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(Protecting Genius of these infant shades, Rear'd by the hand of Parry;) oh, forbid! (Mounted on pinion of the sickly South) Th' incorporated vapour to defile Your empyreal realms! elastic-pureThe food of health, and friendly to the brain.

In dim perspective Cambria's hills arise; And Dundry's airy tower: the nearskip boasts [rill, Much sylvan beauty; Weston's gurgling And deep-embosom'd site: in prospect lie (Beyond the City's murky atmosphere) Lyncombe, and Widcombe, with their

winding lanes,

And trim suburban villas: Prior Park, (Once tenanted by Allen; once the seat Of active worth, and hospitable cheer; By Pope and Warburton consign'd to fame ;)

Arrests the view-a lone dismantled pile; Of intellectual feasts and Attic glee No more the scene! no more the Poet's theme *! [Down Oft tow'rd the pine-clad confines of the With desultory step I rove; oft turn To where, secluded in the dell below, Charlcombe! thy consecrated fabrick stands

A simple structure-with its lonely yew Shadowing the silent mansions of the dead."

The greater part of the Second, called The Tocsin, an admonitory and descriptive Poem," (also printed anonymously in 1811,) "owes its existence to the influence of Italian skies, and Italian scenery; from which Country it was sent, in an Epistle to a Friend, more than twentyeight years ago: the Admonitory part has been since added, and adapted to the peculiar circumstances of the times when it was first submitted to the publick." Both these Poems are now" reprinted with very considerable corrections and additions, together with some omissions and alterations." Among the smaller Poems are, an "Ode to Justice," an Exercise at the Charter-house, and printed in the Carmina Carthusiana, 1780; and “Imitations of a few specimens of

several of the Italian Poets, which constituted a pleasing and instructing amusement to the Author during a Continental excursion in the years 1786 and 1787."

One of the latter shall be given.
"STANZE Amorose.

"Swiftly bounds the mettled Courser †,
Swift the flying moments move;
Haste, my beauteous Maid, Iöle,-
Give the fleeting hour to Love!
Soon is nipp'd the bud of Beauty;

Quickly fades the flower of Youth;
Seize in time the blest occasion

To reward thy Shepherd's truth.
Cynthia, glittering in yon river,
Meekly sheds her paly ray;
Soon Aurora's mantling blushes -
Winter strips the leafy forest;
Usher in the new-born day :

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Frost and snow deform the year: Soon returns the Vernal season Soon the infant buds appear. We, but flourish for one summerThat elaps'd, no more can boast; Death entombs our hopes in darkness, When the light of life is lost. Ghosts in dreary realms of Pluto,

Ne'er the softer passions prove; They-immers'd in cold OblivionLend no more the thought to love. While allow'd to taste of pleasure→→→→ Blameless bliss, without alloy; While Iöle's young and bloomingGive the laughing hours to joy! We'll despise each idle rumour

Of that age, to love severeWhen the tresses silver'd over,

Speak the grisly Phantom near. Swiftly bounds the mettled Courser ;

Swift the flying moments move; Haste! oh haste my best Iöle!

Give the fleeting hour to Love!"

15. The Maskers of Moorfields: a Vision. By the late Anthony Griffinhoof, Gent. 12mo. pp. 87. Miller.

THIS lively jeu-d'esprit is formed on the famous Dialogue, in Horace, "between the Poet and Damasippus ; wherein the stoical maxim, that all

* To whom does this noble mansion now belong? EDIT.

"Not being able to translate the first stanza of the Original literally with any degree of felicity, I have introduced a stanza of my own, in which the leading idea is preserved, and the fleetness of the Courser substituted for that of the Arrow. Some other liberties of the same kind have been occasionally taken in endeavouring to render the sense of several passages in different specimens, which, I hope, may be allowable in one who professes to be merely an Imitator of these choice morsels of Italian poesy; and has attended more to the spirit than the letter of the Originals. I, however, flatter myself the deviations are neither numerous, nor of material consequence."

GENT. MAG. February, 1815.


men are actually mad, is treated with such exquisite humour;" and has apparently sprung from the same source as the late justly-admired "Rejected Addresses." The same vein of satiric raillery pervades both publications; and even some of the same characters are introduced.

In an Advertisement, dated August 8, 1814, the Author says,

"It may be adviseable, with respect to some passages in the following pages, to apprize the Reader, that the greatest part of this little work was written last year [1813.] And it is humbly presumed, although the occurrences to which the passages in question advert, are now gone by, that they have not, even yet, so far lost their interest, as to make it necessary to suppress the allusions."

The scene of the Vision is at "The Masquerade of Moorfields;" where the various characters are introduced, enacting their several parts.

To select particular individuals, might be invidious; but the Reader of these witty pages will be at no loss to fit the caps, though the variety is considerable; consisting of Poets, Philosophers, Senators, Guildhall Orators, Gourmands, and Quack Doctors. One slight sketch we venture to copy, as it will fall an imbelle telum on the worthy character it is intended to designate; who will, we are confideut, be one of the first to smile at the Author's wit.

"Let me beg of you to notice that portly figure so conspicuous before the rest, who is not only an Alderman, but a Baronet, a Member of Parliament, and moreover, the staunchest epicure of the party. The mania, which he now exhibits, operated so forcibly upon him a few years ago, that he prevailed upon the Government to suffer him to accompany a grand Expedition, which was then sailing, in the capacity of Sutler General; an office which was created specially for him, and the honorary title of which he has retained ever since."

15. Charlemagne; ou, L'Eglise Delivrée: Poème Epique, en Vingt-quatre Chants. Par Lucien Buonaparte, Membre de l'Institut de France, &c. &c. Chez Longman, et Bossange et Masson. 2 vols. 4to.

WE have repeatedly had occasion to remark on the extraordinary vicissitudes in human affairs during the last thirty years in the case immediately before us, there is room for

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much comment, and much reflection. Had Lucien Buonaparte written his Charlemagne" twenty years before the close of the Eighteenth Century, who would have conceived it possible that his Brother,then little less obscure than himself, could have appeared upon the vast theatre of the World as a second Charlemagne, and would-be Emperor of the West? Amongst the vicissitudes we have alluded to, the Author of this Poem had a sufficient interest: called from the common rank of life to participate in projects of insatiate Ambition, and placed in situations where aggrandizement became perfectly easy, we cannot wonder that Lucien wished to preserve what he had gained, by retiring from those scenes which he must have foreseen would end in the overthrow of the usurped power of his family. Exasperated at his defection, the Emperor shewed his resentment upon all occasions; and when Lucien sought safety in flight, himself, his family, and treasures, fell into the hands of the English a nation too generous to revenge the crimes of a Brother upon their Prisoner: hence he was suffered to reside here as a gentleman of fortune, surrounded by his friends and domesticks; and at length, Government permitted bim to depart for Italy, where the Pope has created him a Prince. It is, perhaps, unfair to call the Reader's attention on this occasion to the insults and injuries heaped upon the head of the Roman Catholic Church by Buonaparte, as Lucien certainly had no share in them; but we cannot resist the temptation of transcribing his dedication of "Charlemagne" to the "Très-Saint Père," as a contrast not a little remarkable :

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"La Providence (says the Author) après quatre années de captivité, me ramène aux pieds de Votre Sainteté. Pendant ces années d'épreuve, j'ai achevé le long Poème dont vous avez daigné accueillir les premiers chants avec tant de bienveillance. Je puis donc aujourd'hui déposer encore cet ouvrage aux pieds du trône Pontifical dans Rome! Ma demeure à Rome pendant tant d'années a fait assez connaître à Votre Sainteté mes sentiments: votre souvenir et vos précieuses lettres nous soutenaient dans l'adversité, moi, ma femme, et nos enfants, lors même que l'espoir de vous révoir semblait éteint pour toujours. Rentrés maintenant dans notre

asile sous votre protection paternelle, que ne vous devons-nous pas ? En m'autorisant à parler des bienfaits dont vous nous comblez depuis dix ans, et en daignant agréer cette dédicace, Votre Sainteté ajoute encore, s'il est possible, à ma reconnaissance. Permettez-moi, Saint Père, de vous offrir de nouveau le serment d'une fidélité et d'un dévouement qui ne finiront qu'avec ma vie, et de baiser vos pieds en implorant avec ferveur votre sainte bénédiction."

The Preface is of considerable length, and contains the historic facts which are connected with the Poem, with such explanations of his own method of writing as the Author deemed necessary. It concludes as


“J'ai essayé toutes sortes de strophes avant de me déterminer; et j'ai adopté celle qui m'a paru réunir mieux que toute autre une coupe favorable à l'harmonie avec la regulière unité nécessaire aux grands ouvrages. Les octaves du Tasse et de l'Arioste seraient trop courtes, et leur triples rimes trop gê nantes, dans une langue où la rime est déjà surchargée d'entraves. Comme il fallait ou terminer toutes mes strophes par la même genre de rimes, ou les commencer toutes par une rime du même genre que le dernier vers de la strophe précédente, j'ai préféré ce dernier parti, parce que la variété de la chute des strophes m'a paru surtout essentielle.Quant à l'ortographe, j'ai suivi scrupuleusement celle du dernier Dictionnaire de l'Académie, excepté dans ces deux cas. 1o. Les terminaisons en ais au lieu de ois, que Voltaire a introduites, me semblant être maintenant consacrées par l'usage. 2°. Dans les phrases en ant et ent, j'ai conservé les t, parce q'uil me parait raisonnable que des mots qui ont le tau singulier le conservent au pluriel. Cet ouvrage a été commencé il y a dix ans sur les monts de Tusculum près de Rome, où je m'étais retiré en quittant les affaires publiques; il a été continué à Malthe, et fini en Angleterre dans la captivité."

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It would require all the ingenuity of a person well acquainted with the genius and idiom of the French language, to decide upon the merits of this Poem: we should rather, therefore, refer our Readers to the Parisian publications, which have noticed it impartially, for their opinions, than obtrude our own, upon grounds that may be erroneous. To us there appears much to commend; and we might cite many animated passages:

but we shall confine ourselves to two, as fair specimens of the poetry of Lucien Buonaparte, of whose bust there is a fine engraving annexed to the first volume.

The Fêtes on the Champ de Mai at Paris are described in Chant second; and one of our antient Kings is thus introduced:



"Trois jeunes étrangers, pour célébrer ce jour, [narque Vont reçevoir ici de la main du moDes chevaliers Français la glorieuse [à son tour Tous trois sont désarmés ; chacun d'eux Attire les regards du peuple de Lutèce. La foule qui les presse Demande leur pays, leurs exploits, et leur [tarchie : Il régit l'Occident de l'Ile d'Albion,[unie. Le premier est Egbert, prince de l'HepQui sous ses lois un jour doit être réCharlemagne d'Egbert embrasse la dé[reux, Albion doit aux soins de ce Roi géné Le héros qui depuis par des travaux nombreux, [cence. De l'antique Heptarchie abattit la liEgbert de Charlemagne imita les ex


Comme au temps de ces rois, [ploits. Puisse la paix unir les rives de la France

Aux rives d'Albion fille altiére des mers! Rappelons par nos vœux cette heureuse alliance [l'univers."

Qui peut seule calmer les maux de

In p. 90 of the second volume, the Author introduces a supernatural agent; with what success we shall give our Readers an opportunity of forming their own judgment. It is called in the argument" Apparition de la Religion Chrétienne: vision prophetique des descendants de Vitikind." As the speech of Ulric is very long, we omit it.

"A peine a-t-il fermé ses yeux appesantis, Qu'un rayon émané de la voûte éternelle [mortelle Pénètre dans sa tente! une jeune imApparaît au monarque, et trouble ses. esprits. [tranquille. Sa démarche est modeste, et son régard Du divin évangile

Elle porte le livre; et son front radieux

Elève dans les airs un triple diadême. Debout à ses côtés un Ange lumineux

Soutient une croix d'or- c'était Ulric


Ebloui par les flots d'un torrent de lumière

Vitikind se soulève, agite, palpitant, Un sourire brillait dans les yeux de l'enfant [père. Qui présente la croix aux regards de son

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16. The Lord of the Isles, a Poem. By Walter Scott, Esq. Constable and Co. Edinburgh; and Longman and Co. London. 4to.

AGAIN this chivalrous Son of the Muses chaunts his pleasing strains to his applauding Countrymen; while their brethren of the Union smile complacently, and remember, that the present generation of Englishmen, Scotchmen, and Irishmen, equally brave and enterprizing as their ancestors, now oppose the front of war to their foreign enemies only, under the glorious banner of the United Kingdom. The heroic deeds of Robert Bruce, the deliverer of his Country, could scarcely have failed to rouse the poetic fire of a Scottish Bard; and particularly that of our Author, to whom the period he has selected affords an opportunity of bringing forward many celebrated characters, and placing them in situations equally glorious and interesting. Hence it is that, deferring this subject till his powers were competent to full success, the Lord of the Isles comes before us with all the fascination of real and fanciful scenes, decorated and enlivened by the pen of a Master, who feels himself competent to the task he has undertaken.

Mr. Scott informs us in his Advertisement, that

"The scene of this Poem lies at first. in the castle of Artornish, on the coast of Argyleshire; and afterwards in the Islands of Skye and Arran, and upon the coast of Ayrshire. Finally it is laid near Stirling. The story opens in the spring of the year 1307, when Bruce, who had been driven out of Scotland by the English, and the Barons who adhered to that foreign interest, returned from the Island of Rachrin on the coast of Ireland, again to assert his claims to the Scottish crown. Many of the personages and incidents introduced are of historical celebrity. The authorities used are chiefly those of the venerable Lord Hailes, as well entitled to be called the Restorer of Scottish History, as Bruce the Restorer of Scottish Monarchy; and of Archdeacon Barbour, a correct edition of whose Metrical History of Robert Bruce will soon, I trust, appear, under the care of my learned friend the Rev. Dr. Jamieson."

It is proper that we should add to the above explanation the fact, that Mr. Scott has given his Readers 165 pages of Notes to the Six Cantos; through which, every light is thrown upon the subject of the Poem that can be wished or expected. The

same measure is pursued which marks the Author's former works; and we advance not far in the First Canto, before we meet with a beautiful salutation of Minstrels, addressed to Edith of Lorn on the day of her nuptials with Ronaid the Lord of the Isles; which nuptials are suspended in consequence of Ronald's indifference during a repast, given before the arrival of the Abbot who was to unite them; which originated from the circumstance of three strangers being present, whose bark being driven under the rock of Artornish by adverse winds, they were invited to partake of the hospitality of the place till a favourable opportunity offered for proceeding on their voyage. The strangers prove to be Robert Bruce, his brother Edward, and Isabel bis sister, whom Ronald recognizes as the lady who won his affections during a tournament at Woodstock. The outlawed Monarch becoming the source of a violent quarrel between the high-spirited Chiefs, they agree to refer to the Abbot, whose arrival is thus pleasingly described:

"The Abbot on the threshold stood,
And in his hand the holy rood;
Back on his shoulders flow'd his hood,

The torches' glaring ray
Shew'd, in its red and flashing light,
His wither'd cheek and amice white,
His blue eye glistening, cold and bright,
His tresses scant and grey.

"Fair Lords,' he said, 'Our Lady's love,
And peace be with you from above,
And Benedicite!
But what means this? no peace is here!
Do dirks unsheath'd suit bridal cheer?
Or are these naked brands
A seemly shew for Churchman's sight,
When he comes summon'd to unite

Betrothed hearts and bands?"

The Second Canto closes with an inspired prophetic blessing of Bruce by the Abbot; who declares he intended to curse him, but, impelled by a superior power, adds,

"I bless thee, and thou shalt be bless'd."
Ronald, made a convert by the Ab-
bot's speech, offers his assistance to
Bruce ;
and they retire to the Isle of
Skye, which is described with true
poetic energy. There they meet
with five strangers:

"Men were they all of evil mien,
Down-look'd, unwilling to be seen;
They mov'd with half-resolved pace,
And bent on earth each gloomy face."
In the cabin of these suspicions per-
sons they find a young dumb captive,
who takes an opportunity of putting
them upon their guard against their
hosts. For this he is stabbed in the
night, but not killed; and Bruce,
awaking, takes a dreadful vengeance
upon the murderer. At length they
leave the Island, summoned by Ed-
ward Bruce, who informs them of the
death of the King of England, and of
Scotland rising in favour of Robert.
Isabel, conscious of Ronald's par-
tiality for her, and displeased at his
rejection of the Maid of Lorn, deter-
mines to retire to a Convent; and
Bruce commends the page whom he
had saved to her care: the page,
however, had other objects in view;
and, flying from the Convent, at,
tached himself to Ronald. The con-
cluding stanzas of the Poem gives an
animated picture of the person whom
the page proved to be.

"Turn we to Bruce, whose curious ear
Must from Fitz-Louis tidings hear;
With him, an hundred voices tell
Of prodigy and miracle;

For the mute page had spoke.'
'Page!' said Fitz-Louis, rather say,
An Angel sent from realms of day,
To burst the English yoke.

I saw his plume and bonnet drop,
When hurrying from the mountain-top;
A lovely brow, dark locks that wave,
To his bright eyes new lustre gave,
A step as light upon the green,
As if his pinions waved unseen!'
'Spoke he with none?' With none;

one word

Burst when he saw the Island Lord
Returning from the battle-field.'
'What answer made the Chief?' He

Durst not look up, but mutter'd low
Some mingled sounds that none might

And greeted him 'twixt joy and fear,
As being of superior sphere.'

Ev'n upon Bannock's bloody plain,
Heap'd then with thousands of the slain,
'Mid victor Monarch's musings high,
Mirth laugh'd in good King Robert's eye.
" And bore he such angelic air,
Such noble front, such waving hair?
Hath Ronald kneel'd to him?' he said,
Then must we call the Church to aid-
Our will be to the Abbot known,
Ere these strange news are wider blown,
To Cambuskenneth strait he pass,
And deck the church for solemn mass,
To pay, for high deliverance given,
A Nation's thanks to gracious Heaven.
Let him array, besides, such state
As should on Princes' nuptials wait.
Ourself the cause, through Fortune's

That once broke short that spousal rite,
Ourself will grace, with early morn,
The bridal of the Maid of Lorn.""

We cannot dismiss this most pleas-
ing work without offering for our
Reader's perusal the Author's glow-
ing picture of the hostile armies pre-
vious to the battle of Bannocksbourn,
which, though described with equal
spirit, is too long for insertion.
"To centre of the vaward line,
Fitz-Louis guided Amadine—

Arm'd all on foot, that host appears
A serried mass of glimmering spears.
There stood the Marcher's warlike band,
The warriors there of Lodon's land;
Ettrick and Liddell bent the yew,
A band of archers fierce, though few;
The men of Nith and Annan's vale,
And the bold spears of Teviotdale;
The dauntless Douglas these obey,
And the young Stuart's gentle sway.
North-eastward, by Saint Ninian's shrine,
Beneath fierce Randolph's charge, com-
The warriors whom the hardy North [bine
From Tay to Sutherland sent forth.
The rest of Scotland's war-array
With Edward Bruce to Westward lay,
Where Bannock, with his broken bai
And deep ravine, protects their e

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