The Colonial Merchants and the American Revolution, 1763-1776

Beard Books, Incorporated, 1939 - 648 頁
Examines the economic facotrs that contributed to the American Revolution.

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關於作者 (1939)

Arthur Meier Schlesinger, 1888 - 1965 U.S. Historian Arthur Schlesinger was born in 1888 in Xenia, Ohio and was educated at Ohio State and Columbia Universities. Schlesinger taught American history at Ohio State University from 1912-1919 and was professor and head of the history department at the State University of Iowa from 1919-1924. He then became professor of history at Harvard University from 1924-1954 and in 1942, was president of the American Historical Association. Schlesinger wrote of the sociological forces that shaped American history, whose titles include "The Colonial Merchants and the American Revolution, 1763-1776" (1917), "New Viewpoints in American History" (1922), "The Rise of the City" (1933), and "The Political and Social Growth of the American People 1865-1940" (1941). He also edited "A History of American Life" (13 vol., 1927-1948) with American historian Dixon Ryan Fox.
