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those of a Roman Catholic family; and when he was inveighing against Prelacy and Papal tyranny, it is quite absurd to suppose that he would become so closely allied to such an one; if he had, doubtless his enemies would not have failed to have published this circumstance to the world.

II. Parish Register of Sandford. This Register, which has been kept with a very commendable neatness, has been most carefully examined. Milton, according to Phillips, was married in Oxfordshire; and it is reasonable to suppose, some notice might have been traced from this source. The entries of the Powell family commence in the middle of the 16th century, very shortly after they became seated at Sandford, and are brought down to the death of the last possessor, viz. "John P. esq. Lord of the Manor of Sandford, was buried: Aug. 15, 1730;" and although these entries are numerous, yet no such marriage is noticed.

III. Incidental Notices from the writings of Anthony Wood and Hearne.

At Sandford" there is nothing extraordinary to be seen in the Church, besides some monuments of the Powells, Lords of the Manor here. The chief of these monuments is one in the South wall of Chancel*," (Leland's Itin. vol. II. p. 119.)

Antient Crosses: Trees in orchards were often planted in the shape of them. "There was formerly such an orchard at the great Ivy-house at Sandford, near Oxford; the present trees in it are much later, though there is now (1724) in it a very old holly tree, the oldest, I think, Lever saw, round which there was formerly a bench, where, in summer time, the present Mr. Powell's great grandfather used to entertain his friends." (Hearne's Rob. of Glou. p. 638.)

Nunnery of Littlemore, near Sandford: "I refer to Leland's Itinerary, for what I have said about the nunnery of Littlemore or Sandford; but I shall observe in this place, that the Minshery, Minchery, or Minchion Ree, belongs to the Powells of Sandford, being purchased by an ancestor of theirs in the third year of King Edward VI. of Sir John Williams (afterwards Lord Williams) of Thame. Ex cod. MS. penès amicissimum virum Joannem Powell de Sandford, armigerum." (Hist. Glaston. pref. p. 16.)

A. D. 1661. June 29, "A. W. was at Sandford, near Oxon, in the house of John Powell, gent. which was a house and preceptory sometime belonging to the Knights Templars. He took a note of some arms in a bay window in a low room there.” (Ant. à Wood's Diary.)

These celebrated Antiquaries passed their lives at Oxford, within three miles of Sandford, and must surely have been acquainted with the circumstance of Milton being connected with this family, and knowing it, would not have failed to have alluded to it. Hearne, indeed, appears to have lived on very friendly terms with the last possessor of the estate, whom he terms vir amicissimus. Wood made large collections relating to Oxfordshire families, now in the Ashmolean Museum, from which some extracts respecting this family, about the time of Milton's first marriage, are printed in Guillim's Heraldry (edit. 1724, p. 273); yet not the most distant hint occurs of any such marriage.

From what has been written we may fairly conclude, that the antient family of Powell of Sandford was in no way connected with the family into which Milton married, as related by Mr. Todd, in his Life of the Poet. Of what family Mr. Richard Powell, Jus

* Erected to the memory of Sir William Powell of Tutbury and Rolleston Park, co. Stafford, second son of Edmond, and grandson of Edmond P. to whom the manor was originally granted in 1542. He died Dec. 15, 1656, æt. 83. Hearne has printed the inscription, by which it appears that he left his estates to the Powells of Sandford, in whose possession they continued till the death of the last John Powell in 1730, when, on a division between his two daughters and coheirs, Rolleston Park was assigned to Catharine, his youngest daughter, married to Henry Roper, Lord Teynham. The present Lord T. grandson of the said Catharine P. is now the owner of them.

TUTBURY. In this parish, about a mile South of the town, is Rolleston Park. Sir Simon Degge says, at Rolleston Park, a mile South of Tutbury, is the seat of [John] Powell, that was [great nephew] to Sir William P. Knight, and courtier in the time of King James; of whose son, as I take it, he purchased this Park, and made the Lodge his seat. (Shaw's History of Staffordshire, vol. J. p. 58. MS addit. to Erdeswick.

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tice of the Peace, of Forrest-hill, was, the writer is unable to say. The former appears to have maintained a considerable degree of splendour during two centuries, and to have been connected with several noble families, the latter was not perhaps of any note or standing in the county.



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Narrative of an Expedition to explore the Territory beyond the Blue Mountains; by an Officer of the 101st Reg. HE Territory beyond the Blue Mountains has long been an object of considerable anxiety & conjecture; not only among the inhabitants of New Holland itself, but even among the learned men of almost every civilized Country in the World—an anxiety not springing from idle curiosity, but deriving its origin from that laudable thirst of knowledge, to which may be attributed almost every great and useful discovery, of which the modern world so justly boasts. The investigation of this hitherto unknown Country presents an object in all respects worthy the speculation and research of the Philosopher and the Merchant. With this impression, a party of spirited individuals, residing at Sydney-Town, having obtained the sanction of the Governor, undertook to pass the mountain-boundary which had so often baffled the labours of previous Adventurers; and the result of this last effort of perseverance has not only justified the undertaking, but realized the calculations of those who have accomplished the extraordinary task.

On the 9th of April 1814, the party, consisting of 27 persons, (of whom 19 were workmen, the rest being Gentlemen well acquainted with Geology, Botany, &c.) set out from SydDey; and having by the 13th reached the celebrated Cataract (which supplies the River emptying itself into Shark's Bay), where all prior attempts had ceased, they immediately commenced active operations. The Cataract issues from a large circular opening in the immense ridge of rocks composing the front line of the Blue Mountains, the terrific barrier which runs from one end of the Country to the other, preserving almost the whole way the regular perpendicular height of about three hundred GENT. MAG. January, 1815,

feet. The aperture through which this awful Cataract falls in one column to its basin, is about 120 feet from the ground, being rather more than 30 feet less than the celebrated Falls of Niagara. The first idea which suggested itself to the Travellers, was to explore a passage through the fissure from whence the Cataract issued ; but, on more accurate observation, it was ascertained that the column of water completely filled the whole diameter of the opening; so that no alternative remained but to scale the awful wall of rocks.

After innumerable attempts, they at length adopted a plan used many years since in repairing the great Tower of the Monastery at Raucoux in Westphalia- by making a hole in the rock at about two feet from the ground, and driving the end of a strong stake into the opening, and so continuing to make fresh holes (each two feet above the former, not in a straight, but in a slanting direction of ascent), and to introduce as many stakes, they were enabled to construct a firm flight of steps, connected by coarse basket-work, about the texture of common hurdles, the materials being furnished in abundance from the neighbouring woods. This was a task requiring of necessity much labour and considerable time, so that it was not until the 27th the workmen attained an elevation parallel with the upper part of the opening through which the Cataract rushed; they were, however, most agreeably surprized to find that here the rock ended, the immense continuation of the precipice consisting of a kind of bituminous Coblon earth, firm, but very yielding to the spade. By the following day was hollowed out a space sufficient for the workmen to move at will with their wheelbarrows, &c. and the noble undertaking was now determined on of excavating a flight of steps to the summit! Within about thirty feet of the top, the labourers discovered the petrified skeleto of an unknown animal, the bead and body resembling those of a bear, with a tail similar to that of a croco dile, only not so long. It is a remarkable fact, that when about 140 feet from the ground, the thermometer (Farenheit) fell to 37, and conti

ued so till the party had ascended within fifty feet of the surface,


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when the mercury as suddenly rose to 72!

On the 28th of May, the Adventurers had the inexpressible satisfaction of landing on the surface of the terrific elevation over which their indefatigable exertions had triumphed; exertions (independently of that sweet gratification which always accompanies successful, and not dishonourable, perseverance) amply repaid by the scene which presented itself to their view. At the distance of about three miles a second ridge of rocks bounded their view; but the intermediate country, on either side, displayed a level and beautiful tract of land, at once exhibiting the boldest figures and the softest beauties of Nature: stupendous columns of basalt, studded with a silvery copper ore, shooting out from the soil in all directions, afforded a wonderful and most pleasing contrast to trees and shrubs of the finest growth and most luxuriant richness, boasting a variety of species and an extent of beauty hitherto unwitnessed even in that Country, so celebrated in the annals of Botany. Nature must have been in her most sportive humour when this spot was formed, the basalt and ore being thrown into such fantastic shapes, that on a cursory view they had the appearance of a herd of gigantic copper-coloured cattle, attended by colossal shepherds of variegated silver. On inspecting the smaller ridge of rocks, which formed the next barrier opposed to them, it was discovered that the River supplying the Cataract before alluded to, found a rapid descent through a tolerably wide opening in the rocks, and by its own force at once excavated a passage in the soft soil on which it fell, to the depth of about 170 feet, when, meeting the solid rock, it continues its course for three miles under ground, and finally issues from the immense aperture described at the commencement of the

undertaking. This fully explained the mystery of the Cataract issuing more than half way down the Blue Mountains, instead of flowing over their top.

The Travellers having sent a Report of their progress to SydueyTown, received a considerable supply of necessaries, particularly of the famous New Holland ponies, which with very little difficulty they were

enabled to lead up the wicker steps: these animals were of the greatest use in conveying the provisions and tents from day to day, as the party advanced; for the second ridge of mountains was passed in two days, with comparatively very little labour in excavation. Several most extraordinary trees, of species before totally unknown, presented themselves. Of one kind there were some that measured the wonderful extent of 45 feet round the trunk; another very curious genus exhibited an immense number of spikes or thorns, nearly a foot long and as hard as iron, dispersed all over the trunk. It was remarkable that at the feet of these last-mentioned trees were invariably seen considerable quantities of bones, which, there was little doubt, were the remains of unfortunate animals, that, either in the ardour of pursuit, or the darkness of night, had been at different times trausfixed by the terrific spikes in question.

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My acknowledgements are due to your Correspondents whose communications (Part II. of your last Volume, pp. 22. 209.) have strengthened the conjecture which I ventured to offer respecting Psalm 109, (Part I. p. 551): but, as I happen to be a


poor unlettered woman," to use the expression of your Correspondent W. in your last volume, p. 535, I must beg his excuse for declining to hazard an opinion whether or not " such passages ought to be rendered” in a different manner. Indeed, Mr. Urban, it was scarcely a fair challenge, after having professed that my supposition was founded on "the authorized translation," and that I was unable to ascertain how far it might be agreeable to the original.

Your Correspondent W. need not be reminded that many prophetical passages have a double signification, referring equally to the present and future; but in submitting an interpretation of Psalm 109, I considered it merely with a view to its grammatical construction, and as a part of our Church service, very liable to be misunderstood by the unlearned, and perhaps among others, by

Yours, &c.


Fragments of Literature.



IN one of the letters of Dr. Samuel Knight, Canon of Ely, dated Bluntsham, near St. Ives, March 24, 1733, is the following passage relating to Strype, the Antiquary :

"I made a visit to old father Strype, when in town last: he is turned of ninety, yet very brisk and well, only a decay of sight and memory. He would fain have induced me to undertake Archbishop Bancroft's Life; but I have no stomach to it, having no great opinion of him on more accounts than one. He had a greater inveteracy against the Puritans than any of his Predecessors.

"Mr. Strype told me that he had large materials towards the Life of old Lord Burghley, and Mr. Fox the Martyrologist, which he wished he could have finished; but most of his papers are in characters: his grandson is learning to decipher them."


From "The Case of Oliver St. John, esq. concerning his Actions during the late Troubles,” 4to. published July 30, 1660, it should seem that Thurloe, who was afterwards Cromwell's Secretary, was originally Mr. St. John's servant. This was in 1648. About 1651 he left Mr. St. John, and in 1653 joined Cromwell. At p. 3, Mr. St. John adds, "Having bred him from a youth in my service, he out of respect once or twice in a quarter of a year visited me:" but denies that he gave any private advice to Cromwell by Mr. Thurloe's means. Mr. St. John, as is well known, was Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas.

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"An Explanation of the Words of Art contained in this Booke.

Bathing, is when you set your Hawke to the water, to wash or bathe her selfe, either abroad or in the house.

Batting, or to bat is when a Hawke Auttereth with her wings either from the pearch or the mans fist, striuing as it were to lie away, or get libertie.

Bousing, is when a Hawke drinketh often, and seemes to be continually thirstie.

Creance, is a fine small long line of strong and even twound packthreed, which is fastened to the Hawks leash, when she is first lured.

Ceasing, is when a Hawke taketh any thing into her foot, and gripeth or holdeth it fast.

Checke, or to kill, Checke is when Crows, Rooks, Pies, or other birds comming in the view of the Hawke, she forsaketh her naturall flight to flie at them.

Casting, is any thing that you giue your Hawke to cleanse her gorge with, whether it be flannell, thrummes, feathers, or such like.

To Cast a Hawke, is to take her in your hands before the pinions of her wings, and to hold her from bating or striuing, when you administer any thing

vnto her.

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Erie, is the nest or place where a Hawke buildeth and bringeth vp her young ones, whether in woods, rocks, or any other places.

Endew, is when a Hawke digesteth her meat, not onely putting it ouer from her gorge, but also cleansing her pannell.

Gorge, is that part of the Hawke which first receiueth the meat, and is called the craw or crop in other fowles.

Gurgiting, is when a Hawke is stuft or suffocated with any thing, be it meat or otherwise.

Inke, whether it be of Partridge, fowle, doues, or any other prey, is the necke from the head to the body.

Intermewed, is from the first exchange of a Hawkes coat, or from her first mewing, till she come to be a white Hawke.

Iesses, are those short straps of leather, which are fastned to the Hawks


man, and con

legges, and so to the lease by varuels, anlets, or such like.

Lver, is that whereto Faulconers call their young Hawkes by casting it vp in the aire, being made of feathers and leather in such wise that in the motion it looks not vnlike a fowle.

Lease, or Leash, is a small long thong of leather; by which the Faulconer holdeth his Hawke fast, folding it many times about their fingers.

Lice, are a small kinde of white vermine, running amongst the feathers of the Hawke.

Muting, is the excrements or ordure which comes from Hawkes, and containeth both dung and vrine.

A Make Hawke is an old staunch flying Hawk, which being inured to her flight, will easily instruct a younger Hawke to be waining in her prey.

Managing, is to handle any thing with cunning according to the true nature thereof.

Mew, is that place, whether it be abroad or in the house, where you set down your Hawke, during the time that

she raseth her feathers.

Mites, are a kinde of vermine smaller than Lice, and most about the heads and nares of Hawks.

Plumming, is when a Hawk ceaseth a fowle, and pulleth the feathers from the body.

Plummage, are small downy feathers which the Hawke takes, or are giuen her for casting.

Pelt, is the dead body of any fowle

howsoeuer dismembred.

Pill, and pelfe of a fowle, is that refuse and broken remains which are left after the Hawke hath been relieued.

Plume, is the generall colour or mixtures of feathers in a Hawke, which sheweth her constitution.

Pearch, is any thing whereon you set your Hawke, when she is from your fist. Prey, is any thing that a Hawke killeth, and feedeth her selfe thereupon. Pannell, is that part of the Hawke next to the fundament, whither the Hawke digesteth her meat from her bodie.

Quarrie, is taken for the fowle which is flowne at, and slaine at any time, especially when young Hawks are flowne thereunto.

Rufter-hood, is the first hood which a Hawke weareth, being large, wide, and open behinde.

Reclaiming, is to tame, make gentle, or to bring a Hawk to familiaritie with

the man.

Raised in flesh, is when a Hawke grows fat, or prospereth in flesh.

Ramage, is when a Hawke is wilde,

coy, or disdainfull to the
trary to be reclaimed,

Sliming, is when a Hawke muteth from her longwaies in one intire substance, and doth not drop any part thereof.

Stooping, is when a Hawke being vpon her wings at the height of her pitch, bendeth violently downe to strike the fowle, or any other prey.

Summ'd, is when a Hawke hath all her feathers, and is fit either to be taken from the Crie or Mew.

Setting downe, is when a Hawke is put into the Mew.

Sore-hawke, is from the first taking of her from the eiry, till she haue mewed her feathers.

Trussing, is when a Hawke raiseth a fowle aloft, and so descendeth downe with it to the ground.

Vnsumm'd, is when a Hawks feathers are not come forth, or else not com'd home to their full length.

Weathering, is when you set your Hawke abroad to take the aire, either by day or night, in the frost, or in the Sunne, or at any other season.


be informed whether the anecdote of Dean Swift's dining with Sir Ro bert Walpole (afterwards Earl of Orford) at Chelsea, related by the father of the late Barré Charles Roberts in a letter to his son (see p. 570 in our Magazine for December last), has ap peared in any former publication: further than that, the probability of the circumstance may be partly inferred from Lord Peterborow's letter to Swift, inserted in the first five editions of Dr. Hawkesworth's Collection, but suppressed in the subsequent impressions. In the copy of the 5th edition, 1767, that came into the possession of the writer hereof many years ago, a manuscript memorandum, without signature, is attached to page 253 of vol. III. as follows: "Letter CCCLXXXV. Lord Peterborow to Dr. Swift. This letter is left out of all the subsequent editions ; in consequence, there is reason to believe, of the intercession of Sir Robert Walpole's youngest son (Horace Walpole of Strawberry Hill), who was extremely averse to the knowledge being handed down to posterity of his father's having ever, while Prime Minister, proposed, or even consented to an interview with a man so obnoxious to the Whig party as Dean Swift."

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