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E that shall overcome, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God: and he shall go out no more: and I will write upon him the name of My God.

Apoc. iii. 12.

The new name will be such as it is not lawful for man to utter. It will be a word so secret that no one will be able to hear it, save God and the soul to whom it is spoken. St. Francis of Sales.

And is it well with thee?

Aye, past all dreaming, well!

For here we dwell

Where none may weep,

And Paradise is ours again to keep-
The tree of knowledge in the midst thereof.
Time-ripened love,

The leaves no more for healing, but for food
Of life renewed,

Fresh with the dew, from vanished faith distilled,

Of hope fulfilled.

All around us angels be

To guard the gateways, not with sword of flame,

But fragrant breathings of the Holy Name, That nevermore an afterthought of sin

May enter in.

J. Banister Tabb.

[blocks in formation]

Dost thou not hear it, like a trumpet call? Surely it cometh near,

Let us go out upon the tower and hear!

Fr. Faber.

We have seen Him! we have seen Him !
Oh, the beauty of His Face!

Moving through the groves, and pouring
Down the treasures of His grace.

St. John of the Cross.



Let every spirit praise the Lord.

Ps. cl. 5.


AVE you sometimes, calm, silent, let
Your head aspirant rise

Up the mountain's summit, in the presence

of the skies ?

Francis Thompson.

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