Virtue alone is happiness, 182 Virtue, assume a, 103
Virtue, ceases to be a, 365
Virtue could what virtue would, 145
Virtue, homage vice pays to, 360 Virtue is bold, 32
Virtue is her own reward, 169 Virtue, linked with one, 315 Virtue makes our bliss, 182, 231 Virtue of necessity, 390
Virtue outbuilds the pyramids, 209 Virtues, be kind to her, 168 Virtues plead like angels, 83 Virtues, waste thyself upon, 29 Virtues we write in water, 68 Virtuous and vicious, 179 Virtuous, because thou art, 51 Virtuous Marcia, 170 Visage, on his bold, 295 Visible darkness, 131 Vision and faculty divine, 277 Vision, baseless fabric of this, 27 Vision beatific, 133
Vision, the young men's, 158 Vision, write the, and make it plain,
![[blocks in formation]](,717,328,630)
Waist, hands round the slight, 3 Wait, they also serve who stan and, 150
Waked to ecstasy, 228 Wakens the slumbering ages, 336 Walk by faith, 20
Walk of virtuous life, 207
Walk while ye have the light, 18 Walking in an air of glory, 151 Walking shadow, 90
Walks, between echoing, 142 Wall, weakest goes to the, 77 Waller was smooth, 193 Wandering mazes lost, 136 Want, lonely, retired to die, 220 Want of decency, 164 Wanting, art found, 12 Wanton wiles, 148 War, blast of, 62
War, circumstance of glorious, IIO War, first in, 368
War, grim-visaged, 65 War's a game, 247
War is toil and trouble, 157 War its thousands slays, 241 War, let slip the dogs of, 71
War, my sentence is for open, 135 War, my voice is still for, 170 War, rumour of, 244
War, then was the tug of, 166
War to the knife, 307
Warble his native wood-notes, 149
Ward, my old, 57
Warrior famoused for fight, 112
Warrior taking his rest, 326 War's glorious art, 211 War's rattle, 294
Washington's awful memory, 281 Waste its sweetness, 229 Watch, an idler is a, 248 Watch and pray, 16
Watch in every old man's eye, 79 Watch-dog's honest bark, 319 Watch-dog's voice, 235
Watches, judgments as our, 185 Watcher of the skies, 325
Water, conscious, 126
Water, drink no longer, 21 Water everywhere, 282 Water imperceptible, 329
Water, not a drop to drink, 282 Water-rats, 40
Water, smooth runs the, 64
Water spilt on the ground, 3
Water, unstable as, 2
Waters, beside the still, 5
Waters, cast thy bread upon the,
Waters of the rude sea, 55
Waters, she walks the, 314
Waters, the hell of, 310 Wave o' the sea, 49
Waves be stayed, 4
Wax to receive, 315
Way, a dim and perilous, 277
Way, noiseless tenor of their, 229 Way of all the earth, 2 Way of life, 89
Way to dusty death, 90 Ways, amend your, 12 Ways of God, justify the, 131 Ways of pleasantness, 6 Ways, vindicate the, 176 Ways, untrodden, 269 We first endure, 179
We know what we are, 103 We spent them not in toys, 128 We watched her breathing, 328 Weakest goes to the wall, 77 Weak invention of the enemy, 173 Weak woman went astray, 168 Wealth of Ormus, 134
Weariness can snore upon the flint,
Wearisome condition of humanity, 116
Weary be at rest, 4
Weary of conjectures, 170 Web of our life, 50
Web, stained, 298
Web, what a tangled, 394
Wee short hour, 262 Weed on Lethe wharf, 95 Weeds of glorious feature, 25 Weep no more, lady, 240 Weep, while all around thee, 255 Weep, who would not, 191 Weighed in the balances, 12 Weight of mightiest monarchies, 136
Welcome, deep-mouthed, 319 Welcome the coming guest, 192 Well, not so deep as a, 80 Well, not wisely, but too, III Well of English undefyled, 24 Well-bred whisper, 245
Westward, the course of empire,
What can ennoble sots, 181 What care I how fair she be, 121 What constitutes a state, 255 What God hath joined, 15 What, he knew what 's, 152 What is a man profited, 15 What's done is done, 86 What is friendship, 238 What makes doctrines plain, 156 What man dare, I dare, 87 What ne'er was nor is, 186 What perils do environ, 153
What shall I do to be for ever
What thou wouldst highly, 83 What though the field be lost, 131 What will Mrs. Grundy say? 266 What's done we may compute, 260 What's Hecuba to him, 97 What's impossible can't be, 264 What's in a name, 78 Whatever is, is right, 178 Wheat, two grains of, 40
Wheel broken at the cistern, 10 Wheel, butterfly upon a, 191 Wheel, within a, 12
Wheels of weary life, 161
When lovely woman, 238
When shall we three meet, 81
Whence and what art thou, 137
Where the bee sucks, 27
Where the tree falleth, 9
Where the wood-pigeons breed, 223 Whereabout, prate of my, 84 Whining schoolboy, 45
Whip in every honest hand, 111 Whip me such knaves, 105 Whipped the offending Adam, 62 Whips and scorns of time, 98 Whirligig of time, 52 Whirlwind, rides in the, 171 Whirlwind, shall reap the, 12 Whisper circling round, 236 Whispering, I ne'er consent, 319 Whispering lovers made, 234 Whispering tongues, 283
Whispering with white lips, 309
Whispers of fancy, 220
Whistle, clear as a, 203
Whistle, dear for his, 361 Whistle her off, 109
Whistle his friends back, 237 Whistling of a name, 181 Whistled for want of thought, 159 White wench's black eye, 79 Whited sepulchres, 16
Whiter than the driven snow, 224 Whither thou goest I will go, 2 Who builds a church to God, 185 Who but must laugh, 191
Who does the best, 206 Who dotes yet doubts, 109 Who drives fat oxen, 221 Who ne'er knew joy, 198 Who never mentions hell, 185 Who overcomes by force, 133 Who pensa stanza, 190 Who says in verse, 192 Who shall decide, 184 Who steals my purse, 108 Who sweeps a room, 122 Who would not weep, 191 Whole of life to live, 287 Whom the gods love, 321 Whose dog are you, 198 Why, a wherefore for every, 152 Why did you kick me down stairs, 174
Why is plain as way to parish church, 45
Why, man of morals, why, 128 Why should every creature drink but I, 128
Why so pale and wan, 123
Wicked cease from troubling, 4 Wicked flee when no man pursueth, 8
Wickliffe's ashes, 279
Wide as a church door, 80
Wife and children impediments to great enterprises, 352 Wife of thy bosom, 2
Wife, true and honourable, 71 Wild in woods, 160 Wilderness of sweets, 140 Wiles, simple, 271
Will, complies against his, 156 Will, current of a woman's, 214 Will, if she will, 214 Will, puzzles the, 99 Will, there's a way, 258 Will, unconquerable, 131 Willing to wound, 191 Willingly let it die, 356 Willows, our harps on the, 6 Win, they laugh that, 110 Wind and his nobility, 56
Wind, as large a charter as the, 45 Wind, blow, and crack your cheeks,
![[blocks in formation]](,1150,321,206)
![[blocks in formation]](,240,362,1114)
Wishing worst of employments, 208
Wit, a miracle instead of, 211 Wit among lords, 249 Wit, a man in, 198
Wit, brevity is the soul of, 96 Wit, eloquence, and poetry, 128 Wit, gentle as bright, 304 Wit, his whole, in a jest, 119 Wit in other men, 60
Wit in the very first line, 237 Wit invites you, 249
Wit is nature to advantage dressed,
Wit, no room for, 358
Wit, plentiful lack of, 96 Wit, shy in using it, 152
Wit, skirmish of, 33
Wit that can creep, 191 Wit, too proud for a, 237 Wit with dunces, 194 Wit's a feather, 181
Witch hath power to charm, 91 Witch the world, 58
With too much quickness, 183 With too much thinking, 183
Withering on the virgin thorn, 35 Withers are unwrung, 10I Witnesses, a cloud of, 22 Wit's end, at their, 6
Wits, keen encounter of our, 65 Wits to madness near allied, 153 Witty, only in myself, 60 Woe, a man of, 291
Woe a tear can claim, 312
Woe doth tread upon another's
Woe, gave signs of, 142 Woe, heritage of, 318
Woe is life protracted, 219 Woe, luxury of, 304 Woe, mockery of, 197 Woe, some degree of, 222 Woe succeeds a woe, 207
Woe, teach me to feel another's, 196
Woe, the tears of, 304
Woe, trappings and the suits of, 91 Woe, truth denies all eloquence to,
Woe, turns at the touch of, 252 Woes, rare are solitary, 207 Woes, Galileo with his, 310 Wolf dwell with the lamb, ro Woman, a contentious, & Woman a contradiction, 184 Woman, an excellent thing in, 77 Woman, and may be woo'd, 77 Woman, dark eye in, 309 Woman, frailty, thy name is. 92
Woman, how divine a thing, 273 Woman in her first passion, 320 Woman in our hours of ease, 294 Woman in this humour wooed, 66 Woman is at heart a rake, 184 Woman, lovely, 165 Woman loves her lover, 320 Woman moved, 49
Woman, nature made thee to tem- per man, 165
Woman, nobly planned, 271 Woman, O, I could play the, 88 Woman, or an epitaph, 317 Woman perfected, 345,
Woman scorned, no fury like a,
Woods, stoic of the, 290 Wooed, that would be, 141 Wool, all cry and no, 153 Word at random, 297 Word fitly spoken, 8
Word, for teaching me that, 42 Word, no man relies on his, 164 Word of Cæsar stood against the world, 72
Word of promise, go
Word, suit the action to the, 100 Word to throw at a dog, 43 Words are like leaves, 186
Words are men's daughters, 220 Words are wise men's counters, 351
Words are women, 220 Words as fashions, 186 Words cannot paint, 254, Words, familiar as household, 63 Words give sorrow, 88
Words, immodest, admit of no de- fence, 164
Words of learned length, 236
Words that Bacon spoke, 193 Words that burn, 227
Words that weep, 227 Words, words, words, 96
Work, who first invented, 282
Works, these are thy glorious, 140 World, a fleeting show, 304 World, a good deed in a naughty,
World and its dread laugh, 216 World as a stage, 40
World, brought death into the, 130 World calls idle, 246 World, children of this, 17 Worlds, exhausted, 219 World falls, when Rome falls, 310 World, fever of the, 272 World, foremost man of the, 73 World forgetting, by the world forgot, 196
World, full of briars, 43
World, gave his honours to the, 68 World, I have not loved the, 309 World, I hold the world but as, 40 World in love with night, 80 World is given to lying, 59 World its veterans rewards, 184 World knows nothing of its greatest men, 335
World, lash the rascal naked
through the, III
World, light of the, 13
World must be peopled, 33
World was all before them, 143 World was not worthy of, 22 World was sad, 288 World, witch the, 58
World with its motley rout, 252 World without a sun, 288
Worlds, allured to brighter, 236 World's mine oyster, 29
World's wide enough for thee and me, 363
Worlds, should conquer, 127
Worlds, wreck of matter and the crush of, 171
Worm dieth not, 16 Worm in the bud, 51 Worm, smallest, 65
Worm, who needlessly sets foot upon a, 248
Worse appear the better reason,
Worse for wear, 250
Worse, greater feeling to the, 55 Worship God, he says, 263 Worship, too fair to, 347 Worst speak something good, 122 Worth by poverty depressed, 219 Worth, conscience of her, 141 Worth makes the man, 181 Worth in anything, 154 Worth, sad relic of departed, 308 Would I were dead now, 330 Would not live alway, 4 Would'st not play false, 83
Wound, he jests at scars that never felt a, 78
Wounded spirit, 7
Wrack, blow wind, come, 90
Wrath, nursing her, to keep it
Wrath, soft answer turneth away,
World of vile ill-favoured faults, 29
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