The Plays and Poems of Shakespeare, 第 11 卷F.M. Lupton Publishing Company, 1899 |
第 1 到 3 筆結果,共 16 筆
第 3 頁
... Gower , in his Confessio Amantis , has related the same story , the incidents and anti- quated expressions of which may here be distinctly traced ; and hence , as Gower himself is introduced to perform the office of Chorus , it seems ...
... Gower , in his Confessio Amantis , has related the same story , the incidents and anti- quated expressions of which may here be distinctly traced ; and hence , as Gower himself is introduced to perform the office of Chorus , it seems ...
第 6 頁
... GOWER , as Chorus . DAUGHTER OF ANTIOCHUS . DIONYZA , wife to Cleon . THAISA , daughter to Simonides . MARINA , daughter to Pericles and Thaisa . LYCHORIDA , nurse to Marina . DIANA . Lords , Ladies , Knights , Gentlemen , Sailors ...
... GOWER , as Chorus . DAUGHTER OF ANTIOCHUS . DIONYZA , wife to Cleon . THAISA , daughter to Simonides . MARINA , daughter to Pericles and Thaisa . LYCHORIDA , nurse to Marina . DIANA . Lords , Ladies , Knights , Gentlemen , Sailors ...
第 7 頁
... GOWER . Before the palace of Antioch . To sing a song that old was sung , From ashes ancient Gower is come ; Assuming man's infirmities , To glad your ear , and please your eyes : It hath been sung at festivals , On ember - eves , and ...
... GOWER . Before the palace of Antioch . To sing a song that old was sung , From ashes ancient Gower is come ; Assuming man's infirmities , To glad your ear , and please your eyes : It hath been sung at festivals , On ember - eves , and ...
Alarum Antiochus Antium Aufidius Bawd bear beseech blood Boult Brutus Cæsar Caius Marcius call'd Capitol Casca Cassius Cinna Citizens Cleon Cominius consul Coriolanus Corioli daughter death deed Dionyza doth Edile enemy Enter Exeunt Exit eyes farewell father fear fellow Fish friends give gods Gower Hark hath hear heart heaven Helicanus honor Julius Cæsar king lady Lartius look lord Lucilius Lucius Lychorida Lysimachus Marina Mark Antony master Menenius Messala Mitylene mother ne'er never night noble Octavius peace Pentapolis Pericles pr'ythee pray prince prince of Tyre Re-enter Roman Rome SCENE senate SICINIUS speak stand sword tell Thai Thaisa Tharsus thee there's thine thing thou art thou hast Titinius TITUS LARTIUS tongue tribunes Tyre unto voices Volces Volscian VOLUMNIA What's wife word worthy