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Not only my internal eyes, but my spiritual ears are also opened; and I am both Clairvoyant and Clairaudiant-can see and hear the things which are spiritual as easily as if they were on the earth. And now, with speechless joy, I recognize the four individual spirits as my most dear friends in the Spirit Land! Be still, be calm, Oh, my soul! and listen to the illustrious Galen, who is now about to address thee. He speaks :—

"We, your guardians in the spirit, will now give you the ground-plan and frame-work of a Discourse which you may hold your spirit in ample readiness to deliver when requested, during your sojourn, trusting in that Faith which moveth mountains, that we will strengthen and inspire your mind, by direct intercourse and illustration, to enforce your thoughts and complete the superstructure."

After the spirit of Galen had pronounced these words of encouragement with an indescribable richness of intonation, I waited quietly for something more; but he uttered not a word. And yet upon his countenance something fraternal seemed to say: "You may ask me questions." This I accordingly did, and inquired:

"Will you tell me what means the vast assemblage which you just left behind?"

"That Consociation," he replied, "is a detachment of the Royal Circle of the Foli: being a convocation of many spirits that were born on the earth; who, in their present estate, belong to that Wisdom Circle which is conjoined, in the bonds of divine congeniality, to the circle of Fraternal Love."

Being deeply gratified by this reply, I asked: "Will you tell me who some of them are?"

"Their earthly names," said he, " are known by the characters they themselves inscribed on the history of their race; by the gardens of affection they established in the memories of thousands through the force of their genius and culture."

At this he stopped speaking, and supposing he designed not to tell me the names of some of the spirits assembled; and so, recurring to the "Discourse" which he had promised me, I asked: “Will you now give me the 'ground-plan,' &c., of the lecture which I must deliver ?"

And immediately he replied: "We will impress you to-night. Soon you shall know more of this vision." And forthwith he departed with his companions as he came, and I saw nothing further. But this impression flowed distinctly into my mind: that the commission which I had just received to go forth and lecture was "per order of supermundane Wisdom-the Natural, Spiritual, and Celestial degrees or phases of which (so far as the other world is related to this life), the four spirits whom I had seen individually and collectively represented." Their names on earth were:-

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"Natural Wisdom," as I have been led to apprehend, means the mental ability to comprehend the teachings of science to understand the nature, relationship, and application of facts from which science is derived. And I may here add that, for years, Galen has ever been the mind to suggest certain scientific facts-medical, geo

logic, historical-with which I have, from time to time, illustrated the Philosophy.

"Transitional Wisdom" signifies the mental state in which the individual realizes much fondness for the facts of Love, Friendship, examples of Devotion, pertaining to the affections and emotions; for poetry, music, painting, sculpture, &c.; and the reader, by referring to Friend Wilson's previous communications in the former volume on this subject, will doubtless observe this peculiarity in his mind.

"Spiritual Wisdom" is devoted to the comprehension of principles of exalted association in the other life-a knowledge of progressions, back and forth, through multitudinous experiences and developments.

"Celestial Wisdom" I can not define, for I have never entered into its significations. The former phases have been experienced to some degree by many minds on earth. From what I have seen, however, I infer celestial wisdom to be the mental power to realize the Divine Being in many departments of his sublime relation to the Spirit Universe.


On this occasion I was situated alone in a bed-chamber at High Rock Cottage. It was in the evening of the same day; the time was twenty minutes past seven o'clock. The muttering voices of the angry waters, and the gloomy-clouds, burdened with wind and rain, gave me, as I remember, a singular feeling, before entering

the Superior Condition, as if the night was too severe for spirits to be near the earth.


The sky is overshadowed by heavy clouds, and the rain steadily falls to earth. The physical indications are that the night will be dark and gloomy. The winds sob and sigh with a shrill voice over the adjoining promontories; and the distant ocean moans heavily, as if anticipating a stormy visitation. Nevertheless, punctual to my engagement, here I am at my table-with paper and pencil ready-waiting, with as much passivity of soul as my will can command, for the communication which was promised me this morning by the good Galen. I have been waiting fifteen minutes already.

But now it comes! After the manner of gentle music, the sweet influence flows upon and overspreads my whole being. The effect is indescribable. Vital action is partially suspended. In the appropriately descriptive phraseology of Daniel, ch. x., v. 8: "And there remained no strength in me; for my comeliness was turned in me into corruption, and I retained no strength." A profound sleep gradually takes my members into custody. Yet I am not slumbering; but more completely awake than before. My brain is peculiarly calm. Still, I feel a beautiful waltz going on in its chambers, amid the nerves and tissues there, as if music, like an element of self-consciousness and voluntary fluidity, had overflowed my faculties of thoughtattuning them to the ways of harmony. Yea, I now comprehend it.—This is the sovereign Law of Nature

asserting, temporarily, its supremacy over my mind. This is the grand cause of all mental exaltation! Oh, that all children could be born thus-all men live thus -how glorious then would be the sons of God! I have enjoyed this mental harmony many hundreds of times; but never stopped before to realize progressively the delightful processes in the economy which bring it about. How I wish for words to describe them.

But now my spiritual senses are unlocked. My eyes are uplifted, and again I behold the vision. Again I see the vast Congress of spirits and angels-apparently, still thirty miles above the earth's surface--a little south of the city of Boston in the State of Massachusetts. The atmosphere which I saw this morning, as enveloping the assemblage, has become more brilliant, and is inexpressibly beautiful; it is broader and higher; and the prismatic distribution of colors is more exquisite, and produces an effect upon me which I can not describe.

Other alterations are also visible. The groups are far more numerous. So abundant are they, I can not count them. Ah! now I see that many thousands of the good and true immortals have arrived since my morning's observation. The reading and judging of the world that sublime looking into the conditions, the hearts, and the motives. of men-is now almost completed, and the various groups now constitute a grand Consilium-being, to all appearance absorbed in conversation and in calm debate!

All this still remains incomprehensible-wholly wrapt in impenetrable mystery. For the vision is new to me; and not having an interpretation given me, I

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