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IN my preface to the « NARRATIVE," I invited in

vestigation of the facts fet forth in it, and of the general conduct of Mr. BURR. This invitation was given in vain. Not a word ftated in the Narrative has yet been controverted. Indeed the facts it contains are of that stubborn kind that bids defiance to controverfy, and beats down all oppofition. It will hardly be faid that their verity has not been questioned on account of the absence of Mr. BURR ; fince, had they been unfounded, his agents, his zealous and thorough-going friends, muít have known it; and it will scarcely be believed that they would stand by and fee the little body round which they are whirled, fo feriously attacked, without interpofing a fhield for his, protection. I will not do the "little band" so much injuftice as even to imagine them capable of fuch daftardly conduct.

On the other hand, I am not difpofed to interpret their filence into a confeffion of the guilt of their principal; though it must be confeffed appearances make against them. This filence is fometimes properly, but frequently furreptitiously observed. A tranfcendently exalted character, publicly accused of a little, mean, disreputable act, of which he could fcarcely be guilty, and which few men, would accredit, would hardly defcend from his god-like eminence to notice the calumniator. So that this mum conduct will not be adduced as a propofition universally true. This is fo generally known that many men avail themselves of the convenience, who ought to be adjudged, if not infamous, unworthy of the confidence of the public,


and as having defervedly forfeited their good opinion. In this cafe it is a villain covering himself with the mantle of illuftrious virtue.

Another ftrongly prefumptive incident is, that, in the prefent controverfy, of which the Vice-President is the fubject, the "little band" are unequivocally the aggresfors. They were the first to declare war; they provoked refiftance. They called for examination; and no fooner was it commenced than they fhrank from it! Under thefe circumstances would it be fair to say that fince they are filent they are innocent? One might as truly affirm that the most attrocious offender was immaculate, becaufe when put to trial, he refused to plead !

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Again. Is it not peculiarly incumbent on the "little band" and their primum mobile, the Vice-Prefident, to evince to the public that the ferious charges exhibited against him are devoid of foundation ? Upon this hang the popularity and the Vice-Presidency of Mr. BURR! Will they remain mute when fo much is at ftake? Are they not concerned for the honour of their Chieftain and of themselves? Do they not know that the Marshals, the Bank Solicitors, and the Mercuries, will be whelmed in his fall? And at this thought, do not their "fouls fhrink back, and startle at deftruction?" All thefe confiderations are furely enough to make them aroufe themselves" and thake the enemy from them." Catiline treated with dif dain the denunciations of Cicero, until every avenue of retreat was cut off. I hope America is not deftined to furnish an example of this treasonable pertinacity!

But were I to adventure an opinion I would affirm that, were the Vice-President now in this city, he would himself be mute! Mr. Burr muft be confcious that the offences with which he ftands accufed before the public are well founded. Prudence, therefore, whofe imperious mandates urged him to prescribe filence to the "little band" would clofe his lips. No man knows how to manage difagreeable truths better than Mr. Burr !

But this introduction is defigned to anticipate and to combat very different topics from those already noticed. The character faithfully drawn of Mr. Burr in the following pages, is fo complex, fo ftript of precife and indelible marks; fo mutable, capricious, verfatile, unfteady and unfixt, one to which no determinate name can be given, and on which no reliance can be placed, ́ that ferious queftions may arife from it. It appears that, from his Debut on political life, he has been every thing and nothing; that he has been afcending the ladder of fame and power by means on which no honeft man can rereflect with fatisfaction; and it may be added that all this ..must have been known to thofe who raifed him to his prefent eminence in the government; and being confcious that he was no lefs deflitute of a determinate principle than: of political confiftency, it were criminal to exalt him to an height from which he might hurl deftruction upon the people. This, it must be admitted, has fome weight; it has at leaft a plaufible appearance.


I candidly confefs I am one of thofe who were unacquainted with the true character of Mr. Burr, until his fingular conduct fince the Election of Mr. Jefferion, induced me to examine the more early parts of it. I may ge

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