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strictly republican; for, I observed the constitution of the United States, is pledged to secure to each state a republican constitution.

Yes, my son, we have a republican constitution; and our state government resembles that of the United States. Our governour fills the executive department, and his powers and duties are defined by that fundamental law. Our legislature, the senate and assembly, makes the laws, holds the state's purse strings, and provides for the support of government. The assembly have the sole power of bringing impeachments, and the senate are the judges to try them. The supreme court of the state, with other minor courts, hold the judicial power, pass upon the constitutionality of the laws, and hear and determine causes at issue, originating within this state.

How do all the officers of government know their duty, and the extent of their powers? asked Horace.

The constitution and laws determine the duties and powers of every officer in the state, from the highest to the lowest, and nothing is given or taken by construction. And so long as knowledge, virtue, and patriotism, characterise the people, we shall be a prosperous and happy community, and no longer. PRACTICAL EXERCISES IN MENSURATION, &c.- -LESSON 27. 14. What is the solid contents of a globe which is seven inches in diameter? Ans. 179 2-3 in. 15. What is the capacity in cubic inches of a hollow globe, whose diameter is 20 in.; and how many gallons of wine will it hold? Ans. 4188.81 in. and 18. 13+ gallon. 16. Suppose a lever 10 ft. long, the prop 2ft. from one end, and 42 lbs. suspended at the other; what weight will it move? Ans. 168 lbs.

NOTE. In turning the lever round the prop, the centre of motion, the end eight feet from it, passes over a space of eight feet, while the other end passes over only two feet.

Now it is known that the weight and the power, are precisely equal, or will balance each other, when they are inversely as the spaces which they pass over. Therefore, 2 lbs. eight eet from the prop, will balance 8 lbs. two feet from the prop. Consequently, divide the distance of the power from the prop, by the distance of the weight from the prop, and the quotient will always express the ratio of the weight to the power, as in the above example.

10-28, then, 2 and 8 are the extremes of the lever from the prop. And 8÷2=4, the ratio of the weight to the power; then, 4X42=168 the weight.

17. Suppose the lever as in example 16; what power would it require to raise 1000 lbs.? Ans. 250 lbs. 18. Suppose the greater distance to be 40 feet, and the lesser, only 6 inches, and the power 175 lbs; what weight will it move? Ans. 12000 lbs. 19. Suppose the weight to be five times the power, and placed 4 feet from the prop; at what point must the power be applied? Ans. 20 ft, 20. B's gallon measure will hold 20 peaches, and one quart of water; what is the cubic contents of the fruit?

Ans. 173 1-4 in. 21. A has a large wooden square, the parts of which are 4ft. and 3ft.; what is the distance of the extremes?

Ans. 5ft.

22. Two ships sail from the same point, one east at the rate of 10 miles an hour, the other north, 7 1-2 miles an hour; how far are they apart at the close of 72 hours? Ans. 900m.

23. What is the superficial contents of a board 2 feet wide at one end, and tapering to a point at the other, and its whole length 20 feet. Ans. 20ft. 24. Each side of a triangle, is 10 feet; what is the length of a line passing from one angle to its opposite side, and what is the area of the angle? Ans. 8ft. Sin. and 43ft. 4in.

25. Admit the diameter of the earth to be 7912 miles, and the top of a mast 132 feet high, may be just seen by an observer on the deck of another ship 33 feet from the water; how far are the two ships apart? Ans. 21.125. miles. 26. B's cistern is 10 feet high; its greater diameter 14 feet, and its smaller 12 feet; what will it hold?


Ans. 158 hhds. nearly. 27. The axis of a sphere is 42in.; what is the convex surface of a segment of it whose height is 9 inches?

Ans. 1178.5248 in.

28. What is the contents of a conical block, 20in. high, 20in. diameter at the base, and 18in. at the top?

Ans. 9131.584 in. 29. What quantity and weight of water may be put into a sphere, whose diameter is 4 feet?

Ans. 205.34 gall. nearly, 12833.64544 lbs. 30. What is the diameter of a sphere whose solidity is 65.45 feet? Ans. 5ft.

31. If a silver globe whose diameter is 3in. be worth $150; how many such globes will $9600 purchase? Ans. 64. 32. B's copper globe contains 16755 lbs. of water; what is its diameter?

Ans. 8ft.


The mounds in Ohio.

1. The suns last rays were fading from the west
The deepening shades stole slowly over the plain
The evening breeze had lulled itself to rest
And all was silence save the mournful strain
With which the widowed turtle wooed in vain
Her absent partner to her lonely nest

I lingered by some soft enchantment bound
And gazed enraptured on the lonely scene
From the dark summit of an Indian mound
I saw the plain out spread in living green
Its fringe of clifts was in the distance seen
And the dark line of forest sweeping round

I saw the lesser mounds which round me rose
Each was a giant heap of mouldering clay
There slept the warriors brothers friends and foes
There side by side the rival chieftains lay
And mighty tribes swept from the face of day
Forget their wars and find a long repose.
Thoughts on Death.

2. When life as opening bud is sweet
And golden hopes the spirits greet
And youth prepares those hopes to meet
Alas how hard it is to die

When one by one lifes ties are torn
And friend from friend is snatched forlorn
And man is left alone to mourn

Ah then how easy it is to die

When trembling limbs refuse their weight
And films slow gathering dim the sight
And clouds obscure the mental light

It is natures precious boon to die

When faith is strong and conscience clear
And words of peace the spirit cheer
And visioned glories half appear

It is joy it is triumph then to die

That is hallowed ground where mourned and missed The lips repose our love has kissed.



Words alike in spelling, but different in pronunciation and meaning.

ab-sent ǎb'sent, not present. com-pact kom-păkt', close. ab-sent ǎb-sent', to keep away.com-pound kom'pòûnd, made ab-stract ab'strakt, an abridg- of parts.

ment. ab-stract ǎb-străkt', to take a


a-buse ǎ-būse', ill use.
a-buse ǎ-buze', to treat with

ac-cent ǎk'sent, stress of voice.
ac-cent ak-sent, to make the


as-pect ǎs'pěkt, appearance. as-pect ǎs-pěkť, to behold.

com-pound kom-pòûnd',to mingle.

com-press kom'pres, a bandage com-press kom-pres', to press


con-cert kon'sert, harmony. con-cert kon-sert', to settle privately.

con-crete kong'krēte, a mass concreted.

con-crete kon-krēte', to form

at-tri-bute at'tre-bute, quality. in a mass.

at-tri-bute ǎt-trib'ute, to ascribe.con-duct kõn'dukt, behaviour. aug-ment âwg'měnt, state of con-duct kon-dukt, to manage.


con-fect kon'fekt, a sweetmeat.

aug-ment âwg-ment', to in-con-fect kon-fekt, to make



con-fine kon'fine, a limit.
con-fine kon-fine', to border


au-gust âw'gust, the 8th month. au-gust âw-gūst', magnificent. bel-lows běl'lōz, does bellow. bel-lows běl'lus, an instrument con-flict kon'flikt, a struggle. cem-ent sem měnt, that which con-flict kon-flikt', to contest. joins. con-jure kõn'jur enchantment. ce-ment sé-měnt', to unite. con-jure kon-jure', to enjoin. col-league kolleg, partner in con-serve kõn ́sĕrv, a sweetoffice. col-league kol-leg, to unite con-serve kon-serv', to prewith. serve fruit. col-lect kollěkt, a short prayer. con-sole kõn'sōle, in architeccol-lect köl-lěkt', to gather up. ture.


com-merce kom'měrse, trade, con-sole kon-sōle', to comfort. traffic. con-sort kon'sòrt, a companion com-merce kom-měrse',to hold con-sort kon-sòrt', associate intercourse.


com-pact kompakt, an agrec-con-sult kon'sult, a council held con-sult kõn-sult', ask advice.


con-test kon'těst, a dispute. [con-trast kon'trăst, an opposicon-test kon-test', to strive.


con-text kon'těkst, part of a con-trast kon-trăst', to place discourse. opposite. con-text kon-těkst', to mat or con-verse kõn ́věrse, acquain

[blocks in formation]

con-tract kontrakt, an agree-con-verse kon-verse', to dis

[blocks in formation]


NOTE. I here submit a series of select pieces in poetry, the productions, principally, of our own authors. To these the pupil is invited to mark the emphatic words, (by scoring them with a pencil,) the inflections of the voice, and also the cesural pauses, where the measure will admit, before he attempts to pronounce them. His improvement will repay his trouble, which, as he progresses, will be constantly diminishing: for the whole, in a short time, will become perfectly intuitive,

Bunker Hill Monument.-PIERPONT,

1. O, is not this a holy spot!

'Tis the high place of freedom's birth!
God of our fathers! is it not

The holiest spot of all the earth?

2. Quench'd is thy flame on Horeb's side;
The robber roams on Sina's height;
And those old men, thy seers, 'bide
No more in Zion's fading light.

3. But on this hill, thou, Lord, hast dwelt,
Since round its head the war cloud curl'd,
And wrapp'd our fathers where they knelt,
In prayer and battle for a world.

4. Here sleeps their dust :-'tis holy ground:
And we, the children of the brave,

From the four winds, are gather'd round,
To lay our offering on their grave.

15. Free as the zephyrs round us blow;
Free as the waves below us spread ;-
We rear a pile that long shall throw
Its shadow on their hallow'd bed.


But on their deeds no shade shall fall,
While o'er their tomb thy sun shall flame ;-
Thine ear was bow'd to hear their call,
And thy right hand shall guard their fame.

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