The Visible WordLund Humphries, 1969 - 107 頁 |
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Acctnts advertisement Agts ALBERTUS Applied Psychology Arabic numerals Bayer Blackhurst JH boustrophedon Burt c'est bien capital letters caractères cent century characters Chrtd comprehension control lab DEN HELDER electronic video recording Eric Gill experiments eye-movement factors fixation pauses gauw Harris H heeft Herbert Bayer's High St indention individual letters investigation Javal Journal of Applied Journal of Psychology kregen legibility research line length loading crew lower case letters Luckiesh maize margins measured MEDE MEER method NEDERLANDEN niet NOORD-BRABANT normal reading OCR-B Ovink paper paragraph Pasen Paterson and Tinker PENSION perceived perception Piggott printed word printers proposals published readability reader regressions relative legibility Roman Roman numerals sanserif serif showed signs SLUIS VAN space speed of reading St W1 style Survyrs tachistoscopic techniques tests type faces typefaces typography unjustified setting vertical visible word vision WADC werd x-height Zachrisson ZACHT zijn