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w See ch. 3.

Josh. 6. 20.
Heb. 11.30.

y See ver. 2.

5. 37.

inhabited by a mixed multitude of di-
vers nations; and it was named Caspin.
14 But they that were within, trusting
to the strength of the walls and to their
store of provisions, behaved themselves
rudely toward Judas and them that were
with him, railing, and furthermore blas-
pheming and speaking impious words.
15 But Judas and his company, calling
upon the great Sovereign of the world,
who without rams and cunning engines
of war hurled down Jericho in the times
of Joshua, rushed wildly against the
wall; 16 and having taken the city by
the will of God, they made unspeakable
slaughter, insomuch that the adjoining
lake, which was two furlongs broad,
appeared to be filled with the deluge of

will be shewn to these. 25 So when
he had with many words confirmed the
agreement to restore them without hurt,
they let him go that they might save
their brethren.


5. 43, 44.


Ps. 72. 4

& 76. 3.

50, 51.

26 c And Judas, marching against Car- Cp. 1 Macc. nion and the temple of Atergatis, slew five and twenty thousand persons. 27 And after he had put these to flight and destroyed them, dhe marched against 41 Macc. 5. Ephron also, a strong city, wherein were multitudes of people of all nations; and stalwart young men placed on the walls made a vigorous defence; and there were great stores of engines and darts there. 28 But calling upon the Sovereign who with might break-Job 34. 24. eth in pieces the strength of 10 the enemy, they got the city into their hands, and 1 Macc. 5. slew as many as twenty and five thousand of them that were within. 29 And setting out from thence they marched in haste against Scythopolis, which is dis- Cp.1 Macc. tant from Jerusalem six hundred furlongs. 30 But when the Jews that were settled there testified of the good will that the Scythopolitans had shewn toward them, and of their kindly bearing toward them in the times of their misfortune, 31 they gave thanks, and further exhorted them to remain well affected toward the race for the future; and they went up to Jerusalem, the feast of weeks being close at hand.

5. 52.


1 Macc. b. 54.

Deut. 16.


2 Chr. 8. 13.

Tobit 2 1.

See Acts 2.


*Cp.1 Macc. 5. 65.

See 1 Macc.
3. 38.

17 And when they had drawn off seven hundred and fifty furlongs from thence, they made their way to Charax, unto the Jews that are called Tubieni. 18 And Timotheus they found not in occupation of that district, for he had then departed from the district without accomplishing anything, but had left behind a garrison, and that a very strong one, in a certain post. 19 But Dositheus and Sosipater, who were of Maccabæus's captains, sallied forth and destroyed those that had been left by Timotheus in the stronghold, above ten thousand men. 20 And Maccabæus, ranging his own army by bands, set 2these two over 32 But after the feast called i Pentecost the bands, and marched in haste against they marched in haste against 'Gorgias Cp. 1 Macc. Timotheus, who had with him a hun- the governor of Idumæa: 33and he came dred and twenty thousand footmen and out with three thousand footmen and two thousand and five hundred horse-four hundred horsemen. 34 And when men. 21 But when Timotheus heard of they had set themselves in array, it came the inroad of Judas, he at once sent to pass that a few of the Jews fell.ch. 10. 14, away the women and the children and 35 And a certain Dositheus, one 11 of also the baggage into the fortress called Bacenor's company, who was on horse3 Carnion; for the place was hard to be- back and a strong man, pressed hard on siege and difficult of access by reason of Gorgias, and taking hold of his cloke the narrowness of the approaches on all drew him along by main force; and "Cp.1 Macc. sides. 22a But when the band of Judas, while he was minded to take the acwho led the van, appeared in sight, and cursed man alive, one of the Thracian when terror came upon the enemy and horsemen bore down upon him and disfear, because the manifestation of him abled his shoulder, and so Gorgias who beholdeth all things came upon escaped unto m Marisa. 36 And when 1 Macc. 5. them, they fled amain, carried this way they that were with Esdris had been and that, so that they were often hurt fighting long and were wearied out, Juof their own men, and pierced with the das called upon the Lord to shew himpoints of their swords. 23 And Judas con- self, fighting on their side and leading tinued the pursuit the more hotly, putting the van of the battle; 37 and then nin the wicked wretches to the sword, and the language of his fathers he raised the "See ch. 7. he destroyed as many as thirty thousand battle-cry joined with hymns, and rushmen. 24 But Timotheus himself, falling ing unawares upon the troops of Gorin with the company of Dositheus and gias put them to flight. Sosipater, besought them with much 4 crafty guile to let him go with his life, because he had in his power the parents of many of them and the brethren of some otherwise, said he, little regard

5. 43.

See ch. 2. 21.

38 And Judas gathering his army came unto the city of 120 Adullam; and as the seventh day was coming on, Pthey purified themselves according to the custom, and kept the sabbath there.

1 That is, men of Tob: see Judg. 11. 3, 2 Sam. 10. 6, and compare 1 Macc. 5. 13. 2 Gr. them. 3 Com-
pare Carnain, 1 Macc. 5. 26, 43, 44. 4 Gr. jugglery. 5 Gr. and the result will be that these be disregarded.
The Greek text here is perhaps corrupt.
Or, have been shewn 7 The Greek text here is perhaps
corrupt. 8 Gr. in front of 9 Some authorities read weight. 10 Or, his enemies
11 The Greek
text is uncertain. 12 Gr. Odollam.

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ver. 8, 9. 'See Deut. 7. 25, 26.

* See ver. 6. "1 Cor. 4. 5.

39 And on the day following, 1at which time it had become necessary, Judas and his company came to take up the bodies of them that had fallen, and in company with their kinsmen to bring them back unto the sepulchres of their fathers. 40 But under the garments of each one of the dead they found consecrated tokens of the idols of r Jamnia, swhich the law forbids the Jews to have aught to do with; and it became clear to all that it was for this cause that they had fallen. 41 All therefore, blessing the works of the Lord, the righteous Judge, "who maketh manifest the things that are hid, 42 betook themselves unto supplication, beseeching that the sin committed might be wholly blotted out. And the noble Judas exhorted the multitude to keep themselves from sin, forsomuch as they had seen before their eyes what things had come to pass because of the sin of them that had fallen. 43 And when he had made a collection man by man to the sum of two thousand vdrachmas of silver, he sent unto Jerusalem to offer a sacrifice for sin, doing therein right well and honourably, in that he took thought for a resurrection. 44 For if he were not expecting that they that had fallen would rise again, it were superfluous and idle to pray for the dead. 45And if he did it looking unto an Cp. ver. 43. honourable memorial of gratitude laid up for them that die in godliness, holy and godly was the thought.) Wherefore he made the propitiation for them that had died, that they might be released from their sin.

* See ch. 4. 19.

See Lev. 4. 2-35. * See ch. 7.


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See ch. 4. 23.

d 1 Tim. 6. 15.

3 And Menelaus also joined himself with them, and with great dissimulation encouraged Antiochus, not for the saving of his country, but because he thought that he would be set over the government. 4 But the dKing of kings stirred Rev. 17. 14 up the passion of Antiochus against the wicked wretch; and when Lysias informed him that this man was the cause of all the evils, the king commanded to bring him unto Bercea, and to put him to death after the manner of that place. 5 Now there is in that place a tower of

& 19. 16.

39 & 5. 15.

fifty cubits high, full of ashes, and it had all round it a gallery 10 descending sheer on every side into the ashes. 6 Here him that is guilty of sacrilege, Cp. ch. 4. or hath attained a preeminence in any other evil deeds, they 11 all push forward into destruction. 7By such a fate it befell the breaker of the law, Menelaus, to die, without obtaining so much as a grave in the earth, and that right Cp. ch. 9. 6. justly; 8 for inasmuch as he had perpetrated many sins 12 against the altar, whose fire and whose ashes were holy, in ashes did he receive his death.


9 Now the king, 18 infuriated in spirit, was coming with intent to inflict on the Jews the very worst of the sufferings that had befallen them in his father's time. 10 But when Judas heard of these things, he gave charge to the multitude to call upon the Lord day and night, beseeching him, if ever at any other time, so now to succour them that were at the point to be deprived of the law and their country and the holy temple, 11 and not to suffer the people that had been but now a little while revived to fall into the hands of those profane heathen. 12 So when they had all done the same thing together, 14 beseeching the merci-ch. & 29 ful Lord with weeping and fastings and Cp. Joel 2 prostration for three days without ceasing, Judas exhorted them and commanded Cp. ch. 10. they should join him for service. 13 And having gone apart with the elders he resolved that, before the king's army should enter into Judæa and make themselves masters of the city, they should go forth and try the matter in fight by the help ch. 8. 23 of 15 God. 14 And committing the decision


to the 16 Lord of the world, and exhorting them that were with him to contend nobly even unto death 'for laws, temple, city, country,17commonwealth, he pitched his camp by Modin. 15 And having given out to his men the watchword, VICTORY IS GOD'S, with a chosen body of the bravest young men he fell upon the camp by night and penetrated to the king's 18 tent, and slew of the 19 army as many as two thousand men, and "brought down the chiefest elephant with him that was in the 20 tower upon him. 16 And at last they filled the 19 army with terror and alarm, and departed with good success. 17 And this had been accomplished when the day was but now dawning, because of the Lord's protection that gave 21 Judas help.

& 11. 9.



& 12. 11 & 15. 35. Cp. ver. 17.

See ch. 1. 24(for mg.) ch. 8. 21. Cp. 1 Macc

3. 21. See

1 Macc. 2. 1.

* Cp. ch, â

18 But the king, having had a taste of the exceeding boldness of the Jews, made? attempts by stratagem upon their positions, 19 and upon a strong fortress of the Jews at PBethsura; he advanced, I was

1 The Greek text here is uncertain. 2 Or, and to bring them back to be with their kinsmen in the sepulchres 3 Perhaps these were consecrated images of the idols. 4 Gr. fall asleep. 5 Or, on the side of godliness The Greek text here is corrupt. 7 Or, spirit The Greek text here is perhaps corrupt. 9 Gr. contrivance or machine. 10 Or, aloping steeply 11 The Greek text here is probably corrupt. 12 Gr. about. 13 Some authorities read indignant. 14 Gr. and besought. 18 Gr.

15 Some authorities read the Lord. 16 Some authorities read Creator. 17 Or, mode of life


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ch. 8.7

& 12. 6, 9.


1 Macc. 4. 29.

Cp.1 Mace.

6. 31.

Cp. 1 Macc.

6. 49.

Cp. 1 Macc.

6. 58.

6. 14. "See

1 Macc. 3. 37. "Cp.1 Mace. 6. 60, 61.


turned back, failed, was defeated. 20 And Judas conveyed such things as were necessary unto them that were within. 2x But Rhodocus, from the Jewish ranks, made known to the enemy the secrets of his countrymen. He was sought out, and taken, and shut up in prison. 22 r The king treated with them in p Bethsura the second time, gave his hand, took theirs, departed, attacked the forces of Judas, was put to the worse, 23 heard that See 1 Macc. Philip who had been left as chancellor in Antioch had become reckless, was confounded, made to the Jews an overture of peace, submitted himself and sware to acknowledge all their rights, came to terms with them and offered sacrifice, honoured the sanctuary and the place, 24 shewed kindness and graciously received Maccabæus, left Hegemonides governor from w Ptolemais even unto the 1 Gerrenians, 25 came to Ptolemais. The men of Ptolemais were displeased at the treaty, for they had exceeding great indignation against the Jews: they desired to annul the articles of the agreement. 26 Lysias 2 came forward to speak, made the best defence that was possible, persuaded, pacified, made them well affected, y departed unto "Antioch. This was the issue of the inroad and departure of the king.

See 1 Macc. 5. 15.

rver. 2.

Cp.1 Macc. 6. 63

* 1 Macc. 7. 1.

a See ch. 3.


[ocr errors]

Now after a space of three 14 years tidings were brought to Ju

das and his company that Demetrius the son of a Seleucus, having sailed into the haven of Tripolis with a mighty host and a fleet, had gotten possession Cp.1 Macc. of the country, having made away with Antiochus and Lysias his guardian.


ver. 13, 26.

d ver. 38.
1 Macc. 1.

& 2. 31.

1 Macc. 7. 1.

1 Macc. 13. 37.


3 But one Alcimus, who had formerly been high priest, and had wilfully polluted himself in the times d when there was no mingling with the Gentiles, considering that there was no deliverance for him in any way, nor any more access unto the holy altar, 4 came to king *Demetrius ein about the hundred and one and fiftieth year, presenting to him fa chaplet of gold and a palm, and beside Cp. ch. 10. these some of the festal olive boughs of the temple. And for that day he held his peace; 5 but having gotten opportunity to further his own madness, being called by Demetrius into a meeting of his council, and asked how the Jews stood affected and what they purposed, he answered thereunto, 6 Those of the Jews that be called 8 Hasidæans, whose leader is Judas Maccabæus, keep up war, and are seditious, not suffering the kingdom to find tranquillity. 7 Wherefore, having Cp. 1 Macc. laid aside mine ancestral glory, I mean the high priesthood, I am now come 4 hither; 8 first for the unfeigned care I

A 1 Macc. 2. 42

& 7. 13.

7. 14.

have for the things that concern the
king, and secondly because I have regard
also to mine own fellow-citizens: for,
through the unadvised dealing of those
of whom I spake before, our whole race
is in no small misfortune. 9 But do
thou, O king, having informed thyself of
these things severally, take thought both
for our country and for our race, which
is surrounded by foes, according to the
gracious kindness with which thou re-
ceivest all. 10 For as long as Judas re-
maineth alive, it is impossible that the
state should find peace. 11 And when he
had spoken such words as these, at once
6 the rest of the king's Friends, having See ch. 8. 9.
ill will against Judas, inflamed Demetrius
yet more. 12 And forthwith appointing
Nicanor, who had been master of the See
elephants, and making him governor of
Judæa, he sent him forth, 13 giving him
written instructions to make away with
Judas himself and to scatter them that
were with him and to set up Alcimus ver. 3, 28.
as high priest of the great temple.
14 And 8those in Judea that mhad be-
fore driven Judas into exile thronged to
Nicanor in flocks, supposing that the
misfortunes and calamities of the Jews
would be successes to themselves.

15 But when the Jews heard of Nica-
nor's inroad and the assault of the
heathen, they sprinkled earth upon
their heads and made solemn supplica-

1 Macc. 3. 38.

ch. 5. 27.

" See

1 Macc. 3. 47.

• See Deut. 28. 9.


tion to him who had established his
own people for evermore, and who alway,
making manifest his presence, upholdeth
them that are Phis own portion. 169 And See ch. 1.
when the leader had given his commands,
he straightway setteth out from thence,
and joineth battle with them at a village
called Lessau. 17 But 4 Simon, the bro-See ch. 8.
ther of Judas, had encountered Nicanor,
10 yet not till late, having received a check
by reason of the sudden consternation
caused by his adversaries.


18 Nevertheless Nicanor, hearing of
the manliness of them that were with
Judas, and their courage in fighting for
their country, shrank from bringing the
matter to the decision of the sword.
19 Wherefore he sent Posidonius and
Theodotus and Mattathias to give and
receive pledges of friendship. 20 So when
these proposals had been long con-
sidered, and the leader had made the
11 troops acquainted therewith, and it ap-
peared that they were all of like mind,
they consented to the covenants. a1r And Cp.1 Mace.
they appointed a day on which to meet
together by themselves. And a litter
was borne forward from each army;
they set chairs of state; 22 Judas sta-
tioned armed men ready in convenient
places, lest haply there should suddenly

1 The form of this word is uncertain. Compare Girzites (or Girrites), 1 Sam. 27. 8. One manuscript
reads Gerarenes,
2 Gr. came forward to the tribune or judgement-seat.
3 That is, Chasidim.
Some authorities read a second time.
Or, is hardly bestead 6 Or, the king's Friends likewise
Gr. greatest. * Or, they that had fled before Judas all over Judæa thronged
The Greek text of
this verse and the next is corrupt.
sudden consternation of his adversaries

16 Or, and had received a check, yet not till late by reason of the
11 Or, people Gr. multitudes.

7. 27.

Cp. 1 Macc. 7.30.

ever. 3, 13.


1 Macc. 7. 1.

ch. 3. 39 & 4.2.

10 See 1 Macc. 3. 37.

be treachery on the part of the enemy; they held such conference as was meet. 23 Nicanor tarried in Jerusalem, and did nothing to cause disturbance, but dismissed the flocks of people that had gathered together. 24 And he kept Judas always in his presence; he had gained a hearty affection for the man; 25 he urged him to marry and beget children; he married, settled quietly, took part in common life.


26 But Alcimus, perceiving the good will that was betwixt them, 1and having got possession of the covenants that had been made, came unto "Demetrius and told him that Nicanor was ill affected toward the state, for he had appointed that conspirator against his kingdom, Judas, to be his successor. 27 And the king, falling into a rage, and being exasperated by the calumnies of that most wicked man, wrote to Nicanor, signifying that he was displeased at the covenants, and commanding him to send Maccabæus prisoner unto Antioch in all haste. 28 And when this message came to Nicanor, he was confounded, and was sore troubled at the thought of annulling the articles that had been agreed upon, the man having done no wrong; 29 but because there was no deal*Cp.1 Macc. ing against the king, he watched his time to execute this purpose by stratagem. 30 But Maccabæus, when he perceived that Nicanor was behaving more harshly in his dealings with him, and that he had become ruder in his customary bearing, understanding that this harshness came not of good, gathered together not a few of his men, and concealed himself from Nicanor.

7. 29, 30.

7. 33.

ch. 15. 32. 1 Macc. 7. 47.

31 But the other, 2 when he became aware that he had been bravely defeated by the stratagem of Judas, came Cp.1 Macc. to the great and holy temple, while the priests were offering the usual sacrifices, and commanded them to deliver up the man. 32 And when they declared with oaths that they had no knowledge where the man was whom he sought, 33 *he stretched forth his right hand toward the sanctuary, and sware this oath: If ye will not deliver up to me Judas as a prisoner, I will lay this 5temple of God even with the ground, and will break down the altar, and will erect here a temple unto 6 a Bacchus for all to see. 34 And having said this he departed. But the priests, stretching forth their hands toward heaven, called upon him that ever fighteth for our nation, in these words: 35 Thou, 70 Lord of the universe, who in thyself dhast need of nothing, wast well pleased that a sanctuary of thy habitation

4 ch. 6. 7
(& mg. for
¿Ps. 88. 9
& 143. 6.

Tam. 3. 41.
See 1 Kin.

8. 22.
ch. 12. 15
& 13. 14.
d Cp. Acts
17. 25.

Cp. 2 Chr. 6. 2.

should be set among us; 36so now, O holy Lord of all hallowing, keep undefiled for ever this house that hath been ch. 10. 3. lately cleansed.

Cp.1 Macc.

2. 65.

See ver. 3.

37 Now information was given to Nicanor against one Razis, an elder of Jerusalem, as being a lover of his countrymen and a man of very good report, and one called Father of the Jews for his good will toward them. 38 For in the former times when there was no mingling with the Gentiles he had been accused of cleaving to the Cp. ch. 6.6. Jews' religion, and had jeoparded body and life with all earnestness for the religion of the Jews. 39 And Nicanor, wishing to make evident the ill will that he bare unto the Jews, sent above five hundred soldiers to take him; 40 for he thought by taking him to inflict a calamity upon them. 41 But when the 10 troops were on the point of taking the tower, and were forcing the door of the court, and bade bring fire and burn the doors, he being surrounded on every side fell upon his sword, 42 choosing rather to die nobly than to fall into the hands of the wicked wretches, and suffer outrage unworthy of his own nobleness: 43 but since he missed his stroke through the excitement of the struggle, and the crowds were rushing within the door, he ran bravely up to the wall and cast himself down manfully among the crowds. 44 But as they quickly gave back, a space was made, and he fell on the middle of 11 his side. 45 And having yet breath within him, and being inflamed with passion, he rose up, and though his blood gushed out in streams and his wounds were grievous, he ran through the crowds, and standing upon a steep rock, 46 when as his blood was now well nigh spent, Cp. ch. 7. he drew forth his bowels through the wound, and taking them in both his hands he shook them at the crowds; and calling upon him who is Lord of 12 the life and the 13 spirit to restore him 14these again, he thus died.


But Nicanor, hearing that

15 Judas and his company were in

the region of 'Samaria, resolved to set upon them with all security on the day of rest. 2 And when the Jews that were compelled to follow him said, O destroy not so savagely and barbarously, but give due glory to the day which he m that beholdeth all things



1 Mace. 3. 38.

1 Macc. s.


ch. 7. 35 & 9. 5. Ecclus. 15.


"Cp. Ex. 20. 11.

hath 15 honoured and hallowed above other days; 3 then othe thrice-accursed wretch asked if there were Pa Sovereign in heaven that had commanded to keep the sabbath day. 4 And when they de- See ch. 3. clared, There is the Lord, living himself

1 Or, and the covenants that had been made, took occasion and came he had been nobly defeated by 3 Gr. the man. 7 Or, O Lord, who in thyself hast no 10 Or, people Gr. multitudes. 14 Some authorities read the same.


was a lover breath

2 Or, though he was conscious that Or, chapel Gr. inclosure. 6 Gr. 8 Gr. tabernacling. 9 Or, who 12 Or, life and spirit 13 Or, other days as a hallowed day

Gr. greatest.
need of the universe
11 Or, the void place
15 Or, honoured above

• ch. 8. 34


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Pa Sovereign in heaven, who bade us
observe the seventh day; 5 then saith
the other, I also am a sovereign upon
the earth, who now command to take
up arms and execute the king's business.
Nevertheless he prevailed not to execute
his 2cruel purpose.

to an issue, because the city and the
sanctuary and the temple were in danger.
18 For their fear for wives and children,
and furthermore for brethren and kins-
folk, was in less account with them;
but greatest and first was their fear Cp. ch. 8.
for the consecrated sanctuary. 19 And
they also that were shut up in the city
were in no light distress, being troubled
because of the encounter in the open

[ocr errors]


Ps. 136. 4. Dan. 4. 3. See Ps. 72.


See ch. 3.


* Cp. ch. &

& 1 Macc.
7. 41.
See 2 Kin.
19. 35.

See Ex. 23. 20.

6 And Nicanor, bearing himself haughtily in all vaingloriousness, had determined to set up a monument of complete victory over Judas and all them that were with him: 7 but Maccabæus 20 And when all were now waiting for still trusted unceasingly, with all hope the decision of the issue, and the enemy that he should obtain help from the had already joined battle, and the army Lord. 8 And he exhorted his company had been set in array, and the elephants not to be fearful at the inroad of the brought back to a convenient post, and heathen, but, keeping in mind the help the horsemen drawn up 10on the flank, which of old they had oft-times received 21 Maccabæus, perceiving the presence from heaven, so now also to look for of the troops, and the various arms the victory which would come unto with which they were equipped, and the them from the Almighty; 9 and com- savageness of the elephants, holding forting them out of the law and the up his hands unto heaven called upon prophets, and withal putting them in the Lord that worketh wonders, a remind of the conflicts that they had cognising that success cometh not by maintained, he made them more eager arms, but that, according as the Lord for the battle. 10 And when he had shall judge, he gaineth the victory for ch. 8. 18. roused their spirit, he gave them his them that are worthy. 22 And calling commands, at the same time pointing upon God he said after this manner: out the perfidiousness of the heathen Thou, O Sovereign Lord, didst send and their breach of their oaths. And thine angel in the time of Hezekiah arming each one of them, not so much king of Judæa, and he slew of the 12 host with the sure defence of shields and of Sennacherib as many as a hundred spears as with the encouragement that fourscore and five thousand; 23 so now lieth in good words, and moreover re- also, O Sovereign of the heavens, lating to them a dream 6 worthy to bed send a good angel before us to bring ch. 11. 6. believed, he made them all exceeding terror and trembling: 24 through the glad. 12 And the vision of that dream greatness of thine arm let them be was this: He saw Onias, him that was stricken with dismay that with blashigh priest, a noble and good man, phemy are come hither against ethy See Deut. reverend in bearing, yet gentle in man- holy people. And as he ended with ner and well-spoken, and exercised from these words, 25 Nicanor and his company a child in all points of virtue, with advanced with trumpets and pæans; outstretched hands invoking blessings on 26 but Judas and his company joined the whole body of the Jews: 13 there- battle with the enemy with invocation upon he saw a man appear, of venerable and prayers. 27 And contending with Cp. Ps. 149. age and exceeding glory, and wonder- their hands, and praying unto God with ful and most majestic was the dignity their hearts, they slew no less than around him: 14 and Onias answered thirty and five thousand men, being and said, This is the lover of the made exceeding glad by the mani-See ch. 2 brethren, he who prayeth much for the festation of God. people and the holy city, Jeremiah 28 And when the engagement was the prophet of God: 15 and Jeremiah over, and they were returning again stretching forth his right hand deli-with joy, they recognised Nicanor lying Cp.1 Macc. vered to Judas a sword of gold, and in dead in full armour; 29 and there arose giving it addressed him thus, 16 Take a shout and 18 tumult, and then they the holy sword, a gift from God, where- blessed the Sovereign Lord in the See ch. 7. 8. with thou shalt smite down the adver- language of their fathers. 3o And he that in all things was in body and soul the foremost champion of his fellowcitizens, he that kept through life the good will of his youth toward his countrymen, commanded to cut off Nicanor's 1 Macc. 7. head, and his hand with the shoulder, and bring them to Jerusalem. 31 And when he had arrived there, and had called his countrymen together and set


17 And being encouraged by the words of Judas, which were of a lofty strain, and able to incite unto virtue and to stir the souls of the young unto manly courage, they determined not to carry on a campaign, but nobly to bear down upon the enemy, and fighting hand to hand with all courage bring the matter

1 Or, that commandeth 2 Or, miserable 3 Gr. carrying his neck high. 4 Or, assault 5 Or,
passion Or, most worthy... all glad 7 Or, not to go out to battle, but nobly to engage within their
lines, &c. The Greek text of this passage is uncertain. 8 Gr. beasts. 9 Or, stationed for convenient
action 10 Or, in line 11 Gr. multitudes. 12 Gr. camp.
13 Or, bewilderment




7. 43.


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