The Christian Writer's Manual of Style

Zondervan, 2010年5月11日 - 432页
An essential tool for writers, editors, proofreaders, designers, copywriters, production managers, and marketers too.The Christian Writer’s Manual of Style is an essential tool not only for writers of religious materials, but for their editors, proofreaders, designers, copywriters, production managers, and even marketers. Rather than simply repeating style information commonly available in standard references, this newly updated and expanded edition includes points of grammar, punctuation, usage, book production and design, and written style that are often overlooked in other manuals. It focuses on information relating to the unique needs and demands of religious publications, such as discussions on how to correctly quote the Bible, how to capitalize and use common religious terms, and how to abbreviate the books of the Bible and other religious words. Also included are rarely found items such as:• an author’s guide to obtaining permissions• guidelines for using American, British, and Mid-Atlantic styles• discussions of inclusive language, profanity, and ethnic sensitivities• discussions of Internet and computer-related language style• a list of problem words• style issues regarding words from major world religions• a discussion of handling brand names in text• a list of common interjections• issues of type design, paper, copy-fitThis edition has been completely updated since the 1988 edition and contains more than twice as much information as the previous edition. This is the most detailed and comprehensive guide of its kind.


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作者简介 (2010)

Robert Hudson is a senior editor-at-large at Zondervan. With his wife, Shelly Townsend-Hudson, he has written Companions for the Soul, and with Duane W. H. Arnold he has written Beyond Belief: What the Martyrs Said to God. For several years he also edited the online literary magazine, Working
