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hour on the kingdom, are unhappily tainted with fordid avarice, not fo much arifing from a depraved mind as a bending to the mania of the times and a childish predilection for the poffeffion of fplendid trifles.

"The exifting abuses imperiously call on the ftrong arm of government for aid and redress, and in an efpecial degree for rendering the conveyance of articles of the firft neceffity to the hands of the confumer lefs circuitous. The number of middle-men between the agriculturist and the confumer fhould be leffened, all contracts and fales of grain and cattle, as well as other articles of stock, should be invalid, unless made bona fide in the open market*, and the corn inspector's law should be fully enforced, in case of any violation of that statute. Private interests must not be permitted to ftand in competition with the public welfare, and apprehended evils ought never to impede the redrefs of thofe already exifting: but my plan does not extend to compulfory fales, or fixing a maximum on the articles of fubfiftence. My object is to recommend a fyftem for procuring voluntary, regular, and speedy fupplies, and to point out plans which may ultimately prevent the fending fuch immenfe fums out of the kingdom for the purchase of foreign grain.

"The inefficacy of laws to compel farmers to bring their grain to market, without making it their intereft to do fo, has been fully demonftrated; to refort to fimilar measures, therefore, would be as injudicious as impracticable. But the evil does not entirely arife from the farmer withholding fupplies. The mischief is only half removed when he has fairly and properly brought his grain for fale; a great number of rapacious agents are permitted to step in between the farmer and the confumer, all of whom ftruggle for profit, whereby the price is fo confiderably enhanced as to place bread almoft entirely without the reach of the poor! These leeches fhould be hook off. The ftate engine will work with more freedom when its machinery becomes less complex." P. 12.

"A great deal has been said and written on the utility of bounties on the exportation of corn, which were originally granted in order to prevent lofs to the agriculturist in a plentiful year. This was certainly a wife expedient, and very properly reforted to for the promotion of tillage. But it unfortunately has happened that this plan, like many other well-intended regulations, carried with it an evil unforefeen by the original promotersfor no provifion was made against seafons of fcarcity, inafmuch as the superflux corn ought rather to have been referved in public granaries, agreeably to the practice of other European na tions, and even our own ancestors.

"By granting bounties on exportation, without either limiting the quantity, or referving in public granaries a fufficient ftore to check monopoly, and guard against scarcity, very terious mifchief has enfued; it has held out a bait for rapacity to catch at, and thrown temptations in the way of the capitalift that were irrefiftible.-And when this description of men once tafted with how much facility princely fortunes might be acquired, they foon became callous to other men's complaints; propelled alone by fordid views, they hut their eyes as well as cars against all moral and religious precept, intrenching themselves behind fuch barriers as legal artillery could never reach. Thus the price of wheat was gradually enhan ced, and what was originally intended as an encouragement and reward for fuperior exertions in tillage, became in fact a very great and almoft infupportable burden on the people-tending more to check the population of the country than any other cause.

"Nor was this all-the corn-merchant, not the farmer, for whofe fole benefit the measure was intended, became enriched in years of plenty by his immenfe exports, without any very material advantages refulting to the cultivator of the foil, whofe additional profit, arifing from the bounty, was only fixpence per bufhel; and in years of fcarcity, the merchants, by importing foreign grain, acquired immenfe profits

* "We are well affured that there are a number of very opulent perfons who have entered into contracts for the purchase of corn and cattle for a certain number of years; and, confequently, if a plentiful year enfues, the public can derive no benefit from fuch a bleffing, as the market is governed by thefe gentlemen, who find means moft fhamefully to evade the law !"




at the expense of a famished multitude, without a fingle benefit refulting to agriculturifts! Thus a body of men, whom the legislature rather tolerated "than encouraged, stepped in between the bufbandman and the confumer, reaping advantages, intended to eonfer general, not partial benefits: and thus avarice converted the plenty of one year to private emolument, inftead of general relief, through an overfight in the legiflature, who ought to have guarded against rapacity, by retaining a part of the furplus corn of a plentiful year, at a low investment, to meet future exigencies. By neglecting fuch a provifion, the liberality of the legiflature has only tended to promote the fordid views of monopolifts, who have unhap pily feized the opportunity of aggrandizing themfelves at the expenfe of the public."

P. 18.

"I fhall, therefore, without further circumlocution, proceed to state my plan for permanent relief, one part of which is, to pay a bounty of five fhillings per quarter on the first two millions of quarters of new wheat that the farmers fhall bring to, and, bond fide, difpofe of, in open market, in their refpective vicinity. And no grain or other fpecies of provifion fhould, on any account, be permitted to be fold, or any contract whatever relating to grain or other fpecies of provifions be deemed valid, but fuch as are made with the utmoft publicity in the open market. And, to prevent monopoly, it would be advifable to fubje&t all grain (if not other provifions) to the operation of the excife laws! However unpopular fuch a propofition may be, yet, when we reflect on the immenfe advantages likely to emanate from the meafure, I feel no difficulty in fubmitting the propofal to legislative confi

deration; for, without regular returns of the ftock in hand and the fales, made in the ufual-manner that other excifed commodities are fubjected to, abuses will prevail, and ultimately counteract the beft digefted plans and moft judicious fyftems. And if any grain fhould be improperly hoarded by purchafers for felfish purposes, and withheld from the confumer for a given time, then fuch purchaser fhould incur the penalties of engroffing, &c.

"It would be seen in a short space of time whether the dearth is real or factitious. And if it should happen that wheat, by the adoption of this meafure (of which there cannot remain a doubt), fhould be reduced to 6os. per quarter, in that cafe I should humbly fubmit that government fhould become purchafers of at least two million quarters of wheat, to be flored in public granaries or magazines, agreeably to the practice and cuftom of many European ftates, in order to meet future exigencies. By fuch a step no lofs would be likely to enfue to government ultimately; but if any did accrue, it would certainly bear no proportion to the mischief of expatriating fuch immenfe fums, as we have been recently driven to, and which can in no way find their way back to this country.

"The natural wants of agriculturists, and the conftant demand on them for current cafh, added to the operation of the excife fyftem, will naturally compel them to fend their remaining ftock to market. But if government fhould, in the outfet, be lofers, by purchafing at a higher price than grain can be purchased for in fucceeding years, the public would in fact receive an ample compenfation by fuch fubfequent reduction in the price of grain."

P. 22.




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