PREFACE IN bringing another Volume of our Publication to a close, we are desirous to requite the extensive patronage we have met with, by a renewal of those exertions to conciliate public favour which, when conducted by zeal, and any tolerable judgment, are secure of their ultimate success. There is, however, an unavoidable sameness and monotony in a Periodical Work, (from its intrinsic nature and quality) which can only be overcome by a vigilance and resolution, which shall dictate such variations and amendments in its general plan, as the improvement of the national taste, and the progressive fluctuations of fashion may continue to prescribe. EXCELLENCE itself becomes tedious in a long course of the same thing, and a love of NOVELTY is no less the pride of reason than the passion of human nature. The Proprietors of Periodical Works are mostly deterred from these improvements, by the dread of new expences, and, frequently from that ungenerous avarice which checks the reins of liberality; which looks to its bond; and refuses to extend beyond its letter;-content, because compelled, to pay with JUSTICE; but never thinking of. GENEROSITY. It is the pride, and he trusts the JUST FAME, of the Proprietor of this Work, that in his dealings with the world, through a long course of public life, he has never been suspected of wanting that liberality and commercial spirit, which requites the Patronage his various Works have received, by new and unwearied efforts, efforts which he never suffers to slacken from a dread of fresh labour or new expences. The present Work, therefore, having been equally encouraged with those which the Proprietor has formerly produced, he feels himself called upon to act with the same spirit and liberality in the conduct and improvement of it; and for this purpose, to introduce some NEW DEPARTMENTS, and ADDITIONAL EMBELLISHMENTS which were not stipulated in his original engagement with the Public, and which he never gave his Subscribers any reason to expect. As these Decorations will be EXTRAORDINARY and ADDITIONAL, it is unnecessary to say, that the PRESENT QUANTITY will be continued, viz.-the PORTRAIT, the London and Parisian FASHIONS; the MUSIC; the PATTERN; and the customary quantity of Letter-press.-The additional ORNAMENTS will consist of ENGRAVINGS IN OUTLINE OF THE WORKS OF LIVING AND DECEASED BRITISH ARTISTS. The motive for this improvement is sufficiently obvious.-Something of the knowledge of CRITICISM, and of the qualities of an AMATEUR, is now become indispensable in an elegant and refined education.-Whatever may have been our ignorance in these studies formerly, we are now becoming a Nation of ARTISTS AND AMATEURS.-To understand, therefore, the merit and style of our BRITISH SCHOOL of PAINTING, is now expected from the polished of both sexes. Vol. III. A |