Biographia LiterariaEdinburgh University Press, 2014 - 435 頁 A new, fully annotated critical edition of this key Romantic text This new edition of the Biographia supersedes all previous editions. Crucially, it takes into consideration three decades of research and scholarship on Coleridge and includes all Coleridge's references and allusions. In tracing all unattributed references, Adam Roberts has in some cases opened up whole new avenues of interpretation for the text, materially altering or changing the way we read this classic work. This new scholarly edition for a twenty-first-century readership includes a detailed critical introduction; a textual introduction; the text of the Biographia Literaria, including Coleridge's notes and editorial footnotes; endnotes; and a bibliography. It is likely to stand as the definitive textual edition for many years to come. Key Features - This will be the first new edition in three decades to critically engage and situate Coleridge's classic work for students of Romanticism studies - Fully explains the genesis, the poetic and philosophical contexts and debates surrounding the text - Provides the chance to revitalise Romanticism studies more generally Adam Roberts is Professor of Nineteenth-Century Literature at Royal Holloway, University of London. He has published widely in the field of Romantic and Victorian literature, and previously edited editions of Browning and Tennyson, and his monograph Landor's Cleanness is forthcoming. Cover image: Samuel Taylor Coleridge, detail of a vintage engraving from 1874 (c) Cover design: [EUP logo] ISBN 978-0-7486-9208-8 Barcode |