Ta mee er-y-fa fhen yn Laa mie t'ayn jiu lhiantyn ayns Yeearree as Spyrryd, rish dy chooilley Hefhaght chreeftee 'fy Theihll, ta dy firrinagh freayll feofe Cooinaghtyn jeh'n Folliaght cafherick thoh. Maroofyn ta mee lhiantyn ayns coyrt my Vooife fmoo crauee da dty Ayr Ooilleyniartal, as da nyn Yee grayf foil, nagh ren beg y hoiaghey jeh Sheelnaue cailjey, agh hug Ufs e ynrycan Vac, dy livrey fhin. Maroofyn ta mee gimraa ér ny t'ou ufs er n'yannoo as er done and fuffered for us; hurranfe er nyn fon;---Dty Thine Incarnation,thy la-Ghoaill ort nyn Ghooghys foalley, borious Life,thy bitter Paf---Dty Vea gheinagh,-----Dty fion,thy Death and Refur- Hurranfe fharroo,---Dty Vaafe rection,- -The great Deli-as dty Irree-feofe-reefht veih ny verance thou haft thereby Merriu,---Yn Livrey-ys inooar wrought for all Mankind; t'ou liorifh fhen er n'obbraghand the Obligations Thou haftey fon ooilley Sheelnaue, as ny laid upon us. re our Kianglaghyn dy Aigney-mie t'ou er choyrt fhin foue. I acknowledge and Ta mee goaill rhyt as foiceive Thee, O Jefus, as aghey jeed, O Teefey, myr nyn heavenly Teacher as our Ver-ynfee flaunyffagh; myruyn Example and Pattern; as Sampleyr as Tuaryftal; myr our only Mediator and Ad-nyn ynrycan Sheealtagh as Carvocate with God and as rey rifh Jee:---As myr Ardthe fovereign Judge of all vriw ooilley Sheelnaue. Mankind. Ta mee goll marish dty Agglifh ayns lhiaffaghey Toilchinys dty Oural flane fondagh rish With thy Church I join in pleading the Merits of thy all-fufficient Sacrifice with thy eternal Father. dty Ayr dy bragh beayn.---Ta I rely upon that Sacrifice mee cur my Varrant er yn Oufor the Pardon of all my ral fhen fon Leih ooilley my Sins--for the Affiftance of Pheccaghyn ;----Son Cooney the Divine Grace; for dty Ghrayfe Flaunyffagh;---Deliverance from the Cor- Son Livrey-ys veih Neu-ghlenruption of my own Nature, nid my Ghooghys hene, as and from the Malice and Snares of the Devil;for the Fellowship of the Holy Ghost,- -and for a bleffed Refurrection, the Lord Almighty, for thy fake, being reconciled unto me. veih Goanlys as Ribbaghyn y Drogh - Spyrryd ;---Son She haght y Spyrryd Noo,---as fon Irree-reefht bannit veih ny Merriu, er-yn-oyr dy vel y Chiarn ooilley - niartal er dty Ghraih's, coardit rhym. I devote my Spirits, Soul Ta mee cafherickey my and Body, to Thee and to Spyrryd, my Annym as my thy Service: befeeching Thee | Challin, hoods as gys dty Hirto give me Grace, never veifh: guee ort dy chur Grayse wilfully wilfully to depart from thy | dou, gyn dy bragh_jeh my Laws. Yioin dy hreigeil dty Leighyn. I join with thy Church, and Ta mee goll marifh dty Agplead the Merits of thy Sacri- glifh, as liaffaghey Tolchinfice for all Eftates and Con-ys dty Oural fon dy chooilley ditions of Men +; that none Horch as Stayd dy Leih†; may deprive themfelves of nagh jean feallagh erbee ad that Happiness which thou hene y ghiarey magh veih'n haft purchased by thy Death: Vaynrys then t'ou ufs er chof-For all Chriftian Kings ney dooin liorish dty Vaafe :and Governors;For all Son dy chooilley Ree as KianBifhops and Paftors, that noort Creeftee ;---fon dy chooilthey may preferve the fa- ley Afpick as Bochill-anmey, dy cred Rites committed to vod ad freayll feofe ny Oattheir Truft;for all that daghyn cafherick ta currit er ftrive to propagate the Gof- nyn Gurrym ;----Son ocfyn pel;for a primitive Zeal ooilley ta jeidjagh ayns cur dty in all that fear thy Name; Hufhtal er y hofhiaght ;---Son for all that fit in Dark- Graih jecan ny chied Chreefnefs, are in Error, or are teenyn ayndoofyn ooilley ta deftitute of the neceffary goaill Aggle roith dty Ennym; Means of Inftruction ;---for---Son adfyn ooilley ta foie all that fincerelyfeek the ayns Dorraghys, ayns ShaghTruth;for all Sinners, that they may have Grace and Strength to break their Bonds;---for all that are in Adverfity for all that fuffer wrongfully, or that are deprived of their juft Rights; for all that are in Pain of Body, or Anguish of Mind and Spirit ;-for all that a tempted, or in Danger + Mac. xii. 1. We do remember you in our Sacrifices and in our Prayers, as Reafon is, and as it becomes as to think upon our Brethren. rynys, as nagh vel oc ny Saafeyn ymmyrchagh dy Ynfaghey ---Son ooilley ny ta dy crecoil fhirrey fon yn Ymrickys;---Son dy chooilley Ghrogh-yantagh, dy vod Grayfe as Niart ve oc dy vrifhey nyn Gheulaghyn;-----fon ooilley ny ta ayns Arkys ;---Son ooilley ny ta furranie dy aggairagh, ny ta giarit jeh nyn yarroo Chair ; + Mac. xii. 1. Ta fhin cooinaghtyn erriu ayns nya Ourallyn as ayns nya Badjeryn, myr ta Oyr, as myr te cheet jesh dooin dy fmooinaghtyn er nya Mraaraghyn. of of falling into Defpair; ---Son ooilley ny ta ayns Pian for all that are in Slavery, Corp, ny Angaish Aigney as under Perfecution, in Prifon, Spyrryd---Son ooilley ny ta fo or in Poverty;for all Miolaghey, ny ayns Gaue tuitPerfons and Places in Dif- tym fo Mee-breifhteil ;---Son trefs by the Sword, Pefti- ooilley ny ta ayns Bondiaght, fence or Famine; for all fo Tranlaafe, ayns Pryfoon, ny that are in their laft Sick- ayns Boghtynid,--Son dy chooilnefs, that they may omit ley Pherfoon as dy chooilley nothing that is neceflary to Innyd t'ayns Seaghyn liorish y make their Peace with God; Chliwe, Paitt, ny Gortey; for all Widows and Son ooilley ny ta ayns nyn fatherless Children; for Fingys jerrinagh, nagh lhig ad all that call upon God, and haghey Nhee erbee ta ymhave none elfe to help them; myrchagh dy yannoo nyn Shee for this Land, and this rith Jee;--Son dy chooilley Church, that the Lord may Ven-treogbe as Gloan gyn Ayr; avert the Judgments which ---Son ooilley ny ta geamagh we juftly deferve;for er Jee; as nagh vel unnane our Friends, our Relations, arragh oc dy chooney lhieu; or Benefactors, and for our Sony Cheer as yn Agglish "Enemies for all that have fhoh, dy vod y Chiarn chyndaa defired our Prayers, and for voin ny Kerraghyn ta fhin dy the whole myftical Body of cairal dy hoilchin.;---Son nyn Chrift: Befeeching the Gaarjyn, as nyn Sleih-maoinjeAlmighty God, the Creator rey, ny Mialtee, as fon nyn Noid and Redeemer of all, to yn;---Son ooilley ny t'er yeear. have Mercy upon all whom ree ny Padjeryn ain, as fon he has made and redeemed, flane Corp ípyrrydoil Chreeft and to give unto all Grace Guce er Jee Ooilley-niartal, and Help, according to the yn Fer-croo as y Fer-kionnee Neceffities they labour un-lain ooilley, dy yannoo Myghin der,for thy fake, O Lord Jefus, to whom, with the Father and the Holy Ghoit, be all Honour and orroofyn ooilley t'eh er chroo as er chionnaghey, as dy chur daue ooilley Grayle as Cooney, rere yn Egin t'ad lhie fo,---er dty Ghraih's, O' Hiarn Yeefey; Hood, marish yn Ayr as y Spyrryd Noo, dy row dy chooilley Onnor as Gloyr, Glory Glory, Dominion and Pow-Barriaght as Pooar, er fon dy er, for ever. Amen. bragh. Amen. The LORD's PRAYER EXPLAINED. WH BUN as BREE PADJER Y CHIARN. TRA THEN we confider the RA ta fhin dy dowin Time when Chriftifmooinaghtyn er y Traa ans are taught to fay this ta Creefteenyn er nyn ynfaghPrayer, we hall have Rea-ey dy ghra yn Phadjer fhoh, fon to fear that too many bee Oyr ain dy ghoaill Aggle continue to repeat to repeat it all dy vel rouyr jeu tannaghtyn their Lives, with as little dy ghra ee ooilley Laghyn nyn Confideration, Understanding, Mea, lefh chiart cha beg dy and Devotion, as they firft "learned it. Haftey, dy Hoiggal, as dy Chraueeaght, as ren ad Hofhiaght y ynfaghey ee. Ver fhoh er Ynfaghey giare as aafhagh, fon Toiggal Bree yn Phadjer fhoh, ve chammah vondeifhagh as booifal da lheid as ta geearree dy hoiggal cre t'ad goaill Padjer er y hon. Ayr ain t'ayns Niau. I Befeech thee, O Heaven T4 mee guee ort, O Ayr ly Father, not for myself Flaunyflagh, cha nee er only, but for all thy Chil- my hon hene ny lomarcan, agh dren, That we may all fon ooilley dty Chloan,--By live worthy of the Relation vod mayd ooilley beaghey which we bear to Thee cooie jeh'n Chaardy's ta fhin That we may not fin, know- ayn dhyt's: Nagh jean mayd ing that we are we are accounted Peccab, toiggal dy vel fhin benthine; nor wilfully offend fotyn hood's; ny jeh nyn Yioin great, fo good, fo tender a jannoo noi Aigney Ayr ta cha Father.- -But that we may ooafle, cha mie, as cha dooie. love |