
Lecturer had performed "the Herculean task" of revising the ritual. They have now, we may presume, the original, Simon-pure Webb work. Suisun Lodge incorporated, against the express law of Grand Lodge; borrowed $12,000 to erect a hall, giving a mortgage on the property, lot, and building; defaulted the interest until the indebtedness amounted to over $17,000; the property depreciated so that its market value was not more than $10,000; the Lodge, by vote, refused to pay any part of the principal or accrued interest thereon, and simply offered to turn over the property to satisfy the mortgage. The creditor declined this, but offered, in case a new incorporation was formed, to remit the interest, accept one-half the principal sum due, and take stock for the balance at par, and thus cancel the indebtedness.

A special committee of Grand Lodge reported:

"That Suisun Lodge, No. 55, pay its just debts contracted by it, and disincorporate immediately." This report was received, the committee discharged, and the whole matter referred to a committee of three to report at the next annual communication; and this, notwithstanding that no statement as above set forth alike by the Grand Master and the special committee was challenged. Verily, toward the Lodge this delay was most graciously merciful; but what of the justice toward the creditor, kept, perforce, an additional twelve-month out of his dues, with an accumulation of $1,000 additional interest? We utterly fail to see the equity in the action taken.

Twenty-eight decisions are reported. No. 1 is as follows:

"No brother will be permitted to resign from Masonry, or renounce the Order. He may withdraw from the particular Lodge in which he holds membership, but for him to even attempt to renounce Masonry is an offense and should be punished."

We should be disposed to challenge this decision were it not that the Committee on Jurisprudence reported that it was the expression of the law of the jurisdiction.

The report of Grand Secretary Johnson is terse and complete. The Grand Treasurer showed a balance of $6,416.40. For the Masonic Home the disbursements for the year were $26,815.85; the balance in the treasury was $24,177.26.

The Grand Lecturer held thirty-one schools of instruction. From the reports of the various boards of relief we learn that Iowa figured in the relief column as follows: At San Francisco, three cases, $50.50; at Los Angeles, $162.60 ($60.00 refunded); at Oakland, one case, $1.00; at Stockton, one case, $0.75 ($16.75 refunded); at San Diego, one case, $56.60; a total of $271.25, with refunds amounting to $76.75.

The report on the Home shows thirty-one aged brethren, fourteen women, and seventeen children cared for. It is a little singular

that the "Widows' and Orphans' Home" should have in it a number of brethren just equalling the aggregate of women and children. The expense of maintenance was $13.80 per month for each person. The Grand Lodge imposed a per capita tax of $1.00 for the support of the Home.

A proposed amendment to the Constitution, prohibiting the reception of a petition from any one engaged in the sale of intoxicating liquors, was rejected on the ground that, if adopted, it would introduce class legislation.

Brother Carroll Cook, Grand Orator, made a brief extempore address, which was not furnished for publication.

Brother William A. Davies presented a thorough and interesting report on Correspondence which fills one hundred and thirty-seven pages in the body of the Proceedings. He accords to Iowa three and one-half pages of courteous notice, quoting generously from Brother Lambert's address. "Two elegant reports" are credited to Brother Parvin, and Brother Cleveland's report on Necrology is styled "finished and eloquent." Our own work is kindly referred to "as becoming as a new Easter hat upon the shapely head of an Iowa maiden." He says, in his conclusion, that it was fitting to . close the century with the observance of the centennial anniversary of the death of Washington; that the last quarter of the century was distinctly marked by the development of Masonic charity, as shown in the establishment of Homes; that the Grand Lodge of Washington will abandon the false position in which it has been placed by ambitious leaders;" and congratulates the craft upon the fact that the supreme court of New York has affirmed the right of the Masonic body to carry out its own laws in the suspension or expulsion of offending members, as had before the courts of California and Ohio-he should have added Iowa, also.

A candid reviewer, a just critic, a courteous companion, a well informed guide, Brother Davies has illumined and cheered us dur ing our tarrying in the Citrus State.

Most Worshipful James A. Fosbay, Los Angeles, Grand Master. Right Worshipful George Johnson, San Francisco, Grand Secretary.

Next Annual Communication, San Francisco, October 8th, 1901



HE PROCEEDINGS of the Forty-fifth Annual Communication, held in the city of London, July 18th and 19th, 1900, make a compact but not bulky volume of four hundred and eightytwo pages. Five portraits of Grand Masters preface the volume: James Kirkpatrick Kerr (1875-76), William Henry Weller (1877-78), James A. Henderson (1879-80) James Moffat (1881), and Daniel

Spry (1882-83). The proceedings of six especial communications appear, four of which were held for corner-stone laying, and two for the dedication of halls.

At the Annual Communication Brother E. T. Malone was on the Throne. Before the opening of Grand Lodge, His Worship the Mayor, and the members of the city council were introduced, and presented an address of welcome, to which the Grand Master suitably replied. The Grand Lodge having been duly opened in ample form, a deputation of Masters from the London Lodges presented their address of welcome, and the Grand Master again expressed his pleasure with the cordial reception tendered the craft.

We would state the number of Lodges represented were there any way of ascertaining short of a tedious count from the report of the Committee on Credentials; but life is too short and time too precious for such labor, which would not be "of love."

Twenty-nine pages suffice for the Grand Master's allocution. He had ruled the craft for two years. "No greater honor could be conferred upon any man; no greater responsibility could be assumed by any mortal." Strange, isn't it, that any man having had the highest honor should be found seeking the flesh-pots of less honorable positions at the earliest opportunity! He reported their charitable grants as amounting to $25,986.30, "without taking into account local boards of relief," and their gain in membership as twelve hundred and thirty-eight, the total being twenty-six thousand one hundred and ninety-five. We congratulate them on their prosperity and luminous record.

One new Lodge was formed; nearly all applications for dispensation were refused. One Lodge applied for permission to wear regalia at a dance to be held at the conclusion of a horse race! It would be refreshing to read the Grand Master's reply, in view of his well known probity of character and high ideals of Masonry; but he mercifully withheld it from publication. He "visited every section of the province, with the exception of the extreme north," and evidently to the profit of the Lodges. He found "ward politics in the election of officers" in some Lodges; also a tendency to the display of "decorations and jewels not recognized in craft Masonry." Begging schemes had no support from him. "No greater fraud was ever invented by the mind of mortal than the 'chain letter.'" Twenty-four Lodges were visited. But three decisions are reported. Asked to define "improper solicitation" of candidates for Masonry, he "decided that solicitation of any kind was improper." Wise decision! He was enthusiastically patriotic in his references to Canada's part in upholding the honor of the British flag in South Africa, and on behalf of his Grand Lodge forwarded $1,000 to the National Patriotic Fund for the benefit of widows and orphans of such as might fall in the campaign. He gives a partial list of

Masonic volunteers, and hopes to have the list completed by others. This is his Maple Leaf message:

"Show the way, England!

Let that grim master

Of earth's dread disaster-

Let the war shadows
But darken your sun,

Trust your child, Canada;
She will be with you,
Shoulder to shoulder,
Gun to your gun.

She will reply with you,
Fight for you,

Die with you.

So, wide to the world

Be the old flag unfurled.

Show the way, England."

The following stirring lines are his conclusion:

"Just where you stand in the conflict,
There is your place!

Just where you think you are useless,
Hide not your face.

God placed you there for a purpose,

Whate'er it be!

[blocks in formation]

The Grand Secretary's report appears to be complete. The Grand Treasury contained a balance of $11,486.88.

The reports of the District Deputies are full and comprehensive. One reported with satisfaction that he "found no intoxicating liquors at any of the suppers," which he regarded as clear evidence that prohibition sentiment was spreading. In order to keep up the standard of accuracy in ritual, one Deputy recommended calling Past Masters to various positions from time to time, thus utilizing their knowledge and experience and keeping up their active participation in Lodge work. This is akin to the "Past Masters' night" which some American Lodges have.

The report on Fraternal Dead is graciously tender, sympathetic, and eminently appropriate.

The rank of Past Grand Master was conferred on Grand Secretary J. J. Mason, "with all of the rights and privileges thereto appertaining."

One hundred and ten pages sufficed Brother Henry Robertson for his Correspondence report, which is of a high quality. He accords to Iowa for 1899 one page, of which three-fourths are a quotation from Grand Master Bowen. The Correspondence report secures two lines. Brother Robertson is a judicious clipper, a reticent critic, a wise and brotherly guide.

Most Worshipful Richard B. Hungerford, London, Grand Master.
Most Worshipful J. J. Mason, Hamilton, Grand Secretary.
Next Annual Communication, Hamilton, July 17th, 1901.



IVE portraits preface this neatly printed and admirably edited volume-Joseph W. Milsom, Grand Master-elect; A. J. Van Deren, Grand Master, 1864; Ernest Le Neve Foster, Grand Master, 1890; George W. Roe, Grand Master, 1896; and Ed. C. Parmelee, Grand Secretary, 1866-1900. Each portrait is accompanied with a sketch of the subject, and together the collection is one of general interest to the craft.

The Fortieth Annual Communication was held in the Masonic Temple, Denver, September 18th and 19th, 1900, Grand Master A. A. Burnand presiding. Ninety-two of the ninety-four Lodges were represented. A remarkable record is in the presence of eighteen Past Grand Masters.

The Grand Master reported health and prosperity in the jurisdiction, though with but slight increase in membership, owing to "deaths, dimissions, and the usual suspensions for non-payment of dues." Three new Lodges were constituted, and dispensations were issued for two more. Two corner-stones were laid, and an emergent session of Grand Lodge was called January 14th, 1900, for the burial of their Grand Tyler, Brother Thomas Linton. Fiftysix official visitations were made. How strange it would seem in Iowa to receive a visit from a Grand Master! The Most Worshipful found "the vice of intemperance not unknown" in some quarters, and spoke plainly concerning it. But three decisions are reported. He visited the venerable brother, Adna Adams Treat, on his one hundred and third birthday anniversary. The veteran has since passed to his reward. He congratulated the Grand Lodge on the successful issue of a project initiated in that jurisdiction-the observance of the centennial of Washington's death.

The Deputy Grand Master reported three decisions rendered by him during the absence of the Grand Master from the jurisdiction. The Grand Treasurer had a balance of $9,545.00 in the General Fund, and of $1,395.50 in the Library Fund.

The report of the Grand Secretary is clear and comprehensive, devoted strictly to the business of his office.

The Grand Lecturer visited, or was met by representatives of, fifteen Lodges.

Brother Hershel M. Hogg, Grand Orator, spoke on "Freemasonry." This is his first sentence: "It is probably better not to know much, than to know a great deal that is not so."

If this sentence had been accurately quoted, and then placed between inverted commas, with proper credit to the American humorist who urst uttered it, the appropriateness of it would have been clearer to the ordinary reader. The oration itself is not below the average of like productions, but it does challenge the

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