Or golden disk of moon that swings “I WILL ABIDE IN THINE HOUSE." Over; but in? The world is full; So many, and so wide abroad: I asked: my soul bethought of this:- HEARTH-GLOW. IN the fireshine at the twilight, Where the embers flush and flicker I see, fitfuller and quicker, Heart-pulses come and go. And here and there, with eager flame, I know, with instinct sure and high, Through the red tracery I discern SUNLIGHT AND STARLIGHT. GOD sets some souls in shade, alone; Thy greater heaven hath grander To-day is close; the hours are small; Lose the less joy that doth but blind; LARVE. My little maiden of four years old No myth, but a genuine child is she, With her bronze-brown eyes and her curls of gold- Rubbing her shoulder with rosy palm, As the loathsome touch seemed yet to thrill her, A horrible, crawling caterpillar!” And with mischievous smile she could scarcely smother, Yet a glance in its daring, half awed, half shy, She added, While they were about it, mother I wish they'd just finished the butterfly!" They were words to the thought of the soul that turns Ah, look thou largely, with lenient eyes, On whatso beside thee may creep and cling, For the possible glory that underlies The passing phase of the meanest thing! What if God's great angels, whose waiting love Beholdeth our pitiful life below From the holy height of their heaven above, Could n't bear with the worm till the wings should grow ? ELIZABETH H. WHITTIER. CHARITY. THE pilgrim and stranger, who, For gifts, in his name, of food and through the day, Holds over the desert his trackless way, rest, The tents of Islam, of God are blest. Where the terrible sands no shade Thou, who hast faith in the Christ have known, above, No sound of life save his camel's Shall the Koran teach thee the Law Thou hast more than he can buy Oh, for boyhood's painless play, Of the black wasp's cunning way, Oh, for boyhood's time of June, Whispering at the garden wall, Larger grew my riches too; --- Oh, for festal dainties spread, Like my bowl of milk and bread, Pewter spoon and bowl of wood, On the door-stone, gray and rude! O'er me, like a regal tent, Cloudy-ribbed, the sunset bent, Purple-curtained, fringed with gold; Looped in many a wind-swung fold; While for music came the play Of the pied frogs' orchestra; And, to light the noisy choir, Lit the fly his lamp of fire. I was monarch: pomp and joy Waited on the barefoot boy. Cheerily, then, my little man, Live and laugh, as boyhood can! Though the flinty slopes be hard, Stubble-speared the new-mown sward, Every morn shall lead thee through Fresh baptisms of the dew; Every evening from thy feet Shall the cool wind kiss the heat. All too soon these feet must hide In the prison cells of pride, Lose the freedom of the sod, Like a colt's for work be shod, Made to tread the mills of toil, Up and down in ceaseless moil: Happy if their track be found Never on forbidden ground; Happy if they sink not in Quick and treacherous sands of sin. Ah! that thou couldst know thy joy, Ere it passes, barefoot boy! IN SCHOOL-DAYS. STILL sits the school-house by the road, A ragged beggar sunning; Around it still the sumachs grow. And blackberry-vines are running. Within, the master's desk is seen, Deep scarred by raps official; The warping floor, the battered seats, The jack-knife's carved initial; |