LECTURER OF ST. DUNSTAN'S, IN THE WEST, LONDON. IN EIGHT VOLUMES. VOLUME III. LONDON: PRINTED FOR R. BAYNES, 25, IVY LANE, PATERNOSTER-ROW, AND G. OFFOR, PREFACE. MANY are the mistakes at present about religious matters; but none are more destructive than those which concern the law and the gospel. The generality of our people confound them, and put one in the place of the other. Some suppose they are to be accepted of God for their works, and that they can be justified by the law in the sight of God. Others make their keeping of the law the condition of their receiving the blessings of the gospel, as if these were to be the purchase and reward of their partial obedience. Some are persuaded they must do all they can, and keep the law with all their might, and wherein they come short of the perfect demands of the law, Christ will, out of his merits, atone for their failings. And others again think that Christ has abated the rigour of the law, and that the gospel is nothing more than a new law dispensation, in which the Lord has been pleased to declare that he will accept of sincere obedience instead of perfect. These and many more such like mistakes prevail in our times, and they are exceedingly dangerous, tending to the utter ruin both of body and soul. In the following discourses I have endeavoured to distinguish, and precisely to settle the difference between the law and the gospel. Some of the principles upon which I have proceeded are these : |