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Cœur de Lion made him especially so among the English. At the Council of Oxford, 1222, his feast was ordered to be a national festival, and under Edward III he was recognized as the patron saint of England.

27. off with his spurres. Sir Amorous would have to lose his spurs if he proved a coward and unworthy the rank of which his spurs were the symbol. Thornbury, Old and New London 1. 297, writes that when Sir Francis Mitchell in 1621 was convicted of certain misdemeanors 'the Knights' Marshall's' men cut off the offender's sword, took off his spurs, and flung them away, proclaiming him 'an infamous arrant knave.' The gilt and silver spurs of the gallants were ridiculed by the satirists. Dekker, Guls Horn-Booke, p. 233: 'Be sure your siluer spurres dog your heeles!' Chapman, Monsieur d'Olive 3. 1: 'You may hear them half a mile ere they come at you.. sixe or seuen make a perfect morrice-daunce; they need no bells, their spurs searue their turne.' Cf. Strutt, Antiquities 3. 98.

51. Buz. Titiuilitium. The first of these apparently meaningless words was used in many ways, especially in charms, and as part of the vocabulary of people supposed to be possessed; cf. D. A. 5. 5, p. 141. Titivilitivm Ainsworth defines as 'paltry', 'good for nothing'; Cooper, in his Thesaurus (1587), 'an vgle thing of no value-a rotten threade.' G. quotes in regard to it from Plautus, Cas. 2. 5: 'Non ego istud verbum emissim titivilitio.' The name Titivile, evidently derived from this word, was a favorite appellation of the devil in the old moralities; cf. Ralph Roister Doister 1. 1: M. MERY. 'Sometime Tom Titiuile maketh us a feast.'

Mankind: Beware of Tytivillus, for he leayth no wey
That goth in vysybull and wyll not be sen;...
He ys worst of them all, God let him neuer then!

In the Townley play Juditium, Titivillus is a loquacious devil. Ward takes up this point, Dram. Lit. 1. 76, and Manly, Predecessors of Shakespeare, p. 326.

69. Tritons o' the Thames. The son of Poseidon and Amphitrite was the original single bearer of the name of Triton. Later it was applied to a race of subordinate sea deities, whose common attribute was the shell-trumpet, which they blew to calm

the waves. The fitness of the epithet as Jonson applied it to the 'noise of trumpeters' is evident.

75-7. clogdogdo ... mala bestia. C. says this 'is a ridiculous expression formed by the poet, meaning clog proper only for a dog'. Mala bestia is from Plautus, Bacch. 1. 1. 21: Mala tu es bestia, and Catul. 69. 8: 'Hunc metuunt omnes, neque mirum, nam mala valde est Bestia.

91. O viper, mandrake. It is very ludicrous to hear Mrs. Otter apply the second of these names to the captain. The word is a corruption of mandragoras, drake being an OE. form of dragon (A.-S. draca, from L. draco). The mandrake has a forked root somewhat like the human figure, and was believed to be alive, and to shriek so terribly at being uprooted that hearers went mad. Rom. and Jul. 4. 3. 47:

And shrieks, like mandrakes torn out of the earth,
That living mortals, hearing them, run mad.

Falstaff calls his page by the opprobrious epithet, 2 Hen. IV 2.

93. mercury and hogs-bones. Mercury, the name given by the old alchemists to quicksilver, was a common ingredient of washes for the face. Cyn. Rev. I. 1, p. 216: 'They are as tender as ... a lady's face new mercuried.' Poet. 4. 1, p. 450:

CHLOE. And Mercury! pretty: he has to do with Venus, too? TIB. A little with her face, lady; or so.

Epig. 133, vol. 8. 236, Mercury complains:

They dispense

His spirits now in pills, and eke in potions,
Suppositories, cataplasms, and lotions.

The use of the hogs' bones must have been less popular, but Jonson writes of it again in regard to cosmetic mysteries, Cyn. Rev. 5. 5. 2, p. 329:

AMORPH. What are the ingredients to your fucus?

PERFUMER. Nought but sublimate and crude mercury, sir, well prepared and dulcified, with the jaw-bones of a sow, burnt, beaten, and searced.'

94-5. Blacke-Friers... Strand... Siluer-street. Mrs. Otter's teeth being dark in color, her husband thinks this a fitting place to purchase them. The joke seems to have no other point. Mayne's City Match 2. 4 imitates this passage:

Hath no eyes but such

As she first bought in Broad Street, and every morning
Is put together like some instrument.

To make her eyebrows like the Strand is a far-fetched joke, playing on the word in a significance which has nothing to do with naming the thoroughfare. When Jonson mentions Silver Street again in S. of New 3. 2, p. 246, Mirth says of it: In Silver-Street, the region of money, a good seat for an usurer.'

99. into some twentie boxes. Jonson arraigns men and women alike for their artificiality, and the portability of their makeup. Sej. 1. 2, p. 28, Sejanus asks Eudemus of the court ladies:

Which puts her teeth off with her clothes, in court?
Or, which her hair, which her complexion,

And in which box she puts it?

about next day noone. Satirists of the day blame their

contemporaries for late rising.

Gossips, Met to be Merry (1609):

Rowland, A Whole Crew of Kind

Daily till ten a clocke a bed she lyes,

And then again her Lady-ship doth rise,...

At twelve a clocke her dinner time she keepes.

Stubbes denounces the sinners, p. 87, and Dekker in Guls HornBooke, p. 218: 'Till the sunnes Car-horse stand prancing on the very top of highest noon: so then (and not till then) is the most healthfull houre to be stirring . . . At what time do Lords and Ladies vse to rise, but then? your simpering Merchants wiues are the fairest lyers in the world: and is not eleuen a clocke their common houre?'

100. a great Germane clocke. German clocks were famous for complexity and poor time-keeping. Jonson's comparison is not original: L. L. L. 3. 1. 192:

A woman that is like a German clock,
Still a-repairing, ever out of frame,
And never going aright, being a watch,

But being watch'd that it may still go right.

Dekker, Seuen Deadly Sinnes, Pr. Wks. 2. 32: 'Taking asunder his Charriot (for it stood altogether like a Germane clock, or an English Jack or Turne-spit, vpon skrewes and vices), he scatters his Troops.' Middleton, A Mad World, my Masters 4. 1:

What is she took asunder from her clothes?
Being ready, she consists of hundred pieces,
Much like a German clock, and near ally'd.

103. Ha' you done me right. That is, 'Have you drunk with me?' Cf. 2 Hen. IV 5. 3. 75:

FAL. Why, now you have done me right.

SIL. Do me right

[To Silence, seeing him take off a bumper.]

And dub me knight, [Singing.] Samingo.

Dekker, 1 Honest Whore 1. 5, Fluello drinks, saying:

So I ha' done you right on my thumb-nail.

Brand, Pop. Antiq. 2. 331, quotes from the dedication to the Drunkard's Cup, a sermon by Robert Harris, president of Trinity College, Oxford, in his Works (1653): There is an art of drinking now... there is a drinking for the victory, man against man, house against house, town against town, and how not?... I doe not speake of those beasts that must be answered and have right done them, in the same measure, gesture, course, &c., but of such only as leave you to your measure (you will keep a turne and your time in pledging).'

107. Sound, sound.

True-wit orders the music to begin.

116. I protest. A common expression of gallants equivalent to 'I vow' or 'I swear'. Cyn. Rev. 2. 1, p. 240: 'I have devised one or two of the prettiest oaths to protest withal in the presence.' Rom. and Jul. 2. 4. 189:


NURSE. I will tell her, sir, that you do protest, which, as I take it, is a gentlemanlike offer.

Sir Giles Goosecap (1606): 'There is not the best Duke's son in France dare say, I protest, till he be one and thirty years old at least; for the inheritance of that word is not to be possess'd before.' Cf. note 4. 5. 71.

124. Mrs. Mary Ambree. Little is known of Mary Ambree, save that ballads and plays proclaim her a soldier in the siege of Ghent in 1584. Shakespeare refers to her, Twelfth Night 1. 3. 136, 'Mistress Mall'; and Knight thinks Butler does also when he writes:

A bold virago, stout and tall

As Jean of France, or English Mall.

Field, Amends for Ladies 2. 1, Haz.-Dods. 11. III:

GRACE. D'ye hear, you Sword-and-target (to speak in your own

key), Mary Ambree, Long Meg.

Jonson names her again in the Tale of a Tub 1. 2, p. 133:

TURFE. My daughter will be valiant,

And prove a very Mary Ambry in the business.

And Fortunate Isles, vol. 8. 75:

Her you shall see:

But credit me,

That Mary Ambree

(Who march'd so free

To the siege of Ghent, . . .)

Were a braver sight.

Percy's Reliques 2. 218:

When captains courageous, whom death colde not daunte,
Did march to the siege of the cittye of Gaunte,
They mustred their souldiers by two and by three,
And foremost in battle was Mary Ambree.

125. Hellhounds, Stentors. A belief in hell-hounds, who hunted down game for their master, the devil, appears in many old plays, and is recognized in such works as Lavaterus, Of Ghosts and Spirits walking by night, 95; Peter de Loiers, Treatise of Spectres (1605). In Dekker's Witch of Edmonton the devil himself appears in this guise to the witch. In the Tempest 4. 1, Stephano and Trinculo were hunted by 'divers spirits in the shape of hounds'. Stentor, the Greek herald of the Trojan war, had a voice as loud as fifty other men together.

126. an ill May-day. Morose's adjective is of dubious meaning. Generally May-day was considered by people the gladdest day of the year, with its flower-gathering, Maypole-dancing, and kindred forms of amusement. In 1517 there had been a May-day on which the 'prentices of London rose against foreigners and aliens; many of them were imprisoned because of the disturbance, but the king through Wolsey issued a general pardon.' This day was to go down in history as Evil May-day'. (Cf. Stow, Survey I. 254.) Perhaps Morose referred to this, or perhaps to the noise always inevitable at such a celebration.

127. the Galley-foist is a-floate to Westminster. The state barge was used when the new mayor went into office, on the day he was

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