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Act VII, the Indian Forest, of 1865,

8, 422, 468, 469, 472

Assam Forest Regulation of 1891,

Assam, forests in, 396, 398, 421, 423,
424, 425

Assam Forests, lumbering in, 428
Assam, position of forests in 1864,

Assistant Inspectors-General, List
of, to 1900, 599

Attaran Forests, the license holders
in, 187


Baden-Powell, I.C.S., Mr. B. H.,
Conservator of Forests, 505

Act VII, the Indian Forest, of 1878, | Baden-Powell, Forest Legislation

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Department, 495

Administration Forest Reports,
method of drawing up, 225
Administration Progress of Forest,
1871-1900, 461

Afghanistan, Government policy in
connection with, 5, 449
Afghan War, the second, 450
Ahiri teak forest, 238

Ajmere Forest Regulation of 1850,

Andamans, Kurz's Report on Forests
of, 38

Anderson, Dr. T., appointed Con-
servator in Bengal, 1864, 371, 374
Appendix Series to the Indian
Forester, the, 603

Apprentices, Forest, appointment of,
82, 86, 492

Arboriculture in the 'sixties in the
Central Provinces, 248
Argyll, Duke of, Secretary of State
for India, 68, 108

Aschaffenburg, Bavarian forest at, 50
Assam, first published information
on Forests of, 426-431

and, 467

Bailey, Colonel, R.E., work of, in
Department, 480, 504, 505
Baluchistan and Quetta, 457

Baluchistan, Forest Regulation of,
1890, 474

Beddome, Captain, Conservator in
Madras, 90

Bengal and Assam, forest operations
in 1865-70, 371, 375, 403, 419
Bengal, demarcation of forests in,
416, 418, 421, 425

Bengal, division of forests in, 407,
413, 423

Bengal Duars, timbers and prices,

Bengal, Financial Results of Forests,
407-409, 412, 422

Bengal, First Forest Report for,
1864-5, 375

Bengal, formation of a nursery
at Darjiling, 376, 405
Bengal, Forest Establishment for,
1865, 373

Bengal, Forest Report for, 1865-6,

Bengal Forests, position of, in 1864,

Bengal, issue of Circular by Con-
servator, calling for information on
Bengal Forests, 1864, 378
Bengal, permanent settlement and
the forests, 419
Bengal, plantations in, 425

Bengal, proposals for Conservancy in
British Sikkim, 1865, 371, 374,

Bengal, sleepers from temperate
forests for East Indian Railway,

Bengal, Tista Valley sâl forests, 373
Bengal, unequal distribution of the
forests, 424

Bengal, valuation surveys to be com-
menced in forests, 1870, 425
Bengal, waste of timber in the Duars,

Berar, progress of Conservancy in,

1865-70, 252

Berar, demarcation of reserves in,

Berar, financial results of forests in,
252, 254

Berar Forest Law of 1886, 473
Bhagalpur Division, forests in, 378,

Bhagaruttee Forests, the, 333, 351
Bhutan, frontier war in, 372
Bhutan, sål forests of, 373, 405, 411,
413, 418, 420, 425
Bhutan, war with, 4, 372

Bombay and Brandis' proposals for
training the staff, 169, 170
Bombay, attitude of Collectors to-
wards Forest Conservancy, 134
Bombay, demarcation of forests in,
135, 140, 157, 161

Bombay, departmental working of
forests in, 163

Bombay, financial position of forests,
137, 153, 164

Bombay, Forest Offences in, 139
Bombay, formation of plantations for
fuel, 141, 153, 165
Bombay, fuel in, 140

Bombay, license system in forest, 154,

Bombay, Memorandum on position

of forests by Brandis, 155
Bombay, pay of subordinate estab-
lishment in, 137, 170
Bombay, powers of Conservator in,
151, 156

Bombay, progress of Conservancy in,
1865-70, 134

Bombay, railways and fuel supplies,


Bombay, Report on Forests of, from
1868-9, 151

Bombay, teak plantations in, 139,


Bombay, training of probationers
for, 49, 65

Bombay village, forests reserves in,

Bombay, visit by Brandis to Forests
of, 162

Boom across the Ganges, attempt to
lay, 306

Bori Forest, fire protection started in
the, 224, 242, 248

Botanic Gardens, Calcutta and Kew,
assistance received from, 611
Boundary marks, trees as, 94
Brandis, appointed Inspector-
General of Forests, 4

Brandis, decision on control of canal
plantations, 308

Brandis' management of Burma
Forests attacked, 181

Brandis, Memorandum on Bombay
Forests, 1868, 155

Brandis, Memorandum on supply of
sleepers from the North-West
Provinces, 311

Brandis' proposals for permanent
recruitment of Department with
trained probationers, 54

Brandis' proposals for training Indian
Forest probationers, 42

Brandis reports against return to
license system, 183

Brandis reports on girdling trees, 26,

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Buildings and Communications, pro-
gress in, 518

Burckhardt, Forest Director, Han-
over, 54, 71

Burdwan Division, forests of, 383
Burma, blasting operations in

streams, 197

Burma, Brandis' management of
forests attacked, 181

Burma, division of the forests, 201
Burma, Financial Results of forests,
192, 199

Burma, financial statement of forests,
1868-9 and 1869-70, 213
Burma Forest Reports, 1868–9, 1869-
70, by Seaton, 201, 213
Burma, Forest Staff in 1868 and
1870, 200, 214

Burma, progress of Conservancy in,
1865-70, 181

Burma, progress of forest demarca-
tion, 186, 191, 194, 201, 203
Burma, proposal to revert to license
system, 181

Burma, results of teak operations
between 1856-7 and 1867-8, 198
Burma, rights of villagers to forest
produce, 205

Burma, teak plantation in, 191, 195,

196, 197, 200, 206, 209, 565, 567
Burma, the license holders in the
Attaran Forests, 187-191

Burma, timber station at Kaddo, 186
Burma, toungya cultivation in, 201
Burma, Upper and Lower, united

into a province, 1897, 454
Burma, Upper, annexed, 1886, 454
Burma, Upper, Forest Regulation
VI of, 1887 and 1898, 474
Burma, Upper, settlement of method

of exploiting the teak forests, 512
Burma, yield of teak timber, 192, 199
Burmese War, the third, 1885, 453
Bushahr State Forests, lease of, 256


Cachar District, forests of, 398
Canal plantations, 286, 307
Casuarina plantations in Madras, 93,
95, 564, 567

Census of India, the first general,
1881, 451

Central Provinces, absence of com-
munications in the 'sixties, 221
Central Provinces, arboriculture in,

Central Provinces, demarcation work
in, 235, 240, 241

II.-2 S

Central Provinces, destruction of the
teak forests in, 222

Central Provinces, division of forests
in, 227, 231, 234

Central Provinces, "dhya" cultiva-
tion in, 221

Central Provinces, effect of advent
of railway on the forests, 246
Central Provinces, exploration of
forests and settlement work, 216,

Central Provinces, financial results,
229, 231, 243, 249

Central Provinces, fire protection
commenced in, 223, 242, 248
Central Provinces, Forest Report for
1864-5, 225

Central Provinces, Forest Staff of,

Central Provinces, population of, 216
Central Provinces, progress of ad-

ministration in 1865-70, 215, 246
Central Provinces, reorganisation of
Department, 226

Central Provinces, surveys of forests
commenced, 241

Central Provinces, teak plantations
in, 230, 240, 248, 250, 564
Central Provinces, unreserved forests
in, 243, 251

Chakrata and Deoban Hill Forests,
335, 338

Chakrata Cantonment, wood for
building the, 335, 338

Chamba deodar forests, estimated
deodar supplies from, in 1866, 264-
270, 272

Chamba State Forests, lease of, 255
Chittagong District and Hill Tracts
Forests, 403, 423, 432-442
Chittagong teak plantation at Kap-
tai, 572

Chota Nagpur Division, forests of
the, 391

Cinchona, cultivation of, 118, 196,
371, 375

Circle, a Conservator's charge, 486
Cleghorn and the Punjab Forests, 7
Cleghorn and the Punjab Himalayan
Forests, 255

Cleghorn and training of forest pro-
bationers, 69, 72, 74

Cleghorn, Dr., the Founder of Forest
Conservancy in India, 7

Cleghorn, officiating Inspector-
General of Forests, 228
Coimbatore and provision of fuel, 99
Commissioners of Forests, Brandis
and Cleghorn appointed, 7

Communications and Buildings, pro-
gress in, 518

Conolly teak plantations, progress
of, 112, 563, 566
Conservators, work and powers of,

Cooper's Hill Engineering College,
inauguration of training of pro-
bationers at, 500

Coorg, progress of forest administra-
tion, 123

Coorg, Reports on forests of, 129
Cotes, Mr. E. C., Economic Entomo-
logist at Indian Museum, Cal-
cutta, 609

Creeper cutting in Oudh Forests, 354,

Creepers in the Indian Forests, 561
Cryptomeria Japonica in Darjiling,

Cuttack, forests in Tributary Mehals,


Dacca Division, forests of the, 395
Dacca, the city of, in 1870, 432
Dalzell, Conservator, in Bombay,

135, 137, 146, 152, 169

Darjiling District, forests of, 378, 405
Darjiling municipality and Goom
Pahar Forests, 376, 422

Davis, Mr., first appointment to
Bengal Forests, 418

Demarcation and exploring of forests,
arduous nature of work of, 193
Demarcation of forests in India, 478
Deodar, excess fellings of, in the
Chenab Forests, 276

Deodar, growth of, 337, 343

Deodar plantations, 262, 272, 277
Deodar plantations in the Western
Himalaya, 570

Deodar, price of, in Punjab in 1866,
etc., 267, 273, 280
Deodar, seeding of, 277
Departmental working in the North-
West Provinces Forests, Brandis
on 313, 363

Dhya cultivation in the Central
Provinces, 221

"Dhya cultivation in the North-
West Provinces, 298
District Boards, formation of, 451
Divisions, Forest, staff of, 497
Doveton, Lieutenant, Forest Officer
in the Central Provinces, 224, 242,
246, 248

Dufferin, Earl of, Viceroy and
Governor-General, 452

Dun, Dehra, Reports of Forests in
the, 299, 306, 330

Durbar at Delhi, for proclamation
of Queen-Empress, 1877, 447


Eardley Wilmot, Mr. (now Sir S.),
604, 607

Eardley Wilmot on the Oudh Forests,

Edinburgh University, training of
probationers at, 1866, 49, 52
Education, progress of Forestry, 498
Elephants, capture of, by Khedda
Department, 229

Elephants, suggested breeding estab-
lishment in Madras, 117

Elgin, Earl of, Viceroy and Governor-
General, 458

Erosion, effects of protection on, 555-


Erosion following destruction of
forests, 533, 537, 555-559
Establishments in the Forest Depart-
ment, 1864-8, cost of, 19
Examination, entrance, for forest
probationers, 502

Executive Forest Officers, formation
of service of, 79

Executive Forest Officers, pay of, 80
Executive forest staff in Burma,
1870, 209

Executive or Subordinate Service,
organization of, 493-495

Executive staff, training of, 83, 86,
87, 169, 237, 504

Expenditure, extraordinary, by the
Forest Department, Governor-
General's Memorandum on, 22-26
Exploitation methods in Indian
Forests, 510

Exploitation, scientific methods of,
Exploitation, regulation in methods
of, 515


Famine in Chota Nagpur, 1865–7, 5
Famine in the Ganjam district of
Madras, 1865-7, 5

Famine of 1899-1900, 460
Famine of 1876-8 in Madras, Bom-
bay, Central Provinces, and North-
West Provinces, 447, 459

Famine of 1896-7 in the North-West
Provinces, Central Provinces, and
Punjab, 459

Famine, the Orissa, 1865-67, 5
Felling in forests, destructive, 533
Ficus elastica forests in the Darrang
District, 424

Ficus elastica plantation at Charduar,

Financial reform measure of Lord

Mayo, 7

Financial Results of the Forests,
1864-99, 530

Financial year, Forest Reports to be
drafted for, 1865, 355

Fire protection in Indian Forests,

116, 224, 242, 248, 293, 295, 319,
359, 361, 370, 533, 539-547
Fire protection, nature of work, 544
Fire protection, opposition to, 224, 539
Fisher, Mr. W. R., Conservator of
Forests and Assistant Professor of
Forestry, Cooper's Hill, 501, 505
Floating possibilities of Himalayan
rivers, 301, 343

Forest charges, area of, in India, 1869,

Forest Conservancy, progress of,
between 1871-1900, 443

Forest Officer, position in district of
divisional, 497

Forest Officers, facilities for study
in continental forests, 45, 169
Forest Officers, training of French
and German, 50, 55
Forest organisation in India, 1864-
70, 3

Forest Reports, method on which
to be drafted, 1868, 364
Foresters, Scots, appointed to sub-
ordinate service, 1866-7, 44, 230
Forestry, practical courses at

Cooper's Hill, 503

Forests, British, 47, 48

Forests, distribution of "settled "

forests in 1900, 474

Forests, expenditure on administra-
tion of, 1870, 37

Forests, Indian, regeneration of, 47
Forsyth, Captain, Forest Officer, in
the Central Provinces, 215, 224,

Forsyth, on the distribution of the
fauna in the Central Provinces,

Forsyth, on the distribution of the
sâl tree in the Central Provinces,
France, forests of, 47, 52, 79, 80

France, pine plantations in the
Landes, 98

France, training of probationers in,

Frontier wars, Hunza and Nagar and
Manipur, 457

Fuel and cow-dung in Madras, 93
Fuel plantations in Madras, 93, 563


Gamble, C.I.E., F.R.S., Mr. J.
Sykes, Conservator of Forests,
appointed to charge of Dehra Dun
School, 507

Gamble, Mr. J. Sykes, 601, 602, 606
Garhwal, forests of, 292, 302, 306, 317
Girdling trees in the forests, corre-
spondence on, 26, 90, 336
Goalpara sâl forests, 1869, 421
Gorakhpur Forests, contents and
division of (1866), 295

Gorakhpur Forests, position in, 1921,

Gorakhpur Forests, Webber's Report
on (1865), 294

Grazing in the forests, efforts to
regulate, 306, 309, 355, 359, 361,
526, 533, 537, 547-555
Guards, Forest, pay of, 82, 486
Gumsur sâl forests, 115

Gurkha War and the Nepal Forests,

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