
at home and abroad, have completely vindicated themselves by the result. The demands of England have been satisfied, and her character and popularity advanced by a straightforward proceeding. The modern Greek, with all his ancestry of glory, his recollections of Miltiades, Leonidas, and Pericles, is on the whole inferior in moral integrity to the Turk, his recent master, to whom he bears, and ever will bear, an irreconcilable antipathy. In two thousand years, his characteristics of duplicity and disregard of truth are still stamped upon him in indelible characters, however much his nobler attributes may have degenerated. It will take a long time to educate him for the position which his renovated nation may, in the current of events, again occupy in the European family.

That the Hellenic race should be united into one kingdom, is an anticipation of the future cherished under the name of Panhellenism, and firmly believed in through the length and breadth of the land. It seems not only reasonable but probable that this should one day occur. Turkey is effète, and tottering to her fall. She would have succumbed to Russia in 1830, when the armies of Diebitsch passed the Balkan, and encamped on the plains of Adrianople, but for the interference of France and England, who signified to the northern autocrat, in terms not to be mistaken, "Thus far shalt thou go, and no farther." Russia will never turn her eye away from the tempting prospect of the Golden Horn, and would rather her ancient enemy, the Ottoman, remained tenant in possession of what she considers her destined inheritance, than that a now compact empire, rising in the energy of renovation, and professing the same creed with herself, should step into his place, and thus protract her conquest sine die. On the other hand, France and England, while bent on preserving a barrier against the encroachments of Russia, are not likely to unite in thrusting Greece into the slippers of Turkey, although Greece may be anxious enough to figure in them. She must wait the gradual unfolding of events, and "bide her time," studying in the meanwhile to render herself equal to the more commanding destinies which Providence may have in store for her. A country has much to learn in the common rudiments of moral instruction, of which a conscientious traveller writes, "The ministry allege that even the very chairs and tables in the ministerial hotels are not safe; the Queen declines going to the theatre, because the furniture of her box was stolen; and there are villages in Acarnania where one day in the year is consecrated to theft." King Otho sits in an uneasy chair, which he may perhaps abdicate of his own accord, if not called on to retire. The throne of Greece is not a very popular investment, and was some time in the market before a bidder could be found. Leopold of Belgium, to whom it was first offered, declined the bauble, and proved himself a wise man in his generation. His snug little kingdom, though less classical, is more secure, and has stood unmoved, while Europe was convulsed with revolutions. It has, besides, the additional advantage of being nearer Claremont in case of accidents.

Two-thirds of the last volume of the work we are reviewing, are occupied with an elaborate description of a visit to the "Seven Churches of Asia," as addressed in the Apocalyptic epistles by St. John. Both to the antiquarian and the believing Christian, the sites and vestiges of the renowned cities in which those churches stood, combine a blended interest, which no localities in the east (Jerusalem and Bethlehem perhaps excepted), can compete with.

Some portions of this subject are involved in obscurities which lay

readers cannot always disentangle to their perfect satisfaction. In such cases, it is better to adopt the well-based opinion of professed theologians and preachers of the Gospel, who have devoted much time to the study of these particular points, than either to vibrate in doubt, become bewildered in conflicting theories, or shrink from an inquiry which you are apprehensive of not thoroughly comprehending. The passages of explanatory application with which Mr. Christmas accompanies this section of his work, will be found to supply a clear, intelligible commentary on the inspired text. The reader should turn to the Apocalypse, and study the chapters referred to, in conjunction with the pages before him, if he wishes to understand the drift of the present writer, or considers the subject as one of leading importance. The thoughtless may, perhaps, pass it by altogether, as too heavy and solemn for desultory perusal, or to be referred to a more convenient opportunity. Unreflecting minds may try to persuade themselves that remote classical antiquity has nothing in common with the comparatively recent Christian revelation. In the ruined cities and temples of Asia Minor both are inseparably twined together. The mouldering relics of Ephesus, Sardis, and Thyatira; of Laodicea, Hierapolis, and Colossæ, bear testimony to the mission of our Saviour, as powerfully as they remind us of the pagan glories of Diana and Cybele, of the changeful destiny of Croesus, the sweeping conquests of Cyrus and Alexander, or the might of Imperial Rome. Travelling in Asia Minor, now that Turkey has become more tolerant and sociable, does not appear to be attended with much danger or privation. The khans, as the Turkish hostelries are called, are not unendurable to travellers in good health and spirits. They are certainly preferable to a tent, or a bivouac on the hill side, with the azure sky for a canopy. The chief objection is the difficulty of obtaining six feet square to yourself when they are crowded. To the most gregarious temperament, occasional privacy is one of the greatest of blessings. The inhabitants are civilly disposed, not inordinately given to extortion, and the horses are enduring and sure-footed. Jackals are constantly heard, but seldom seen; and although marvellous legends are preserved of leopards, tigers, and even lions, yet these formidable denizens of the desert are scarcely ever visible in the flesh. Snakes and scolopendras are abundant, but much more afraid of man than he is of them, and little inclined to volunteer dealings with him unless they can catch him by surprise.

Winding up his account of the Seven Churches at Laodicea, Mr. Christmas carries us over the stupendous ruins of Hierapolis, and thence to Tripolis, where he closes his tour, and takes leave of his readers. We have accompanied him with much pleasure, and are sorry when we part. His book will amply repay perusal, and cannot fail to be popular. There may be more showy and more ambitious publications on many of the countries he visited, but we can recollect none so generally entertaining, comprising so much novelty, and so totally free from even a shadow of objection.




OVERCOME with ennui, in being obliged by circumstances to pass a few weeks in London in the month of September, with no resource but the unseasonable society the club affords at such a period; for the sake of excitement, I determined to pay a few guineas for an excursion in a balloon.

In my then frame of mind, the reputed danger of such a trip only added a zest to the determination; in fact, my head was so fully occupied with pleasant anticipations as to leave no room for fears of any kind. I recollected the old song of my childhood—

"Was never you at the top of St. Paul's,

To see the little people below?

See how they run about the street!

See how the coach and horses meet!
Sure never was half so pretty a show!"

and I thought that I might enjoy some of the delights of such a spectacle without groping my way through dark, dirty passages, or putting my muscles to the exertion of mounting some hundreds of stairs. Ï would take a flight, if only for an hour, from this grovelling world, and though I might be in the clouds, must needs enjoy, during the time, at least a few elevated ideas.

The time appointed was nearly that of the full moon, which would afford advantages in an evening ascent, although I was not quite so enthusiastic as the gentleman who affirmed that—

"It were an easy leap

To pluck bright honours from the pale-faced moon ;"

nor, as my time was so short, did I even anticipate being able to get an interview with the man in that planet, or to ascertain if his bundle of sticks was really composed of the chips of some stray moonbeams, or whether the breed of his dog was (as is natural to suppose) that of a Skye terrier!

My arrangements were made for a place in the great Nassau balloon, under the auspices and direction of that prince of aeronauts, the veteran Green; who, having made nearly five hundred ascents, we might fairly conclude that the chances in favour of our safe return were, at least, as five hundred to one.

Soon after half-past five, on the evening of the September, the party assembled at Vauxhall. At six, the balloon being apparently extended to its full limits and beautiful form, and waving majestically to and fro in the air, as if impatient to be released from the trammels that held it down to the ground, the car, or oblong basket, was hooked on, and we prepared to take our seats.

In this design, however, we were slightly impeded by some of the affectionate friends, whom we were about to leave on terra firma, who surrounded us with a variety of remarks which (had we felt nervously inclined) would by no means have tended to raise our spirits, consisting

chiefly of touching inquiries on the subject of our sanity, and fears that they would never again have the gratification of beholding us.

The servant of one gentleman approached his master timidly, and with much obvious hesitation, addressed him with, "I beg your pardon, sir, but if I say, sir, IF you should not return, what am I to do with your things?" and even after we were fairly seated in the car, a friend of one of our party rushed up, and with extended hand, exclaimed, "One moment! my dear fellow! before you go, tell me, have you any last words to say, or have you left any memorandum!"

Having, at length, taken our seats, I began to cast a look round on the arrangements. Our party consisted of eight, including our directorin-chief; five in the car, and three sitting on the hoop above it. Among the former, I was surprised to observe, two ladies, under the escort of an elderly gentleman of military bearing; I must confess that my first impression on perceiving this ingredient in our party, was anything but one of gallantry. I apprehended that we should be subjected to a succession of Ohs!" and of " Ahs!" and to a variety of little pretty interesting scenes of trepidations and alarms; in short, that instead of contemplating the wonders of a conveyance through mid-air, our attention would be occupied in "taking care of the ladies." I found myself most agreeably mistaken, however; my fair companions behaved with admirable fortitude, having courage enough not to entertain feelings of fear, and sense enough not to affect them.


As I wished to understand something of the rationale of what I was about, I found on inquiry, that this "Monster Balloon" was made of the strongest and best silk, of which the quality may be conceived, by its cost of 13s. and 14s. 6d. per yard, (double the usual width, being of 44 inches, it took 984 yards or would have required 2000 yards of the common width ;) that it was capable of being extended into a globe of 51 feet in diameter across, and 72 feet up and down, having a tapering lower end, somewhat in the shape of a pear; consequently, according to the calculations of able mathematicians, that it could contain 84,790 cubic feet of gas; that the gas (supplied by the London Company at Vauxhall), was 40 pounds per thousand cubic feet lighter than the atmospheric air, and that the balloon, if quite full, would have a buoyancy sufficient to raise 3350 to 3400 pounds into the air, according to its temperature, and the barometric pressure of the atmosphere.

As the machine itself, with car and every other appendage, weighs from 900 to 1050 pounds, according to the grapnel and cable used, which differ greatly in weight according to weather, there would remain about 2300 pounds for ballast and passengers, to keep it exactly in equilibrium.

It is considered, that full 600 pounds should be taken of ballast, and an excess of buoyancy, of at least from 10 to 100 pounds, according to the force of the wind, and the obstacles to be avoided in ascending, to enable it to rise freely; leaving, with all these deductions, 2200 pounds for passengers.

Those forming our party, might be estimated perhaps, at about 150 pounds each, that is, between ten and eleven stone, making for the eight, about 1200 pounds; it was therefore not run at all close.

Thus, in addition to the experience of the fact of the operation, I became sensible of the why and wherefore, and all our future proceedings acquired a fresh interest in my eyes, from becoming intelligible to my


At six, with great precision, all the tackling and interior arrangements being completed to Mr. Green's satisfaction, the heavy half hundred weights unhooked, and their places supplied by the brawny arms of the workmen, who had attended the filling and preparations, the word was given to "let go," and away we rose rapidly but most smoothly, amidst the shouts of the surrounding multitude, the firing of cannon, and the crash of "God save the Queen" from a full band.

There was a most agreeable sensation of pride and self-satisfaction in this triumphal recognition of our departure; and though I was, individually, but as the fly on the Lord Mayor's state coach, I felt impressed with an innate idea of the dignity of my position. I fancied myself like a great hero in a crowd of his admiring countrymen, with the advantage, however (which, on cool reflection, I am inclined to consider is not small), of being able to retire into the humble unnoticed individual, and not remain an unceasing spectacle for the popular gaze, like our own great hero, who was recently in danger of being crushed to death by the affectionate pressure of the crowds of his worshippers: in which case he might, like Semele, have perished by the extent of glory he had accumulated on himself.

The evening was magnificent, with a very little air of wind, approaching to that greatest of all desiderata for aeronauts-a calm.

The first subject for notice that we experienced was the total absence of any sensible motion; so smoothly and calmly did the monster glide along, that, but for the glance downwards which marked our rapid progress, we should have supposed ourselves perfectly stationary.

The next thing that struck our minds was the want of feeling as regarded our bodies, of any wind or current of air, unlike the effect of all other kind of locomotion, we were carried along with the wind, and at the same pace, instead of being conveyed through it, as in other cases of movement, or passively resisting it as when remaining still.

This placidity tended in a great degree to produce another effect, contrary to our expectations, which was, freedom from sensation of cold, notwithstanding the considerable height we attained. This was very dif ferent from our anticipations before starting, when, had not Mr. Green repeatedly warned us of our mistake we should have furnished the car with a sufficient quantity of great coats, cloaks, and furs, to have made us quite comfortable in the case of a voyage to the North Pole.

The actual effect, however, is consistent with what is related of the experience in very cold countries, that the inconvenience of the sensation of cold is very much in proportion to the amount of wind.

The navigators in the Polar regions have remarked, that when the weather was calm, the cold, however intense (as shown by the thermometer) was quite bearable, but that wind made it cutting, and rendered a degree of suffering inevitable.

In like manner, parties exposed to be out at night, when deep snow is on the ground, bank themselves round with it to keep out the wind which alone prevents them from taking repose.

We soon began to turn our attention to the novel sight presented to us. It has been remarked, that when thinking of the past, people look down; and upwards when contemplating the future; our ideas were all concentrated on the present, with a slight vision of an early future, and yet our eyes were all directed downwards, and very wonderful was the picture on which we gazed.

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