Tagebuch der unglücklichen Schottenkönigin Maria Stuart: während ihres Aufenthaltes zu Glasgow vom 23.-27. Januar 1567

J. Lindauer, 1882 - 82 頁


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第 51 頁 - He denyis it, and sweiris thairunto ; bot he grantis that he spak with the men. Efter this I inquyrit him of the inquisitioun of Hiegait. He denyit the same, quhill I schew him the verray wordis was spokin ; at quhilk tyme he said that Mynto had advertisit him that it was said that sum of the Counsell had brocht...
第 45 頁 - I get na newis in ye contrarie fra zow. He is mair gay than ever ze saw him; he .puttis me in remembrance of all thingis yat may mak me beleve he luifis me. Summa...
第 61 頁 - ... to whom I pray you, give no credit against the most faythfull lover that ever you had or shall have. See not also her whose...
第 49 頁 - I asket him of his letters and where he did complayn of the cruelty of some of them. He said that he did dreme, and that he was so glad to see me that he thought he should dye.
第 60 頁 - I saw him not this evening for to end your bracelet, to the quhilk I can get na lokkis. It is reddy to thame : and zit I feir that it will bring sum malhure, and may be sene gif ze chance to be hurt.
第 57 頁 - I said to him fenzeingly, and making me to beleve his ' promisis, that gif he changeit not purpois betwix yis and that tyme, I wald be content thairwith ; bot in the meane tyme I bad him heid that he leit na body wit thairof, becaus, to speik amangis our selfis, the Lordis culd not be pffendit nor will evill thairfoir : Bot thay wald feir in respect of the boisting he maid of thame, that gif ever we...
第 70 頁 - God and the warld , specialie our awin indifferent subjectis seis it, and in thair hartis, we doubt not, condemnis the samyne. Alwayis we persave him occupeit and bissy aneuch to haif inquisitioun of our doyngis, quhilkis , God willing...
第 57 頁 - ... he wold make them feel the small accompte they have made of him, and that he wold persuade me to poursue som of them, and for this respecte shuld be in...
第 48 頁 - ... had also sharply answered to the doubts that he made in his letters as though there had been a meaning to pursue him. To be short, I have made him hold his peace ; for the rest it were too long to tell you. Sir James Hamilton came to meet me, who told me that at another tyme he went his way when he heard of my comming, and that he sent unto him...
第 54 頁 - The good yeere untye us from them. God forgive me and God knytt us togither for ever for the most faythfull couple that ever he did knytt together.
