O'er mountain-tops the mount of God O happy day, that stays my choice O, happy is the man who hears Oh for a closer walk with God O holy, holy, holy Lord O, in the morn of life, when youth O let triumphant faith dispel On Sion, and on Lebanon O Spirit of the living God Oh, that my load of sin were gone O thou that hear'st when sinners cry O thou, to whose all-searching sight Our Lord is risen from the dead O, where shall rest be found 76 The spacious firmament on high 97 This is the day the Lord hath made Though I should seek to wash me clean 60 80 Thus speaks the High and Lofty One 87 'Tis finish'd; so the Saviour cried 86 'Tis my happiness below 70 To Jesus, our exalted Lord Peace, troubled soul, whose plaintive moan 85 75 86 82 68 88 87 87 Vital spark of heavenly flame When all thy mercies, O my God When I can read my title clear 76 When I survey the wondrous cross 61 When Jesus left his heavenly throne 61 When, Lord, to this our western land 69 When, rising from the bed of death 77 103 67 71 97 77 61 94 65 63 99 74 64 59 83 92 96 89 71 81 80 99 Praise to God, immortal praise Prayer is the soul's sincere desire Rich are the joys which cannot die Rise, crown'd with light, imperial Salem, rise Rise, my soul, and stretch thy wings Rise, O my soul, the hours review Rock of Ages, cleft for me Salvation doth to God belong Saviour, when in dust, to thee Saviour, when night involves the skies See, in the vineyard of the Lord Should nature's charms, to please the eye Since Christ our Passover is slain Since I've known a Saviour's name Songs of praise the angels sang The day is past and gone 93 When, streaming from the eastern skies 92 68 100 101 67 72 98 night 62 While thee I seek, protecting Power 104 With joy shall I behold the day 85 Witness, ye men and angels; now 95 Who are these in bright array 76 Who is this that comes from Edom 83 84 66 66 97 63 77 102 70 103 91 Why mournest thou, my anxious soul ADDITIONAL HYMNS SET FORTH BY THE HOUSE OF BISHOPS, AT THE REQUEST OF THE HOUSE OF CLERICAL AND LAY DEPUTIES, IN GENERAL CONVENTION, OCTOBER, 1865; TO BE USED IN THE CONGREGATIONS OF THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. NEW YORK: D. APPLETON AND COMPANY, |