endearing glance;

To me, to me, thy eager hands advance :
And all thy young, thy mute affections dy
Into the starry brightness of thine eye.
The auburn lustre of thy silken hair

Sheds a mild radiance on thy forehead fair;
Thy mantling cheeks display a riper rose;
In softer tints the blended lily glows;

While, mingling gentle looks and dimpled smiles
With playful infancy's endearing wiles,
Thy head thrown back, on her fond knee reposes,
And thy sweet mouth a thousand charms discloses.


THE Miss, the mother, and the dad,
To Lane for every portrait go;
And if in this they be not mad,

He soon contrives to make them so--
For while they sit, with primly glee,
A mimic rival rises fast,
Their own face, person, air, they see,
And are beside themselves at last!


W. C.

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Dr. Haviland has signified his intention of resigning the Professorship of Anatomy at Cambridge; in consequence of which Dr. Woodhouse, of Caius College, brother to the eminent Mathematician of that name, and Mr. Clark, of Trinity, have already commenced a canvass.

R. Lawson, Esq. B. A. Magdalen, is elected Fellow of that Society.

At a late meeting of the ROYAL SOCIETY, Mr. Pond, the Astronomer Royal, offered some observations on Dr. Brinckley's opinion of some of the fixed stars having a parallax. Mr. Pond's astronomical observations are all hostile to this theory. Indeed, the circumstance is scarcely possible, when we recollect that the sun's greatest parallax never exceeds eight seconds: and if Sirius is only double his distance from us, it is impossible that any instrument, or any visual observation, could be depended upon to measure accurately a smaller angle.

The Lectures now in course, at the ROYAL ACADEMY, are those of Mr. Soane on Architecture, and Mr. Flaxman on Sculpture.

PARIS.-The Royal Academy of Sciences have lately received some very curious communications.-M. Aymez has discovered an indelible ink. M. Majendie is of opinion, that the presence or want of azote has a considerable effect on nutritious substances, in fitting them for the necessary supply to animal bodies.

LEGHORN.-An Academy of Sciences, of Literature, and Arts, has been recently established. It is under the patronage of the Grand Duke, and has held its first sitting, when many strangers and visitors of eminence and distinction, both for learning and rank, were present.



IN THE BRITISH INSTITUTION CONTINUED. THE lake of Avernus, by C. V. FIELDING. This picture combines great grandeur of conception with equal vigor of execution. The penciling is large and full of character; the grounds are broken in a fine taste. The rocks, water, herbage, trees, lofty mountains in the distance, and embattled array of clouds, are thrown together with a true poetical spirit. The colouring is rich, and of a mellow tone. As a whole, the invention displays a boldness of imagination and genuine fee ing for the highest class of landscape, which, in Italy, would obtain for it the applause and rank of a capital picture. In England it is worthy of a place in any collection of paintings by the old Masters, and it certainly advances the Artist to a high station in his profession. As a landscape composition, it is a con spicuous object in this exhibition, and worth a ship-load of the gaudy, washy, vapid things, called prospects from nature, which are in such request among the admirers of the tea-board and fan-mount style. Views of nature, when coloured with the fresh tone of English scenery, and mellowed into harmony, possess a never-failing charm; but, when painted in negative hues, or destitute of truth in the local colouring, are false in so important an essential, that their other merits, in general, can be but of a low order, indeed. We know not this artist, and cannot pretend to judge what degree of patronage he may have experienced; but we feel it our duty to bear this full and free testimony to the power of his pencil in this bold flight of his genius. Mr. WILLIAM WESTALL, A. R. A. a brother to Richard At a Special Meeting of the Governors of Addenbrooke's Westall, the Royal Academician, has four local views in the Hospital, in this town, Dr. Haviland, Regius Professor of Phy-Rooms. His small landscapes of this class, possess very su


OXFORD. NO Academic graduations have taken place during the past week, at this University.

CAMBRIDGE.-The only degrees conferred last week, were those of Batchelor of Arts upon Messrs. H. H. Blackman, Trinity, and R. Rastal, Jesus.

Dr. John Haviland, Fellow of St. John's College, and Professor of Anatomy, has been appointed by his Royal Highness the Prince Regent to the office of Regius Professor of Physic, vacant by the death of Sir Isaac Pennington.

perior attractions. In general they are selected with judgment, executed with taste, and highly finished, without losing a sprightly freedom in the penciling. The touch is delicate but firm; the shadows strong and warm; and the general effect vigorous, reposive and united. His skies and distances are bright and silvery; his day-light well diffused, without flutter or insubordination; and his tone low, with sparkling touches of lustre, which are very enchanting. The perspective in his view in the garden of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, is correct to an illusion. The distance in his Lake of Windermere with Stone Hall, recedes admirably, and the whole is well conceived; but the extent of sky, mountains and water, forms rather too large a portion of cool colours and open light, for the warm hues and shadows of the near scenery. In selection, penciling, balance of colour, light and shadow, enamel delicacy of finishing and low toned brightness, his distant view of the Lake of Windermere from the road between Troutbeck and Kirkstone, is his most captivating specimen. This precious little gem has all the glow and life of PYNAKER, without his sharp and dangerous oppositions of light and shadow. His view from the garden of a Mandarin, on the river beyond Canton in China, is of a much larger size, and less successful. The formality of garden grounds cramped the fancy and hand of the artist. There is a tamcuess of pencil, a deficiency of air tints, and a failure of interest in the whole. Although there is no want of warm co lours, the general effect is rather flat and heavy, It requires more toning; and, at present has some appearance of a thing painted in a close room, without a window for the artist to look out upon nature, or nature to look in upon the artist.

formance therefore commenced with God Save the King by the
full Orchestra. To this succeeded the former selection from
Haydn's Seasons, in which the singers and instrumental per-
formers were more perfect than on its first production.
In the choruses of Handel and Haydn correct execution can
only be expected from frequent practice, and from the confi-
dence the performers acquire by constantly singing together.
Thus choruses which are least intricate are best adapted for our
Oratorio's; and we were particularly delighted with the first
quartett and chorus in the Seasons-"Come gentle Spring,
etherial mildness, come," and with the opening chorus in
Acis and Galatea.

Mrs. Salmon was in fine voice, and distinguished herself in music of very different character and pretensions, by Handel, Mozart, Haydn, and Pucitta. We are proud of this singer. Ours is not a musical nation, and we therefore feel the full merit of national musical talent whenever we meet with it. When we are told of fine singers and wonderful singers, we ask one simple question, "Can they sing in time and in tune?" and we are very very seldom answered in the affirmative. Mrs. Salmon does both, and she continues to improve in science as well as execution. This to a singer is no small praise; for the applause of the public, frequently loudest where it is least merited is apt to render "hoc genus omne" careless, or what is worse, conceited; and instead of aspiring to become first rate singers, they are contented to be inferior composers, and the habit of composing or compiling what they call English Operas or popular ballads, " ad captandum vulgus," leads them by degrees to introduce unmeaning or disgusting flourishes in the most sublime compositions of Handel and Mozart.

Mozart's duet from Don Juan, "La ci darem la mano," by Mrs. Salmon and Signor Begri was deservedly encored. It appeared to us, however, that the last movement was rather too slow, and that in the first too many graces were introduced. This duet has a mixture of elegant simplicity and science, that will always please either a scientific or an unlearned audience. No composer will bear extraneous ornaments or additions so little as Mozart, with him every note and almost every turn of the voice is studied with reference to his instrumental accompaniments, and we should not easily forgive a singer who should attempt to improve upon his ideas. We hope Mr. Braham will consider this, in his performance of the anxiously expected Opera of Don Juan. We admire his great talents, and hope that he will soon give us an opportunity of speaking highly of his judgment.

There is much sound taste in the four landscapes by Mr. STARK, an Artist whose name we do not recollect to have met with before. These pictures bear evidence of original study and no common ability in the execution. They are wholly free from the brown and dingy hues with which many young Artists disfigure their views from English Nature, by imitating the colouring of the old Masters. Artists, who painted under a Southern Sun, where showers were infrequent, and the parched hues of the woods and vallies evinced the heat of the climate, would have acted very absurdly if they had introduced the rich verdure of English Scenery in their landscapes. The rich clear browns, which in their pictures are perfectly natural, are very unnatural when copied in English landscapes, and copied without taste or transparency. Mr. STARK'S local colouring has the delicious freshness of English verdure, so judiciously toned as to retain its true Northern character, with mellowness and union. His greens are deep but not raw. They Mrs. Salmon sung "Hush ye pretty warbling Choir," and have much of the dark lustre of an emerald in shade. This Ar-Pucitta's song of " Vittima Sventuruta" with great effect. In the tist is, in the truest sense, a colourist; and, if he proceeds with beautiful trio "The flocks shall leave the mountains," Bellamy courage in the same course, we augur highly of his future ad- imitated Bartleman's manner of suppressing his voice to shew vancement. His landscape, with a boat and fishermen, is a fine the internal anguish of the monster Polypheme. But Bartleman specimen: the sky is open and airy; the water still and is a singer of whom it may be truly said, "Non fuit illi simile transparent; the figures cleverly painted, and the scene well aut secundum." When he is absent, he can have no substitute, chosen. The chastity in the effect, which at once fixes the and whenever we lose him, we shall not look upon his like attention, is not of the kind that is so cheaply acquired by de- again." The causes of his excellence are well worth the attenviating from nature, and painting in neutral tints. The chas-tion of other singers, but this is a subject that our limits will tity, gained by the absence of local colouring, may be likened not allow us to enter upon.

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to the virtue which is guarded by conventual seclusion. His Master Barnett was encored with some opposition, in the "Lane Scene," has a truth of colouring and accidental effect, ballad of " On this cold flinty rock." We shall only regret that not inferior to the truth in the landscapes of RUYSDAEL. The his fine voice and promising talents are not exercised on better quiet simplicity in the scene, reminds us of the felicitous selec-music.

tions of WYNANTS. There is a silent solemnity in his "Coun- We were pleased with Miss Goodall's song of "Shepherd try Church-Yard," which indicates the pensive feelings of the what art thou pursuing;" and with part of Mr. Nicholson's perPainter; and his "Entrance to a Forest" is not inferior in co-formance on the flute, we mean that part in which he played louring to his other pictures, but a few of the forms of the trees are somewhat heavy, and inclined to a woolliness in the penciling. W. C.


On Wednesday last the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester honored the Oratorio at Drury Lane with their presence, and the per

with great taste and simplicity the air of "O dolce concento." But in executing quick passages he has no pretensions to the staccato, and distinct articulation of Monsieur Drouet.

Our national hymn of God Save the King was unanimously encored after the Battle Symphony; and thus the evening concluded, as it had begun, with a happy combination of harmony and loyalty.

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