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bles, and looked, unawed, upon kings. He was no friendless out-cast, seeking a grave to hide his cold heart; he was encircled by the companions of his youth,-his kinsmen were about him,--his wife was before him.

3. Yet from all these, he turned away, and came, like a lofty tree that shakes down its green glories to battle with the winter storm; he flung aside the trappings of place and pride, and crusaded for freedom in freedom's holy land. He came;but not in the day of successful rebellion, nor when the newrisen sun of independence had burst the cloud of time, and .careered to its place in the heavens.

4. He came when darkness curtained the hills, and the tempest was abroad in its anger;---when the plough stood still in the field of promise, and briars encumbered the garden of beauty;--when fathers were dying, and mothers were weeping over them; when the wife was binding the gashed bosom of her husband, and the maiden was wiping the death damp from the brow of her lover. He came when the brave began to fear th power of man, and the pious, to doubt the favour of God.


It was then that this one joined the ranks of a revolted people. Freedom's little phalanx, bade him a grateful welcome. With them, he courted the battle's rage;-with them, his arm was lifted;--with them, his blood was shed. Long and doubtful was the conflict. At length, kind heaven smiled on the cause of freedom, and the foiled invaders fied. profane were driven from the temple of liberty, and, at her pure shrine, the pilgrim warrior, with his beloved commander, knelt and worshiped. Leaving there his offering, the incense of an uncorrupted spirit, he, at length, rose up, and, crowned with benedictions, turned his happy feet toward his long deserted home.

6. After a lapse of fifty years, that one came again. Can mortal tongue tell,- -can mortal heart feel the sublimity of that coming? Exulting millions rejoice in it, and their loud, long, transporting shout, like the minggling of many waters, roll on, undying, to freedom's fartherest mountains. A congregated nation gather around him;-old men bless him, and children reverence him. The lovely come out to look upon him,the learned deck their halls to greet him, and the rulers of the land, rise up to do him homage.

7. How his full heart labours! He views the rusting trophies of departed days, and treads the high places where his

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brethren moulder. He bends before the tomb of his FATHER;--his words are tears: the speech of sad remembrance. He looks abroad upon a ransomed land, and a joyous race, and he beholds the blessings those trophies secured, for which those brethren died,-for which that FATHER lived, and again his words are tears:-the eloquence of gratitude and joy.

S. Spread forth creation like a map;-bid earth's dead multitudes revive;-and of all the pageant splendours that ever glittered to the sun, when looked his burning eye on a sight like this? Of all the myriads that have come and gone, what cherished minion ever ruled an hour like this?

9. Many have struck the redeeming blow for their own freedom, but who, like this man, has bared his bosom in the cause of strangers? Many have lived in the love of their own people, but who, like this man, has drank his sweetest cup of welcome with another? Matchless chief! Of glory's immortal tablets, there is one for him;-for him alone! Oblivion's dust shall never shroud its splendour;-the everlasting flame of liberty shall guard it, that generations yet unborn, may repeat the name recorded there:-the beloved name of Lafayette!


This measure refers to all bodics that have length, breadth, and thickness, such as timber, stone, globes, &c. which are measured by the cubic inch, foot, yard, &c.

1. CUBES. A cube is a figure comprehended under six geometrical squares, being in the form of a die. The solid contents of this figure, is found by the following

RULE. Multiply the given cube into itself, and that product by the same cube, the last product will be the answer. Thus : What is the solid contents of a square rock, each side of which is 16 inches? Ans. 2.37ft. 16X16=256X16=4096 inches.÷1728=2.37+ Ans. OBS. 1. The superficial content of this figure may be found by the following

RULE. Square the given side, and multiply that area by 6, the number of sides. Thus:

What is the superficial content of a square rock each side of which is 16 inches? Ans. 10 2-3ft. 16X16256×6=1536 inches÷144-10.66+ OBS. 2. If the rock had resembled a square stick of timber, the ends parallel, and of the same diameter, the cubic contents. might have been found by the following

RULE. Square one side of the base, which will give the area, and multiply that by the length, the last product will be the cubic contents. Thus:

What is the solid measure of a rock 18 inches in diameter, and 9 1-2ft. long Ans. 21.375.


OBS. 3. The superficial contents of this figure may be found by the following

RULE. Multiply the circumference (perimeter, or girth) of the base by the length, and to the product add the area of both ends, the sum will be the answer. Thus:-

1.5X4 6X9.5=57.0 and

1.5X1.5 2.25 X 2=4.5 areas of the ends. Then 4.5+57.0 61.5 Ans.

OBS. 4. The relative magnitudes of similar cubes are praportionate to each other as the cubics of their similar sides, and they may be determined by the following

RULE. Divide the cube of the greater diameter, by the cube of the lesser diameter, the quotient will be the answer.

How often is a cubic block, each side of which is 12ft. contained in a similar cubic block, the sides of which are 64 feet each?

64X64 4096×64-262144; and 12X12=144X12=1729; then 2621441728-151.44+.


Exclamation.-"Turn with me, back to the morning on which we heard it said, that her royal highness, the Princess Charlotte, was no more! Have you heard the news? said every Britton to his friend. News? what news? The Princess Charlotte is dead! Dead! the Princess Charlotte dead! did you say? Yes! and her infant son too! Good God! Mother and son dead! Such was the language of our hearts, and such the interrogation, repetition, and exclamation, which we used on that sorrowful occasion."

"Hallo! what? where! what can it be

That strikes up so deliciously?

I never in my life--what! no!

That little tin box playing so!

Hark! it scarcely ends the strain
But it gives it o'er again!
Lovely thing! it runs along
Just as if it knew the song!"

"How hast thou charm'd

The wilderness of waves and rock to this?
That, thus relenting, they should give thee back
To earth, to light and life;--to love and me!"
Let me not stir a hair, lest I dissolve
That tender, lovely form of painted air,
So like Almira. IIa! it sinks!--it falls!

I'll catch it ere it goes, and grasp her shade:

'Tis life! 'tis warm! 'tis she! 'tis she herself!

"Ye sons of Adam, vain and young,

Indulge your eyes, indulge your tongue;
Taste the delights your souls desire,

And give a loose to all your fire.

Pursue the pleasures you design,

And cheer your hearts with song and wine;
Enjoy the day of mirth:--but know,

There comes a day of judgment too."



stu-pid'ē-tě trans-pa-ren-cytrǎns-pár én-se sub-lim-i-ty sub-blim'ē-tē tra-pe-zi-um trã-pë ́zhē-um sub-ser-vi-ent sub-ser vê-ĕnt tri-an-gu-lar tri-ăng gū-lăr sub-stan-ti-ate sub-stăn ́shē-ate tri-um-vi-rate tri-um'vi-rāte sul-phu-ri-ous sŭl-fū ́rē-ŭs tu-mult-u-ous tū-mult'yu-us su-per-flu-ous sū-per'flu-us ty-pog-ra-phy ti-pog'gra-fé su-pe-ri-or sü-pē'rē-ur ty-ran-i-cal ti-rǎn'nē-kǎl su-per-la-tive su-pěr ́lā-tiv


su-prem-a-cy su-prem'a-së va-lid-i-ty sur-mount-a-bl sur-mòûnt'a-bl va-ri-e-ty sus-cep-ti-ble sus-sep'te-bl u-biq-ui-ty

sym-bol-i-cal sim-bol'e-käl ve-loc-i-ty



vā-rī ē-tê

sym-met-ri-cal sim-mět trē-kälven-tril-o-quist věn-tril'lō-kwis


vē-lõs ́ē-tē





vē-sik'ū-lăr vi-kā rē-us

sym-pho-ni-oussim-fo'ne-us ve-rac-i-ty

sy-nec-do-che sẽ něk do kẽ

sy-nod-i-cal se-nod'ē-kǎl

sy-non-i-mous sē-non'nē-mus vi-ca-ri-ous

sys-tem-a-tize sis-těm'a-tize vice-ge-ren-cy vise-jë'ren-së tau-tol-o-gy tâw-tŏl'lō-je vi-cin-i-ty vê-sin'ê-te te-mer-i-ty tē-měr'ê-të vi-cis-si-tude vē-sis'sē-tude tem-pest-u-ous těm-pěst'yū-us vi-scid-i-ty

te-nu-i-ty tē-nū ́ē-tē


vē-sid ́ē-tē


ter-ra-que-one ăr-rā ́kwē-ŭs u-nan-i-mous ü-năn ́ë-mŭs

der-res-tri-al tĕr-rès trè-ăl vo-cif-er-ous vō-sif'ĕr-us the-at-ri-cal t'hē-ǎt'trē-kǎl vo-lupt-u-ous vō-lupt'yü-üs the-ol-o-gy t'he-ŏl'lō-jē vo-rac-i-ty vō-rǎs'sē-tē ther-mom-e-ter thĕr-mom-e-turup-hol-ster-er up-höl'stur-ur ti-mid-i-ty tē-mid'ē-tē ur-ban-i-ty to-pog-ra-phy tō-põg ́gra-fē vul-gar-i-ty tra-di-tion-al trã-dish'un-al zo-ol-o-gy tran-quil-i-ty trăn-kwillé-tê




J. Q. Adams' address to Lafayette on his leaving America for his native country, in the U. S Ship, Brandywine; Sept. 7,


1. It has been the happiness of many of my distinguished fellow citizens, during the year that has now elapsed, to tender you their greetings, on your arrival at their respective places of abode, with the welcome of the nation;-the less pleasing task now devolves upon me, of bidding you, in the name of the nation, an adieu.

2. You are now about to return to the country of your birth, your ancestors, and your posterity. The nation has destined the first service of the Brandywine, a frigate just launched at this metropolis, to the distinguished trust of conveying you home. The name of this ship presents one more memorial to distant regions and future times, of a stream already memorable in the story of your sufferings, and our independence.

3. The ship is now prepared for your reception, and equipped for sea. From the moment of her departure, the prayers of millions will ascend to Heaven that her passage may be prosperous, and your return to the bosom of your family, as propitious to your happiness, as your visit to this scene of your youthful glory, has been to that of the American people.

4. Go, then, our beloved friend,-return to the land of brilliant genius, of generous sentiment, of heroic virtue;-To the beautiful France, the nursing mother of the Twelfth Louis, and the Fourth Henry;-and that illustrious catalogue of names which she claims as of her children, which, in honest pride, she holds up to the admiration of the world, and in which the name of Lafayette has already been enrolled for centuries. This name shall henceforth burnish into brighter fame:-for if, in after days, a Frenchman shall be called to indicate the character of his nation by that of one individual, during the age in which we live, the blood of lofty patriotism

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