The Plays and Poems of Shakespeare, 第 11 卷F.M. Lupton Publishing Company, 1899 |
第 1 到 3 筆結果,共 41 筆
第 252 頁
... blood is cold , and then We pout upon the morning , are unapt To give or to forgive ; but when we have stuff'd These pipes , and these conveyances of our blood With wine and feeding , we have suppler souls Than in our priest - like ...
... blood is cold , and then We pout upon the morning , are unapt To give or to forgive ; but when we have stuff'd These pipes , and these conveyances of our blood With wine and feeding , we have suppler souls Than in our priest - like ...
第 325 頁
... blood in many pipes , In which so many smiling Romans bathed , Signifies , that from you great Rome shall suck Reviving blood ; and that great men shall press For tinctures , stains , relics , and cognisance . This by Calphurnia's dream ...
... blood in many pipes , In which so many smiling Romans bathed , Signifies , that from you great Rome shall suck Reviving blood ; and that great men shall press For tinctures , stains , relics , and cognisance . This by Calphurnia's dream ...
第 341 頁
... blood ! Over thy wounds now do I prophesy , - Which , like dumb mouths , do ope their ruby lips , T'o beg the voice and utterance of my tongue ; - A curse shall light upon the limbs of men ; Domestic fury , and fierce civil strife ...
... blood ! Over thy wounds now do I prophesy , - Which , like dumb mouths , do ope their ruby lips , T'o beg the voice and utterance of my tongue ; - A curse shall light upon the limbs of men ; Domestic fury , and fierce civil strife ...
Alarum Antiochus Antium Aufidius Bawd bear beseech blood Boult Brutus Cæsar Caius Marcius call'd Capitol Casca Cassius Cinna Citizens Cleon Cominius consul Coriolanus Corioli daughter death deed Dionyza doth Edile enemy Enter Exeunt Exit eyes farewell father fear fellow Fish friends give gods Gower Hark hath hear heart heaven Helicanus honor Julius Cæsar king lady Lartius look lord Lucilius Lucius Lychorida Lysimachus Marina Mark Antony master Menenius Messala Mitylene mother ne'er never night noble Octavius peace Pentapolis Pericles pr'ythee pray prince prince of Tyre Re-enter Roman Rome SCENE senate SICINIUS speak stand sword tell Thai Thaisa Tharsus thee there's thine thing thou art thou hast Titinius TITUS LARTIUS tongue tribunes Tyre unto voices Volces Volscian VOLUMNIA What's wife word worthy